时间:2020-09-02 09:03 来源:未知 作者:dl 点击:次
文章转载自 环球时报英文版 进博会亮点展品精彩继续。 昨天,主页君和大家分享了本届进博会上几个闪“瞎”眼的展品。 (戳链接:视频:Bling~bling~这届进博会的展品,好闪!,视频:无水洗头机?德国爬楼机?按摩吹风机?这届进博会的脑洞有点大!) 今天,我们再来“安利”一些小趣味,让无法亲临进博会现场的读者也能身临其境地感受到进博现场的的五花八门。 跟随Global Times驻会记者小辉哥的镜头,一起来围观吧: 01 环保洗衣液和洗洁精:金鱼也能喝 @globaltimesnews: #CIIE2019 Detergent and cleaner edible to fish: Botanic detergent and bottle and vegetable cleaner from South Korea, detergent and cleaner extracted from soybean aloe and lemon.
02 垃圾分类神器:双层垃圾桶 (视频via Global Times) @globaltimesnews: Even the trash cans are so innovative at #CIIE2019! Wow, after watching this video, my mother's era of collecting all kinds of #plastic bags to be #garbage bags is over.
03 世界上最大重庆火锅:真是逛吃逛吃的进博会 (视频via Global Times) @globaltimesnews: Best season to enjoy #hotpot! World's largest Chongqing hotpot made an appearance during the ongoing CIIE in #Shanghai on Thursday, which was relished together by 56 people in one table.
视频:Yang Hui 来源:Global Times 其他精彩,请戳图片阅读: