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They could really keep their equanimity, while I could not, as my staff had been on their posts, the patients had been hospitalized, and the cancer patients had no time to wait since waiting means death, I was so anxious that I went to health bureau almost every day, asking them even to the level of begging , there was still no results, I was so helpless.
I remembered when President Jiang Zemin visited in America, we overseas students were interviewed, I also attended the welcome dinner, and I was one of the hosts of the dinner. President Jiang said: "The prosperity of the country cannot do without the support of overseas Chinese, returning to pursue careers is the policy of the party." Hearing the words of President Jiang, I felt more confident in my heart, on dinner I sent President Jiang Zemin a tie painted Sino-US national flags, a symbol of the friendship between China and the US, which was reported by American “Chinese Newspaper” at that time. I customized the tie to a well-known clothing company in America, which was specially designed by the designer Pulitzer.
Well, I had understand the national policy, so I did not afraid of anything, now that there was no news about the business license, waiting for no results, I had to prepared the matters concerned opening, and before opening I consulted something with Comrade Song Lu, the county magistrate at that time, deciding to open on March 28th, 1998.
On opening day, I invited Shang Zhenyong the director of the Office of Overseas Chinese of Shandong Province, Li Wuxiu, President of Binzhou Medical University, Yang Xingji Deab of Qilu Hospital, Li Dong vice mayor of Taian, Sun Chengzhi vice mayor of Jinan and so on attending the opening ceremony of the hospital.
Meanwhile, I also invited some teachers from Beijing such as Zhou Wei the director of Beijing China-Japan Friendship Hospital, Professor Yin Yubo, Professor Yu Zihao and Xu Guozhen from cancer hospital of Chinese Academy of medical sciences.
Zhang Wenkang the Minister of Department of Health, Li Chunting the governer of Shandong Province at that time also congratulated through electricity.
The magistrate Song Lu made a speech at the opening ceremony, the attendees included Sang Xinhu the director of the Office of Taian Municipal Overseas Chinese Affairs, some directors and deputy directors of Dongping County including the director of health bureau, still more many of my friends, classmates.
I said at the opening ceremony: "Today we are just a small hospital, small team, after ten years it will become a anticancer force, go towards the country, go towards the world."
On that day, the long band was standing on both sides of the road, neatly formed in two rows; the people were gathering in crowds and groups flooding into the hospital which blocked the hospital entrance for two hours.
In fact, I was forced to open for business unlicensed, just as being driven to Liangshan. Here is close to Liangshan which was on the western shore of Dongping Lake, belonging to a local jurisdiction in the past. Today there brought up several central leaders from Dongping such as Chairman Wan Li known to every family, and Zhang Qingli, vice chairman of the National Committee of the twelfth CPPCC; both of them were the pride of Dongping.
With no license, I was really very helpless, in order to the hospital, the workers and the patients; I had to open for business unlicensed, which was probably a precedent in the history of Chinese private hospital. Did you think that Yu Baofa was chutzpa and monstrous crime? While I did not think that, as I did just reasonably in the circumstances. 
I maintained good communication with local governments for the construction, preparation and land acquisition of the hospital also received support and help. The hospital was named by Zhang Qingli who was the secretary of Taian municipal Party committee, "Tai" from the "Tai" of "Taian" "Taishan", "Mei " from the “Mei” of "American" and "beauty", "Taimei" sounded  the same of "too beautiful"(“太美”), and "Baofa" (“宝法”)meant a precious methods and the tone of my name "Baofa"(“保法”), Secretary Zhang Qingli was really literacy, so, "Taimei Baofa Tumour Hospital"  arisen from this.
Secretary Zhang Qingli was very supportive for returned students pioneering; at the time land acquisition for hospital was very difficult, while as I reported him about applying for a loan, he wrote it without hesitation: "This is good deed benefiting the nation and the people. Please support it." In January, 1998 he was transferred to administrative vice Minister of Propaganda Department at provincial Party Committee, as I had not had a chance to report him when I was in the process of applying for the license, otherwise, it may be easier to get the license.
At a private hospital operated without license, a war of anti-cancer was preceded quietly. One after another, the cancer patients from the county, the province and other provinces came to see the doctor and ask medicine, and the reports of my running a hospital had also appeared on news media, which the first time, I remembered, was on the newspaper of "Taian Daily", the first time on TV, Shandong satellite TV " Shandong People far apart from each other".
Tumor postdoctoral returned hometown to open a hospital, which was spread throughout Shandong, affected the whole country, the patients were from directions, and the treatment effect is good. While undocumented illegal business bothered me every day, I did not feel sureness in my heart, and the staff was also thinking it was very troublesome.
A returned student was closely linked with illegal, a new hospital was wearing a hat of illegal business, a concerned hospital was yet illegal practicing of medicine. How could I account it for society! And how could I account it for the patients! And the hospital was likely to be sealed up by law enforcement agencies at any time, then fine was inevitable, even it was likely to be sealed the door and closed down. My staff worried for me, and the director of County People's congresses also worried for me, who repeatedly inquired the relevant departments about the matter for me, I was getting even more upset, but  I had never found the breakthrough point, so it was delayed again and again.

The hospital had just been opened, the leadership needed to be running, the doctors needed my teaching hand by hand, and each patient needed me diagnosis and treat personally, I worried about all aspects, followed the patients closely, even slept in the hospital at night, I dealt with putting a small bed at the back of the chair in the office, while the bath was very inconvenient, so I had to look for a site outside the hospital to take a bath. The busy and the irregular daily life made me languor, I originally was in good health almost fell ill, for several times I had no confidence to survive, while to back I had no route of retreat to back no retreat, to move forward I had to face a lot of difficulties......
While my research at the University of California, Santiago in America had not yet ended, so I had to go to American regularly...... At that time, my whole body had been taken into eight pieces, it seemed still not to deal with the busy.
When a person encountered difficulties, overcame them then you will have a sense of achievement. If a pile of difficulties surrounded you, attacked you, maybe you would be defeated. While my psychological endurance was stronger than that of ordinary people, I was also formed the indomitable spirit, although this time it was very difficult, the new hospital was not mature, meeting so many thresholds, which really made me un-resistible, but I secretly told myself: I will not be fail forever.
That year, I was flying back and forth between China and the United States, after flying 50 times, I felt I was really too busy to do just like that, so I finally determined to give up one and devoted to take care of another, as I could get bear's paw and shark's fin concurrently. At the time, a friend called Guo Yajun from the USA was being a associate professor in Santiago, taking a part-time job in a Military Medical University, Shanghai, who was flying to and fro between China and America and was the first to enjoy the "dumbbell" service. He could do like this, as he was researching both in Military Medical University and the university in the USA without too many chores, and could get bear's paw and shark's fin concurrently. While I could not do like him.  I would never give up the things in China, as the dream I pursued was in this hospital, the clinical cancer research I pursued was also here, so I had no way but to give up the career in America. To tell the truth, I was really a bit reluctant.
In America, my heart had to fly back to the motherland; I jumped out from the simple basic research, from a cell, a mouse, leaped to a person, precisely one organ of a person, a overall person. My thinking was from systemic chemotherapy to part tumor chemotherapy, precisely, the chemotherapy transferred to the interior of the tumor, to the moment from the periphery of cancer "black hole" to the internal destruction.
The sense of belonging in my heart was very strong, the heart which was always not landing in America as the plane, not settled down in the USA as getting the villa and green card of America would land and settle in motherland. As the time of my soul and my person being in motherland was more and more, and now I finally decide to quit the work of assistant professor in the USA to take care of my rural hospitals in China wholeheartedly.
Completed a change again in my life, I relaxed a lot.
I work every day in my hospital, and the patients see me just like to see their relatives. The patient's happy laughers and cheerful voices are my greatest reward, one after another the patients take a turn for the better then in remission after my treatment, I am glad wholeheartedly as I watch them walking leisurely, playing chess, chatting.
During this period, the spirit of Lei Feng came on the wall newspaper as the content of cultural construction of our hospital:
Be warm to patients like the spring
Be enthusiastic in work like the summer
Treat unhealthy tendencies like the autumn wind sweeping away the withered leaves
Be merciless fierce to the cancer like the winter
The hospital was booming, while I was still annoyed for unregistered business. Although I meet the patients with the best attitude every day, while how did the patients know the sorrow and trouble in my heart, they only knew that I was busy and often saw I going out, while they had no idea what I went out to do.
At that time the press circle was especially interested on me which often published the reports of my returning to rural entrepreneurship, the earlier report was “Long Feeling of Hometowm”  (March 31, 1999) on People's Daily, and “Sincere Patriotic Mind” (August 6, 1999) on Taian Daily.
One day, several reporters came suddenly (around March, 1999), one called Yang Jianjun was a reporter from China Youth, and the reporters from Work’s Daily, who heard that a "returnees" had returned to opened hospitals and came with many questions: "How could a postdoctoral, a professor from the USA return rural area to create his career? Medicine is not farming, why return to the countryside? Was he in cooperation with the county hospital? How could a person run tumor hospital alone?"
那天他们一进门,碰巧看到了我与病人在交流,稍后又看到我给病人做治疗。这期间,他们刨根问底,有着打破砂锅问到底的架势。等我回到办公室里,互相寒暄了一阵子,他们又问了:“创业的钱从哪儿来的?为什么选择东平不选择济南?选了东平为什么不选县城而选县郊?大夫是从哪儿来的,护士是什么级别?”还有我的年龄、婚姻等等,简直就像美国联邦调查局(Federal Bureau of Investigation,FBI)在查我的户口。
The day they entered, happened to see I was communicating with a patient, then to see I giving treatment for patients. During the period, they inquired everything to insist on getting to the bottom of the matter. 
等我回到办公室里,互相寒暄了一阵子,他们又问了:“创业的钱从哪儿来的?为什么选择东平不选择济南?选了东平为什么不选县城而选县郊?大夫是从哪儿来的,护士是什么级别?”还有我的年龄、婚姻等等,简直就像美国联邦调查局(Federal Bureau of Investigation,FBI)在查我的户口。
When I got back to the office, exchanging greetings for a while, then they asked again: "Where was the money for your business from? Why do you choose Dongping instead of Jinan? Why do you choose the outskirt of county instead of inside the county? Where do the doctors come from and what level are the nurses?" They were also inquiring about my age, my marriage and so on, as just like Federal Bureau of investigation of  the USA  was checking on my account.
“Besieged” by the reporters "siege", I could run off. I was so honest and I would not evade the issues, answering all the questions truthfully one by one. We talked more and more, felt congenial with each other as we talked then we understood with each other comparatively.
At that time, it was famous for the poor of Dongping county, we had a meal together in the evening, they unexpectedly did not dislike and avoid our simple diet and we drink some liquor. Reporter Yang and I ran the race of drinking liquor, then we were both drunk, I was outspoken about my sorrow and trouble: "The hospital is still illegal which had been open for a year, I haven't received a business license."
I felt a little repent as I woke the second day, as I was afraid. How could I do as illegal medical practice was to be reported? How to do if the patients should leave hospital as they knew that? The good situation of hospital was the results from striving of all staff, and the crystallization of the sweat of everyone, in case they reported, which might bring annihilation, and all our efforts before might be wasted.
Then I thought about to communicate with the reporters, while they were to go, so I desperately to retain: "Have lunch then to go." Yet they were away, and I was extremely worried. Should I ask the health sector reissue me a license? But it could not be reissued for one or two days, and it could not be reissued so easy, otherwise we did not need to open the hospital without license. I really could not think of a solution, had to bite the bullet and wait the terrible news.
A week passed, there was no news, and no person from health department is came to find fault.
Then, after a few days, suddenly I received a phone call from a lady in Guangdong, it said: "I noticed from the newspaper that you had returned to run you own business, your hospital had been opened for a year which was still no license. I'll buy a ticket these days to fly to Shandong to work out for you. Why did it so difficult that talent just like you come back from America to do good deeds? Did the god really have no eyes?"
I was very surprised, who was this person? How did she know me? Was it true what she said as we were incognizant with each other? A series of questions hovered in my mind, and I did not know temporarily how to deal with, how to answer, just "um, um" to the microphone.
