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DATE OF BIRTH: 10.10.74 
HOMETOWN: Kannapolis, North Carolina
BIO: Dale Earnhardt Jr. was born in the fall of 1974 in Concord, North Carolina—a birthplace befitting a future NASCAR champion, comfortably nestled in the cradle of stock car civilization, walking distance from Charlotte Motor Speedway.
 简介:Dale Earnhardt Jr.出生于1974年秋季,北卡罗来纳州的康科德。这是个NASCAR锦标赛冠军的起源地,它依偎在汽车文明的摇篮之中,距离夏洛特高速公路仅几步之遥。
Dale Jr. started his professional NASCAR career in 1999 and won his first race in 2000, establishing him as the only third-generation NASCAR champion, the grandson of short-track legend Ralph Earnhardt and son of “The Intimidator,” Dale Earnhardt Sr., who was posthumously honored as a first-round inductee into the NASCAR Hall of Fame.
Dale Jr.1999年开始他的NSACAR赛车生涯,2000年赢得他人生中第一场比赛, 这为他成为唯一第三代NASCAR冠军奠定了良好的基础。Dale Jr.是短道赛车传奇Ralph Earnhardt的孙子也是“车神”Dale Earnhardt Sr的儿子。他父亲死后首批登上NASCAR名人堂。
Dale Jr. has triumphed and flourished as an athlete and superstar, having successfully branded himself by the regard afforded him by his countrymen as an American cultural hero and racing icon. He has been named Most Popular Driver in NASCAR eleven consecutive times and is commonly referenced among the likes of Peyton Manning and Lance Armstrong as one of America's Top-10 Favorite Sports Heroes. He has been on the cover of more than 150 magazines, including Rolling Stone, GQ and Men's Journal. He has starred in music videos chauffeuring Jay-Z down the streets of Monaco in a Ferrari. His book, Driver 8, which documents his NASCAR rookie season, was named the top-selling sports book of the year on Amazon. He’s even a celebrity role-model and extended the incredible legacy of his family name, all in the face of tremendous pressure, odds and adversity. And if you ask him what he thinks about it all, he will still swear he's just an average guy..
 Dale Jr在运动员和明星的事业上蓬勃发展,声名鹊起。被美国人作为国名英雄和赛车偶像,倍受追捧。他已经被NASCAR连续11次提名为“最受欢迎的赛车手“,并且经常和一些业内名人像佩顿曼宁和兰斯阿姆斯特朗等一起被评为全美最受欢迎的十大运动英雄之一。他已登上超过150家杂志的封面,包括《滚石》《智族》《男士期刊》等。他曾在摩纳哥街头开着法拉利载着Jay-Z出演其音乐视频录影。他的书籍《driver 8》记录了他在NASCAR的每个赛季,被列为亚马逊当年最畅销的书籍。他甚至可以算是名人的典范,面对着巨大的困难和压力续写着他家的传奇。如果问及他如何看待他所有的成就时,他还是会说:“我只是个普通人”。
Whether navigating the ranks of NASCAR or daily life, Dale Jr. handles everything with trademarked boldness, which resonates with the fundamental values of SPY, informing our relationship with him and inspiring the Dale Earnhardt Jr. Signature 88 Collection.
不论是在NASCAR行列还是在日常生活中,都证明了他有SPY基本价值观。请大家继续关注Dale Earnhardt Jr.期待他的88张签名册。
DATE OF BIRTH: 11.21.1967  
HOMETOWN: Park City, Utah
BIO: Ken Block, plain and simple, is a legend and an icon in the action sports world, but nothing Ken Block has ever done is plain and simple. Block, known for both his rally racing prowess and his furious gymkhana driving skills, is also one of the founders of DC Shoes, a game changer in the world of skateboarding footwear. Today, Block still manages to find the balance between his responsibilities as DC Chief Brand Officer and his rally car driving career, both of which he continues to excel in.
 简介:平凡普通的 Ken Block是运动界的传奇偶像,但是他做的每件事,没有一件是既平凡而普通的。他因其超凡的拉力赛车技术以及激烈的赛车技能驰名天下。他也是DC Shoes品牌公司创始人之一,是滑板鞋业的领头羊。作为DC shoes 的总裁以及拉力赛车手,一身兼两职的他,至今人找不到其事业的平衡点。
Block's rallying career began in 2005, where he won the Rally America Rookie of the Year award. He achieved global recognition for his performances in the X Games, WRC, and other top rally championships, and also for his promotional endeavors, which included a 171-foot rally car jump on an episode of TV series Stunt Junkies, dedicated purely to Ken's feat. But ask anyone, young or old, where they've seen the Ken Block name and chances are they've seen the Gymkhana videos.
In 2012, Block re-named his team Hoonigan Racing Division, with the goal to further push the boundaries of motorsports marketing. For 2014, Block will be competing in the Global RallyCross Championship, Rally America, WRC, and the Monza Rally Sprints, as well as doing a handful of global Gymkhana demos.
05年Block开始他的拉力赛车生涯,那年他荣获全美拉力年度新人奖。在极限运动赛、世界拉力锦标赛以及其他一些顶级拉力赛中都受到全世界的关注。大家认可Bock不仅仅是因为他的赛绩,更是因为他的不断努力:完成了52米远,7.6米高的跳跃动作亮相在美国一档《特技发烧友》的节目中,这是Block的惊世之举。要问到任何一个人,不论男女老少,问他们在哪里见过Ken Block,都会说在Gymkhana视频上。2012年Block将它的车队更名为Hoonigan赛车部门,此举将扩大汽车市场的界限。2014年,Block将参加世界汽车拉力锦标赛、全美拉力赛和蒙扎拉力冲刺赛并且将开展独一无二的全球金卡纳展。
DATE OF BIRTH: 6.24.1984
HOMETOWN: Pelican Rapids, Minnesota 
籍贯:明尼苏达州,Pelican Rapids镇
BIO: Tucker “T-Train” Hibbert was catapulted to the center of the action sports world at age 15 when he became the youngest gold medalist in history at the 2000 Winter X Games. Now, over a decade later, Tucker is known worldwide for his long list of accomplishments including his impressive crossover into AMA Motocross and Supercross as the only athlete in the world to race snowmobiles and motorcycles at a premier level.
 简介:Tucker “T-Train” Hibbert15岁就被“弹进”世界极限运动的中心,2000年的冬季极限运动会上成为有史以来最年轻的金牌获得者。现在,十年过去了,Tucker以他巨大的成就闻名中外。其中包括:他令人印象深刻地从极限运动转到AMA越野摩托赛事,是世界上唯一能够进行顶级雪地越野车和雪地摩托比赛的跨界运动员。
During the 2013/2014 winter season, Hibbert recorded his career-best snocross season. In January, he won his 85th Pro National Snocross final event to become the most-winning rider in this history of the sport. Later that month, he won his seventh consecutive X Games gold medal in dominating fashion. Throughout the winter on the ISOC national tour, he won 15 of the 17 pro open finals to clinch his eighth national snocross championship. Fans recognized his standout year by voting him 2014 ISOC Fan Favorite Rider.
Look for Hibbert to continue his high-speed adventures on the snow and dirt in his signature SPY Whip goggle featuring a nose guard, and both moto and dual-pane snow lenses.
HOMETOWN: Greenville, Florida
DOB: 3/25/1992
BIO: Justin “Bam Bam” Barcia grew up in New York, and now resides in northern Florida where he’s built the ultimate training ground to maintain the highest level of dirt bike riding in the world. At a young age Justin started winning races and has continued that trajectory his entire life—he’s considered a threat to win every time he competes. His focused drive to win and his aggressive style of riding has earned him two back-to-back east coast championships and in his rookie debut he took the overall win at the Monster Cup. In 2012 and 2013 he was selected one of the three American riders to race for team USA at the prestigious Motocross of Nations where he earned top finisher for the team both twice in a row. The next goal for Barcia is to win a premier class championship in both Supercross and Motocross.
