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The research of Chen Zhu (former Minister of Health, current vice chairman of Standing Committee, the NPC ) and Professor Wang Zhenyi is very well, enjoying fame in the world, walking out of the country to win the honor, also earning glory for Chinese. The content they studied was arsenic trioxide, the main component of Pishuang, the mechanism study was receptor mechanism, to provide a new drug for the treatment of tumor, is from the China folk to the official, which was a classic example of innovation from Chinese folk to official, from counterfeit drugs to real. Originally arsenic was a folk medicine, later it became the preparation in Harbin Hospital, which was applied to clinical practice for many years with an notable effect. Dr. Wang Jin who was studying America returned especially to do a thorough investigation, signed a contract with a hospital in China, then carried it to America to develop, with the investment from USA Manhattan Investment Company, declared patent to American Food and Drug Administration and succeeded, which was mainly treating acute granulocyte leukemia..
That afternoon, it was my turn to say “New Thinking on Non Operation Targeting in Cancer Treatment”: Clinical application Chinese chemotherapy and immunotherapy. My research had been raised to a new level, not only to kill cancer cells by sustained-release anticancer drugs from the interior of the tumor "black hole", also efficiently to transform the killed tumor cells into tumor vaccine. Which was heard at first as Arabian Nights, but it was true. I introduced my research with well-grounded: cancer treatment was not only effective (Tumor size has been stable controlled, then it reduce and disappear), but also the patient's survival was prolonged, the P value was less than 0.05, which expressed the statistics had significant, i.e. the compartment of the immune "releasing storage" and lifetime of "releasing storage", the former increased by 100% - 500%, one year survival rate of lung cancer increased from 26% to 49%, one year survival rate of pancreatic cancer increased from 5% to 28%, one year survival rate of advanced liver cancer increased from 10% to 39%.
The figures were astonishing, and then the applause was thundering. A professor Li from Jilin University stood up and asked a few questions: "For the first time I heard the chemotherapy not only does not reduce immunity, but also improve the immunity. How I wonder?" "The first time I notice that tumor treatment effect is so good, but it is pity, that time is too short, we cannot understand it comprehensively." "Tumor treatment I am sure to ask you to give a lecture on your tumor treatment at our Jilin University."
Fifteen days later i.e. on August 17th, 2008, I was invited to the First Affiliated Hospital of Jilin University. As the plane was delayed, originally arranged my opening speech was put off to the second, another doctor returnee from American talked about the basic immunology and tumor. I spoke on "Clinical Application of Chemotherapy Immunotherapy of Tumor". There were more than 400 doctors listening at the scene, continually applause, quite a few people asked me some questions. Finished, many doctors come around me to get contact, among them there was a Xiao Yuan had once worked in my hospital, after postgraduate he came to Jilin University.
Kan Jie also came, as studied in the University of California, he lived in my house. In the evening, I had a dinner together with Kan Jie, eight or nine professors, discussing my research again. A professor who was on basic immunology realized my experience in America and achievements, he was very envy and praiseing me. Kan Jie also kept interrupting and said: "Teacher Yu, you originally not only had operated hospitals, but also walked in the front of the world in the study of tumor immunotherapy."
After the speech, so far there were still many doctors keeping in touch with me, I also went to affiliated hospital of Jilin University to treat patients for several times.
   其实,我在2005年就被邀请去了美国,在美国德州休斯顿世界最知名的肿瘤中心(M.D.Anderson), 院长约翰·安德森(John Menderson)出钱邀请我去演讲。而他们药物发展中心的主任罗伯特(Robert)还愿意帮助开发新药,大约100万美金的费用。因为他们可以做院内的新药临床实验,而且美国食品药物管理局承认他们的Ⅱ期临床结果。可惜我的两位美国朋友亨利(Henry)及弗洛维尔(Followwill)并没有抓住这个机会,当时弗洛维尔(Followwill)的父亲投资了50万美金,为我的发明成立了公司,他们认为还得找到更大的风险投资。转眼金融风暴来临,他们的梦想成为泡影,没能在美国借助风险投资做大药业。但我从中学习到了不少东西,也在美国展示了我在中国的治癌研究。
In fact, in 2005 I was invited to the USA, at the world's best known cancer center (M.D.Anderson) Houston in Texas, USA, Dean John Menderson invited me to lecture with his money. And Director Robert of their drug development center was willing to help the development of new drugs with roughly $1,000,000. Because they could do clinical trials of new drugs in hospital, and American Food and Drug Administration admitted their clinical results of Phase Ⅱ. Unfortunately my two American friends Henry and Followwill did not seize the opportunity, when Followwill’s father invested $500,000 to establish a company for my invention; they thought they would have to find a bigger risk investment. Then came the financial storm, their dreams had come to naught, did not make it big for pharmaceutical by virtue of VC in the USA. But I learned a lot from this, and also I showed my cancer research from China in America.