The second day it was sunny, I received a call from Shandong provincial office which said Secretary Wu Guanzheng had inquired about the matter, the office staff let me rest assured: "Leaders are sure to give you justice."
I was just like falling in thick fog, and in a dream, while I knew it must be related with the report of Reporter Yang Jianjun, then I gave him a call, he said: "Baofa, I just want to work of your feeling." He reported on "China Youth Daily"for us: "Having no license is because health bureau don't let it through by checking 54 times preciosity." The case was entirely cleared, and all were in an uproar, a lot of people voiced their discontents for this.
Woo, wasn’t it to be wrong again? I was afraid this report offended the Department of Health, hurried to the Health Bureau giving a talk and doing review, health secretary was really angry: "Oh, Baofa, how did you do about that?”
I made him a specific report for Beijing reporter visiting, I said I had been afraid of them reporting us illegal practice medicine, illegal operation, how could I think about they reported like this, so you could blame me all for this.
At this moment, the lady from Guangdong who had never met with me before, called me again: "We are arriving Shangdong tomorrow afternoon then go straight forward to Taian, you don't care about that, the expenses by our self, we should get the license for you inevitably.”
I quickly told her, the Secretary of provincial Party committee had inquired it, and it was settled basically.
"So much the better, then I will not go, I wish you successfully, ask me when you are in trouble."
As the hospital had been just started, and I met the unexpected trouble, the whole of my nerve stretched too tightly at that time, coupled with the haste of the lady on the phone, I forgot to ask her name yet, also did not get her contact information. From then on, she had never called me, we lost touch, what a pitty!
Two weeks later, we got a good news long-awaited, Taimei Baofa Tumour Hospital got license which was informed us to fetch by Health Bureau, all in the hospital were cheerful as a lark.
Decade years past in an instant, I never forgot the Guangdong lady, How old is her? What occupation does she do? What does she look like? I had no conception about these, but one thing I am sure that she must be a person of bright and clear, a competent person. How kind and chivalrous she was! I really should thank her nicely. Whenever I meet cancer patients from Guangdong, just like to see her, I also had been to consultation at Shunde in Guangdong for many times, where I had treated many cancer patients, which was counted as a reward for her.
To the help of Secretary Wu, I thanked from my heart, while I could not requite, then I sent him a tie of Sino-US flags custom-made in America to express my gratitude.
In 2003 I was elected a deputy to the National People's Congress, Secretary Wu was the Secretary of Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, I met him in Beijing and thanked him personally, he was somewhat surprised, I talked about that he had inquired the license of our hospital, he smiled. He said that someone from the central called to inquire about the matter, and he felt that he should give green light and convenience for returnees entrepreneurial
"China Youth Daily" is really powerful, from which I got help and was linked up with my Secretary Wu, linked up with a kind-hearted Guangdong lady.
Since then, I had received many letters from all over the country, some said: "you must have a disease, or you would not to operate hospitals at such poor place......" some praised me: "You are the living Buddha, the good person......" Also some courtship displayed: "I would like to be your wife......" and some were willing to work, I was very grateful for all!
After passing this gate, I finally relaxed a lot. As on my head there was no that hat of "illegal", I could treat the patients securely, which was much easier than to treat a lot of things in society.
After the hospital opening, the patients were quite a lot, some came from outside, the other were from the local of Dongping, the proportion of two was nearly 1:1. The patients from Dongping were so much that I thought we should get a tumor census, so I decided to carry out village household’s census. I understood that cancer should be early detected and early treated, and then we could win: First, save money for patients; second, to reduce the suffering of patients, prolong their life. The purpose of the census is the combing of prevention, diagnosis and treatment.
It was a good deed favoring the people for a private hospital to do while the public hospital had never done, which was also to be free all the way. Acted without delay, starting from November 1998, I led a medical team, utilizing two-day weekend, carried out the census among 780,000 populations in 18 towns of Dongping County. There is such a group of figures: called out medical personnel more than 600, donated medicine more than ¥2, issued science materials more than 6 copies, gratuitous treated more than 3500 people, census population 380,000, and the result of census indicated the cancer morbidity was 2.8 per thousand.
Even I felt surprised to the morbidity of 2.8 ‰, as life was too unfair and always contradict with the farmers. While there are 800,000,000 farmers in China who still had no way to do once encountering serious illness like cancer though their standard of living has risen. Chairman Mao Zedong once called on us: "The focus of medical health should be placed at rural." (Instructions of Mao Zedong on June 26th, 1965). Now I have the knowledge and the ability, which was considered to be my retribution to people of my hometown. 
2.3 At early stage of my pioneering, I was skilled in my profession while a layman to enterprise management.

At early stage, the big problem in front of us was how to make a breakthrough on the basis of the conventional treatment for our so small team. Though the equipments were in first class, while our hospital conditions, our staff allocation were unable to compare with the normal hospital, as to the talents, most were young clinical doctors in domestic, lacking of middle and old aged business backbones with practical competence in business, so introduction of talent was also an important problem we are facing. At the time, only I was an academic leader with master’s degree in domestic and the experience of eight-year overseas, and only I had the ability of scientific research and teaching qualifications, then I played all roles at the early stage.
Most of the approaches used by tumor hospitals and tumor departments in domestic at the time were always conventional treatment of operation, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. While in our cancer hospital, to the clinical treatment of tumor, we used the "releasing storage therapy" as the core technology which earned the invention patent from America, China, Japan, Australia and other countries, with other special treatments such as "activation chemotherapy",  "activation" radiation”, "three oxygen therapy" and "cold decoct Chinese traditional medicine", forming the unique series technology to each part of the primary site of tumor, bone metastasis, lung metastasis, lymphatic metastasis, metastasis to the brain and other body treatment.
I knew it was not enough with unique methods of treatment to run my own hospital well; we should also work hard in the management. In order to make the hospital to develop toward a benign direction, we formulated a series of rules and regulations, as well as the treatment principles with characteristic, and detailed service process, only in this way, could we gain a foothold in this field.
I was well enough qualified in business management, as I was a professional doctor, so I made strict provisions in the selection of therapeutic methods, application and treatment. At the weekly meeting, mostly I said: "Do management well in hospital." While it was easy to say but had to do, after all, I had never done management in hospital which was a huge challenge for me, as I was almost a layman. People all knew such a truth: "Eating is not to be poor, wearing is not to be poor, while absent management is to be poor."
Medical workers gathered together justly were from all over the country, one of the two head nurses was from people's Hospital of the county, another from health clinic in township, they knew relatively the nursing management. In the medical management, I hired a college classmate who was sent to be trained in Jinan Qilu Hospital before the hospital was opened, then he could teach a group of young doctor. I also participated in the rounds of the wards, and I was quite satisfied with the two main aspects of medical management which guaranteed the basic operation normally for the hospital.
While we were lax on the other managements, and the pharmacy was in trouble at first. The process of medicine feeding was: the drugs were sent to pharmacy by pharmacopolists, then repaid, and the administrative staff at storeroom signed to prove it on triplicate form, so none noticed the price of the drugs. As my management was not in place, then many problems appeared: First, the quantity of drug feeding was not checked, for example, gastropine was fed twenty thousand pieces once a time, which was not used up for 10 years; Secondly, the worker at pharmacy store only knew to perform signature of receipt, regardless of the change of the drug price; Thirdly, the price of drugs was a variate, while accounting management was dereliction of duty and did not play a supervisory reminding function.
One day in 2000, I stumbled on that the price of feeding drugs on triplicate form had changed a lot compared to that half a year before, then I checked and found almost 80 percent of the prices had risen, worse still, we had not signed the agreement on price changes, 50 kinds of medicine were almost all risen, and some even doubled, so we were to pay 50 percent money for three months, and the total expenses reached to¥300,000.
I asked Old Cheng, the drug agency in Jinan, who said with the speed neither fast nor slow, hiding a dagger behind a smile: "Where are the things do not go up in the world, the contract was signed once a year, while the medicine was fed every month, and the price change is normal. There is no bargaining room, and you can pay by instalments, but no way according to the original prices."
We had been dragged to pay him and found another druggist, after learning a lesson from that, then we signed a contract for each batch of drugs. Later we called for bids to the druggist, as the drug we bought cheap, and sold it cheap, the hospital resolved not take kickbacks from it, also did not allow doctors to take kickback on prescription, so hospital management was in place, then our patients got the medicine with reasonable price. I always adhered to a principle: the hospital can give staff incentives, but not according to the prescribed size and drug variety reward, doctors should prescribe medicine according to the illness needs."
Old Cheng, the druggist accused our hospital to court, after the hearing, we still had to pay him the money according to the total number of the price raised furtively. Also because of this, I knew that black and poison of the unscrupulous manufacturers who had no consciousness for severing patients but to earn money, and only the money was the pursuit of the unscrupulous manufacturers. I had thought it could be taken the long view on the cooperation between the private hospitals and drug companies, long-term cooperation with low in price, as they took drugs from pharmaceutical companies by very low ex-factory price, but most of them wanted to become wealthy overnight, earning money as the devil.
For fifteen years, I had never prepared a dinner for a manufacturer, still more I had a dinner of any druggist. How did a hospital live on without dealing with druggists? Of course our hospital did, as we practiced the bidding system, which made the drug prices achieve reasonable degree with more tendering, apparently it was impossible not to let the druggists earn money, which was also not realistic, while it should be stipulated in the contract not to send our staff rebates and gifts in any forms. Pharmacy management was relatively tight, never allowing statistical prescription for any druggist. If the druggist played Hanky panky from it, then we interrupted the contract to impact the wrongful act of some unscrupulous manufacturers.
For fifteen years we had refused all kinds of dishonest behaviors of the druggists, to protect the reputation of the hospital, furthermore to protect the rights and interests of patients, we must not waste every penny of patients.
At the time of opening, several exceptional nurses took the remaining medicine of patients to exchange drug to eat at pharmacy, which was found by hospital and two nurses were fired, one of them was introduced by my classmate. I thought this was trivial, while it may encourage bad habits and cause loss of the patients, killing it in the bud was conductive to the development of the hospital. Through the implementation of strict management measures, it had never appeared a similar problem in hospital pharmacy management.
In the development of the hospital, the biggest worry was looking for investors; the mood was remained fresh in my mind as in those days the jade of the He family-a priceless gem was hard to return to the person who could distinguish treasure, is still difficult to calm today. 
At that time I was very hard and kept on running to and fro Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hongkong, American...... in the daytime I went to fund companies of risk investment, looking for investment partners and seeking investment broker, to choose the most appropriate way of conversation,  with an abacus deep in my mind, to deal wittily at many occasions. After coming home I relaxed immediately then felt tired from the inside, went to bed and fell asleep after a minute in the evening.
Finally, in the numerous Vc firm, a investment company which was very powerfu threw olive branch to us. At that time, the investment company selected 10 for investment from more than 140 projects. My project was among them and soon signed investment intention. 
Every day I looked forward to the money invested. But after signing the investment letter of intent there was never sounds of something. What were the reasons? I did not know and nobody told me. Several days later, I knew that was just only the intention, and I was so helpless as holding a hot pot finally to play a bit role for them.
What kind of relationship between us and some domestic investment companies? Those with skills were looking for money, while ones rich of money were looking for technology, the problem of communication between the two parties would resulted in fail cooperation, for the reasons: first, their knowledge was limited so that they did not know the technology of cancer treatment; second, as the money was very limited and the amount was very small in the investment companies domestic, so they somewhat sought quick success and instant benefits and not giving a certain incubation period for our company with high and new technology.
It was very hard to get a mature high-tech product without a certain incubation period. Venture investment, as the name suggested, was with a certain risk, while it was not called the venture capital to invest after having a very insurance project. As high profit with high risk, how much the investment experienced then how much profit it would get, and It was possible to get excess return without a certain risk.
The different from that, George•Erma, a medical doctor from Santiago, America noticed my achievement, had ever twice flew over to China for learning, trained for more than a month; There were two counterparts in America also learned the potential of "releasing storage therapy", coming to China to investigate, then persuaded me to open my own hospital in America with my technology and their contribution. So both parties chimed in easily, then Research Institute of Meiya Hospital was formally established in America in April, 1999.