简介:贾斯汀“巴姆巴姆” 巴西亚在纽约长大,现在定居在北弗罗里达州,他在这里建造了世界上最大的高难度自行车骑行训练场。在如此风华正茂的年纪,贾斯丁开始了他的赛车生涯,并且执意要一生沿着这条“轨道“行走。有他在的每场比赛,对于其他选手来说他都是个”威胁“。他赛车只为赢得比赛。他这种”侵略式“风格使他赢得了连续的东海岸两场锦标赛以及他的新人赛,他总是在”怪兽杯“上夺冠。2012年和2013年,他作为被选中的三名美国赛车手之一替美国队参赛,在这个著名的摩托车越野赛的国家,他为该队先后连续两次荣获顶级选手称号。
DATE OF BIRTH: 11.19.1971
HOMETOWN: Encinitas, California
BIO: Jeremy “Showtime” McGrath brought Supercross to the mainstream, winning 7 AMA Championship titles between 1993 and 2000, not to mention amassing a record 72 main event wins. His charisma and flair transcend the sport, and have propelled him to mega-stardom with a fan base that extends well beyond the universe of motor heads. He’s credited with innumerable advents in motocross. Some even say he's responsible for the birth of freestyle motocross in the '90s, when he unveiled his signature Nac-Nac, a bicycle maneuver he started throwing around in races in ‘94. Another big first, Jeremy was the first athlete on the SPY team, and remains a big part of the brand’s energy to this day.
Jeremy’s amazingly smooth style paired with his flashy gear, including custom painted helmets, set him apart from the rest of the riders of the time. McGrath’s Supercross success carried over to X-Games, where he earned four medals in three different MX disciplines, including a Step Up gold in 2004.
简介: Jeremy McGrath的“表演时间“将越野车带入了主流文化。光在1993年至1997年,他就先后赢得了7场AMA锦标赛,更何况积累72主胜的赛事记录。他的个人魅力和才华超越了这项运动,这使他成为拥有众多粉丝的超级明星,远超赛车史上的前辈们。他因在赛车界久经沙场而驰名,有人甚至说他是90年代为自由赛车而生的赛车手。当他的签名”Nac Nac”亮相于公众眼前时,94年他就已经开始他的机车赛。还有一项重要赛事的先河是他开创的:Jeremy 是SPY队的第一个运动员,至今对该品牌仍具有很大影响力。Jeremy 精彩的自由风配上他那闪亮的齿轮,再加上特别定制的喷漆头盔,让他在同一时间脱颖而出。Jeremy在越野赛车上的成功延续到极限运动中,他在三种不同的MX(摩托赛)规则的比赛中赢了四枚金牌,包括04年的Step Up赛事金牌。
DATE OF BIRTH: 2.28.1978
HOMETOWN: Baton Rouge, Louisiana
BIO: Kevin “K-Dub” Windham is considered to be one of the smoothest and most naturally talented motocross riders to ever grace the track. Always the crowd-pleaser, his classy demeanor and graceful style continue to make him popular with fans all over the world. In fact, he was named Feld Motorsports “Fans Choice” at the 2011 AMA Supercross Awards.
 人物简介: Kevin Windham “K-Dub”被认为是上帝赐予的轨迹平滑和最有天赋的摩托车越野赛选手之一。在人前他总是很受欢迎,他优雅的风度和柔美的风格给他从全世界各地带来众多粉丝。实际上,他被称为赛车运动的Feld.2011年AMA上荣获“粉丝的选择”称号。
He turned pro in 1994, and K-Dub has raced against the likes of Jeremy McGrath, Ricky Carmichael, James Stewart and Ryan Villopoto, and has beaten each of them at one point or another. Some of the most notable achievements in his luminous career include back-to-back AMA 125cc Supercross West Coast championship titles, a victory at the Motocross USGP, and being the first and only full-time 125cc rider to win a 250cc Supercross event.
 94年他转型为职业赛车手,K-dub 和许多名人赛过车比如:Jeremy McGrath、Ricky Carmichael、 James Stewart 和 Ryan Villopoto等,比赛结果都是旗鼓相当。他闪耀的成就有:背靠背 AMA 125cc 超级越野赛西海岸冠军头衔,在越野摩托赛USGP上获胜,作为第一个全职125cc赛车手赢得一项250cc比赛。
Kevin decided in 2013 at the third race of the series in Anaheim that he would retire from racing. He still hit every round in 2013, riding out in opening ceremonies and jumping huge transfer jumps which had never been done before. In 2014 he’s back jumping the famous transfer jumps and still has the biggest crowd applause when introduced. Kevin also gets on the mic and does some event and TV announcing at selected races. 
KEVIN 决定参加完13年阿纳海姆赛季的第三场比赛就正式退出赛车业。这年他依然坚持打每场比赛,在开幕式露脸、做从未做过的“大转跳”。14年,他回到观众视野继续做有名的大转跳,他一出场,依然从观众席里传出雷鸣般的掌声。Kevin也有参与到电视节目当中(在电视机前宣布选定的比赛)。
DATE OF BIRTH: 3.5.1981
HOMETOWN: Loma Linda, California
BIO: Two-time National cyclocross champion Ryan Trebon is a beast, and we’re not just talking about his height. Nicknamed “Tree Farm,” for his lanky 6’5” frame, Trebon lives in Bend, Oregon and specializes in mountain and cyclocross racing. In 2006 he won the USA National Cross-County Mountain Bike Championships and the USA Cycling Cyclocross National Championships, making history as the first American man to take titles in both disciplines during the same year. Known for his humorous, laid back personality before and after a race, make no confusion; when it’s on, it’s on. Recently winning both the pro men’s division and eliminator race at the Ute Valley Pro XCT, Trebon is set to cause a ruckus for many years to come. 
简介:曾两次赢得国际环形公路锦标赛的Ryan Trebon是头“野兽”,不仅仅是在说他的身高。他身高196cm,瘦骨如材,所以有个昵称叫“树干“Trebon住在俄勒冈州的Bend,这个地方以其特有的山脉及公路赛著称。06年他赢得了全美环形公路山地自行车锦标赛的冠军,成为美国历史上首个同一年两项赛事同时夺冠的第一人。他幽默风趣、悠然自得、坚定,比赛开始了就积极参与。最近他同时赢得了男子专业组以及乌特谷山地自己行车极限运动选拔赛的冠军,他注定在接下来的许多年里会引起一场“躁动”。
DATE OF BIRTH: 9.16.1976
HOMETOWN: Tilton, New Hampshire
籍贯:新罕布什尔州 提尔顿
BIO: Jonathan Page is the most decorated cyclocross racer America has ever produced and he is the ultimate icon around which SPY hinges its global ‘cross program and related product development. As a six-time U.S. National Cyclocross Champion and UCI Cyclocross World Cup one-to-beat, Jonathan consistently goes head-to-head with the best in the world and holds the honor of being the highest-placing American ever to finish the elite UCI World Championships (12th in 2011, and as high as 2nd in 2007). Page’s podium results coupled with his affable, down-to-Earth persona, make him a fan favorite across Europe and in the States. He’s got a massive heart, in every sense.
 Jonathan Page是美国包装得最好的山地赛车手,由于SPY将其全球赛车项目及相关产品的研发联系到一起,所以他就是终极目标。作为曾经一度拿过6次全美环形公路锦标赛的冠军选手、一次性赢得国际自行车联盟环形公路世界杯的冠军, Jonathan Page决定继续在世界上继续保持遥遥领先的姿态、持有将成为美国巅峰人物的荣誉来完成UCI世界锦标赛选拔赛(2011年举办的第12届相当于2007年的第二场)。
Jonathan started out as a road cyclist at the end of the ‘80s. He won back-to-back U.S. National Road Cycling Championships as a junior, 1992 (15/16 yr. olds) and 1993 (16/17). He transitioned to off-road life the following year, claiming the 1994 U.S. National Cyclocross Championship Juniors title, repeating the feat in 1996 and 1997 in the U23 divisions. He went on to win back-to-back-to-back U.S. National Cyclocross Elite Men’s Championships from 2002 through 2005.
DATE OF BIRTH: 5.2.1974
BIO: Nicole Duke is a professional cyclocross racer, current Masters National Cyclocross Champion, newest member of the Cannondale p/b professional team, and SPY’s marquee female cycling athlete.
 简介:Nicole Duke是个职业环形公路自行车赛车手,是当前国际公路锦标赛大师级人物,是Cannondale p/b Cyclocrossworld网的最新成员同时也是SPY的女山地自行车运动员。
Nicole grew up in Florida riding dirt bikes and surfing before transitioning to mountain biking where she would eventually turn pro in downhill and dual slalom. As her professional career wound down, Duke pursued a career as a hairstylist, met her future husband, and started a family—but the racing bug never quite left her system. In 2007, she entered her first cyclocross race, finished third, and was hooked on competing again.
