
“Best quality, highest price”, insisting on high end approach is the core factor of Unitrans brand name, low price and low quality as well as vicious competition will only lose confidence of clients to translation companies.? The pursuit of endless high quality translation needs the translator to have rich language background and professional knowledge, but more importantly it needs a strict quality control system to manage this process:
The Unitrans Six Step Quality Control System
First step: article appraisal and acceptation
Analyze article property, usage requirements, business background, professional terminology, quantity, deadline and etc., determine if we are 100% capable of taking the job, otherwise it must turned down, to avoid holding up client or damaging effect on the brand name image due to quality issue or unable to meet the deadline.
Second step: translation by professional translator
Translator with professional background who only focuses on precise translation of one industry field, the project manager analyzes and selects several professional translators in this industry from the Unitrans Global Translator Database to form a project team, which unifies professional terminology and standard with cooperative translation.
Third step: Translation quality control
The project manager monitors the translating progress, collects questionable terminologies daily, and consults with contracted experts.? Randomly check the translation quality daily, and solves translation quality issues in a timely manner.
Fourth step: proofreading and editing of the translation
All translations are gathered for error correction and filling in of any left outs, further unify the terminologies, and edit according to the original article, which completes the first draft.
Fifth step: Proofreading and revision by expert
The expert proofreads the first draft of translation for accuracy, to ensure that the translated version is loyal to the original and the professional terminologies are authentic.
Six step: final touch by foreign expert with the foreign language as mother tongue
Foreign translator who is in China (for F to C articles will be edited by the ones with rich Chinese background) will put the final touch and corrections on grammar and terminologies to the translation, to ensure authentic translation to reach the quality of mother language.
Unitrans strictly follows the 《ISO Translation Quality System》 and the 《National Translation Quality Standard GB/T 19682-2005》