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A letter to Patients L A
各省市领导: To all leaders of cities and provinces
We are all patients who are diagnosed as terminal cancer patients by top three hospitals and are lucky ones who are reborn after undergoing the cancer therapy invented by Professor Yu Baofa. We hereby solemnly and earnestly request you to apply this cancer therapy invented by Professor Yu Baofa to all hospitals across China as soon as possible. Before the introduction of this therapy, local hospitals and medical insurance departments should agree to patients’ request for transferring to Baofa hospitals to undergo therapy and should assist to handle relevant formalities so that cancer sufferers can get the most effective, convenient and cheapest medical treatment.
Professor Yu Baofa is a native of Shandong Province. After being granted bachelor degree and master degree in medicine, Professor Yu worked for Tumor Hospital of Shandong Province and then China-Japanese Friendship Hospital. Getting some practical experience, Professor Yu Baofa was invited to study and work for Medical College, University of California in San Diego and Salk Institute in the US from 1990 to 1998. During the period, Professor Yu finished conducting two postdoctoral research, ie.Anti-cancer Drug Carrier and Tumor Molecular Biology and Tumor Model in Salk Institute in the US.  Professor Yu Baofa put forward the new concept of slow release pool by using tumor as its carrier in the 89th World Cancer Annual Conference in 1996. His remark is credited as on revolution of tumor chemotherapy drugs on the conference. The new concept developed by Professor Yu Baofa is to apply the anticancer compound drugs consisted of sustained-release drug, chemotherapy drug, and immunologic adjuvant into tumor tissue under the guidance of Computed tomography (CY) or ultrasound (B ultrasonic) or endoscope. Within 20 days, anti-cancer drugs will be gradually sustained its effect to kill cancer cells, which avoid drug’s toxic and adverse effects and eliminate tumor. At the same time, tumor antigen released by cancer cells killed by compound drugs can activate body’s systemic immune response with the assistance of immunologic adjuvant, so as to eliminate the reoccurrence and metastases of cancer cells.
Professor Yu Baofa also introduced “ozone medicine” into China. He formulated the whole set of anti-cancer therapy combining theory with practice, namely slow release pool therapy, together with activation chemotherapy, activation radiotherapy, combination of TCM and western medicine and mental healing. Since 1998, Professor Yu Baofa returned back to China with aspiration of serving motherland, bringing genuine happiness to people and treating patients. With great support of local government, he founded four hospitals where tens of thousands of patients, including overseas Chinese and foreign patients received medical treatment here. Professor Yu Baofa has won many honors internationally. CCTV has reported his stories many times. In 2002, Professor Yu Baofa was elected as Deputy to the 10th National People's Congress.
There are four distinct advantages of new technique for cancer treatment developed by Professor Yu Baofa over other common applied techniques including surgical operation, radiation therapy and chemotherapy and biotherapy.
First, this therapy is more advanced and effective. Cancer therapy, without needing surgical operation, with no wound and pain, without sapping patient’s vitality, with no tumor spreading, recurrence or diffusion arising from surgery;
During the therapy, the adverse effects are quite few; As for primary cancer, sufferers will make a full recovery after receiving treatment. As for terminal cancer sufferers, especially those who can’t receive proper treatment in Top Three hospitals, they will see the hope of rebirth. Diseases of 80% patients have been cured or eliminated or controlled. So they can resume his normal life and start their journey of life.
Second, Scope of application is wide. The therapy is applicable to cancer of the nose and throat, oral cancer, lung cancer, esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, intestinal cancer, liver cancer, gall bladder cancer, kidney cancer, carcinoma of urinary bladder, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, breast cancer, prostatic cancer,
testicular cancer, thyroid cancer, skin cancer, malignant lymphoma, bone tumor,
primary or transfer of all kinds of solid tumors; The therapy is also suitable for sufferers who reject surgical operation after recurrence, spreading of tumor after experiencing operation, who has a failure experience in radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
Third, treatment fees are relatively low. The drafter of this text, Li Yu, has undergone surgical operation twice a year for left liver lobes, left kidney, gall bladder, and colon sigmoideum, together with reexamination and treatment, spending RMB 374400 yuan in total. Since Li Yu is an enterprise retiree, the medical insurance is municipal medical insurance which needs to be paid in advance. So Li Yu has to sell his house to gather the medical fees, then he get reimbursement for 244900 Yuan from national insurance department, RMB 129600 yuan is borne by himself – the amount equal to the total amount of his retirement pay. He spent so much money for medical treatment, but his caner tumor still spread to other organs. One year after colorectal cancer (phase II) operation, the tumor has spread to lung, lymph, and remnant liver, for which Three Top Hospital has no therapies. Later, Li Yu began to undergo therapy in Professor Yu Baofa's hospital for 2 months, the medical fees about RMB 100000 Yuan. Then Li Yu resumed his normal life. Obviously, Professor Yu Baofa’s new technique is more effective in therapeutic effect and much cheaper in price.