Since her foray into off-road racing, Nicole’s technical riding skills have landed her on the podium more often than not. In the Cat 1 Women’s Elite class, she won the Colorado State Championship, and nabbed a couple “Most Aggressive Rider” awards. Here continued successes are a testament to the possibilities of sheer determination, and she does it all while balancing duties as a mom, wife, coach, gardener, nationally-ranked paddle boarder, mountain biker, road racer, former pro down-hiller and stylist.
DATE OF BIRTH: 7/13/14
HOMETOWN: Adelaide, Australia
籍贯:澳大利亚 阿德莱德
BIO: Troy Brosnan is a complete package—a pro downhill mountain biker with raw speed, technique, and zero fear, deserving of all the murmurings proclaiming him as the "Next Big Thing” in the sport. Many would argue he’s already there.
 简介:Troy Brosnan是个全能型选手,作为一名职业高山速降运动员,速度惊人、技艺精湛、毫不畏惧。期望所有人都说他在运动界会有所成就,而且很多人觉得他差不多已经可以算得上是一个“高手”了。
In 2010 Troy finished number one in the UCI Junior World Cup series and won the UCI Junior World Championships, a feat he repeated in 2011. More telling, he competed in the 2011 UCI Men’s Elite World Cup and finished No. 4, punctuating his incredible season with a 4th-place finish at Val di Sole, Italy. With a month-and-a-half off the bike after the last Worlds, he cruised to a third straight Elite men’s Adelaide State Championship with 5 seconds to spare.
 2010年,Troy完成了UCI世锦赛系列赛,最终摘下桂冠。2011年,捷报频传。而且他参加了2011年UCI男子世锦赛选拔赛并取得第四名的好成绩。伴随着他惊人的赛季,他在意大利Val di Sole赢得第四名。上次的比赛之后他一个半月没有骑行,然后参加第三组阿德莱德州世锦赛男子组选拔赛,他超前五秒到达终点。
DATE OF BIRTH: 1.30.1987
HOMETOWN: San Diego, California
BIO: San Diego’s Mike Montgomery is at the forefront of freestyle mountain biking progression. Mike’s slope style runs leave spectators either fist-pumping or slack-jawed and speechless, and his jumps push the limits of the sport. He’s a rider’s rider, a guy that other competitors cheer-on because he’s legit, has absolutely no fear, and is a solid dude on and off the bike.
简介:来自圣迭戈的 Mike Montgomery是职业自由山地自行车的先锋人物。迈克的坡行风格足以让观众目瞪口呆、瞠目结舌,他的跳跃使这项运动不再那么局限。他是骑手中的高手,和他一起比赛的选手对他的光明磊落佩服得五体投地,在自行车上上蹿下跳的他天不怕地不怕。
With tricks like the body varial, backflip barhop, and cliffhanger backflip, look for Mike to bust out bigger and more technical tricks in the near future. With some undercover never-been-dones in the works, we never know what kind of crazy footage will pop into our inbox next.
DATE OF BIRTH: 5.14.1979
HOMETOWN: Austin, Texas (via Australia) 
BIO: Chris “Big Sexy” McDonald is a six-time Ironman Champion, overall kick-ass human and one of the most talented multisport athletes to ever come out of Australia. A dominate force in Ironman competitions, McDonald has collected heaps of trophies domestically and internationally, making him a threat to those looking to impinge on his journey to the podium. Often seen at the front of the peloton, McDonald is most impressive when he’s aboard his bike. His favorite pre-race meal is fried chicken, and after he’s whipped his opposition, he dives into a post meal of candy and ice cream. Gutsy and down-to-earth, Big Sexy isn’t afraid to pound a few beers or man handle long, taxing rides on his bike; factors which make him a perfect fit for SPY’s performance family.
简介“性感男神“Chris McDonald曾经六度拿下铁人三项全能冠军,可以对手打得落花流水。是澳大利亚最有天赋的全能型运动员。作为铁人三相全能的强手,克里斯已经在国内外拿过许多奖项,其他想要在比赛中拿奖的运动员,都将他视为”威胁“经常可以在车队前方看到他,在自行车上的Chris是最让人印象深刻的。他喜欢赛前吃炸鸡,被召回车队后,他通常吃糖果和冰激凌充饥。朴实勇敢的”性感男神“不怕喝酒,也喜欢和伙伴们在一起,想骑他自行车的都得缴税。这些品质足以使他成为SPY中的佼佼者。
DATE OF BIRTH: 3.26.1986
HOMETOWN: Wollongong, Australia
BIO: A former motocross racer and cross country mountain bike pinner, now turned Enduro frother, Carlson has a unique mix of the key ingredients required to tackle the world of Enduro mountain biking.
In his first year of racing Enduro in the US, he claimed the prestigious 2012 Oregon Enduro Series and 5th overall in the North American Enduro Tour. This earned him a spot with the GIANT Factory off road team. Although Josh had a season-ending crash last year, he’s happy to be back for the 2014 season, and focused on the 7 round Enduro World Series.
DATE OF BIRTH: 4/25/1988
HOMETOWN: Canandaigua, New York
籍贯:纽约, Canandaigua
BIO: Ahmet Dadali’s style and approach to skiing are completely his own. Never a follower, Ahmet’s M.O. is based off creating his own rules. He obeys no boundaries and is happy to stomp tricks anywhere, from the most technical urban spots to the deepest backcountry pow landings. Ahmet’s skiing continues to progress in an imaginative direction, where style reigns supreme and originality is key. 
简介:Ahmet Dadali的滑雪风格和方法完全是走他自己的路线,从来没有效仿者。Ahmet的滑雪方式都是自己创造的,它的技巧没有任何界限。不论是在科技发达的城市公路还是在穷乡僻壤的泥地里都随时随地展现出他的技巧。
DATE OF BIRTH: 7/19/1984
HOMETOWN: Billings, Montana
籍贯:蒙大纳州, 比灵斯
BIO: Wiley Miller has been a man of the backcountry ever since he grew up shredding with his brother outside of Big Sky, Montana. He’s a perennial film and photo star who crushes huge lines, cliffs, gaps and everything in-between by sending styled out spins and high-speed butters into bottomless landings. Wiley took home the People’s Choice award for his X Games Real Ski Backcountry edit in 2013, a true testament to his strong work ethic and aesthetically timeless style. Keep your eyes peeled this season for Wiley in his personal YLESKI film project, the Orage Masters at Retallack, a Level 1 film segment and another banger X Games Real Ski edit, each of which will surely be a sight to behold.   
简介:Wiley Miller和他的兄弟在蒙大拿州,这片大的天空长大之前一直生活在穷乡僻壤里。他是名签约电影、广告明星,他克服了艰难险阻像做一些高危动作如:典型的旋转还有跳向无底深渊。13年他参加极限运动滑雪乡村实时特辑赛并获得荣誉称号,真正证明了他强烈的职业道德意识以及他的“永恒美“。敬请关注这一赛季,因为Whiley将出现在他个人电影YLESKI上,在电影第一部分扮演Retallack里的Orage大师还有极限运动真人滑雪特辑。每一部定会与众不同!
DATE OF BIRTH: 2/19/1986
HOMETOWN: Stoneham, Quebec, Canada
BIO: Tabarnac! Quebecois JF Houle has been stacking up video segments and charging massive urban features with SPY for over 10 years now. After putting in his best comp result ever by winning the 2011 Euro Winter X Gold in slopestyle, JF has continued to keep his skiing inventive. He took home the 2012 Powder Award for best jib and hasn’t slowed in slaying the streets and parks with some of the most technical rail and air prowess out. Look for Johnny Houligan’s tech rail attack coming soon to a stairway near you.
简介:魁北克的JF Houle堆积许多视屏片段,控告SPY公司因其在视频中掺杂过多城市元素长达十年之久。他最好的成绩是2011年欧洲冬季极限赛中赢得斜坡速滑冠军,JF继续了他的滑雪历程。2012年荣获最佳臂粉奖,但是在街道和公路上的速度因其技术高超一直没有减慢。希望早点看到Johnny的技术性甩尾。
Tim McChesney
籍贯:蒙大纳州  博兹曼
DOB: 8/9/1990
BIO: Tim McChesney, aka Cheddar, has been heating up for a few years now. As his stock continues to shoot through the roof, his strong work ethic is apparent by his numerous segments with Level 1 Productions and 4BI9 Media.  After spending a few seasons in the contest scene, Cheddar has stepped in front of the lens to stomp some of the heaviest urban hits and some of the cleanest spins on XXL features across the globe. 
