时间:2020-07-08 08:00 来源:未知 作者:dl 点击:次
文章转载自 世纪君 21世纪英文报 这几天,一段独臂篮球少年的视频在网上引发关注。在短短几十秒的视频中,少年不断在胯下和背后切换运球。他的速度流畅,人球结合技巧娴熟,引得观众们阵阵喝彩! A video clip showing a one-arm Chinese teenager playing basketball aroused widespread attention on Chinese social media platforms. In the video clip, the young teen was playing with superb basketball skills, doing crossover and behind-the-back dribbling moves, which drew cheers and acclamation from the audience. 甚至有网友说,第一次看到视频的时候,都没反应过来少年只有一只手臂。 "I didn't even realize he had only one arm when I first watched the video," said one netizen.
这位少年叫张家城,今年13岁,是广东省云浮市云安区高村镇人。5岁时,因为一场意外他失去了右臂。 图源:云浮广播电视台 The one-arm 13-year-old is a country boy from Yunfu City, south China's Guangdong Province. His name is Zhang Jiacheng. At age five, he lost his right arm after an accident. 不过,他并没有一蹶不振,反而以乐观的态度面对生活给他的考验。后来,他与篮球结缘,从此开启了追求篮球梦的旅程。 However, it didn't stop him from pursuing basketball. 图源:云浮广播电视台 张家城说:“我变开心了,也自信了,摸到了篮球就不想放下,拿起来有一种兴奋的感觉。”
在社交媒体上,经常能看到这位少年发布的日常训练视频。 Many video clips of him practicing at home or on the basketball court circulate on the social media. 在家中、在操场上、每个可以打球的地方,也都有他练习的身影。他的愿望则是以后能打上正式的比赛。
而在面对比自己高大强壮对手的严密防守时,他丝毫没有退缩,运球投篮充满自信。 Even playing against players far taller and stronger than him, he still plays with firm determination and shoots the ball while being defended. 他的老师也说,张家城训练刻苦,平时放学后他会自觉拿篮球单手运球,以及进行1对1练习。 “要么努力,要么放弃”,这句话成了他的座右铭。 "Keep up or give up" is his life motto. 图源:云浮广播电视台 张家城的篮球技术,以及他乐观坚韧的性格,也令职业篮球人赞叹。现中国男子篮球职业联赛广东宏远华南虎俱乐部的总经理、同时也是前国手的朱芳雨说道,从来没有看到过一个孩子技术这么好。同时,他还向张家城发出邀请,等联赛恢复后来观看球队比赛。 His basketball skills as well as his optimism and persistence received praises from China's professional basketball players. "I've never seen a child play basketball better than him," said former Chinese national basketball player Zhu Fangyu. Zhu, now the manager of the Guangdong Southern Tigers team, sent a warm invitation to Zhang to come watch the team play after the season resumes. 同为广东队国手的CBA总得分王易建联则在微博上转发了张家城视频,并且评价:心,永远都会是身体里最强壮的部位。 While his former teammate, CBA's all-time leading scorer Yi Jianlian, revealed similar thoughts after watching him play, saying: "The heart always remains as the strongest part of the body."
对于大家的祝福和鼓励,张家城的回答则简单又朴实:我会更加努力! 图源:云浮广播电视台 有梦想谁都了不起! 加油!篮球男孩! 综合来源:新华网,CGTN,央视新闻,澎湃新闻,云浮广播电视台 世联翻译-让世界自由沟通!专业的全球语言翻译供应商,上海翻译公司专业品牌。丝路沿线56种语言一站式翻译与技术解决方案,专业英语翻译、日语翻译等文档翻译、同传口译、视频翻译、出国外派服务,加速您的全球交付。 世联翻译公司在北京、上海、深圳等国际交往城市设有翻译基地,业务覆盖全国城市。每天有近百万字节的信息和贸易通过世联走向全球!积累了大量政商用户数据,翻译人才库数据,多语种语料库大数据。世联品牌和服务品质已得到政务防务和国际组织、跨国公司和大中型企业等近万用户的认可。 |