The fourth is Professor Yu Baofa’s new technique is more easily to be promoted. From the aspect of medical facilities, most of tumor therapies can be carried out when hospital is equipped with computed tomography (CY) and Ultrasound (B Ultra ) and endoscopy and relevant laboratory equipment. From the aspect of medical personnel, once the students graduating from medical colleges, they can acquire this technique after the short-term training, and can operate independently and serve as a full-time doctor in cancer cure after being guided by professor team; Currently, country and factories and mines hospitals already had the above medical conditions. What they only need are radiotherapy equipment and ozone generators, which will be invested for a fraction.
Professor Yu Baofa is a person of honesty and integrity. He never accepted any bribe or invitation to dinner. In the process of therapy, he will use medicine aiming to actual disease condition, try to alleviate sufferers’ pain. So he is well received by patients, which has formed a sharp contrast with other hospitals.
Cancer, one of frequently-occurring diseases, common diseases, and incurable diseases in China, has become No.1 killer for people’s health. Each cancer sufferer will be faced up with no alternative. Each year, there are 3.5 million newly increased sufferers. However, the hospital beds and health care resource in tumor hospitals and top three hospitals are too limited to provide medical resource to such a large sufferer group, which makes sufferers can’t receive medical treatment in time; In China, the cancer therapies, apart from TCM, are almost a simple copy of foreign example, its effect poor and expense considerable. Finally, the sufferers will lose both life and wealth. So many patients will choose to give up treatment and wait for death once they have been diagnosed as cancer. Even some patients have to choose suicide in order to alleviate burden for their family; In the event of tumor spreading, diversion and recurrence, if doctors have no therapies, patients will have to go to die; For many years, health sectors have a weak work ethic, and there are no right medical ethics in hospitals. The doctors usually show a great interest in wealth and follow the beaten track in terms of business. Sadly, only for their revenue, when the top three or top two hospitals have no therapies for patients, they did not agree the patients will transfer to Professor Yu Baofa's hospitals and did not assist relevant formalities. Some sufferers will die with their regret, and other sufferers will come to Professor Yu Baofa's hospital in Shandong Province on their own cost after a long journey. This aggravate the arent economic burden; Even for Baofa Tumor hospital which is located in Dongping county, Jinan city, Shandong Province, part of fees can be reimbursed. However, since slow release pool therapy has not been included in national health insurance list, this therapy can’t be reimbursed through medical insurance. The patients still bear heavy burden. We have to ask why is the purpose for China’s medical insurance after many year’s reforms. 
For ordinary people, cancer means when one family member gets it, others will live in poverty. So people often said, if we strive for a relatively comfortable life, we need to keep healthy first. No health means no comfortable life. And cancer is the biggest obstacle for comfortable life. All of these problems need to be solved.
In 18th CPC National Congress pointed out health is the necessary requirement for overall development if people’s healthy level needs to be enhanced. China’s government will adhere to the direction of providing health service for people, put prevention first, focus on development of rural areas, take measures of combining TCM and western medicine, promote medical assurance, medical service, public health, drug provision, and regulatory system reform, improve national health policy, so as provide the safe, effective, convenient and cheap basic medical service for public. The government will establish a sound system of universal health insurance, set up major disease assurance and rescue mechanism, and improve Public health events and major diseases prevention mechanism, and strengthen drug control system.专业上海翻译-专业商务翻译
The government will establish three-level health service network and urban community health service system, deepen public hospital reform, encourage private hospitals running, and support the development of TCM and national TCM. Hospitals should improve their health service abilities and strengthen the building of medical ethics.  Twelfth Five-Year Plan of Health development pointed out that county level hospitals should be built in priority, and their service level and ability should be improved, so that 90% common diseases, frequently-occurring disease, critical disease and part of complex diseases can be cured within county. This has indicated the direction for China’s health service development.