In contrast, my experience in domestic was filled with a thousand regrets. I could not figure out why we could not find a investor for such a good project? And that so far, some authoritative academic departments was still holding the cautious attitude now to "releasing storage therapy" gained the patent in the world!
After acquiring the support from all parties painstakingly, I finally found investors, respectively were Shandong Swan Cotton Machinery Limited Liability Company, Shandong Poly Real Estate Development Limited,  Shandong Ginza Mall Limited Liability Company and Shenzhen Tiancheng Investment Limited Company. I and the four investors jointly initiated the establishment of Shandong Baofa Medical Technologies Limited Liability Company. The company's total share capital was ¥60,000,000, and the total of my individual property was ¥30,000,000, including Dongping Baofa Tumor Hospital I owned, the right I owned legally of using the technology of "releasing storage therapy" in domestic and part of the cash, converted into shares 30,000,000 shares according to the ratio of 1﹕1 , representing fifty percent of the general capital.
Then we would no longer be a hospital, but a medical group, a Limited Liability Company. We based on the Taimei Baofa Tumour Hospital to build a platform for technology promotion training the technical backbone of “sustained-release storage therapy", training medical personnel, management personnel, to lay the foundation for a new hospital in future, and to carry out franchising based on the foundation.
In these hospitals, my relatives did not serve with key positions which were served by outstanding talents selected, giving employees a fair and reasonable working environment. As my relatives were working in the hospital, then I associated with them rarely, and we did not talk anything about the job, so as not to interfere with my normal thinking.
Pushing aside the dark clouds and the bright moon appeared. Our corporations and hospitals were gradually rising just as the rising sun, which made me full of hope for the future. Entrepreneurial path was sweet and sour, bitter and cheerful, where I was growing up continuously in the process.
2.4 主任医师的晋升
2.4 I was promoted to be a chief physician

In 1988 I was attending physician, and in 2008 I was promoted to chief physician. Although as assistant professor for many years at American University, undertaking postdoctoral research for many years at the Institute in American University, while I experienced a rough road to be promoted to a chief physician after I returned to China.
I has been busy after Taimei Baofa Tumour Hospital was open, I did not attend at all to the promotion of my job title. My classmates, colleagues worked in big or small hospitals were all promoted to senior. In public hospitals, promotion means rising salary, while I thought it was OK to be a doctor practicing medicine and treating, anyway there was no one to pay my salary. However, in the development of the hospital, I found that it seemed lacking something in the hospital in domestic there was no specialist of senior titles. Although I have the qualification of American assistant professor, I was a low-profile and I thought it did not need to show off with an American title in China, so I want to catch up on the class.
In domestic, chief physician is the highest level of doctors in the title, equivalent to the level of professor in Medical College. Parts of chief physicians were also awarded the title of Professor, undertaking certain tasks of research and teaching. The quality of chief physician required having medical bachelor's degree or getting the degree of bachelor or above, engaging in the work of deputy associate chief physician for not less than five years, passing the test of foreign language and having papers or achievements of principal in scientific research. Foreign language exemption conditions are two: first, obtained a master's degree; second, had studied abroad for more than one year. My personal situation had already met these conditions: Master's degree, assistant professor (equivalent to deputy chief physician) nine years before in America. With the foreign language exemption conditions, however, I was still required to participate in the written examination and interview of foreign language .
In 2004, I took part in the English exam. The exam is not difficult and I passed smoothly, then I handed in a pile of written application materials to apply directly the senior title (chief physician). I did put the content that I was an assistant professor in America into the material since I thought material from the USA was those of America and I should take Chinese material in China, besides my material was enough which was at least not inferior to the general declaration. Inside my materials, there were dozens of papers I had published some of which had been published on American Journal.
A few days later, I was notified to interview and to answer the questions in English according to the requirements. These were even more no difficulty for me, as you know, speaking in English was my good at. I talked with English for a long time and I knew all the examiner who had not been abroad, normally their English was certainly not better than mine, after all, I spent so many years in America and my speech was so clear, understandable and without any difficult sentences, slang, so the examiners let me go without asking me even one question, I thought that should be very smooth. Unexpectedly, it then did not send me any information like clay ox entering the sea.
What the hell was I on? Or had I not passed? Later I asked someone to realize what actually happened, and the answer was the experts agreed that I was not qualified for the reason that I should not be promoted from the attending physician to chief physician exceptionally, should be promoted from deputy chief physician. Was my level not enough? In the way of medicine, I strode every step earlier and faster compared to the others and I did lack Chinese articles and English articles, so normally I should have early been the some interviewers’ teacher, however, I was still backward after nine-year studying abroad, so I felt a little confused.
In fact, the interviewers really knew my level was not poorer than others’ who had got the job title, also they knew that even if I was promoted, the state  government would not give my salary, while they still wouldn't let me through. Was it really because I did not understand human fireworks(traditional code of conduct)? Was It because of peer competition? I did not know, also I did not want to guess.
Then I did not want to be promoted any more, and I felt it was not worth bothering. Maybe I was too pragmatic that I didn't see it was so important to take the title of senior and deputy senior. Did not come out of the dirty mud, then I would be unsoiled; even if I had come out of dirty mud, I would have still been unsoiled.
My job title was so delayed for a few years, in 2004, I began preparing for second hospitals -- Jinan Baofa Tumor Hospital. The qualification requirements of legal representative was higher than before, and the title must be vice-senior above, while I only had domestic medial title, then I was in trouble, if I had no senior title,  which would bring a lot of inconvenience to the hospital.
So the management layer advised me catch up with the senior title: "We can't find someone to substitute the hospital's legal representative." "Well, I will make up." To say like this, while I was really a bit afraid in my heart, I was afraid that the interviewers were too harsh. I was also a man keen on face-saving and never embarrass others, however, this time I really felt myself was somewhat embarrassed and I was somewhat hard to do it well. Hospital staff encouraged me: “Don’t be afraid, your level was enough early.”
So in 2008 I decided to try again, giving myself a chance. As it was to affect my hospital, I was a bit anxious. I had reported my cases to the leaders of relevant departments in the province who then knew my situation and felt regret. They thought it was normal for the title being promoted step-by-step, however, I at this situation could be promoted exceptionally.
回国几年来,得到过省人事厅、省侨办的不少帮助,省级领导很关心回国的留学生,在回国安置、创业中都给予了政策性的支持。这次在晋升职称上同样也给了我很大的帮助,有关部门的领导告诉我:“我们国家人事部有文件规定,在晋升职称问题上要给回国人员更优惠的政策。”山东在这方面执行得很好,很多回国人员都破格晋升了,其中有个留学回国人员在10年间破格晋升过两次。最后,有关部门给我的答复是:“你在美国已经是助理教授(Assistant Professor),无论翻译成副教授,还是助理教授,都已具备副高职称,晋升为正高职称(主任医师)也不算破格,应当是正常晋升。”
In a few years after returning, I had got a lot of help from the personnel office of province, provincial Overseas Chinese Affairs Office. The provincial leaders were very concerned about the returnees, had given me policy support in resettlement and entrepreneurship. They also gave me a great help in this promotion, the leader of relevant department told me: "State Personal Broad stipulated with the document to give more preferential policies for returnees in the promotion of job title." The policy in this respect was performed very well in Shandong Province, many returnees have been promoted exceptionally, and one of them was promoted for two times in 10 years. Finally, the relevant departments gave me the answer: "You had been an Assistant Professor in the USA which was translated to as either Deputy Professor or Assistant Professor, you were with the title of vice senior, and so promoting your title to senior (chief physician) should be normal promotion instead of exception."
Then to the time again to submit the promotion materials, this time I had done a full preparation, putting a few valuable articles into the materials, especially the original copy of assistant professor signed by the President of California University, Santiago in the USA, I reviewed the materials again and again and did not rest my heart till I felt there was no leak in the materials. I thought I should pass this time.
Afterwards I knew there appeared disagreement inside the jury of tumor experts, still someone accused me not to be qualified, not to meet the conditions. I guessed: they were so nitpick which due to the reason I had studied abroad in America or the reason I was a private hospital doctors? What was the standard, how to use the standard? I would have been as early as chief physician if I had not go abroad, then I had studied abroad, was my level on the contrary to be lower? I had been in China for ten years, and been a clinician for ten years, published dozens of articles about "releasing storage" cancer treatment, also I had written several professional books. Did anyone else have higher levels than me? Their conditions were better than mine? Is it ?
Finally, I had seen the results of the review on the Internet; I was promoted to chief physician. Not too much excitement, I just breathed a sigh of relief.
It is really not easy for one to do something. At initial stage of pioneering business, I did not think too much, just wanted to do something that I would, and I did not think of there were so many troubles on my way. Competing with public hospitals, our private hospitals robbed the patients of public hospital, which provoked personnel of public hospitals who felt unbalanced; be different on treatment methods, we also had differences of opinion with public hospitals; Public hospitals have the support of government funding, as a big brother everywhere, while in private hospitals they needed to recruit staff and earn their own wages, like the stepmother children everywhere. Private hospital was difficult to do everything, which was reflected in the promotion. The little hardship I encountered in my title promotion did not matter for me, just reflected some odd phenomenon of this circle.
I admit some private hospitals were less than satisfactory with some problems, but everything should be treated differently, not to lump together. Whether public hospitals or private hospitals, our goals and objectives are consistent on the treatment of cancer patients, so please don't closed the door against me, although I am a doctor do not take national salary, I would not take my titles to cheat others , to render. Curative effect of tumor patients is not entirely depend on the doctor's title, and it is more important, more meaningful to patients for the doctor's true level and ability, the service attitude and enthusiasm.
Now I have been a chief physician, with this title, is my level higher than before? No. Is my ability is stronger? Not either. The job title is just an appearance of a man, a sign, I always feel that the doctor's morality is more important than anything.
This is the difficult process of my promotion for chief physician.
2.5 刚回国就当选为99山东省十大杰出留学科技专家,2005年获国务院全国首届华侨华人专业人士杰出创业奖’”,2013年获泰安市荣誉市民
2.5 I was elected to be the “Ten Outstanding Returning Technology Experts of Shandong Province, 1999” just as I returned, and then I was honored with “‘Outstanding Entrepreneurship Award for Overseas Chinese Professionals by the State Council in 2005, as well as I won the title of Taian’s honorary citizen in 2013
In 1999, the second year after I returned to pursue my career, I was nominated by the office of science and technology to take part in the selection of “Ten Outstanding Returning Technology Experts of Shandong Province, 1999”, while a significant minority of people in the health system opposed.
Nominated to “Ten Outstanding Returning Technology Experts of Shandong Province”, it was truly because of that the leaders from Science and Technology Agency had visited our hospital and the Director Dong Zhaohe was moved who repeatedly praised me a practical return student: “How do you think to run business to such a poor place? What strength, what motivation and what factors make you come to the impoverished county so remote?” In the face of these problems, I reported my entrepreneurial experience to the leaders.
We talked a lot, I spoke frankly to the leaders: “Dongping is the high incidence area of cancer, and it must to take three hours driving from Jinan to Dongping, as the road was so rough, some cancer patients cannot be back and forth in a day to Jinan to see a doctor, and have to stay in the hotel, which was either inconvenient or more costing, while such a small hospital can supply convenient and save money for rural people. In addition, I also need a platform to display my ideas and methods of tumor treatment, showing a bit of my ability. I can absolutely go to work in the big provincial hospital, but as it is difficult to continue my studies, and difficult to use my 'releasing storage therapy' in clinical application."
My ideas and methods were affirmed by province leaders.
Then I had the opportunity to be nominated as a candidate, while it was very difficult for me, as they from the health system were not agreed to push me up, and the private hospital was looked down by others. At the time, the condition in the process was ups and downs, and then I was eventually to be assessed. This was a great news in Shandong Province, vice governor Shao Guifang presided over the conference where the attendees included: Zhang Yun from Shandong Medical University, Luo Yongzhang of Yantai, Yu Jinming, of course, and I. Before the conference Director Dong introduced the winners one by one, and everyone made a statement on the meeting.
