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Air China flight 986 was finally over Beijing after 12 hours of flight, and then landed safely, the hearts of the people also landed.
Off the plane, my heart was more comfortable, and I walked slow down. Sitting in a taxi in Beijing City, I opened the mobile phone, and calls came in ceaselessly, of asking the disease, having a chat.
I realized I returned to China. I needed not to say English, saying Mandarin was handy to me. I still realized I would adjust to the China frequency, China approach, Chinese mode of thinking – which can be fast, which is that you want it be fast but it cannot. As soon as I returned to motherland, I should be busy. For everything, big and small, they would ask me. Most of the things were very difficult to finish on schedule, today till tomorrow, tomorrow till the day after tomorrow, which is often the case, also there was something was dragged on to no. I must be prepared in my mind, take it easy.
In April 2013, I went to Washington again to participate in a meeting, the award ceremony of Chen Zhu, vice chairman of the National People's Congress. Afterwards, I especially drove to the boss Sara’s home; Sara who had already been a professor of Johns Hopkins University had made preparing for my arrival, she made me live her home one night to review the things and all the colleagues in the Salk. Her husband was life-long researcher of National Institute of Health, USA., doing research on the AIDS virus. She cooked dinner for us, the whole chat was in the excited state, her husband specially took China classical records, in China music, we chatted very happy.
Every time I went to the USA to participate in various meetings, I always asked my supervisor Sinil for dinner, as he was the first person led me to the USA, the Professor of Medical College of California University. America Pfizer global anticancer drug R & D base was in Santiago, and he was responsible for the verification of clinical drug. Since 2006, I often reported him about my study, especially the progress of "sustained-release storage" for the treatment of cancer. He admired me, and said I was the flagship in his postdoctoral. Every time I talked with my supervisor, then I always got some unexpected harvest, as the teacher praised me, which seemed he recognized me. In front of the teacher, I would always be a student.
In America I also met Zhang Haiming, who had enlightened us Santiago Chinese entrepreneurs. We often kept in touch. One day we organized a small picnic, in front of some students and entrepreneurs, I told my practice in China, my story of cancer treatment in China, my theory of invention and clinical effect.
In America, there were my footsteps, my friends; I would often go to America to have a look, to hear, to see, to enjoy the free air, academic air. Having a look is strolling everywhere, hearing is to listen America story, seeing is to see something new, to meet some friends, also I would tell them my entrepreneurship, my dream of anticancer and the story of my continuing entrepreneurship.
3.12 Don't over treat cancer patients

In the face of cancer, most patients walked this way: at first, operation, spend tens of thousands of money; and then chemotherapy, spend hundreds of thousands of money; without effect, then radiotherapy, again spend hundreds of thousands of money or even more money; and then fight north and south with treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, spend tens of thousands of money, eventually lose both person and treasure. This is the cancer "black hole" in taking human’s wealth and life.
After close relative left, many people would find that we didn't know about cancer. We had put so much emotion and expectations, that we had still not to let the dead enjoy the last family affection. Regret to allow the patient to suffer so much pain of chemotherapy and torment of radiotherapy, innumerable regret, innumerous complaints, but it is too late.
As a cancer doctor and a researcher with 30 years of medical experience, the more I had the ways to realize the current situation of tumor treatment, the more I heard the "stories", then the more strong the sense of my responsibility to face the patients and the sense of my helplessness to face the current situation of cancer treatment.
Academician Lewis Dr. Thomas from American Academy of Sciences once said: "A lot of things done in the treatment of cancer -- operation, radiation and chemotherapy are all belong to half a technology. As these measures are all pointing to the already established cancer cell, rather than to the mechanism to turn cells into the neoplasm." Thomas's words truthfully reflected the reason of therapy failure.
That is to say, operation, radiotherapy and chemotherapy were only for results and not for reasons. At present, as the cancer has not been overcome, how to better use the method of treatment has become a major problem for the people.
I think, the scientific method of treatment should timely adjust the manner of disease treatment with the change of patient's condition. For example, operation can get good effect on patients at early stage, at this time, operation treatment is science; but if the disease of patients advanced into middle and advanced stage, the tumor occurred systemic metastasis or distant metastasis (Although CT, the B ultrasound examination has not found metastasis, other organs and organizations have a subclinical lesions, blood has cancer cells), at this time, operation treatment is not scientific, which is only increase the physical harm to the patient but with no effect to the state of illness and the treatment. If you try to execute operation reluctantly, may accelerate the spread of cancer cells and metastasis; some patients after surgery, the tumor was found too severe adhesion to resection, and then it had to be originally sutured. In most cases, the operation itself was very successful, beautiful, and the surgeon was also to his heart’s content, felt a sense of achievement, while for patients it did not play any role in treatment, but make the original weak weaker, immunity plummeted, the cancer cells grow more rampant. As a surgeon, who had learnt operation would do operation, pairs of skillful hands are to do this job. Operation has its glorious history. For 200 years, operation had played an inestimable role in the treatment of disease, it was understandable be honor as a surgeon.