However, the fulfill of requirement pointed out by In 18th CPC National Congress needs both time and large amount of funds, which is rarely to be achieved in short time. Under this circumstances, national ministry of health needs to promote Professor Yu Baofa's cancer therapy across China so as to achieve the goal of 2015 year – major cancer disease with no need to go out of county for treatment. In such way, the patients can get more convenient and effective medical treatment and country and people’s economic burden will be released. This is the real reason why Professor Yu Baofa refuse the US green card and insist on returning back to China. This is also Chinese people’s urgent needs.
Professor Yu Baofa’s cancer therapy is a patent technology invented by our Chinese people with our own intellectual property rights. This is China’s glory and Professor Yu’s honor. Over the past 15 years, cancer of tens of thousand of Chinese patients have been cured and many overseas Chinese and foreign patients have been cured through undergoing Professor Yu’s therapies. Some countries and regions have also invited Professor Yu to their country to run a hospital. We can imagine if Professor Yu’s therapies will be introduced to other countries, especially the third world countries, then China will have more friends and win more respects.
致    As we see, the promotion of this new technique for cancer treatment will bring about a lot of benefits.    Looking forward to your reply 
  布礼!     Yours sincerely!
山西患者、太重集团退休干部                  李育正
Patient from Shanxi Province - Taiyuan Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. / retired cadre    Li Yuzheng
山西患者、大同工商银行干部                  石建中
Patient from Shanxi Province – ICBC Datong branch / retired cadre    Shi Jianzhong
山东患者、蓬莱第二中学                      王凤玉
Patient from Shandong Province– Penglai Shandong Province Secondary School /   Wang Fengyu 
山东患者、东营市胜利油田                    原宜芳
Patient from Shandong Province– Sinopec Shengli Oilfield in Dongying city /   Yuan Yifang 
山东患者、淄博市张店区                      田茂家
Patient from Shandong Province – Zhangdian district, Zibo city /  Tian Maojia
山东患者、郓城县张集乡张集村                郝忠杰
Patient from Shandong Province– Zhangji Village, Zhangji Rural Area, Juncheng County  / Hao Zhongjie 
山东患者、郓城县郭屯镇车楼村                刘兴梅
Patient from Shandong Province– Chelou Village, Guotun Rural Area, Juncheng County  / Liu Xingmei
山东患者、荣成市青岛啤酒里公司              刘玉鹏
Patient from Shandong Province–Qingdao Brewery Co., Ltd in Rongcheng city  / Liu Yupeng
山东患者、威海市乳山育桑镇                  李文卿
Patient from Shandong Province–Yusang Town, Rushan County, Weihai city  / Li Wenqing 
 山东患者、历城区遥墙向阳174号              李兆英
Patient from Shandong Province–No.174 Yaoqiang Xiangyang, Licheng District / Li Zhaoying
Patient from Shandong Province–Guo Village, Longquan Agency, Tengzhou city 
黑龙江患者、双城市                          陈井龙
Patient from Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province  / Chen Jinglong 
山东患者、郓城县黄集乡东吴村                张福云
Patient from Shandong Province–Dongwu Village, Huangji Rural Area, Juncheng County  / Zhang Fuyun
吉林患者、长春市                            王才
Patient from Changchun City, Jinlin Province  / Wang Cai 
黑龙江患者、双城市                          车成凤
Patient from Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province  / Che Quanfeng 
山东患者、鄄城县闫什镇荣堂村                张守全
Patient from Shandong Province–Rongtang Village, Yanshi Town, Juancheng County / Zhang Shouquan 
山东患者、肥城市石横镇南高于                程玉华
Patient from Shandong Province–Gaoyu, Shiheng Town south, Feicheng City / Cheng Yuhua 
山东患者、郓城县黄集乡刘仁村                王爱云
Patient from Shandong Province–Liuren Village, Huangji Rural Area, Juncheng County  / Wang Aiyun 
黑龙江患者、漠河古莲河煤矿                  王洪利
Patient from Heilongjiang Province – Gulian River Coal Mine, Mohe  / Wang Hongli
山东患者、汶上县杨店乡陈堂村                刘桂珍
Patient from Shandong Province – Chentang Village, Yangdian Rural Area, Wenshang County  / Liu Guizhen
河北患者、廊坊市安次区葛渔城镇豆佃窑村      刘万俊
Patient from Hebei Province – Dianyao Village, Yucheng Town, Anci District, Langfang City  / Liu Wanjun 
山东患者、郓城县黄安镇黄北行政村            刘秀芝
Patient from Shandong Province–Huangbei Administrative Village, Huang’an Town, Juncheng County / Liu Xiuzhi
山东患者、新泰市羊流镇北单家庄村            郭善利
Patient from Shandong Province – North Shanjia Village, Yangliu Town, Xintai City / Guo Shanli
山东患者、聊城东昌府区堂邑东关              王保义
Patient from Shandong Province – Tangyi Dongguan, Dongchangfu District, Liaocheng City / Wang Baoyi 
山东患者、汶上县郭仓乡刘庄                  张素粉
Patient from Shandong Province – Liu Village, Guocang Town, Wenshang County/ Zhang Sufen
山东患者、汶上县郭仓乡黄庄                  徐善尧
Patient from Shandong Province – Huang Village, Guocang Town, Wenshang County/ Xu Shanyao
黑龙江患者、饶河县建三江胜利农场            崔福庆    
Patient from Heilongjiang Province – Sanjiang Shengli Farm, Raohe County / Cui Fuqing
                                    2013年6月16日       June 16, 2013
    后记   Postscript   

Last autumn, one friend’s mother died of cancer. My friend kept on asking me do you know
other better cancer therapies apart from surgical operation, radiotherapy, chemotherapy since you are a reporter and know more things ? Then I began to search on the website.
Through virtual network, it’s the first time for me to contact Professor Baofa and his slow release therapy. I’ve tried to gather all of his information including all text, patents, video, and picture. In the end, I believe he is the No.1 person for cancer treatment in the world.
To confirm that judgment, my wife and I arrived at Jinan Baofa Tumor hospital and Taimei Baofa Tumor hospital for an investigation after a driving for 1500 km. What I saw gave me encouragement. Here, most of patients are terminal cancer patients after undergoing futile treatment in other hospitals, however, there are not any depression or sorrow on their face. In the evening sunset, these patients were enjoying sunshine, playing cards, chatting. There are happy and pleased with themselves. The hospital is more like old people's home rather than tumor hospital.
From then on, I determine this is what I’d like to devote myself to.
When back home, I edited and produced deluxe edition of Yu Baofa news collection. As the special new year gift, I sent the collection to Professor Yu Baofa, together with a letter in which I expressed my opinions: as long as slow release pool technique can be copied, it should be imparted to all doctors of other hospitals so as to benefit millions of other cancer sufferers in China.
It is quite fortunate that professor Yu Baofa meet me and agreed me to join his Anti-Cancer China Dream campaign.
I have been given the full support from my colleague Huang Xiaowei after I determine to participate in Professor Baofa’s team. During this year, professor Yu spent a lot of time and energy to design his business model. I was also given the full support from my young colleague Tang wenqi who spent a lot of time and energy to set up reputation engine system. Here, I also like to thank Professor Qiu Ke from Southwestern University of Finance, marketing director Mr Chen Huanghe from Wilma Company, president Li Lang from Ants moving company, president Yuan Xisuo from Baotao Home Care Center, cancer sufferer Qin Peng from New Jersey, US.
After the 3rd Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, my friends hope to know more about Yu Baofa's Anti-Cancer China Dream campaign. Taking this opportunity, I’d like to make an introduction about the campaign.
Professor Yu's Anti-Cancer China Dream campaign mainly includes below aspects:
The 1st goal: Professor Yu's patented technology will be authorized to all primary hospitals around China. Through technical training, more young doctors will participate in such tumor treatment work team so that more tumor sufferers can get access to receiving such treatment in their local area.
In China, there will be 3.2 million new cancer sufferers each year, and 2.7 million sufferers will died of cancer each year. Professor Yu Baofa has already spent for 15 year in cancer therapy. But his patients are less than 30000 people. Professor Yu Baofa once said for many times that he felt sorry for the broad cancer sufferers who have never undergone this therapy. “Slow Release Pool Therapy ”is a medical patent, but Professor Yu wants to give up its exclusive right and join together in a united front on Slow Release Pool Therapy and authorize this technology to other doctors to use it. For example, some district and county level hospitals equipped with tumor departments are allowed to introduce this “Slow Release Pool Therapy”through consultation; The district and county level hospitals without being equipped with tumor departments can set up tumor specialty office by investing a few funds. Through cooperation, Professor Yu Baofa wants to join together in a united front on Slow Release Pool Therapy which will benefit ten thousand, hundreds of thousands and millions of cancer sufferers.
The 2nd goal: Professor Yu Baofa hopes to build another Sino-US Cooperation Pancreatic Cancer Research & Diagnosis Specialty Hospital on the basis of three existing hospitals.