The statement of Luo Yongzhang was against chemotherapy (treatment of tumor using chemical drugs), as chemotherapy damaged the normal tissue of patients, so he took the USA gene of angiogenesis inhibitor returning to run his business, and the medicine had been approved to go public for the treatment of cancer by the State Food and Drug Administration which was a drug of combined chemotherapy.
As he developed a new biological medicine, no one in the health system was opposed to him, he achieved success. Luo Yongzhang might also be opposed if his research results were not drugs but for a clinical method just as mine, as pharmacy could help the treatment for clinical doctors, while method though served the patients equally, there were differences of opinions, but also the competition among patients, so the contradiction was inevitable. 
I also made a speech which was also against chemotherapy, to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy from the angle of method of application, to innovate methods, that is "releasing storage therapy", making the anti-cancer drugs act inside tumor only to kill cancer cells and not to hurt the normal tissue.
Yu Jinming also made a speech when he was the vice president of Shandong Provincial Tumor hospital.
The governor affirmed our statements, and said: "You are the talents and precious of Shandong, you will accomplish a great deal in Shandong." His speech also encouraged us not to be afraid of difficulties, as only continuously to overcome difficulties, then to achieve success.
On the meeting, some returned overseas students had put forward opposing academic unwholesome tendencies and falsification among scientific research and academic papers. Govemor Shao asked about Director Dong who made a sophisticated replied: "It was no more than the scientific research personnel for promotion." At that time, the returned overseas students with keen view and thought had found the bad practice in academic circles, while the atmosphere now was getting worse, which were not so bad if it had been early treated.
Later I learned that the leaders in Department of provincial science and technology had done a lot of work overcoming some setbacks to get me elected, as one of the main reasons was that I was from a private hospital.
At that time, private hospital was a new thing, I remembered there was only two in Shandong Province, except my hospital, another was Wanjie Hospital. I still wondered: At the time before long when Taian Taimei Baofa Tumour Hospital just opened, which was not with some influence, neither had the competence to compete the patients with public hospitals, where did the sound of denial come from?
Many people thought that I should go to work in a big hospital after returning, and some leaders had said to me: "You can go back to work at the Provincial Tumor Hospital, I'll arrange for you", while I had no interested in it. A friend had ever said: "You run hospitals, and others will be uncomfortable." I was always having my own ideas of doing what I want to do, and to run a hospital in the rural should certainly be welcomed by the masses, and should certainly get the support by the departments in county. I remembered Secretary Wu Guanzheng said at that time: "Your behavior made a good start for returned overseas students." It appears now not only that.
“Ten Outstanding Returning Technology Experts of Shandong Province, 1999”
Anyway, I was elected to be one of the “Ten Outstanding Returning Technology Experts of Shandong Province”, and so far the ten experts had done very well. As a returning entrepreneur, I still adhered to the original choice up to now to put my heart and soul into services for cancer patients.
The offices of Overseas Chinese Affairs at all levels were Mother Home  of returning entrepreneurs, and the word "Asking The offices of Overseas Chinese Affairs if you have some matters and difficulties" had become a saying among the circle of Overseas Chinese. Overseas Chinese Affairs Office represents the level of government helping each returned overseas students, especially for returned business personnel.
Director Shang, the director of Overseas Chinese Affairs Office at that time had once been a commercial consul at the consulate of Los Angeles whom I met at the reception dinner of a Spring Festival in Consulate, as both of us were fellow-villagers form Shangdong, we felt very cordial together. Then we had no further contact, also I did not know he had returned and  served as director of the overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Shandong province.
Seeing Director Shang again was at the time I just came back to Dongping, it was known to the provincial Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs when I was still busy in the land acquisition, building and founding the hospital. Director Shang personally received me for several times, making detailed inquiries, as he learned that my hospital encountered many difficulties, Director Shang repeatedly advised me: "Don't worry, you shall understand the Chinese situation which is not the same as with America."
Jinan Overseas Chinese Affairs Office was also concerned about us returning entrepreneurs, Director Wang Xiaoxia had repeatedly concerned herself with the affairs of my hospital in Jinan, for many times she gave advice and suggestions, and the building of Jinan Baofa Tumor Hospital was with a credit to her.
可以看出,被我们回国人员称为“娘家”的侨办, 处处是真心的帮助,侨办并没有权力,但能为你呼吁,代表着政府的心声。
As can be seen, the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office we returnees called "Mother Home" provided us sincere helps in all respects, as it could appeal to all circles on behalf of the government, though it had no power.
In 2004 the National Office of Overseas Chinese would commend a number of returned entrepreneurs which was the first time since the founding of the People’s Republic of China.  Jinan Overseas Chinese Affairs Office and the provincial Office actively recommend the candidates, as this was a big thing all over the country and a major event for we returned intellectuals, and this time it was very smoothly that I was awarded in recognition as the first hundred outstanding entrepreneurs of overseas Chinese issued by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of State Council.
At the meeting of commending, State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan granted an interview to us, as during the period of national days, the State Council also arranged us to attend the activities of National Day banquet and Tiananmen Celebration, I was so proud and supreme glory. At the time there were also Wang Ge of Jinan, Baidu Boss Li Yanhong and my friend Zhang Haiming.
The motherland had been support very much for overseas Chinese returning to pursue their careers since the era of Mao Zedong, Chinese revolution was inseparable with overseas Chinese, Chinese socialist construction also cannot do without them, and more like this for Chinese reform and opening up, the series of policies on overseas Chinese from China is unique in the world.
In 2008, Chinese Overseas Chinese Merchants Association was established, and I become a member. At the time of holding the inaugural meeting, Premier Wen Jiabao personally went to congratulate and made a speech, and I was fortunate to have a photo with him.
In 2011, as the transition for second session of Chinese Overseas Chinese Merchants Association, Vice President Xi Jinping at that time personally attended the meeting and made a congratulation speech, I was lucky enough to have a photo with him. I was sure to answer the call form the circle of overseas Chinese which was equal to my own activities, I always feel cordial everywhere.
The Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of my hometown Taian City also cared about me, the city is small, and overseas Chinese is then less, while we got more concerned. I set up another hospital—Dongping Baofa General Hospital on July 28th, 2010, which got so much support from the leaders of County government and Health Bureau, at opening, Yang Luyu, secretary of Taian municipal Party committee came to congratulate and visit, which reflected concern and support from the party and the governments.
In 2012 the Secretary Yang Luyu who was promoted to the mayor of Jinan City (vice provincial level) still cared for our returnees’ entrepreneurship. The new leaders of Taian city leaders still watched and cared about us, I felt the greatest honor that as a private hospital in rural areas, we got so much concern from the government.
In 2013, I was awarded the title of the honorary citizen of Taian City which was voted among the Municipal People's Congress after the nomination of Ta'an City, and a grand ceremony was held in Taian City on October 15th, 2013. On the podium, I felt the supreme glory.
Taian is my hometown, as I studied abroad, and now I have not the census register of my native place, while I always remembered myself is a person from Taian, returning to run business affected countless people in Taian, as my hometown was connected with my heart and I was linked to the roots of my hometown, today I became the honorary citizen of the city of Taian, which more deepened my feelings to my hometown people, more shortened the distance between our overseas wanderers and the hometown of Taian, I would like to say a word representing overseas fellow-villagers of Shandong and Taian villagers: Thank you, fellow countrymen! Thank you, local magistrate -- leaders in Taian City, I will do my best to contribute to my hometown.
2.6 学术上有所成就,临床上成果喜人
2.6 I got some academic achievements and gratifying results on clinical

I was always impulse every time I participated in academic conferences since I was a postgraduate. I wanted to ask questions, timidly at first as I was afraid to be wrong. Later, I thought that I must to learn to ask questions in academic circles, to ask the questions till the other side could not answer them, to ask till he said: "This is a very good question." Then I just felt satisfying, not only to show myself, to draw attention to me, but also to have a chance to make the academic circle know my invention, know  my idea of cancer treatment.
I'm good at thinking, absorbing others merits to inspire my own sparks of thought, which I think is important. Participating in one hundred meeting, watching one hundred slides, perhaps only one or two points were useful on your research. So is cancer research, oncology includes surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, etiology, pathology, genetics, immunology and subjects so on, putting all the subjects in mind may not be sure to produce a good new idea of medical treatment, which is not a simple aggregate of subjects, but to create, to invent , and the new ideas or new methods should be practical.
Every action and every word of the speaker on the stage were attractive to me. During the time when I was in America, the lectures and seminars were very many, as long as I had time I would to listen the lecture of each subject. At morning meeting every week in the laboratory, I could learn more easily, also I could chip in a speech, a discussion, which was a good exercise for me.
I admired each speaker, until 1994 when I was an assistant professor at the University of California Santiago; I stepped onto the platform and become the envy of others. The feeling of the speaker on stage or an auditor in the audience was not the same, that time I understood why so many students were willing to stay at the University to be a teacher after graduation, to give lectures for the students, to show the charm and style of a teacher and to achieve master temperament. I remember when I was the University, Teacher Zheng of pathology talked about inflammation vividly, just like the story-telling, made a person feel spellbound, lively and interesting. No matter how complex the problem was, he could explain profound theories in simple language, made the students fix their eyes on.
The academic conference on tumor was relatively tedious, what I listened before I returned to pursue my own career were English lectures, I had studied abroad for nine years, and my English was quite good. In 1995, by my acting as go-between, America University California, Santiago Medical College and Binzhou Medical University signed an agreement to become friend universities. For friendly exchange and visits between the two medical universities, I naturally became a friendship envoys, also became a part-time translator. Upon completion of the work of translation, I stood on the podium of my alma mater, speaking my research in America -- P16 gene and bone cancer cell adhesion. This was the first time that I went on Chinese podium to give a speech, and I felt a little proud, also I thought it was a meaningful thing that I did for my alma mater.
The three to five years that I established hospitals in domestic, I had no chance to teach on the podium, but I spoke a lot to my staff .
I became gradually famous in cancer circle, then in 2003, I was invited to give a lecture on National Medical Conference, while the organizer asked me to denote a sponsorship fee, I asked him: "Why?" "Because you are from a private hospital, and it is with the character of advertising." You see, this reflected a difference again between public hospital and private hospital. No matter where a private hospital was, there was advertising, in spite of whether you were willing to do the advertising or not. While there was no advertising for public hospital, what was the reason? Turn in the sponsorship fee then we need not to turn in the conference fees, five of us attended the meeting. My lecture was novel, from entrepreneurship to the new therapy, from theory to practice, well-grounded, step-by-step, which won weaves applause from the doctors of the presence. I also spoke about that I engaged a lawsuit for someone else in the USA., earning honor for Chinese, and I was the first Chinese winning America doctors, there is no second such a person so far. When I finished and go out of the hall, many people followed me out, asking for cancer treatment methods, business card and phone number. Then I felt embarrassed and afraid of effecting the next lecture, persuaded them to go back.
Later, I went America and spoke the experience of my entrepreneurship in China, which was praised by the student, the overseas Chinese. I had also given academic courses to the master students at Beijing University and College of Pharmacy in Shandong University. In 2006 and 2008, for two times I had made lectures about innovation and entrepreneurship in Chinese Military Medical Science Academy of the PLA. In 2013, after Beijing Bao Tumor Hospital opening, Teacher Shiman from Chinese Military Medical Science Academy of the PLA still specially sent me the videos of my lectures that years, which now is used as universal teaching materials for continuing education in our hospitals, to train young doctors and nurses. After Beijing Bao Tumor Hospital opening, Teacher Shi specially sent me the videos of my lectures of the two times, which was very touching.
By some teaching, I hoped to give returned entrepreneur inspiration, encouraging overseas students train ability. I hope masters, doctors have more inventions, making an effort to crack the password for cancer "black hole", a contribution.
By lectures, I felt the value of self realization. Others admire you, from which you get the encouragement, try harder, advance on.
In China, my research is still on, in my laboratory of cancer research, I have postgraduates to work for my study, my cancer therapy is continuously improving and the clinical curative effect is also rising. I did not enter into the mainstream of academic circle, almost became a folk scientist, I communicate with medical teachers and friends privately, when they often discuss some problems with me: You have been a president of a private hospital, and a legal person of an economic entity, why are you still doing research? You are not an expert of tumor academic school, only the expert of non academic school, and so on.
Academic oncologists are mainly in Affiliated Hospital of Colleges and universities, are the backbone of all levels of institute, holding the teaching task; non academic school is the tumor experts in general hospital. Indeed, academic school is the mainstream, non academic school relatively less. Academic school holds the academic authority power, can govern and control the direction and trend of academic, non academic school seem to just exist for the work of the hospital.
I was doing on the research of cancer, and front research of cancer treatment, research of clinical cancer treatment, so I am not academic school. But if I had worked in a big hospital, slowly I would became academic school, the difference lies in my position, which I think is not important to me.
Unfortunately, among Chinese private hospitals, the hospitals really trying  to make a good showing were rarely, most were not different from those big hospitals for money, some small private hospitals only to make money. I am the precedent engaged in cancer research in private hospital, Gu Fangzhou, my old headmaster precedent said during a visit to my hospital: "Baofa, you created a precedent of private hospital in cancer research."
Academic or non academic are both to research cancer, to treat cancer, who have done better, then to learn from them. This is my attitude, no matter what others think.
Lecture, speech are not just designed for academic school. In 2008, Chinese Medical Oncology Annual Meeting was held in Changchun City, Jilin, and I was invited to give a lecture. Also, as I was president of the private hospital, I had paid the sponsorship fee.
That morning, I listened to the lecture of a tumor expert from Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, he made a speech about the progress of meeting from USA society of Clinical Oncology, some other surgical oncology experts said their work experience. I thought as I was listening: There was not much progress. Was this Chinese cancer level?
The research of Chen Zhu (former Minister of Health, current vice chairman of Standing Committee, the NPC ) and Professor Wang Zhenyi is very well, enjoying fame in the world, walking out of the country to win the honor, also earning glory for Chinese. The content they studied was arsenic trioxide, the main component of Pishuang, the mechanism study was receptor mechanism, to provide a new drug for the treatment of tumor, is from the China folk to the official, which was a classic example of innovation from Chinese folk to official, from counterfeit drugs to real. Originally arsenic was a folk medicine, later it became the preparation in Harbin Hospital, which was applied to clinical practice for many years with an notable effect. Dr. Wang Jin who was studying America returned especially to do a thorough investigation, signed a contract with a hospital in China, then carried it to America to develop, with the investment from USA Manhattan Investment Company, declared patent to American Food and Drug Administration and succeeded, which was mainly treating acute granulocyte leukemia..
That afternoon, it was my turn to say “New Thinking on Non Operation Targeting in Cancer Treatment”: Clinical application Chinese chemotherapy and immunotherapy. My research had been raised to a new level, not only to kill cancer cells by sustained-release anticancer drugs from the interior of the tumor "black hole", also efficiently to transform the killed tumor cells into tumor vaccine. Which was heard at first as Arabian Nights, but it was true. I introduced my research with well-grounded: cancer treatment was not only effective (Tumor size has been stable controlled, then it reduce and disappear), but also the patient's survival was prolonged, the P value was less than 0.05, which expressed the statistics had significant, i.e. the compartment of the immune "releasing storage" and lifetime of "releasing storage", the former increased by 100% - 500%, one year survival rate of lung cancer increased from 26% to 49%, one year survival rate of pancreatic cancer increased from 5% to 28%, one year survival rate of advanced liver cancer increased from 10% to 39%.
The figures were astonishing, and then the applause was thundering. A professor Li from Jilin University stood up and asked a few questions: "For the first time I heard the chemotherapy not only does not reduce immunity, but also improve the immunity. How I wonder?" "The first time I notice that tumor treatment effect is so good, but it is pity, that time is too short, we cannot understand it comprehensively." "Tumor treatment I am sure to ask you to give a lecture on your tumor treatment at our Jilin University."
Fifteen days later i.e. on August 17th, 2008, I was invited to the First Affiliated Hospital of Jilin University. As the plane was delayed, originally arranged my opening speech was put off to the second, another doctor returnee from American talked about the basic immunology and tumor. I spoke on "Clinical Application of Chemotherapy Immunotherapy of Tumor". There were more than 400 doctors listening at the scene, continually applause, quite a few people asked me some questions. Finished, many doctors come around me to get contact, among them there was a Xiao Yuan had once worked in my hospital, after postgraduate he came to Jilin University.
Kan Jie also came, as studied in the University of California, he lived in my house. In the evening, I had a dinner together with Kan Jie, eight or nine professors, discussing my research again. A professor who was on basic immunology realized my experience in America and achievements, he was very envy and praiseing me. Kan Jie also kept interrupting and said: "Teacher Yu, you originally not only had operated hospitals, but also walked in the front of the world in the study of tumor immunotherapy."
After the speech, so far there were still many doctors keeping in touch with me, I also went to affiliated hospital of Jilin University to treat patients for several times.
   其实,我在2005年就被邀请去了美国,在美国德州休斯顿世界最知名的肿瘤中心(M.D.Anderson), 院长约翰·安德森(John Menderson)出钱邀请我去演讲。而他们药物发展中心的主任罗伯特(Robert)还愿意帮助开发新药,大约100万美金的费用。因为他们可以做院内的新药临床实验,而且美国食品药物管理局承认他们的Ⅱ期临床结果。可惜我的两位美国朋友亨利(Henry)及弗洛维尔(Followwill)并没有抓住这个机会,当时弗洛维尔(Followwill)的父亲投资了50万美金,为我的发明成立了公司,他们认为还得找到更大的风险投资。转眼金融风暴来临,他们的梦想成为泡影,没能在美国借助风险投资做大药业。但我从中学习到了不少东西,也在美国展示了我在中国的治癌研究。
In fact, in 2005 I was invited to the USA, at the world's best known cancer center (M.D.Anderson) Houston in Texas, USA, Dean John Menderson invited me to lecture with his money. And Director Robert of their drug development center was willing to help the development of new drugs with roughly $1,000,000. Because they could do clinical trials of new drugs in hospital, and American Food and Drug Administration admitted their clinical results of Phase Ⅱ. Unfortunately my two American friends Henry and Followwill did not seize the opportunity, when Followwill’s father invested $500,000 to establish a company for my invention; they thought they would have to find a bigger risk investment. Then came the financial storm, their dreams had come to naught, did not make it big for pharmaceutical by virtue of VC in the USA. But I learned a lot from this, and also I showed my cancer research from China in America.
Then in 2005, I met Weile an assistant of risk investment from America in Beijing, he told his boss Smith about my invention, they examined me and my hospital, expressed their willingness to invest with conditions:Two hospitals must come in; it should have Valuation Adjustment Mechanism. They were to pursue profit maximization: succeeded, they make money; failed, they would not lose money. Henry, Followwill could not reached an agreement with my final opinion. The board of directors in my hospital were all worry about the reliability of grambling, once we co-operated, we may blindly pursue interests, finally not only losing autonomy, but also hindering the long-term development of the hospital, adverse to the hospital, adverse also to patients.
Due to my contributions in the four years of 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, I participated in the annual meeting of American Association for Cancer Research (AACR). In 2011 the World Cancer Congress was held in China, I made a keynote speech, won the praise from Chinese and overseas scholars, which was only a private hospital to participate in this meeting, I was very satisfied.
A German expert was also in the research of tumor internal treatment; he listened to my speech from A to Z, and then caught me keeping on asking me questions. After the meeting ended in the afternoon, at the airport, he still asked me until he was to be boarding, he was still asking: "As if you have a little privacy." Yeah, I also should not tell all to others and should leave a bit.
In 2011 and 2012, I participated in the General Assembly of Chinese Cells Treatment held in Beijing, I made the keynote speech: Targeting Immunotherapy to Malignant Tumors, which earned the praise of the participants.
After that meeting, on the way back to the hotel, I set in a peer’s car and chatted up with Professor Zhang who was driving and said: "Professor Yu, experts at our table are talking about you."
"What are they talking about me?"
"They all say that you have created the initiation of personalized cancer therapy, and you are the father of individualized treatment." 
"My immune 'releasing storage' treatment was provided with the local targeting Sustained-release Chemotherapy, also took into account the systemic immune therapy, possessing the characteristic of individualized immune vaccine therapy, I am still in study."
Showing me should seek truth from facts, pay attention to be modesty, avoid excessively display. I abide by my learning attitude, evaluate the current situation of tumor treatment modestly and objectively and pay attention to listen the feedback information from my colleagues.
Nevertheless, as long as excessively criticizing the shortcomings of treatment, operation and chemotherapy, which always made the person engaging in the profession feel uncomfortable. In fact, they also know in the heart the advantages and disadvantages of operation, chemotherapy. They all know that operation is available in the early stage and chemotherapy in advanced stage, while they are still doing the thing of " So long life exists, chemotherapy never rest ". My colleagues, I suggest that with no guarantee for the curative effect, it is good to give up the treatment, which was beneficial to patients! While I talked about these problems, I would lead to their grievances, suffered their attack.
I remembered after Dongping Hospital opening, I took a rest in America, but I participated in all Chinese activities. Most were Chinese overseas students on biology, molecular biology and pharmacology, also some experts especially study on tumor therapy and anticancer drugs. All of us got together; I was hard to avoid all sorts of questions: "What methods are your tumor hospital applied in treatment? How is the effect?" I answered all the questions: "‘Therapy of sustained-release storage’, a new intratumoral administration ''.
"Oh, drug sustained-release is now very fashionable."
"Yes, in the recent 30 years, research on drug sustained-release was so prevalent."
Very hot, then it was with no dispute. As I said the effect could reach 84%, the experts were surprised, all stared big eyes to express their doubts: "The efficacy of any new anticancer drug all over the world is no more than 20% to  30%, are you wrong?"
"I'm not wrong, because my method is not a function of a drug, but a collection of several factors. The role itself making the tumor quickly solidified have effect of killing 60% - 80% tumor, coupled with the several combined effects of drugs and sustained-release technology, clinical using will have amazing effects."
"How about the situation you cured?”
I said: "The situation is very complicated, differ from man to man, it is to be sure that the curative effect is improved and the survival rate is rising, but not cured."
Fifteen years past, by statistical analysis, the effect we got in treatment  was significant: compared with conventional therapy, the curative effect on lung cancer doubled, on pancreatic cancer over five times.
听了这一番解释,我的朋友说:“认识老于十几年,干事严谨 、认真,不会虚夸,说疗效好,肯定没问题。”
Listening to this explanation, my friend said: "I had known Lao Yu for more than ten years. He works rigorously, carefully, does not boast. He says tthe curative effect is good, certainly it is no problem."
"Technically, I cannot boast." I said so, so I did. In science, there is no false and arrogant.
In order to eliminate the colleagues suspect and incomprehension, let them know my research, invention and tumor therapy, we held a symposion of "Chinese tumor targeting therapy forum".
In April, 2008, the symposion was held in Shandong Pearl Spring Hotel, the attendance were more than 300 people.
The participated celebrities were Academician Zhang Youhui the old director of Oncology Institute Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Academician Wang Linfang from Basic Medical Research of China Medical Institute, Zong Shujie the former president of Chinese Medical Association, Li Jiaxi the president of Chinese Life Care Association. President Zhao Ping from Tumor Hospital of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences presided over the meeting, we also invited the professors from Italy participate. Yang Ning from Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Hu Yimin the researcher of Tumor Research Institute from Cancer Hospital of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences made speeches at the meeting.
山东省肿瘤医院专家付春宴和同事们一行也来到会场,他兴奋地说:“我当年没白帮你,终成大业了。” 当年刚开业时,正逢付教授退休,在我的一再请求下,他来到我们医院带教年轻医生们,并经常参加查房和会诊工作,和我们一起制定肿瘤研究和治疗的方案,“缓释库疗法”定稿时,他还提了建设性的意见。
Teachers and students from Shandong University enthusiastically participated  in the conference.
Expert Fu Chunyan from Shandong Province Tumor Hospital and colleagues also came to the conference, he said excitedly: "I did not help you in vain in those years, and you eventually run a big industry." When the start of my business, Professor Fu was retiring, at my requesting repeatedly, he came to our hospital teaching young doctors, and often participated in rounds and consultation, to formulate the program of cancer research and treatment with us. As the "releasing storage therapy" was finalized, he also proposed some constructive suggestions.