Tim McChesney, aka Cheddar,红了好多年。他的人气一直飙升,可以从他与第一制作公司和4B19娱乐公司合作的数张作品看出他的职业道德。在比赛现场中度过几个赛季后,Cheddar步入镜头踢踏出一些最激烈的城市主打歌和一些最干净利索的旋转,登上全球的XXL栏目。
Steve Stepp
DOB: 1/27/88
BIO: As the only amateur to ever have a pro model ski, Steve Stepp is an anomaly in his own right.  Originally known as the Green Goblin aka Black Steve aka Steve Stept, Steve moved from Pennsylvania and now hails out of Park City, Utah. Steve is truly Internet famous and has gained a strong following through his web series “They See Me Trollin’,” in which he has successfully trolled over 7,253,873 webheads.  
简介:作为唯一一个由滑雪业余爱好者到一个 职业滑雪模特,Steve Stepp的成名路非同寻常。开始以“绿魔“、黑色史蒂夫等名字知名的史蒂夫离开宾夕法尼亚,现在又从犹他州的公园城出来。史蒂夫是真正的网络红人,他的网络系列They See Me Trollin已有7253,873粉丝。
Dylan Ferguson
DOB: 8/10/1988出生日期: 1988年8月10日
HOMETOWN: Park City, UT出生地:公园城,犹他州
BIO: Let’s just say Dylan Ferguson is comfy in the air. This 3-time US National Aerials champion and 3-time World Cup podium finisher obviously slays the aerials jumps but isn’t afraid to take his air awareness to other parts of the mountain. As one of the most talented crossover skiers to evolve from aerials, Dylan has no problem tackling the biggest cheese wedges in the park, backcountry booters, techy rails or simply laying down those classic pow turns that we all live for. 
 人物简介: 可以说, 迪伦弗格森在空中游刃有余。这个3次夺得全美空中特技冠军且3次登上世界杯颁奖台的高手当然会秒杀空中跳跃,但他也乐意把自己的空中意识带到高山的其他地方。作为从空中特技运动转过来的最有才华的天桥滑雪运动员之一,迪伦能够毫不费力地面对公园里最大的奶酪楔形,人烟稀少之地的路障, 变化多样的轨道或者轻松搞定我们苦苦追求的经典回转。
John Kutcher
DOB: 12/08/1988出生日期: 1988年8月12日
HOMETOWN: Park City, Utah出生地:犹他州帕克城
BIO: A true smooth operator, John Kutcher spreads his style thick on any feature he hits. As a Utah native, John is no stranger to the mountains or the urban cityscape that sits at their base. Kutch has been a regular coach at Windell’s the last several summers, and his film segments with 4BI9 Media have proven to be bangers time and again. 
作为一个真正的高手, 约翰·库彻在他制作的任何影片都强烈地烙上自己的风格.作为犹他州本地人,约翰对坐落在基地的高山和城市风景并不陌生。过去的几个夏季里,他是Windell’s 赛事的常规教练。他用4BI9媒体制作的电影短片被一再证明十分火爆。
DATE OF BIRTH: 3.20.1988出生日期: 1988年3月20日
HOMETOWN: Bellefontaine, Ohio 贝尔方丹,俄亥俄州
BIO: Louie Vito is more than just a snowboarder, he’s an Olympian, contest dominator, dancing star and household name. Known for his effortless style in the pipe, Louie is equally comfortable on the dance floor and in the DJ booth, showing that personality paired with talent goes a long way with the ladies, photogs and mega sponsors.
  人物简介:路易维托不仅仅是一个滑雪运动者,他还是一名奥运选手,比赛主宰者、舞蹈明星,家喻户晓的人物。 因在管道赛事中轻松的风格而著称,路易在舞池和DJ展台中也同样轻松自如,显示出卓越的个性及才华,许多女士、摄影师和大型赞助商对此有目共睹。Louie prefers to triple-up on his double corks in a run and he usually finds himself standing tall on the podium when he’s finished. Determined to push the progression of pipe snowboarding, Louie commits to an intense training regimen that rivals the schedule of a professional boxer, but he’s far from a meathead. He’s got miles of soul and is heavily influenced by street artists like Revok, a passion that shines through on his signature snow kits and SPY + LV goggles.
路易喜欢在滑道上做double cork(翻腾两周同时转体1080度抓板动作)时来个三合一,每当他完成以后,他通常都会站到高高的领奖台上。 下定决心要推动单板滑雪,路易选择了非常激烈的训练方案,甚至超越了一个专业拳击手日程安排,但他绝不是四肢发达、头脑简单的人。他有丰富的心灵,深受象Revok等街头艺术家们的影响。他在雪套、SPY+LV护目镜上的签名闪耀着他的激情。
DATE OF BIRTH: 8.23.1984
HOMETOWN: Ojakkala, Finland  Ojakkala ,芬兰
BIO: A global name in snowboarding, Eero is hands-down one of the most talented riders in the game. Embarking on backcountry missions across the world and continually coming up with gold, his smooth and technical riding style has produced a career’s worth of banger video parts, including his recent performance with Get Outta Town crew.
 人物简介:作为在滑板滑雪界全球知名的人物, 伊诺显然是该运动中最有才华的滑手之一。从野外任务到世界级的比赛,他持续夺得金牌。伊诺的职业生涯值得记录,有些火爆的视频记录了他流畅富有技巧的滑行风格,并且还包括了他最近和“走出小镇”队员的共同表演。
DATE OF BIRTH: 3.21.1982
HOMETOWN: Portland, Oregon
BIO: A native of Oregon, Darrell Mathes represents the Portland constituency of artistic, urban snowboarders that so many seek to emulate. Whether he’s shredding, designing or even just walking down the street, Darrell’s inherent style is as authentic as an Oregon beaver.
 简介:土生土长的俄勒冈Darrell Mathes是波特兰艺术界的代表,城市雪地滑板运动员,有许多追随效仿者。无论在哪,甚至在街头,Darrell身上都散发着象俄勒冈海狸队的气息。
Mathes not only developed his riding skills in the mountains and skate parks of the Pacific Northwest, he began honing his camera skills as well, wielding vintage film cameras on his many journeys. Cofounding his own production company—Videograss—Darrell and his cohorts have managed to put out some of the most anticipated videos of the year while still crushing it on unsuspecting handrails and slopes. 
DATE OF BIRTH: 9/13/1987 出生日期: 1987年9月13日
HOMETOWN: Quebec City, Quebec魁北克城
BIO: Coming up from the streets of Victoriaville, Quebec, Will Lavigne has steadily climbed his way up the SPY ladder, only to jump down the first curved, kinked rail in sight. His closing part in Déjà Vu is just one of the ways this French-Canadian is spreading his je ne sais quoi well beyond Quebec, and keeping the rest of the field taking notes. 
简介:从魁北克的街头起步,Will Lavigne稳步登上了SPY之梯,只为了跳到远处第一个曲折、扭曲的轨道。他那似曾相似的收尾部分只是这个法裔加拿大人展示他那难以描述特征的方法之一,魁北克人难以理解,赛场上其他人只有记录的份。
DATE OF BIRTH: 9/16/1988
HOMETOWN: L'Ancienne-Lorette, Québec, Canada
籍贯:加拿大,魁北克 L'Ancienne-Lorette 
BIO: Hailing from a really French sounding city in Quebec, Phil started out as a rep flow rider, flying the SPY flag through the evolution of his career as he progressed to the pro level. In recent years, Phil put out top videos parts and can most recently be seen hammering the streets in Déjà Vu.
 简介:离开法国美丽的城市魁北克,Phil开始了他的巨浪滑水运动,SPY这面旗帜使他的事业走向专业领域。近几年,Phil 发行了一些顶级视频,在Déjà Vu.的街头经常可以看到。
Despite his calm and polite house cat demeanor off the slopes, once strapped in to his board, Phil roars like a lion. His ability to handle a variety of terrain from street rails to transition and backcountry sets him apart from the pack. In a boy’s world, Phil Jacques does man tricks.
尽管他平时看起来冷静、文质彬彬,但是他只要一旦踏上他的滑板。Phil 就像一头咆哮的狮子。他的能力使他在各种地形游刃有余,在狭窄的街道里自由穿梭。穷乡僻壤让他脱颖而出。在男孩的世界里,Phil 干着成人的事业。
DATE OF BIRTH: 11/7/1981
HOMETOWN: Oslo, Norway
BIO: Where else but Norway would snowboarding’s resident black metal powerhouse, Danny Larsen, hail from? Casting a huge shadow over Europe’s version of the Great White North, Danny is one of the most imaginative snowboarders to grace the sport. He’s a classic rider that draws creative lines in his snowboarding as well as in his artwork, which he lent to his signature SPY Platoon goggle.
简介:挪威是滑雪重金属运动员的聚集地,Danny Larsen在欧洲影响力很大,Danny 在运动界是最具想象力的滑雪运动员。他能将最原滋原味的创新型线条运用于滑雪和艺术创作(SPY拍护目镜上签名),堪称经典!
Ending his season last year with nine covers in snow magazines all over Europe, Danny likely holds the record for more covers in one season than any other snow athlete. Expect to see his reign from the Northern Darkness continue in the years to come.