According to statistics, there are about 300000 new pancreatic cancer sufferers each year, among whom 70000 are Chinese patients. The increase of cancer sufferers is on an upward trend. Pncreatic cancer – as the top priority of cancers is one of most influential diseases in modern medical world. Doctors from first-class hospitals both at home and abroad are almost unable to do anything about it. Up till now, no Pancreatic Cancer Specialty Hospital has been set up in the world.
If we set up China’s first Pancreatic Cancer Research & Diagnosis Specialty Hospital, the pancreatic cancer sufferers will receive more professional treatment and more cancer sufferers can participate in the research for increase in cure rate of cancer. Interaction between doctors and patients will lay a solid foundation for
further conquering cancer. Our purpose to build a Pancreatic Cancer Specialty Hospital is to increase cure rate, conquer pancreatic cancer and benefit the whole mankind. 
This is Professor Yu Baofa’s Anti-Cancer China Dream.
                                            赵昌伦    Zhao Changlun
                                   二〇一三年十二月二日   December 2, 2013
Schedule 1: Practical solution for clinical cancer therapy      

Up till now, cancer has not been conquered or completely cured. Throughout nearly 20 years’ efforts, we have achieved our long-term progress and have been granted patent for cancer therapy by China, US, Australia and Canada. Good curative effect has been shown in nearly 30000 clinical application cases. And we have published some articles about these successful medical cases, also some articles in English and publish one book named Practical Tumor Chemotherapy (provisional name).
Stages of tumor and treatment are closely connected. There are general standards (TNM stages) ie. tumor size, lymphatic metastasis, distant metastasis, plus symptom and sign, physical strength and immunity index, tumor maker level.
When tumor is only located in primary region (T), the stages may be early stage and intermediate stage. When tumor swells, the stage may be late stage when the treatment aims at the certain region. As for prevention for lymphatic metastasis and further metastasis or Treatment of tiny lymphatic metastasis (N)and further metastasis(M), we adopt 3rd generation immunity “Slow Release Pool Therapy”by which the tumor will stop metabolizing and growing, which lead to liquefaction necrosis, so as to reach the goal of complete remission (CR)or partial remission (PR). During the therapy, tumor necrosis triggering immune reaction, ie. co-stimulating factor effect, tumor vaccine effect (chemotherapeutic immunity effect) will have a good precaution and treatment effect for tiny lymph node metastases (N)and remote lymph node metastases (M), so that patients can be cured at an early stage. For potential subclinical tiny lymph node metastases (N)and remote lymph node metastases (M)cancer sufferers at intermediate and late stage may experience, the therapy can also exert a control effect on them. However, the effect may not be strong enough, so the above method needs to be adopted together with our chemical carrier targeted therapy - conducting prevention and treatment for limpha, liver, lung, bone and brain, so as to control disease situation and prolong lifespan. Name of formulations of drugs are drench, bone mate, brain mate, lung mate and liver mate.
Tumor is not only restricted in primary region. For cancer sufferers with lymphatic metastasis, regardless of big or small size, we adopt 3rd generation immunity “Slow Release Pool Therapy”by which the tumor will stop metabolizing and growing, which lead to liquefaction necrosis, so as to reach the goal of complete remission (CR)or partial remission (PR). During the therapy, tumor necrosis triggering immune reaction, ie. co-stimulating factor effect, tumor vaccine effect; 3rd generation immunity “Slow Release Pool Therapy”can also be applied to  computed tomography (CT) or tumor metastasis seen in an ultrasound. However, the effect may not be strong enough, so the above method needs to be adopted together with our chemical carrier targeted therapy and other mate organ therapy.
Tumor, not only restricted in primary region, may have metastasis. For tumor metastasis from other regions, regardless of big or small size, we adopt 3rd generation immunity “Slow Release Pool Therapy” by which the tumor will stop metabolizing and growing, which lead to liquefaction necrosis, so as to reach the goal of complete remission (CR)or partial remission (PR). During the therapy, tumor necrosis triggering immune reaction, ie. co-stimulating factor effect, tumor vaccine effect; 3rd generation immunity “Slow Release Pool Therapy”can also be applied to  computed tomography (CT) or tumor metastasis, no matter where they are distributed (liver, lung and bone) seen in an ultrasound. However, the effect may not be strong enough, so the above method needs to be adopted together with our chemical carrier targeted therapy, namely liver mate used for hepatic metastases,
lung mate used for lung metastasis, bone mate used for bone metastasis, brain mate used for brain metastasis, drench used for lymphatic metastasis.
