时间:2018-03-01 09:52 来源:未知 作者:dl 点击:次
继“老干妈”、“马应龙”后,又一款中国产品在美国成了“网红”。 喏,就是它↓↓↓
想当年,不少小伙伴为了骗甜甜的枇杷膏喝,不惜假装感冒咳嗽。 如今,一大波美国人终于也品得了美味,将其奉为“琼脂玉露”……
什么情况?美国小伙伴们咋就突然被枇杷膏种草了呢? 原来,美国在这个冬天经历了10年来最严重的季节性流感疫潮。据美国《财富》杂志(Fortune)报道,美国流感在一周内就造成高达4000人死亡。
而根据美国疾病预防控制中心最新数据显示,2018年第三周,全美有40,414人死亡,其中4064人死于流感和肺炎,且数字还可能会上升。 There were 40,414 deaths in the U.S. during the third week of 2018, the most recent data available, and 4,064 were from pneumonia or influenza, according to the CDC data. The number for that week is expected to rise more reports are sent to the agency. 据美媒报道,由于流感疫情,很多州药房内的抗病毒药物,如Tamiflu(达菲)都卖到脱销了。
在这样的水深火热中,吃惯了处方药的美国人,就被来自东方的枇杷膏“俘获”了。 《华尔街日报》大标题:“有些纽约人已经不咳嗽了!而是在谈论中草药剂。”
在这篇报道中,纽约普瑞特艺术学院(Pratt Institute)建筑师兼教授Alex Schweder告诉记者,“我已经病了一个多星期了,一直狂咳嗽不止。” “I’d been super sick for a week and half and couldn’t stop coughing,”said Alex Schweder, an architect and professor of design at Pratt Institute. 在吃了很多药仍无好转迹象后,他曾经在30年前旅居香港的女友让他喝了“川贝枇杷膏”。大概15分钟后,Alex的咳嗽大为好转,没那么难受了。 According to an article published by the Wall Street Journal last week, Alex Schweder, an architect and professor of design at Pratt Institute suffering a cough about ten days, felt better only in 15 minutes after he drank a bottle of Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa, which was recommended by his girlfriend who first learned about the herbal supplement nearly 30 years ago when she was living in Hong Kong. 这让Alex彻底震惊了。
他火速广而告之自己的亲朋好友,这款小糖浆的神奇功效。于是,在大家的口耳相传下,川贝枇杷膏在纽约就火起来了。 Schweider was shocked by the magical effects of the herbal supplement, and recommended it to many people, which, combined with other factors, afterward made the Chinese medicine popular in New York City. 一经大家四处安利,枇杷膏价格就翻了倍。 Unitrans世联翻译公司在您身边,离您最近的翻译公司,心贴心的专业服务translation company,全球领先的翻译与技术解决方案供应商,北京翻译公司、上海翻译公司顶级品牌。无论在本地,还是广州、深圳、天津、重庆、苏州、香港、澳门、台北,海外,Unitrans.cn世联的英文翻译等专业服务为您的事业加速! 据《华尔街日报》报道,300毫升装的枇杷膏在沃尔玛网上商城里要13.29美元,而在曼哈顿唐人街的药店里却只卖6美元。同样规格的枇杷膏,在网上有些第三方卖家的手中则标价70美元! The medicine in the form of 300-milliliter bottle now is sold at 13.29 dollars apiece on Walmart's online platform, which is more than double of its price in some pharmacies located in Manhattan's Chinatown, selling at about 6 dollars per bottle. The remedy, often referred to simply as Pei Pa Koa, is sold as much as 70 U.S. dollars online through third parties for a 300-milliliter bottle, the Wall Street Journal said. 世纪君去美国亚马逊上一搜,也是惊呆。
对比一下,在中国超市和中国药房出售的“枇杷膏”售价均为7美元,约合人民币44元。 The remedy, often referred to simply as Pei Pa Koa, is sold both in cough-drop form and more commonly in 10-ounce bottles in Chinese markets and Chinese pharmacies for approximately $7 . 当然咯,亚马逊上大部分商家还是比较良心的。比如有三盒装售价25美元的,销量就很好。