DATE OF BIRTH: 10.18.1992
HOMETOWN: North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii
BIO: It’s been more than a decade since John John Florence joined the SPY family, and he has since grown from a grom phenom to the leader of the new guard. Like the classic punk and metal that fill his headspace, his mix of technical mastery, speed, distortion and heavy amplification compliment an expanding catalog of new school tricks.
Despite being one of the youngest surfers on the elite World Championship Tour, John John has been in the spotlight since before puberty. At just 8 years old, he began turning heads on the North Shore, a stretch of beach renowned as surfing’s hollowed grounds. He made history as the youngest competitor to surf the Triple Crown of Surfing at age 13, and hasn’t let up since. Since then he’s won the coveted Triple Crown twice (and holds the record for youngest winner), and has raised the winner’s trophy at the Volcom Pipe Pro an astounding three times in a row. Not to mention Rookie of the Year honors for the 2012 ASP season, and his self-produced movie “Done” taking home the top prize at Surfer Poll.
 尽管是世界上精英锦标赛之旅中最年轻的冲浪者之一,约翰自青春期前一直是外界关注的焦点。只有8岁,他开始关注北岸,著名的冲浪圣地。作为最年轻的竞争者他创造了历史,在13岁成为上网冲浪三冠王而且他,并没有止步。从那时起,他赢得了梦寐以求的三冠王(保持着年轻的冠军的记录),并连续三次提高了冠军的奖品。更不用说今年2012 ASP季的新秀荣誉,和他自产电影“完成”获得网调查的最高奖项。
DATE OF BIRTH: 3/5/1989 
HOMETOWN: Hanalei, Kauai 
BIO: Kauai’s Alana Blanchard’s model good looks have come as a blessing and a distraction. Sure it’s great to be named a Men’s Health magazine Sexiest Woman in Sports and the “hottest female surfer in the world,” but whatever. For Alana, surfing’s the first priority, not America’s Next Top Model.
Besides competing on the 2014 ASP World Tour, she also works on her own swimsuit collection with Rip Curl, stars in the YouTube series “Surfer Girl,” poses for the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition, won the 2013 Surfer Poll, and oh yeah, is a social media demi god. In fact she has more Instagram followers than any other action sports star in the world. But you already knew that.  
除了2014 ASP竞争世界巡演,她还收集泳衣,YouTube的星星系列“冲浪的女孩,”提出了《体育画报》泳装版,在 2013年的冲浪者民意调查中赢得了冠军,她是一个社会媒体的神。事实上她比世界上任何其他行动体育明星拥有更多的追随者,这是众所周知的。
DATE OF BIRTH: 6/11/1976
HOMETOWN: Del Mar, California
BIO: Notorious for challenging the norm, Joel Tudor is a global surfing icon who has seen and done it all. He’s a two-time ASP World Longboard Champion; has won eight US Open Longboard titles; a number of Brazilian jiu-jitstu championships, and authored one of the most successful photo books in surf culture, “Surf Book.” An understudy of ’60s and ’70s surfing legends like Phil Edwards, Nat Young, David Nuuhiwa, Miki Dora, Wayne Lynch, and Gerry Lopez, Tudor melded their time honored approaches to forge his own path and boldly encourage a new generation of non-conformists to flip the bird at the “usual” way of looking at modern day surfing.
简介:因挑战规范而出名,乔尔·都铎是一个全球性的冲浪者,过,并做到这一切。他是两届世界冲浪老手ASP的冠军,赢得了八个美国公开赛冲浪老手名衔;巴西jiu-jitstu锦标赛,并在冲浪文化中撰写最成功的照片书,“冲浪书。他是60年代和70年代冲浪传说者的接班人像Phil Edwards, Nat Young, David Nuuhiwa, Miki Dora, Wayne Lynch, and Gerry Lopez,都铎打造自己的路径和方法,在“正常”的现代冲浪大胆鼓励新一代平翻转鸟。
DATE OF BIRTH: 6.6.1986
HOMETOWN: Palos Verdes, California
BIO: By the way Alex Gray charges, you’d think his middle name is Danger. Waking up the sleepy town of Palos Verdes, California when he entered the world in ’86, Alexander Wisdom Gray went from womb to tube in only a matter of years. Seen at just about every contest up and down the California coast during his youth, Gray gained notoriety quickly, winning trophies and hearts along the way. Breaking away from competitive surfing to focus on filming and editorial coverage, Gray’s name has become synonymous with several terms; big wave hellman, diver, nudist, and comedian being amongst them. With a sack full of fearlessness, look for Alex to continue collecting acknowledgments, like the 2011 Surfer Poll Best Barrel of The Year for a ridiculous backside mutant at Teahupoo.
He also runs one of the best blogs in action sports,, where he showcases his unrivaled work ethic and talents in Tahiti, Hawaii, Fiji, and beyond. You can also catch him in a staring role in Body Glove’s “Live From The Moon.” And if that’s not enough, just look for him at a house party near you.
他还在经营最好的行动体育博客之一,,在那里他展示了他在塔希提岛,夏威夷,斐济无与伦比的职业道德和才能。你也可以在Body Glove的“月球生活”的主要角色中看到他。“如果这不够的话,就去附近的聚会找他。
DATE OF BIRTH: 7.30.1983
HOMETOWN: Cayucos, California
BIO: The Central Coast of California isn’t renowned a breeding ground for professional surfers, but obscure landscapes have been known to produce equally enigmatic phenomena. Nate Tyler is a testament to this fact, carving a career out of Morro Rock through oft-times cold, blustery travails. Nate’s style combines the elements of modern surfing relevance with a penchant for lofty front side punts and forehand carves, all of which are well-documented with major parts in some of the highest profile movies of the last five years, including Volcom’s “BS!,” Globe’s “Year Zero,” and Innersection.
Nate takes the road less travelled, you can’t see his footprints, but you can feel his impact through the air, water and honest smiles gracing the Big Blue Marble.
简历:加州中部海岸不是著名的专业冲浪场所,但模糊的风景地貌产生了神秘的现象。内特·泰勒证明这个事实,内特的风格结合现代冲浪的元素和正手雕刻,悬正面平底船有关联,,这些都是有据可查的, 在过去的五年里制作出了一些引人注目的电影,包括 Volcom’s “BS!,” Globe’s “Year Zero,” and Innersection。内特走了一条与众不同的道路,你看不到他的足迹,但你可以通过空气、水和诚实的微笑感觉到他的影响
DATE OF BIRTH: 1/24/1989
HOMETOWN: Encinitas, California
BIO: Ryan Burch is an extinct species—a young pro surfer that not only shapes his own equipment, but questions and pushes design to new, truly unique places. Extinct—but paradoxically—futuristic. “He embodies the future of surfing,” says Joel Tudor. Not that you’d need any more convincing after a prophetic endorsement of the highest order from Tudor. But the fact is, Burch is an open channel of inspiration and creativity among a generation that’s more interested in a 4” screen than challenging the status quo.
简历:瑞安·伯奇是一个稀有物种,一个的年轻职业冲浪者,不仅努力提高自己,而且在推动设计发面,有新的,真正独特的见解。很稀有但又代表着未来。 “他体现了冲浪的未来,乔尔·都铎王朝说。不是说你需要任何预言后更有说服力代表着最高秩序的都铎王朝的认可。但事实是,伯奇是一个灵感和创造力之间的媒介者,而这一代人更感兴趣的是4”屏幕不是挑战现状。
He won the Young Guns of Shaping contest at Sacred Craft in 2010, and can often be seen anywhere from Cardiff to Bali with a smile on his face, riding anything from homemade 9’6” logs to a 4’ block of foam. Oozing positivity with a penchant for the unusual, it’s no wonder Burch has found himself on SPY’s elite surf roster. 
DATE OF BIRTH: 8/26/1988
HOMETOWN: Satellite Beach, Florida