After undergoing Slow Release Pool Therapy for all of tumors at early, intermediate or late stage are adopted, the patients can receive immunization and Cold Chinese medicine treatment as a supplementary therapy.
Schedule 2: Slow Release Pool Therapy clinical effects excerpt

Due to space constraints, if you want to learn more about  clinical therapeutic effect “Slow Release Pool Therapy” , you can refer to the following papers.
1.马振禄,崔光辉,高峰,等. CT引导经皮肺穿刺间质治疗晚期非小细胞肺癌. 中国介入影像与治疗学,2013,10(5):275—278.
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer by CT-guided Percutaneous lung puncture in end-stage;  China’s iconography and acology 2013,10(5):275—278. a
Author: Ma Zhenlu, Cui Guanghui and Gao Feng etc.
2.于保法,关长江,马振禄,等. 缓释库疗法加放疗治疗晚期非小细胞性肺癌回顾性分析.第六届全国放射肿瘤学学术年会,2007:241.
Retrospective analysis on Slow Release Pool Therapy and radiotherapy for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer in end-stage . 6th Academic Annual Conference on Radiation Oncology 2007:241.       Author: Yu Baofa, Guan Changjiang and Ma Zhenlu etc.
3.关长江,杨光明,张敬泉,等. 缓释库疗法治疗中晚期肝癌276 例疗效观察. 中华腹部疾病杂志,2006,6(3):160—162. 
276 Cases Review for Slow Release Pool Therapy for cancer sufferers at middle and terminal-stage . China’s Abdominal diseases magazine 2006,6(3):160—162. 
Author: Guan Changjiang, Yang Guangming and Zhang Jingquan etc.
4.杨光明,高峰,张培成,等. 结直肠癌肝转移的治疗观察(附37例报告).中华腹部杂志,2006,10(2):104—105.
37 Cases Report for colorectal liver metastases treatment and observation .
Chinese Journal of Celiopathy  2006,10(2):104—105.
Author: Yang Guangming, Gao Feng and Zhang Peicheng etc.
5.李慧,车业兵,刘国梁,等. 缓释库治疗中晚期膀胱肿瘤(附10 例报告).山东大学学报(医学版),2003,41(增):4—6.
10 Cases Report for Slow Release Pool Therapy for cancer sufferers at middle and terminal-stage . Shandong University Journal (medicine version) 2003,41(supplement):4—6.
Author: Li Hui, Che Yebing, Liu Guo Liang etc.
6.于保法,马振禄,关长江,等.缓释库±放疗治疗晚期非小细胞肺癌227例疗效观察. 山东大学学报(医学版),2003,41(增):9—13.
227 Cases for Curative Effect Observation on Slow Release Pool Therapy and radiotherapy for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer in end-stage . Shandong University Journal (medicine version) 2003,41(supplement):9—13.
Author: Yu Baofa, Ma Zhenlu and Guan Changjiang etc.
7.縢义忠,关长江,马振禄,等.缓释库疗法治疗胰腺癌33例观察. 山东大学学报(医学版),2003,41(增):28—29. 
33 Cases for Curative Effect Observation on Slow Release Pool Therapy for pancreatic cancer . Shandong University Journal (medicine version) 2003,41(supplement):28—29.
Author: Teng Yizhong, Guan Changjiang and Ma Zhenlu etc.
8.于保法,马振禄,关长江,等.缓释库疗法治疗恶性肿瘤751例疗效观察. 山东大学学报(医学版),2003,41(增):14—18.
751 Cases for Curative Effect Observation on Slow Release Pool Therapy for malignant tumor . Shandong University Journal (medicine version) 2003,41(supplement):14—18.
Author: Yu Baofa, Ma Zhenlu and Guan Changjiang etc.

Schedule 3: If western medicine not spreading to China  SSss

Traditional Chinese medicine, with a history of thousands of years for the development, was an indispensable measure for Chinese people’s disease treatment and prevention, and has made great contributions for Chinese people’s life and growth. However, since western medicine came in China in the early 19th Century, it brought about an unprecedented impact on Traditional Chinese medicine, and remarkable changes.
In the late Qing Dynasty, some western missionaries came to China, doing missionary work and bringing about western medicine which mainly includes anatomy and chemical pharmacy. For western medicine, doctors need to know cause of disease before making prescription for disease.