A conference could not solve all the problems, but at least among the peers, they had a new understanding to me: Yu Baofa’s invention is really with scientific nature, on cancer research with the support of theoretical basis, animal experiment and clinical data, statistic analysis with remarkable significance, and norms, impeccable. For so many years, my request is not high, I have been very satisfied to be recognized by academic circles,.
In order to eliminate the negative rumors about me, I had written a letter to the Secretary of Provincial Party Committee. After the letter was sent, I received a call from Provincial Department of Science and Technology: "Scheduled organizing experts to investigate to your hospitals on December 6, 2009." Then came the experts from the Provincial Hospital, Qilu Hospital, Provincial Food and Drug Administration and the Department of Science and Technology, I reported the clinical application on interior tumor chemotherapy immune, cancer treatment.
他们提了许多问题,最后表示:“原来不明白你们怎样治癌,现在知道了。”据说,事后专家们给省委书记写了一个汇报材料,此后,争议就小了。我明白,不能阻止人们对治癌的争议,因为癌症“黑洞”至今还没揭开谜底,这场抗癌的战 争还没有取得真正的胜利。
They asked a lot of questions and said finally: "Originally we did not understand how you treat the cancer, now we know." It was said the experts afterwards wrote a report material to Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, since then, the dispute reduced. I know, we can't stop people on the controversy, as cancer "black hole" has not yet been opened the truth, we had not really won the war of anti-cancer.
At present, in the field of cancer research, some researchers only work for the tenders in cancer treatment. So called scientific rigor and so called advanced level could not really come up with methods or drug to improve the clinical efficacy. Ask yourself what you really contributed taking the National Research Fund? Is it all right to write a few articles to publish?
Cancer is a difficult problem of the world, a common enemy of mankind, so it is welcomed that anyone in the world wants to contribute to conquer cancer. Regardless of the size of contributions, success or failure, he should be respected. As a oncologist, the president of a tumor hospital, a friend of cancer patients and as a conscientious scholars with oath to fight with cancer, I have entered this cancer "black hole", and I am willing to devote myself to the war without smoke. Cancer has killed tens of thousands of people's lives, and it continues this every day, I have no reason to wait! I have no reason to quit!
No longer pay attention to those fantastic rumors, I will devote myself to tumor treatment, to make a breakthrough in research and to acquire better effect in the clinical. Returned to the motherland, to do something for the people of motherland, I have been very satisfied.
2.7 There is a lot of hardship and difficulties in the process of pioneering
It was a good thing for an industry as a few leaders appeared in the industry, while it was really difficult to be a leader of the industry, as so much of things were very important such as academic level, humanness, authenticity, contribution to society, popularity and esteem. The leader from the industry of tumor treatment still had scholars’ wisdom and healers’ benevolence.
On cancer research, the researchers were just like being stuffy in the cancer "black hole", cudgeling their brains, digging into study, only a bit of new discovery or results, and no substantive progress. For decades, chemotherapy and radiotherapy had not changed too much, while new drugs emerged in an endless stream, and the prices continued to increase, so the price of both chemotherapy and radiotherapy had risen to an unacceptable level of patients. Large and small hospitals almost imported all foreign equipments to China, and the hardware had reached an advanced level, while curative effect had not been really improved. The relation between advanced accelerator and unchanged curative effect for decades was almost like the race between a rabbit and a turtle in the race, can it eventually get the results described in the allegory?  It needed the adhering of oncology researchers.
For several times I met some leaders who were somewhat euphemistic to introduce me, someone even said like this "Yu Baofa, who had opened the tumor hospital, oh, of course, there is some controversy." I only played a leading role on research of cancer treatment, yet some inexplicable dispute was upon me, becoming my personal dispute, I don't understand about it.
I was not, also did not want to be a person fighting alone in the industry, but the public hospital and private hospital substantially were not on the same starting line. Before liberation, hospitals were mostly private business, for example: Peking Union Medical College Hospital was the private at the time of establishment, Shandong Qilu Hospital at early was also built with the funds raised by foreigner personal. After liberation, China hospitals were all changed to public ownership, but the nature of its service for the patients did not change, and would never change. Beginning in 1990s, the private hospitals gradually appeared in China, with the interval of 50 years, private hospitals sprung up again, while there was no relevant stipulation for supporting policies, management standards and measures. In fact, the current private hospitals were developed in the cracks.
在市场的终端,竞争必然会引起矛盾,医院的终端就是给病人做治疗。在肿瘤的治疗上,选择何种治疗方法,使用何种药物,每个医院、每个医生的意见不一致, 就引来了一些病人与大夫之间的矛盾,假如发生在私立与公立医院之间,就引发了两种不同体制医院的矛盾。
At the terminal of the market, competition will inevitably lead to conflict; the terminal of the hospital is to give treatment for patients. On tumor therapy, there are disagreements on which therapy and which medication among every doctors in each hospital which gave rise to the contradiction between patients and doctors, if it had occurred between private and public hospitals, then led to the conflicts between the two different system of hospitals.
Originally the doctors from public hospitals were indeed dominant, while in some cases, they may also did not form the dominant views, for example: some patients came to my hospital and to be treated better as their disease recurrence and metastasis. Some patients and families would ask the original doctor a statement. Note, these were personal propositions of the patients and their families, not inspired by us, and we are afraid to hide it too late. As we know that the law of the development of cancer, and understand the tension between doctors and patients.
Our hospital has suffered a lot, so we will not indulge in idle gossip in front of a patient, and we will not let the patients to seek an explanation. This is a natural reaction of patients, but also the reflect of society from the tense doctor-patient relationship, as well as the reflect of bad effects of cancer treatment, as it was the result of un-conquering the cancer. It was no matter If cancer could have been completely cured, then competition among hospitals is the only competition in the service quality.
All public hospitals were at integrally advantages in the treatment of cancer, while they had no advantage at all on the specific aspects such as the treatment, the quality of patients’ life and the efficacy of cancer treatment. The patients wanted to get good curative effect and better quality of life, and they had the right to choose the hospital and the doctor, finding the satisfactory hospital and determining the efficacy, so to improve the curative effect is the fundamental for a tumor hospital’s developing.
As cancer experts and the anticancer team in China, we have reason to unite, to jointly fight against cancer, and we should do more to conquer cancer, to relieve the pain of patients, to improve the quality of patients’ life and prolong their lives. In the battlefield of anticancer, whether the main force or the guerrillas, whether a national team or a local team, whether public team or private team, We must be unified into a united front, as our common enemy is cancer.
It is a kind of generosity to allow all flowers bloom together, is it not good to let others do the research that you do not do? Only encouraging diverse thinking can make a breakthrough on cancer fighting with brightness.
In the impression of people, there must be a big selfishness, private interest with the development of enterprises and hospitals, but it is not. A entrepreneurial "ambition" strives for the cause, displays his talent and realize his own value, which is the entrepreneur's psychological. In fact, the enterprise development is related to social development, enterprise development must pay taxes, to hire, to serve the community and to serve the people. The boss of the enterprise made a profit reasonably and legitimately from it, which is the same at all times and all over the world and which is understandable. There were some attacks on my hospital and my personal since the start of my hospital, and someone said we earned black money. As I created hospital to relieve the pain for patients then to earn some money, how did I earn black money?
The front-end investment for founding hospitals was very large, more than a decade I had operated three cancer hospitals successively, a comprehensive hospital, a cancer research institute and a limited company. All the funds for the buildings and the salary of 400 workers were prepared by me, all expenses were managed by me, without any investment from the Nation and all levels of government. And that the fees of our hospital was lower than that of public hospitals, the remuneration for doctors and nurses in our hospital was also much less compared with public hospitals, they had to support their families and to live, then my hospital needed to be operated on and to be better. So we operated  hospitals just in order to patients, and for our workers. Is not making money at public hospitals likewise for the salary, bonus and various benefits of doctors and nurses? So we do.
The "releasing storage therapy" I researched had won patent of the USA in 2004, patent of China in 2006, patent of Australia in 2007 and then the patent of cancer treatment from the USA again in 2012. A private hospital had got America patents, and how many tumor hospitals including public hospitals can do like this? Why don't you analyze about it and ask more “why”?
In China, people looked on the private hospitals just as to look through tainted glasses; it was really not easy for the development of private hospitals, so it was need to change the custom concept of Chinese though a little more difficult.
Pushing out a new idea in clinical cancer therapy had unconsciously become a challenge to traditional cancer treatment, and it is still very difficult to be accepted and understood by all at present. Why did not we do to make patients have one more choice, have one more chance and prolong a little life for the patients t?
I had ever known a director of oncology department in a big hospital who sent his two patients to our hospital and said: "These two patients were treated for a period of time at our place while the effect is not good, the patient’s desire of survival is very strong, but we suffered from having no way, now we finally found a place for the patients where the miracle of life can be created!"
The director was with a military style of speaking: "You keep aside so good big hospitals and beat a path alone, how hard you are!And we are not with so courage!"
Where there is no competition, there is no development. Where there is no competition, there is no sense of crisis. Someone has ever said such a sentence: "Assimilate the sunlight from the slit." For the current status of private hospitals, this sentence is very appropriate.
China has been an open country, and will move forward, so the development of private hospital is a direction. On October 14th, 2013 the State Council issued the document "Several opinions about promoting the development of health service industry”, in the file, the "glass door" of private capital entering in the health sector was clearly required to break. The institutions such as businesses, charities, foundations, commercial insurance and so on were encouraged to invest medical service industry with various forms just as to build with contribution, participate in restructuring, trusteeship and private management of public school. And it clearly pointed out that the Central strongly support social capital to hold non-profit medical institutions, to provide basic medical and health services; in addition, it also asked to promote the pace of foreign capital into the domestic medical and health industry, further relax the conditions of operating medicine with Sino-foreign joint ventures, cooperation, and gradually expand the test spots for foreign capital which had prepared the conditions to set up wholly owned medical institution.
In 2010, the State Council had issued the "Opinions on further encourage and guide social capital to run medical institutions", which had raised a round of upsurge.
A professor from Guanghua School of Management in Peking University said: "Due to various reasons, it is difficult to change the pattern of monopoly by public hospitals for a long time in the medical and health system, which need to solve many system problems earlier, the document promulgated by State Council promulgated the document was to break the barriers for private capital targeted."
The State Council explicitly required throughout to clean-up and cancel the "unreasonable stipulation" before, to speed up the implementation of the policy of non-public medical institutions treated equally to public medical machine on market access, fixed point of social insurance, key specialty construction, evaluation of professional titles, academic status, grade assessment, technology access and other aspects.
This is a good news for our hospitals, as we can stand straight boldly addressing each other as brothers with public hospitals. With the policy to speed up the development of private hospital, I believe, in the near future, private hospitals will be developed with a benign space, my hospital and my therapy will get to play and develop better.
I love entrepreneurship which was challenging. And there is gain and loss, love and hate in this process. Hardworking in the years of schools, then seeing the world to America, I always want to do something, and felt a bit limited just to stay in the lab, which prompted me to try to do pioneering work. If I had early known that entrepreneurship was so difficult, then maybe I would have dutifully been a researcher.
Those years in America, in addition to the research work in laboratory I was to discuss how to pursue my own career in the daytime, while returned home in the evening, I discussed entrepreneurship with friends on the phone, most of the time it could not meet the impatient and desire from our heart only by phone, then I went to the friend's house to discuss. After returning China, I visited numerous enterprises, which mended me many entrepreneurial class, then I have my own business circle.
In this circle, we were liberal, to speak anything following our inclinations, unlimited envision and imagination, after 3 - 4 years of exploration, I locked the "Releasing storage treatment" within the tumor. A deliberate result, a project of cancer treatment probing to take the air line, an entrepreneurial road which  former did not travelled, for all of these I was the only one to built my own tumor hospital.
Finally I returned to motherland, then I experienced all kinds of hardships, I founded tumor hospitals. While my career had just entered the regular track, just in the first four or five years, the SFDA often received some prosecutions which complained that there were illegal drugs in my "releasing storage therapy", the SFDA repeatedly sent someone to check and the result was there was no false medicine in my hospital.