BIO: Combining her love of art, music and surfing, Lindsay has made a life that represents the very creativity she exudes.
From Satellite Beach, Florida, this young and vibrant being continues to turn heads with everything she pours herself into. When she is not surfing, writing, modeling or creating for Billabong, Nixon, Lost Surfboards, Osiris Shoes, and Taylor Guitars, she’s entrenched in her biggest accomplishment to date: writing and recording her own original music, performing around the U.S., and an album well under way.
DATE OF BIRTH: 9/30/1981
HOMETOWN: Clermont, Florida
BIO: A menace on the golf course and a madman on the lake, Parks delivers his big personality and untamable antics wherever he roams. He set a Guinness World Record as the youngest person to water ski at the whopping age of 6 months old, that was just the beginning of many firsts, including grabbing gold at his inaugural X Games appearance at the age of 14. Parks has made numerous appearances on Nitro Circus, flashed his pad on MTV Cribs and is the subject of a full-length feature film, The Parks Documentary. A testament to his over-abundant testosterone levels, Parks has pulled into waves at Teahupoo, Tahiti, slashed through uncharted oceans and conquered icebergs to earn notoriety as one of the most influential riders in wake. There’s no wonder why Parks is at legend status in not just the wake community, but all of action sports. 
DATE OF BIRTH: 4.4.1984
HOMETOWN: Orlando, Florida
BIO: “Danger” is his middle name, or nickname, at least. Shane “Danger” Bonifay may not be afraid of much, but he also has one of the best styles in wakeboarding and an approach to riding that has shaped the sport. With multiple titles under his belt, Shane’s most prized accolade is Rail Rider of the Year. Whether behind a boat or killing it at the cable with double flips, he’s continued to push wakeboarding’s progression in his own particular way. 
 出生日期: 1984. 4.4
DATE OF BIRTH: 12/6/1991 出生日期: 1991年12月6日
HOMETOWN: Longwood, Florida 出生地:长木,佛罗里达州
BIO: Bob Soven is the 2013 Alliance Rider of the Year, and holds a number of world and national wakeboard titles. But Bob’s biggest attribute his incredible ability to have fun in any situation—he puts smiles on peoples’ faces wherever he goes. Bob knows the meaning of being a “true professional.” Put this guy in any situation and he’ll make the best out of it. Bob is the essence of HAPPY. 
DATE OF BIRTH: 10/15/1984 出生日期: 1984年10月15日
HOMETOWN: Clermont, Florida出生地:克莱蒙,佛罗里达
BIO: Danny Harf has taken a different approach to wakeboarding from when he started as a pro. Danny used to dominate contests, winning just about every event he entered, including four X-Games gold medals. But a couple years ago he decided to depart that scene and focus all his energy on making the best video sections, the Travis Rice of wake if you will. His section inDEFY was ridiculous, and he’s in the process of backing it up with more mind blowing imagery in his new film Prime. 
DATE OF BIRTH: 10/5/1984出生日期: 1984年10月5日
HOMETOWN: New Braunfels, Texas出生地:新布劳恩费尔斯,德克萨斯州
BIO: Tom Fooshee carved his niche in wakeboarding in a slightly different way than most other guys in the sport—off a cable. Tom won nearly every cable park contest he’s entered, solidifying himself as the best cable wakeboarder in the world, the “King of the Cable.” He travels the globe for competitions and whether it’s Hungary, Thailand, the Philippines, Russia, Germany or Abu Dhabi, Tom literally does circles around the competition. He’s a four times Monster Energy Triple Crown overall winner, which means nobody has yet to dethrone the king. He continues to keep a stranglehold on would be upstarts with his rigid cross training regimen, which consists of walking up and down the podium steps, with repeats as often as possible.
人物简介:汤姆富西用一种与其他参与非绳索滑板运动的运动员略有不同的方式确立了自己的优势。汤姆几乎在他参加的每次绳索公园赛中都获得了胜利,从而确立自己世界上最佳绳索滑板运动员的地位--“绳索之王”。他周游世界参加各类比赛,无论是匈牙利、 泰国、 菲律宾、 俄罗斯、 德国或阿布扎比,汤姆实际上进行了环球比赛。上做圆圈周围的竞争。他是一个4次夺得怪物能源三冠王全赛胜利的选手,到目前为止,还没有人能在这项赛事上与其对抗。
HOMETOWN: Orlando, Florida出生地:美国佛罗里达州奥兰多
DOB: 1/19/90出生日期: 90年1月19日
BIO: Jimmy is one of the best all around wakeboarders in the world. He burst on to the scene as one of the best up and coming boat riders after winning the prestigious Bro Stock title a few years back, but he’s lethal on the cable, as well. Jimmy finished 3rd overall in the Monster Triple Crown series in 2013. Be sure to follow Jimmy on his Instagram feed @jim_shot_it He’s always on an adventure, having more fun than is legal in some states. 
人物简介:吉米是全世界最好的海上滑板选手之一。几年前在赢得著名Bro Stock称号后,吉米作为最好的最有前途的船上滑板选手出现在人们面前,但他在绳索滑板方面也同样极具杀伤力。吉米在2013年完成了怪物三冠王系列全赛。一定要在Instagram的feed@jim_shot_it持续关注吉米哦!他总是在冒险,在某些州的法律范围内获得更多的乐趣。
HOMETOWN: Canyon Lake, California出生地:峡谷湖,加利福尼亚州
DOB: 11/16/83出生日期: 83年11月16日
BIO: Pro wakeboarder Melissa Marquardt rides as well as “one of the guys,” and at times, even better. In fact, she puts some guys to shame with her amazingly technical skills. Melissa’s background in skateboarding and snowboarding lends to a really distinct, dynamic wake style. She’s got power, agility and grace, and is recognized as the best all around female wakeboarder in the history of the sport, and an agent of progression every time she gets behind the boat.
Whether Melissa is riding the pro tour or dropping waterfalls, she’ll be doing it for years to come and she’ll be doing it with style.
HOMETOWN: Bangkok, Thailand出生地:泰国曼谷
DOB: 12/23/97 出生日期: 97年12月23日
BIO: Where to start with this kid? He used to be a man among boys, but now he’s the man among men! Here are some alarming stats: since Daniel’s professional career started in 2009, at the age of 11, out of all the hundreds of contests he’s entered, in wakeboard he has earned 94 podium positions of which 43 are first place; in wakeskate he has 88 podium positions of which 74 are first place; and combined 182 podium positions of which 117 are first place. Tom Fooshee nicknamed him “the prince,” but this prince is going to become the king in the very near future. Watch out world!
HOMETOWN: West Harrison, Indiana 出生地:西哈里森,印第安纳
DOB: :12/25/90出生日期:: 90年12月25日
BIO: Graeme is a great example of what riding every day at the local park can make you—one of the most talked about park riders in world right now. It doesn’t hurt that he’s also hard working, determined, and gritty. Constantly riding in the off season, releasing numerous mind blowing web edits, and traveling to far parts of the world to do so, Graeme has a bright future in the sport. This is Graeme’s first year riding “pro” but he’s already beat the best in the sport and will for years to come. Welcome to the Spy team Graeme! 

