时间:2020-08-11 08:30 来源:未知 作者:dl 点击:次
文章转载自 世纪君 21世纪英文报 近日,腾讯和老干妈两个各自领域的巨头,因为一宗商业纠纷成为了网友关注的焦点。而其中的过程,更是一波三折。 A commercial dispute between Tencent Inc, one of the tech giants, and Laoganma, a leading food company famous for its chili sauce products, has recently sparked viral discussions on social networks. 本周二,网络上开始有报道指出,腾讯方面称为老干妈提供了广告服务,但是却没收到合同款项。因此,腾讯决定起诉老干妈,同时申请冻结了对方应支付的欠款金额。 On Tuesday, reports emerged showing that Tencent claimed providing commercial advertisement services to Laoganma but never receiving payment. The company took the case to a local court in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, and requested freezing an account of Laoganma.
报道显示,腾讯公司称,2019年3月,腾讯与老干妈公司签订了一份《联合市场推广合作协议》,腾讯侧投放资源用于老干妈油辣椒系列推广,腾讯已依约履行相关义务,但老干妈未按照合同约定付款。腾讯多次催办无果,因此不得不依法进行起诉。目前案件在法院具体审理过程中。 消息出来后,不少网友纷纷感觉纳闷,毕竟老干妈的产品看上去和腾讯并不相关,自己好像也没看到过老干妈的广告。不过也有网友表示,如果老干妈涉嫌拖欠款项,就必须依法处理。
那么老干妈是如何跟腾讯有关联的呢?QQ飞车手游运营团队在2019年10月发布《老干妈礼盒火辣来袭 热辣风暴套装登录就送!》的文章,介绍了与“老干妈”相关的礼包信息和推广活动。
不过,网友们并没有等太久,当天下午老干妈的声明就来了,只不过网友们却更加蒙圈儿了。 老干妈在声明中表示,从未与腾讯公司或授权他人与腾讯公司就其品牌签署《联合市场推广合作协议》,且从未与腾讯公司进行过任何商业合作。同时,老干妈方面表示已经报案。 On the same evening, Laoganma responded that they had never signed any ad contract with Tencent; Laoganma also said they had already called the police and told them about it.
7月1日,贵阳当地警方发布通告,表示3名犯罪嫌疑人伪造老干妈公司印章,冒充该公司市场经营部经理,与腾讯公司签订合作协议。3人为获取腾讯游戏礼包码,并在网络上进行倒卖获利。目前3人已被刑拘。案件正在办理中。 On Wednesday, the local police of Guiyang, Guizhou province, issued a statement, saying that three persons used a fake stamp to cheat Tencent into believing they were employees of Laogama and signed the contracts, in order to obtain some virtual gifts from the latter and resell them online. The three were later arrested.
随着警方公布初步调查结果,腾讯与老干妈的纠纷真相终于浮出水面。只不过在不少网友看来,腾讯这样一个大企业如今却被“萝卜章”骗了,这引发了网友群嘲。 The case has almost become a joke on social networks, with many advising Tencent to be stricter in checking counterparts' identities.
7月1日下午,腾讯公司在其官方微博回应“被骗”一事,称一言难尽,并为了防止类似事件再次发生,以1000瓶老干妈为礼品征求类似线索。 Even Tencent itself resorted to self-mockery by issuing a micro blog and asking people to submit clues about the case, saying they would offer 1,000 cans of Laoganma chili sauce as rewards for clues.
同时,在网友群嘲过后,案件本身却还有需要严肃对待的问题。 While people are right to make funny comments, the case, as the police statement shows, might involve a big fraud and must be dealt with seriously. 比如,案件中3名嫌疑人用假公章骗取了腾讯方面的信任,将面临犯罪指控。此外,如果他们自己制作了假章,则“罪加一等”。如果他们是从其他地方购买了假章,则贩卖者也将面临指控。 The three suspects reportedly obtained Tencent's trust with a fake stamp. If that's confirmed, the three could face criminal charges of fraud; If they faked the stamp themselves, they might face an additional criminal charge for that. If they bought the stamp elsewhere, the person who made the fake stamp might face the charge. 警方通告中还显示,3人意欲通过倒卖游戏码获利。目前没有消息显示三人是否得到礼品并转卖,如果有人购买了这些游戏礼包可能要承担相应损失;如果损失金额足够大,则将另立案件。考虑到腾讯声称该案涉及金额达到1600多万元,相关礼包金额可能不是个小数目。 The police statement also said the three hoped to obtain virtual gifts from Tencent and resell online. There is no information about whether they got the gifts and resold some; If yes, those who purchased these gifts might suffer losses and if the losses are big enough that would be another fraud. The amount might not be small considering the fact that Tencent applied to freeze 16,240,600 yuan of Laoganma money. 目前,该案件还在进一步调查中。 综合来源:Chinadaily微信公众号,澎湃新闻,央视新闻 世联翻译-让世界自由沟通!专业的全球语言翻译供应商,上海翻译公司专业品牌。丝路沿线56种语言一站式翻译与技术解决方案,专业英语翻译、日语翻译等文档翻译、同传口译、视频翻译、出国外派服务,加速您的全球交付。 世联翻译公司在北京、上海、深圳等国际交往城市设有翻译基地,业务覆盖全国城市。每天有近百万字节的信息和贸易通过世联走向全球!积累了大量政商用户数据,翻译人才库数据,多语种语料库大数据。世联品牌和服务品质已得到政务防务和国际组织、跨国公司和大中型企业等近万用户的认可。 |