Then in 2005, I met Weile an assistant of risk investment from America in Beijing, he told his boss Smith about my invention, they examined me and my hospital, expressed their willingness to invest with conditions:Two hospitals must come in; it should have Valuation Adjustment Mechanism. They were to pursue profit maximization: succeeded, they make money; failed, they would not lose money. Henry, Followwill could not reached an agreement with my final opinion. The board of directors in my hospital were all worry about the reliability of grambling, once we co-operated, we may blindly pursue interests, finally not only losing autonomy, but also hindering the long-term development of the hospital, adverse to the hospital, adverse also to patients.
Due to my contributions in the four years of 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, I participated in the annual meeting of American Association for Cancer Research (AACR). In 2011 the World Cancer Congress was held in China, I made a keynote speech, won the praise from Chinese and overseas scholars, which was only a private hospital to participate in this meeting, I was very satisfied.
A German expert was also in the research of tumor internal treatment; he listened to my speech from A to Z, and then caught me keeping on asking me questions. After the meeting ended in the afternoon, at the airport, he still asked me until he was to be boarding, he was still asking: "As if you have a little privacy." Yeah, I also should not tell all to others and should leave a bit.
In 2011 and 2012, I participated in the General Assembly of Chinese Cells Treatment held in Beijing, I made the keynote speech: Targeting Immunotherapy to Malignant Tumors, which earned the praise of the participants.
After that meeting, on the way back to the hotel, I set in a peer’s car and chatted up with Professor Zhang who was driving and said: "Professor Yu, experts at our table are talking about you."
"What are they talking about me?"
"They all say that you have created the initiation of personalized cancer therapy, and you are the father of individualized treatment." 
"My immune 'releasing storage' treatment was provided with the local targeting Sustained-release Chemotherapy, also took into account the systemic immune therapy, possessing the characteristic of individualized immune vaccine therapy, I am still in study."
Showing me should seek truth from facts, pay attention to be modesty, avoid excessively display. I abide by my learning attitude, evaluate the current situation of tumor treatment modestly and objectively and pay attention to listen the feedback information from my colleagues.
Nevertheless, as long as excessively criticizing the shortcomings of treatment, operation and chemotherapy, which always made the person engaging in the profession feel uncomfortable. In fact, they also know in the heart the advantages and disadvantages of operation, chemotherapy. They all know that operation is available in the early stage and chemotherapy in advanced stage, while they are still doing the thing of " So long life exists, chemotherapy never rest ". My colleagues, I suggest that with no guarantee for the curative effect, it is good to give up the treatment, which was beneficial to patients! While I talked about these problems, I would lead to their grievances, suffered their attack.
I remembered after Dongping Hospital opening, I took a rest in America, but I participated in all Chinese activities. Most were Chinese overseas students on biology, molecular biology and pharmacology, also some experts especially study on tumor therapy and anticancer drugs. All of us got together; I was hard to avoid all sorts of questions: "What methods are your tumor hospital applied in treatment? How is the effect?" I answered all the questions: "‘Therapy of sustained-release storage’, a new intratumoral administration ''.
"Oh, drug sustained-release is now very fashionable."
"Yes, in the recent 30 years, research on drug sustained-release was so prevalent."
Very hot, then it was with no dispute. As I said the effect could reach 84%, the experts were surprised, all stared big eyes to express their doubts: "The efficacy of any new anticancer drug all over the world is no more than 20% to  30%, are you wrong?"
"I'm not wrong, because my method is not a function of a drug, but a collection of several factors. The role itself making the tumor quickly solidified have effect of killing 60% - 80% tumor, coupled with the several combined effects of drugs and sustained-release technology, clinical using will have amazing effects."
"How about the situation you cured?”
I said: "The situation is very complicated, differ from man to man, it is to be sure that the curative effect is improved and the survival rate is rising, but not cured."
Fifteen years past, by statistical analysis, the effect we got in treatment  was significant: compared with conventional therapy, the curative effect on lung cancer doubled, on pancreatic cancer over five times.

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