世联翻译-让世界自由沟通!专业的全球语言翻译供应商,上海翻译公司专业品牌。丝路沿线56种语言一站式翻译与技术解决方案,专业英语翻译日语翻译等文档翻译、同传口译、视频翻译、出国外派服务,加速您的全球交付。 世联翻译公司在北京、上海、深圳等国际交往城市设有翻译基地,业务覆盖全国城市。每天有近百万字节的信息和贸易通过世联走向全球!积累了大量政商用户数据,翻译人才库数据,多语种语料库大数据。世联品牌和服务品质已得到政务防务和国际组织、跨国公司和大中型企业等近万用户的认可。
  • “贵司提交的稿件专业词汇用词准确,语言表达流畅,排版规范, 且服务态度好。在贵司的帮助下,我司的编制周期得以缩短,稿件语言的表达质量得到很大提升”


  • “我单位是一家总部位于丹麦的高科技企业,和世联翻译第一次接触,心中仍有着一定的犹豫,贵司专业的译员与高水准的服务,得到了国外合作伙伴的认可!”


  • “我公司是一家荷兰驻华分公司,主要致力于行为学研究软件、仪器和集成系统的开发和销售工作,所需翻译的英文说明书专业性强,翻译难度较大,贵司总能提供优质的服务。”


  • “为我司在东南亚地区的业务开拓提供小语种翻译服务中,翻译稿件格式美观整洁,能最大程度的还原原文的样式,同时翻译质量和速度也得到我司的肯定和好评!”