Under impact of western medicine, Traditional Chinese medicine will not bring the whole medical world under its domination, which leads to diversification of Chinese people’s concept of medicine and exerts a profound influence on development of China’s medicine and medical and health care. In this way, western medicine has gradually developed in China. Over the past 100 years, Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been pushed to the edge of medicine and TCM doctors are forced to learn western medicine, otherwise they can’t develop their medical work. New China has advocated a combination therapy, ie. traditional Chinese medicine plus western medicine, which greatly alleviate the conflicts between TCM and western medicine.
Can western medicine help to cure disease ? No, western medicine is unable to solve all medical problems. For some incurable diseases, TCM can play an effective role to some extent. From this perspective, we see TCM has not been defeated by western medicine.
作为西医发源地之一的美国,也像中国一样,在医学上分两大学派,一是传统的西医又称常规医学,就是俗称的“西医”,它的有效性和安全性经过大量科学论证与实践检验,有着能登堂入室的学院派正统身份,传统的西医与传入中国的西医几乎相同。二是替代医学(alternative medicine),也叫替代疗法,是由西方国家划定的常规西医治疗以外的补充疗法。按照西方的习惯,替代医学包括了冥想疗法、催眠疗法、顺势疗法、按摩疗法、香味疗法、维生素疗法等,传统的草药和针灸也在其中,如同散落在民间的艺人,八仙过海各显神通,这和我们的中医有些相似,讲究的是整体性和功能性,而替代医学并没有传到中国。
US, as one of origins of western medicine, is like China. Western medical science is divided into two parts: in the first place, traditional western medicine, also called conventional medicine, or “western medicine”. The efficacy and safety of western medicine needs to be conducted scientific verification and practical test before the western medicine can be put on the market. So there is no difference between traditional western medicine and western medicine introduced into China. In the second place, alternative medicine also called alternative therapy, is a kind of supplementary therapy apart from normal western medicine therapy as stipulated by nation. According to western habits, alternative medicine includes meditation therapy, hypnotherapy, homeopathy, massage therapy, aroma therapy and vitamin therapy etc, in which herbs and acupuncture therapy are also included. The varied western medicine therapies are as same as folk artists, each with its unique effects, which is also similar with our TCM, focusing on its integrity and functionality. However, alternative medicine has not spread to China .
在西方发达国家中,“替代医学”一向不被重视,被归为“另类”。但这些治疗方法却越来越受到群众欢迎。据美国有关人士调查,美国有60%以上的成年人试用过“替代医学”。但据另一项调查,美国用过“替代医学”的只占美国成人的16%。无论如何,现实驱使美国卫生部高度重视这一问题,美国国立卫生院的属下设立了一个非主流医学办公室,后转为辅助和“替代医学”研究中心。1898年美国替代医学研究所创办了替代医学的杂志,那时候有四个国家承认这个专业,2012年,美国替代医学博士(D.O.)有82500,截至 2011年,美国医学生中有五分之一主攻替代医学。
In western developed countries, “alternative medicine” has not been taken seriously, and always classified as Weird Therapy. However, alternative medicine therapy have been more and more popular. An American investigation made by persons involved reveals that more than 60% of American adults have tried alternative medicine therapy. However, according to another survey, only 16% of American adults have experienced alternative medicine therapy. Anyway, the actual condition forces US Department of Health and Human Services put more emphasis on this issue. For this,
US National Institutes of Health set up a subsidiary non- mainstream medicine office, which is later transformed to Research Center for Supportive and Alternative Medicine. In 1898, the US Alternative Medicine Research Center founded a magazine about alternative medicine. At that time, there are four countries who recognized this major. In 2012, there are 82500 doctors in Alternative Medicine in the US. Up to 2011, one fifth of American students majoring in medicine choose Alternative Medicine their specialty.
100年前,美国人安德鲁·泰勒(Andrew Taylor Still)获得过医学博士学位,创办了美国替代医学的学校,现在是密苏里州的医学学院。美国替代医学的学校课程与传入中国的西医课程几乎完全相同。学校设有内科、妇产科、儿科、家庭实践、外科手术、精神病学、急诊医学、放射学、预防医学和公共卫生方面的课程。
100 years ago, American person, Andrew Taylor Still was granted Doctor of Medicine degree, and founded alternative medicine school which is now called School of Medicine in Missouri, US. The courses offered by this school are almost the same like western medicine courses introduced into China. Now the school is offering courses including internal medicine,obstetrics and gynecology, paediatrics , family practice, surgery, psychiatry, emergency medicine, radiology, preventive medicine and other courses in public health.