In 2006, the Long March of China Medical Poverty had completed the task, volunteers had returned to their posts, and I could also be settled down to take care of my Dongping Tumor Hospital and Jinan Tumor Hospital, put into the research of cancer. At that time the inpatients in Jinan hospital had reached more than 160 and the patients in Dongping hospital were more, as I had  been left too long so I must quickly put into the work.
In June 30th, I was invited to go to a consultation in Rizhao, as I was on the galloping train, my phone rang, "Baofa, why was there some black news for you on the internet?"
"What news?"
"Look it yourself as you have time."
After I finished consultation for patients at Rizhao, with no mood to chat with friends, I quickly opened the computer and saw the negative news on the Internet, which made me a bit silly, was this creating something out of nothing? It said that my education was false, my patent was false and my title of a technical post the USA Professor was also false, and the thread was also scolding, which was overwhelming. I was just like encountering a storm, watered a penetrating coolness and did not know what at a time.
After I was calm down, I found it was made by a reporter of Beijing “Market Daily”, named Zhang Xiangyang, who had come to our hospital, very simply chatted several words with me then went away, just he released the report of "three falses".
The second day, I went to the office of "Market Daily" in Beijing, asked their leaders to reflect the situation, while they did not care about whether true or false the report was, just pretend to be perfunctory to me. I also found the leaders of discipline inspection committee of "People's Daily" who said it was supervision by public opinion, but also perfunctory to me.
It was obviously rumor and slander. I ran to ask help from a number of departments, while they put out a manner of having nothing to do, and no one paid attention to me, I was like "A scholar met soldiers who unable to explain clearly the reasons," this feeling depressed me and made me nurse a grievance more than I was stuffy in the cancer "black hole" for more than ten years.
At this moment, someone of "Market Daily" called me and said they were to give a positive report which I should pay a fee. Helplessly, I bargained with them to the price of ¥100,000, and I recorded the sound in the process.
At that time, we are attending a meeting of Jinan journalists; on the meeting I said the matter and the reporters told me that they must be cheating me for a sum of money. Second day as I was to remit to "Market Daily" while they rejected the deal as they had found my actions and would not to give a positive reports. This action of mine, although disrupted their fraud scheme, while the negative news on Internet was still there.
We had to open a press conference in Beijing, and quite a few reporters attended. At the meeting, I gave explanations one by one for my degrees of my educations, the process of my studying abroad and the patent of sustained- releasing storage, I also disclosed the "misconduct" of the reporters from “Market Daily”, when the "World News" from America listened to press conference via telephone. It was clear that a dark fraud case of reporters, however, the scene journalists were not willing to report the black of reporters.
I was not willing to be slandered and I was sure to accuse them. The senior leader Wu Guanzheng got it and understood my situation through the province: "Is Yu Baofa on earth a false or not? I have supported him for many years and I know him relatively, it is unlikely to be false."
The negative news of "Counterfeit of Three" then appeared on the internal reference and was seen by Deputy Prime Minister Wu Yi who issued documents to the Minister of Health Gao Qiang, asking Secretary Xu Shaoshi to inquire the matter. Then the documents was turned to the office of Provincial Governor Hanyuqun, finally Vice Governor Wang Junmin personally inquired the matter, organizing experts and the State Food and Drug Administration personnel to our hospital for examination, checking the details of treatment; pharmacy and pharmacy stores were examined one by one.
Afterwards, Governor Wang came to visit my hospitals for three time. After the investigation of two months, in October 2006, the government of Shandong Province reported to the State Council by form of file (Lu G (2006) No. 115) with the theme of: "There is no any false with the personal of Yu Baofa and the hospitals, everything is true but just part of the hospital internal propaganda manual is beyond advertising scope which is suggested to correct."
On the National People's Congress 2007 I met Provincial Governor Han Yuqun, he said: "Baofa, you are impossibly to be a false, otherwise there is no true." The leader’s encouragement made me happy, as a matter of fact, I'm always dignified and imposing both being a man and doing things, never cheat. A deputy of National People's Congress was thus persecuted by them which was an organized network defamation, when no one treated, while this phenomenon appears in today, some people would have been in prison for libel.
At the time "Market Daily" slandered me, the newspaper's Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lee was at the investigation at Tibet who encountered Sister Zhao from Beijing talking about me. Sister Zhao know me very well, she said: "You see your" Market Daily"fabricated facts to slander Yu Baofa, we all know him, he is sure to have no problem of counterfeit."
Deputy Editor-in-Chief Li listened and was very angry and said: "I really don't know the matter. “Market Daily” would do such a thing! This is a libel action and also a kind of fraud, sooner or later it will be turned off." The words really come true as "Market Daily" has been closed now, i.e. it was withdrawn. The results of their libel and cheating behavior were lifting a rock only to drop on their own feet.
Well, experiencing rights and wrongs for fifteen years, I have tasted the joy of the patient's survival, even more the difficult of entrepreneurship.
2.8 当选第十届全国人大代表,为祖国和人民多做实事
2.8 Elected to be the deputy of the tenth National People's Congress, to do more practical things for the motherland and the people
2003年3月5日,上午9时10分,中国北京,灿烂阳光下的天安门广场显得格外广阔。踏上汉白玉的台阶,走过顶天立地的汉白玉大柱,处处象征着人民的尊严和权力。我作为一名中国医生,一个留美归国学者, 民营医院的院长,在抗癌领域独自奋斗了五年(从1998年创业到2003年)的人,和其他代表们一起步入人民大会堂。
At nine ten in the morning, on March 5th, 2003, Beijing China, Tiananmen Square under the sunshine was very vast. I set foot on the white marble steps, walked through the white marble pillars of indomitable spirit, everywhere it symbolize the people's dignity and power. As a China doctor, a returned overseas scholar, the president of a private hospital and a man striving alone in domain of anticancer for five years (from entrepreneuring in 1998 to 2003,), I stepped into the Great Hall of the People together with other delegates.
As the Great Hall of the People, which is not unfamiliar for each Chinese, for me, every time seeing it, I was with a different feeling. As early as I was reading master degree in Beijing, looking far from the Great Hall of the People, I felt it was very mysterious, quite a few times I entered in to watch, feeling it’s grand and magnificent. At early stage of my returning for entrepreneurship, when I led American friends visit the Great Hall of the People, I felt it’s magic and solemn, feeling the great of motherland. Now, it could also be regarded as that I walked on the familiar place, but to the different, when I was a master – a deputy of the National People's Congress, the moment I stride into the Great Hall of the People, I felt proud, meanwhile I felt the great responsibility, which was the biggest blessing in my life.
My friends said: "Lao Yu, you are really amazing, sitting in the Great Hall of the People with the identity as a deputy of the National People's Congress, what kind of feeling are you?"
"The first, I am excited; the second, I am still excited!"
Think carefully, my mentality was a bit complicated, the day I was elected to be a deputy of the National People's Congress, I thought a lot of. I truly felt the people's trust and the great trust in me, I was a returned doctor from studying in the USA, I felt more that China was coordinated with the world. I was one of the more than 100 representatives selected from 98,000,000 people of Shandong, I represented the people of Shandong, on behalf of the doctors in Shandong, represented many returned entrepreneurs of Shandong, and my burden is heavy.
能成为第十届全国人大代表,我有着典型性与代表性。自从1995年回国创业、归国留学生在一片庄家地里创办的第一家肿瘤医院开业以来,还没有后人跟进,我的医院以“收费低,疗效好”享誉海内外,得到了社会各界的普遍赞誉,不但学术成就占领了国际国内癌症领域的高端,而且,我把发明的抗癌新疗法付诸 临床实践,并且取得了显著的效果。  
To become a deputy of the National People's Congress at its tenth session, I was with the typicality and representativeness. Since returning to pursue my own career in 1995 and the first tumor hospital opening, a returned student founded a tumor hospital in a cropland, which was not followed up by later so far. My hospital was renowned at home and abroad with "low fees, good curative effect", and was widespread praised from all sectors of society. Not only academic achievement occupied the high-end in cancer field of domestic and international, moreover, I put the new therapy of anticancer invention into clinical practice, and achieved remarkable results.
Operating my hospital for so many years, we had treated and cured many ordinary people's life, prolong their life, also we cured many foreign cancer patients, among them, I saved the life of an American child Andres, testified for him across the ocean, challenging the law of America. Then I had become a typical. Because of this social influence, I have been interviewed by state leaders Jiang Zemin, Zhu Rongji, Wu Guanzheng, Li Lanqing, Zhanggaoli, Zhang Qingli, Han Yuqun, Zhu Lilan and other leading comrades, who gave me a high evaluation. Also because of the social influence, CCTV "Chinese" "Easter (dongfangzhizi)" "Oriental Time and Space" "Straight Talk" "Common Story" "Chinese Medical" "Tells" and other columns had done Topics or Reports successively about them; Hongkong Asia TV, Hongkong Phoenix TV, Shandong TV and so on also made several thematic visits. In addition, "People's Daily" "China daily" "Chinese Elite" "Reference News" "Health News" "China Youth Daily" "China Comment (Half a month on)", American "World News" , "International Daily" and so on many domestic and foreign media also reported.
The cause is out of doing, not out of saying. As the invention of my "releasing storage therapy" and the gratifying results of its clinical treatment, which attracted the attention of society, the government and the people are equally concerned.
In September 2002, I was invited to go to Beijing Tiantan Hospital for a consultation upon a cancer patient, soon as I just arrived in Beijing, suddenly I received a phone call from my assistant in Jinan, it said: "Personnel come from United Front Work Department, Municipal Overseas Chinese Federation to our hospital to understand your situation, they say, to recommend you as the candidate of the deputy the National People's Congress candidates at its tenth session."
With no prior mental preparation, listening to it saying in the phone, I dared not believe and said: "Do you want me come back soon?”
"It is true, Jinan City, they recommended three new candidates from Overseas, you are one of them."
In fact, about the candidate, everything is arranged in order. The relevant departments had done the investigation, and then concluded: A patriotic scholar, the first person returned to operate a hospital, done something for society, for the patient, who is with representativeness in medical field. I felt very excited, with the laurel of “Candidate for the deputy of National People's Congress ”anybody would be jubilant as he heard.
The consultation in Beijing was very smooth, after returning to Jinan, I then immediately put myself into the company's land acquisition. As land acquisition involved many aspects, so I was busy in straightening out relations, negotiation, renegotiation...... as well as medical practice and dealing with the daily affairs. During that time, I got tired with chest pain often. Occasionally, I thought of that I was candidate for the deputy of National People's Congress at its tenth session; also I wanted to know whether I was elected or lost the election as soon as possible, but only occasionally I thought about it, as I dared not wild wishes. Everybody knew my original intention of returning to operate hospital was treatment for patients, never thinking about entering politics, nor thinking about to be a deputy of National People's Congress or a member of CPPCC. My mind was full of running hospital well, treating for patients.
On January 16th, 2003, as I learned that I was elected, I was very excited, the hospital staff were also excited, expressing their congratulations to me one after another.
Though be excited, I thought in my heart: I should do more practical things for the country and the people, as there was such a story touched me:
Before long Dongping Hospital just opened, one day, came an old aunty to the hospital who was carried here by her three sons, the old aunty was over 70 years old and with a little gaunt suffering from cancer. I checked her personally; the result was not bad, as her cancer was not at terminal stage and could be cured. I let her sons to go for the admission procedure, while her sons appeared to be reluctant, they discussed till more than 5 pm and gone, I never  saw them back.
Was poor to blame!
It touched me greatly, I cudgeled my brain and came up with a solution, it did not matter if there was a rural health savings. By security of my tumor hospital, farmers deposited their money into the accounts of health savings, at ordinary time the money was health savings, once someone caught a serious illness, he could treat with this money, if it was still not enough, my hospital burden the fees.
So I made some analysis, if the farmers were persuaded to buy health insurance, they certainly didn't feel good and their enthusiasm was not high, while the rural health savings was different, the farmers may accept. I felt it was feasible, then went to the county CCB to ask the president, who heard and also felt good, but he had not this power, as this should be approved by the city bank.