  • “在此之前,我们公司和其他翻译公司有过合作,但是翻译质量实在不敢恭维,所以当我认识刘颖洁以后,对她的专业性和贵公司翻译的质量非常满意,随即签署了长期合作合同。”


  • “我行自2017年与世联翻译合作,合作过程中十分愉快。特别感谢Jasmine Liu, 态度热情亲切,有耐心,对我行提出的要求落实到位,体现了非常高的专业性。”


  • “与我公司对接的世联翻译客服经理,可以及时对我们的要求进行反馈,也会尽量满足我们临时紧急的文件翻译要求。热情周到的服务给我们留下深刻印象!”


  • “翻译金融行业文件各式各样版式复杂,试译多家翻译公司,后经过比价、比服务、比质量等流程下来,最终敲定了世联翻译。非常感谢你们提供的优质服务。”


  • “我司所需翻译的资料专业性强,涉及面广,翻译难度大,贵司总能提供优质的服务。在一次业主单位对完工资料质量的抽查中,我司因为俄文翻译质量过关而受到了好评。”


  • “我司在2014年与贵公司建立合作关系,贵公司的翻译服务质量高、速度快、态度好,赢得了我司各部门的一致好评。贵司经理工作认真踏实,特此致以诚挚的感谢!”


  • “我们需要的翻译人员,不论是笔译还是口译,都需要具有很强的专业性,贵公司的德文翻译稿件和现场的同声传译都得到了我公司和合作伙伴的充分肯定。”


  • “在这5年中,世联翻译公司人员对工作的认真、负责、热情、周到深深的打动了我。不仅译件质量好,交稿时间及时,还能在我司资金周转紧张时给予体谅。”


  • “我公司与世联翻译一直保持着长期合作关系,这家公司报价合理,质量可靠,效率又高。他们翻译的译文发到国外公司,对方也很认可。”


  • “贵公司翻译的译文质量很高,语言表达流畅、排版格式规范、专业术语翻译到位、翻译的速度非常快、后期服务热情。我司翻译了大量的专业文件,经过长久合作,名副其实,值得信赖。”


  • “针对我们农业科研论文写作要求,尽量寻找专业对口的专家为我提供翻译服务,最后又按照学术期刊的要求,提供润色原稿和相关的证明文件。非常感谢世联翻译公司!”


  • “世联的客服经理态度热情亲切,对我们提出的要求都落实到位,回答我们的问题也非常有耐心。译员十分专业,工作尽职尽责,获得与其共事的公司总部同事们的一致高度认可。”


  • “我公司与马来西亚政府有相关业务往来,急需翻译项目报备材料。在经过对各个翻译公司的服务水平和质量的权衡下,我们选择了世联翻译公司。翻译很成功,公司领导非常满意。”


  • “客服经理能一贯热情负责的完成每一次翻译工作的组织及沟通。为客户与译员之间搭起顺畅的沟通桥梁。能协助我方建立专业词库,并向译员准确传达落实,准确及高效的完成统一风格。”


  • “贵公司与我社对翻译项目进行了几次详细的会谈,期间公司负责人和廖小姐还亲自来我社拜访,对待工作热情,专业度高,我们双方达成了很好的共识。对贵公司的服务给予好评!”


  • “非常感谢世联翻译!我们对此次缅甸语访谈翻译项目非常满意,世联在充分了解我司项目的翻译意图情况下,即高效又保质地完成了译文。”


  • “在合作过程中,世联翻译保质、保量、及时的完成我们交给的翻译工作。客户经理工作积极,服务热情、周到,能全面的了解客户的需求,在此表示特别的感谢。”


  • “我们通过图书翻译项目与你们相识乃至建立友谊,你们报价合理、服务细致、翻译质量可靠。请允许我们借此机会向你们表示衷心的感谢!”


  • “很满意世联的翻译质量,交稿准时,中英互译都比较好,措辞和句式结构都比较地道,译文忠实于原文。TNC是一家国际环保组织,发给我们美国总部的同事后,他们反应也不错。”


  • “原英国首相布莱尔来访,需要非常专业的同声传译服务,因是第一次接触,心中仍有着一定的犹豫,但是贵司专业的译员与高水准的服务,给我们留下了非常深刻的印象。”


  • “在与世联翻译合作期间,世联秉承着“上善若水、厚德载物”的文化理念,以上乘的品质和质量,信守对客户的承诺,出色地完成了我公司交予的翻译工作。”


  • “由于项目要求时间相当紧凑,所以世联在保证质量的前提下,尽力按照时间完成任务。使我们在世博会俄罗斯馆日活动中准备充足,并受到一致好评。”


  • “贵公司针对客户需要,挑选优秀的译员承接项目,翻译过程客户随时查看中途稿,并且与客户沟通术语方面的知识,能够更准确的了解到客户的需求,确保稿件高质量。”