如此“天价”,也让一些在美华人颇为不解。 据《华尔街日报》报道,纽约一家中国商店的老板 Ching Weh Chen 就表示:“突然之间所有人都开始谈论枇杷膏。在中国,人们早就知道枇杷膏了,它的历史可以追溯到清朝。但现在来买枇杷膏的都是白人顾客。” “All of a sudden, everybody is talking about it,” said Ching Weh Chen, owner of Pearl River, a Chinese market in New York City where the syrup is sold for $7.80. Chinese people have known about it for a long, long time. It goes back to Qing dynasty, but now it’s Caucasian customers coming in and asking for it.” 再看歪果仁的买家评论,总体上大家对枇杷膏都颇为满意。某款枇杷膏的193份顾客评价中,85%的人给出了五星好评。
就连很多名人也感受到了大家的召唤,为枇杷膏疯狂打call。 比如,正出演热门美剧《怪奇物语》的演员马修•莫迪恩(Matthew Modine),也去亚马逊下单了。
也有些人早就是枇杷膏的骨灰粉了。比如,获得过格莱美最佳流行男歌手的“马叔”杰森•玛耶兹(Jason Mraz),2015年就安利过枇杷膏。
如今,除了被外国友人奉为灵丹妙药,更有狂热爱好者发明了一款“枇杷膏”鸡尾酒…… 没错,这款名叫Hulk Smash的鸡尾酒,就是金酒(Gin)兑了川贝枇杷膏制作而成的......
然而,批把膏再怎么神奇,也是药啊! 对吃药这事儿更谨慎的人,对枇杷膏就持怀疑态度: 诗人 Max Blagg 从唐人街的针灸师那里得知的枇杷膏,他说:“我有点担心。你若看一下标签,上面有上千种你根本没听说过的草药成分。” Poet Max Blagg, who learned about Pei PaKoa from an acupuncturist in Chinatown, said: “I was a little apprehensive. If you look on the label, there’s a thousand herbs you’ve never heard of.” 他把枇杷膏推荐给了画家James Gilroy,这位朋友已经被流感折磨了三周。“他给我看了一个瓶子,上面写着一堆让人发狂的中文,我想,不,我还是去看医生比较稳妥,”Gilroy说。 Mr. Blagg passed the recommendation along to painter James Gilroy, who had the flu for three weeks. “He showed me a bottle with some crazy Chinese writing on it and I thought no, I’m going to go to a doctor,” said Mr. Gilroy. 在枇杷膏好评如潮的亚马逊上,也惊现出这样的一星差评:
据《华尔街日报》报道,美国医学界也担心美国人这样喝会有健康风险。 纽约大学Langone医学中心内科医生Sue Decottis表示,中药也有一定治疗价值,她有时也会推荐给病人,但从未将枇杷膏当处方药开给病人。 Sue Decottis, a physician in internal medicine at New York University Langone Medical Center who also has a private practice, says herbals can have some value and she will, on occasion, recommend them to her patients. She hasn't prescribed Pei Pa Koa. 纽约哥伦比亚大学医学中心肺科医学专家Keith Brenner表示,病人服用西药时,可能并未向医生透露自己也服用了中药,这是个问题。 Dr Keith Brenner, a specialist in pulmonary medicine at Columbia University Medical Centre at the New York Presbyterian Hospital, said: "I think people who use these things may not even disclose them to the physician, and it's a problem." 美国食品和药物管理局建议大家最好先咨询医生,别盲目跟风。 Because the syrup is classified as a supplement, the country's Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn't inspect it for safety or effects. The FDA has suggested that people consult their doctors instead. 世联翻译-让世界自由沟通!专业的全球语言翻译供应商,上海翻译公司专业品牌。丝路沿线56种语言一站式翻译与技术解决方案,专业英语翻译、日语翻译等文档翻译、同传口译、视频翻译、出国外派服务,加速您的全球交付。 世联翻译公司在北京、上海、深圳等国际交往城市设有翻译基地,业务覆盖全国城市。每天有近百万字节的信息和贸易通过世联走向全球!积累了大量政商用户数据,翻译人才库数据,多语种语料库大数据。世联品牌和服务品质已得到政务防务和国际组织、跨国公司和大中型企业等近万用户的认可。 |