Currently all of countries are attaching great importance to the position of medicine in medical field. Medical colleges in many universities have set up alternative medicine research center, and acupuncture and TCM have also been included in the scope of and played a vital role in alternative medicine. According to a recent research, acupuncture accounts for 23% of alternative medicine therapies, ranking the next to meditation therapy (accounting for 34% of alternative medicine therapies),while herbal medicine therapy accounts for 12% of alternative medicine therapies, ranking the fifth.
After 1970s, one kind of nature therapy in ancient medicine, which is started again, emerged in western countries. After rapid development, owing to its goodbye for more than half a century, old doctors have died, and most of therapies have been lost. Then western people began to aim at countries and ethnic groups who preserve traditional medicine, especially TCM in China. Therefore, among western students coming to China to study natural science, the foreign students learning TCM have ranked the top. According to incomplete statistics,between 1987 to 2005, China has cultivated about 54700 Chinese pharmaceutical and medical professionals from more than 130 countries and regions. World Health Organization has established three international training center of clinical acupuncture & TCM in China, giving training for more than 36000 TCM professionals.
If western medicine has not been introduced to China, what about the development of TCM? If the school of thought of founder of Peking Union Medical College is alternative medicine, then China’s western medicine will be different. Of course, people of this school of thought emphasized systemic treatment which is as same as the concept of Chinese medicine. After the introduction of this culture, Traditional Chinese Medicine will have a long – term progress, without causing any cultural contradiction between Chinese and western medicine as well as shrink in TCM development.
When hands are cut, if western medicine has not been introduced to China, our predecessors can only choose the method of bandaging. If no western medicine therapies are adopted, the TCM doctors may invent new-born babies delivering methods after summarizing old methods. Without western medicine therapies, TCM doctors could also conquer malaria, consumption and smallpox, and learn how to perform a surgical operation. However, TCM doctors will not perform surgical operation blindly. In contrast, TCM doctors will determine if surgical operation are required after considering the condition of patients’ overall health.
 Traditional Chinese medicine, as a macro-ideology, can coordinate with nature of the world we are living. While western medicine, as a quantitative criteria, cure the same diseases with similar medicine, regardless of regions, symptoms, groups of people, so it is a mechanical dialectics. Traditional Chinese medicine is the diagnosis for essence, while western medicine is the diagnosis for symptom. Both medical therapies have their own advantages. 
For me, I studied western medicine in the past. Western medicine therapy has also been adopted in my cancer therapy. We cherish lives of each sufferer, and make continuous improvement in our clinical treatment, in combination with TCM essence and western medicine therapy. During the whole treatment, our patients can undergo western medicine therapy on one side, and will not suffer from pain in the same manner like Traditional Chinese medicine.

Appendix 4: Yu Baofa’s resume and introduction
As for Yu Baofa’s resume, please refer to the cover.
His main academic thesis shown as below:
1.《99mTC-油酸多相脂体注射液的动物实验与临床初步应用》,   发表于《沈阳医学院学报》1988年第5卷第1期
99mTC- Oleic acid multiphase fat body injection experiments on animals, published in Journal of Shenyang Medical College  Volume 5, No.1, 1988. 
Oleic acid of poly-phase liposome research and animal experiments,
published in Chinese Journal of Oncology  Volume 10, No.4, 1988. 
Bone marrow imaging agent -99mTC-Oleic acid polyphase liposome preparation and animal experiments, published in Chinese Journal of Nuclear Medicine  Volume 9, No.3, 1989. 
Bone marrow imaging agent -99m TC-PL Preliminary Application in malignant lymphoma sufferers, published in Chinese Journal of Nuclear Medicine  Volume 12, No.4, 1990. 
Saturated liquid tumor cancer drugs alcohol injection therapy and drug dynamics research – a new concept of therapeutic solidification block as anti-cancer drugs release pool,  published in Contemporary Journal of Oncology  Volume 1, No.2, 1994. 
Ozone Medicine and Clinical Application, published by Peking Union Medical College publishing house    Address: No.9, Lane 3, Dongdan, Beijing, Feb.2004
Psychological change and discovery of tumor sufferers, published by Peking Union Medical College publishing house   Address: No.9, Lane 3, Dongdan, Beijing, Feb.2004
Cancer Conquering, published by TCM Ancient Books Publishing House, address: No.16, South Street, Dongzhimen nei, Beijing,    Jan.2007

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