However for tumor resection, it should be the relative role. For advanced cancer, to cut rather than not cut, while the patient met the surgeon, except for cutting, who can't do anything else. Whether surgical or internal medicine, we doctor should base the patient's condition, consider how to make the patients reduce pain, improve life quality, prolong life, don’t cut as it can, use conservative measures rather than trauma way, respect life, cherish life, save lives, which is the duty of each doctor.
Overtreatment is the waste of material resources, also a waste of human resources, more aggravating the economic burden of patients. By example of gastric cancer, 20 years ago, the average cost of diagnosis of gastric cancer was about ¥400, and now, the average cost of diagnosis is¥2800. If the high-end diagnostic technique were applied, average cost would rise to ¥8000. And this is just the cost of diagnosis, does not include the cost of treatment, the rise of treatment expense is more alarming. 20 years ago, the average cost of chemotherapy for once time was about ¥100, and now it has risen to nearly ¥15000, an increase of 150 times. Undeniable, the accuracy of diagnosis is indeed raised, the side effects of chemotherapy reduces, however, a ruthless and cold fact is, in these 20 years, five years survival rate was not significantly improve. Drug therapy is also in progress, but that progress is still very little for therapeutic effects on patients with it.
For end-of-life disposal in advanced cancer patients, I have my view. Modern medical technology has completely changed the traditional culture of death. Improving constantly of medical technology encouraged people to further delay, delay death, looking for an excuse to avoid death. It seems that the use of a large amount of money as well as the complicated and expensive medical technology can postpone death indefinitely. Its purpose is just let the patient "look alive"! Through technological intervention against death is just a "comfort" to alive, but a torment to the patient, and a big store of displaying the medical technology to the doctors.
In this case, death is no longer relevant to fate, only relate to the doctor to decide what time to unplug the ventilator bolt on.
As for the hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) technology, originally it was successfully used for a variety of incident of sudden death patients, now widely used in patients with incurable chronic, such as cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer's disease, a vegetable. I will try to ask the experts and doctors, so some patients are on the verge of death, how much significance is cardiopulmonary resuscitation? How much significance is it to spent more than 1000 yuan a day? What did it bring to the patient's family? Although medical has conclusive evidence that the patient has not cured, while the patient's body was still stand on a ventilator, sputum aspirator tube, tracheotomy, a series of covered pipeline, just to make this life still maintain a heartbeat, which is indeed waste man power and money.
Therefore, the Japanese emergency medical experts Yamazaki said: "This is the persecution on a body totally no will! It is turning the moment of most human death between the patient and family into a battlefield where the medical staffs show their glory."
A lot of the time the doctor, especially the oncologist, actually cannot bear the praise of "the magic hand that restores health", "as the medicine took effect, the symptoms vanished", because the method at present in the world is not completely cured of cancer. This is not fit to blame doctors. But if excessive medical treatment for cancer patients, then the doctor is to be blamed. To a dying cancer patient with technical "toss" is extremely wrong.
As a cancer doctor, I have ever seen many examples of excessive treatment.
The very sad case I had seen was a staff of the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) in Yantai City, male, 55 years old, in the regular physical examination who was found a small tumor on the liver, lack of 2cm. Extreme fear forced him to take treatment for many times. As he came to the Tumor Hospital of Shandong Province, after the expert consultation, it was not suitable for operation for the tumor grew in the side of vascular, then he returned to Yantai with radiation in a hospital. By positive treatment, his tumor had been effectively controlled, but his liver was severely damaged -- due to excessive radiation led to liver carbonization, he died of hepatic coma after more than two months, the excessive treatment killed him.
There was a boss who had a lot of money on fisheries business, he could not take operation for liver function damage after it was diagnosed as liver cancer, so in the doctor guidance taking Nexavar (also known as Sola Feeney), which was so far thought to be the most effective drug for treatment of liver cancer. He was using the best, the most expensive drugs for the treatment of his disease, which made the patient feel proud and happy. This medicine was like his life-saving straw, medication a week later appeared large intolerable drug eruption, then progressive deterioration of liver function, and then the advent of ascites, these made him miserable, but he had been unwilling to stop drug. The day before the end of his life, there was a word “medicine” in his memory, before and after it “tossed” him less than three months. Unfortunately, he didn't lead those days with curative effect experience till to death. More unfortunately, he did not miss the adverse reactions caused by Nexavar, no quality of life.

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