I didn't understand these administrative procedures, always felt it was feasible, then I wrote a letter to the Premier Zhu Rongji as a written report about the way replacing medical insurance with health savings, personally handed it to Premier Zhu when we accepted his interviewing at Losangeles, hoping to make a small scale pilot in Dongping in this way, but it had not been carried out all the way.
Now I was elected to be a deputy of the National People's Congress, in the tenth session of National People's Congress, I could put health care savings as a proposal, in order to further improve the Chinese health undertakings, to safeguard the people's health,I would appeal loudly.
At the end of February, together with the other deputies we studied for three days in Jinan. By the study of three days, it further defined in my mind the duties and obligations for a deputy of the National People's Congress, I felt the burden on my shoulder was heavy, and a clear goal appeared in my mind: the deputy of People's Congress is elected by the people, so he should be on behalf of the people to exercise power, to reflect the aspirations of the people. As a deputy of the National People's Congress, he should go to the middle of people,understand their well-being and sufferings, and help them to solve some problems that hard to solve by unsmooth channel or eager to solve. As a deputy of the National People's Congress from medical field, he should state frankly the disadvantages and shortcomings among medical community, to expose current social problems and promote the development of social, medical community healthily and orderly, so as to seek greater benefits for the masses.
As a deputy of the National People's Congress, he should make full use of the meeting to speak to reflect social conditions and public opinion, to achieve the purpose of participating in government and political affairs. The deputy is representative of the people, is to represent the people speaking, therefore, I did a lot of social investigation. In the National People's Congress meeting, I put forward four proposals, which were fully demonstrated extent of my understanding and grasp the current medical community, so far, three of my proposals have been implemented by the government .
During the conference, I also put forward the proposal to the all China Women's Federation, on the problem of breast cancer, called for the promotion of prevention and treatment of breast cancer for maternal postpartum, the proposal emphasized:
"...... According to the latest statistical information from the National Cancer Research Office, the Health Statistical Information Center of Ministry of Health, the malignant tumor incidence rate of national female reached 39.5/100,000--248.7/100,000, female top ten malignant tumors accounted for 76.2%--83.4% of all malignant tumors, and the top five malignant tumors were  breast cancer, lung cancer, colon / rectum cancer, gastric cancer and liver cancer, among them breast cancer ranked at first, and mortality of breast cancer was the fourth among women malignant tumors, becoming a dangerous killer to threaten women’s life and health, especially the postpartum women with a higher incidence, who were not only to bear the pain of production, but also to face the cancer's claws and the heavy economic burden thus brought.
That year, my mother had also died from cancer, my mother's death made me on the way to practice medicine, to devote to serve the society and cure the patients with my art of healing; to help those mothers who need help like my mother. I was unable to retain the life of my mother; today I am no longer to see mothers all over the world to endure the pain my mother had experienced. I want to appeal loudly for the Chinese mothers: Take measures in the nationwide to promote the prevention and treatment of postpartum breast cancer for the mohters, making them be exempt from the threat of breast cancer, let the mothers keep far away from the pain, only smiles!"
Prior to this, I had put forward a view of "Do for mothers, protect mothers", and running, appealing for it, then, this view had been proved in Morel, an American artist: in order to physical integrity and to be beauty, she would rather give up life, rather than to do a mastectomy in America.
When at the time of group discussion at the National People's Congress, I again put forward the view "Create a good medicine, apply a good medicine, control a good medicine and use a good medicine-----drug development calls for the contention of a hundred schools of thought". Pharmaceutical companies have a good medicine, while the doctor would not use the good medicine, then patients would not get it, which would cause the conflicts between doctors and patients. As the patient should listen to the doctor, he did not know what kind of medicine was good and what kind of medicine was not good. If the new drug R & D were "contention of a hundred schools of thought", to enhance the transparency, the ultimate benefit would be the majority of patients.
During the National People's Congress, the deputies contacted more with some senior leaders, so, some deputies then used this rare opportunity to reflect some circumstance to the leaders, to introduce themselves, hoping to get the support in a field from the leadership.
One of my very familiar deputies Wang Ge knew my hard work, he said to me: why not take advantage of this opportunity, put some of my own specific circumstances to reflect to the leaders, listening the leaders’ opinions on the cases of one aspect?
I heard and felt it was right, while I didn't know these leaders, then Wang Ge volunteered to take me to see the leaders.  
That night, two of us came to a leader's room, Wang Ge carried out a simple introduction of my experience of returning to start my own business, serving the people and the society with "releasing storage therapy".
Wang Ge then introduced his difficulty in his venture project. As soon as he finished speaking, the leader immediately called to solve the problems. His work was done and then to wait me asking requirements to the leader, while I could not open the mouth, in addition to talk about the feelings of attending, some medical conditions, no more other words. During the time of more than two hours, I mostly silent, listening the leader to chat with other deputies.
Came out from the leader’s room, the deputy was very angry, he said, "Lao Yu, you say what are you to do coming tonight? You are the first returnee to found a tumor hospital, to reflect your difficulties to the leader, perhaps the difficulties will be smoothly done or easily solved! But......"
It was heard reasonable, and I summoned the courage to think about to speak out to the leader next time. The second day, after dinner, we went to see the leader again, the courage was again to be flung to the four winds to...... It was strange, later, many leaders and deputies were all known about this. They asked about my health initiatively, and initiatively asked me to put forward the difficulties I had, which then to be solved according to the corresponding policy.
To confess the difficulties and problems of their field was no ground for blame, which was not the "back door" dealings, while I just did not do so.
I was such a person with a pedantic scholar manner, thinking more about "in this field", rather than "self field".
Every year, in the deputies’ activities, the deputies of the National People's Congress should inspect, research at the station, several of us deputies from the enterprises also investigated mutually, we investigated the medical industry, education and industry, then formed a report to the relevant departments, which was also a learning opportunity provided for us. Each time, the mayor always participated in us, which also provided a very good opportunity to our investigation. In 2005, the deputies of the National People's Congress visited my Dongping Taimei Baofa Tumour Hospital.
因为济南组在山东团里是第一组,我们的组长是张高丽,小组讨论总是见他,他带头发言,也问家长里短,和蔼亲切。一次代表大会,总有几次全会,包括开幕式、总理报告、最高人民法院和最高人民检察院的院长报告、选举国家领导人的时候一定在人民大会堂进行,这也就使得我们有机会见到总书记和总理,第一次会议时, 江泽民主席出席了会议,全体合影,三千多人的大合影,代表们人人都想离新老总书记近一点,可以理解,这使得有些人拼命往前靠,其中一名代表叫孙启玉(淄博万杰医院的创始人),本来在三排, 当总书记快要走近时,他忽然从上边跳了下来,争夺了与总书记合影与握手的机会,安保人员非常紧张地把他叫到一边,盘问了半天才放了他。我有幸得到了机会与温家宝总理握手,与朱镕基总理握手,非常高兴了。
As Team Jinan was the first team in Shandong group, the leader of our team was Zhang Gaoli, we always saw him at team discussion, who took the lead to speak and also asked us some small household affairs kindly and graciously. There were always a few plenary session in a Congress, including the opening ceremony, the prime minister reporting, directors of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate reporting, electing the state leaders, when it was surly carried out in the Great Hall of the People, then we have the opportunity to meet the General Secretary and the Prime Minister. The first meeting, President Jiang Zemin attended. For the photo of all deputies, a large photo of more than 3000 people, every deputy wanted to stand nearly to the old secretary and the new secretary, which was understandable, they desperately came forward, one of the deputies named Sun Qiyu (founder of Zibo Wanjie Hospital), originally at Row Three, when the General Secretary was approaching, he suddenly jumped down to strive for the opportunity for a handshake and the photo with the General Secretary, however, the security personnel very nervously took him aside, inquiring him for half a day till let him go. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to shake hands and Premier Wen Jiabao and Premier Zhu Rongji, and I felt very happy.
I really had many opportunities to see leaders at the People's Congress, and I could see the leaders of Shandong Province almost daily, also had the opportunities to take photos with some leaders to mark the occasion. When the plenary session, the governor of each province must sit in the front row, before the meeting, we always could go to talk a few words with him. As we were in the Great Hall of the People, no one would ask you how you come and what you do, everybody had a feeling of equality, for example, the governor of Guizhou Province Shi Xiushi was particularly amiable and easy to approach, he asked me what work I do, I told him that I returned domestic to operate a hospital especially curing cancer, then he invited me to Guizhou to open a hospital, he later sent the director of Guiyang City Health Bureau from Guizhou Province to Jinan to consult with me.
这么一个天天见省长的机会,应当用来干点名堂。我刚在东平县开医院的时候,就下乡为病人服务和搞医疗普查,那时我就想如果有一天能在全国搞一次这样的活动该多好。中国医疗扶贫万里长征,就是这样开始的,当年长征求解放,今日长征送健康,我们起草一份倡议书,每次人大全会开会时, 我总是早点到,到第一排,找省长签字,二十多个省长给签字了,当年的省长有些已是国家领导人,王岐山和张高丽现已经进入中共中央政治局常委,韩正等进入政治局,还有一些是全国人大的副委员长和全国政协的副主席。
The opportunity so every day to see the governor should be used to do something. When I just opened the hospital in Dongping County, I go to the countryside to service for patients and do medical screenings, I thought at that time how good one day I could make an event like this in the country! Long March of China Medical and Poverty Alleviation was launched like this. The Long March past was seeking for liberation, and the Long March nowadays is to sending health, we drafted a proposal, each plenary meeting of the National People's Congress, I always arrived early to Row One to ask the governor to sign, more than 20 governors signed, some of the governors that year had  been national leaders now, Wang Qishan and Zhang Gaoli now had entered the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPC, Han Zheng had entered the Political Bureau, and some others were the vice chairmen of the National People's Congress and the vice chairmen of CPPCC National Committee.
With so many leaders’ signature, I thought it would be easier to carry out, so I took the signature of the leaders to ask Zhou Qiang, the Secretary of Central Committee of the CYL, who read then immediately signed to carry out a "Long March of China Medical and Poverty Alleviation" in the country, which was co-sponsored by the League Central Committee, the Ministry of Health and CCTV, undertaken by Shandong Baofa Medical Ltd. This realized my idea to carry out a national event for every time I was being a deputy of the National People's Congress. At the Mission Central, we spent nearly five months to plan the activity of "Long March of China Medical Poverty Alleviation", started in 2004 October, completed by four months. Some people said to my:"No one like you, who are not yet on a firm foothold then to the public interest, which is still relatively rare in China." I thought the personal interests was a small thing, while the things of the country were big. I as a deputy to the National People's Congress having the opportunity to do public welfare undertakings, which was a great thing in my life, was also the 70 anniversary of the Long March of the Red Army.
The deputy meeting of the National People's Congress in 5 years was once for 14 days, the time was relatively long, and the middle activities were a lot. Every year Jinan Ccity Mayor presided over a representative activity, all the deputies of Jinan got together to discuss official business, that year there were me Yu Baofa, Wang Ge, Chang Jinyue, Zhang Caikui, Deng Baojin, Wang Li, Li Changshun, Zuo Shenxiang, Bao Zhiqiang etc., every one spoke his mind freely.
As a deputy to the National People's Congress, I performed my duties well. The meetings of National People’s Congress made me further improve my own life value. In travel of my next life, I would continue to play my own potential, to serve for the masses.
Attach four pieces of the proposals:

提案一   Proposal I

Implementation cost of subsidies prevention and treatment for maternal postpartum breast cancer

Women are half the sky of Chinese nation. However, when they were tasting the joys of motherhood, which were accompanied by a terrible shadow concomitantly, the breast cancer. According to the statistics from the National Cancer Research Office, the Health Statistical Information Center of Ministry of Health, the tumor incidence rate of national female reached 39.5/100,000--248.7/100,000, and the top five tumors were breast cancer, lung cancer, colon / rectum cancer, gastric cancer and liver cancer, among them breast cancer ranked at first, and mortality of breast cancer was the fourth among women tumors, becoming a dangerous killer to threaten women’s life and health, especially for postpartum women, the incidence of higher probability, current treatment methods: breast resection, radiotherapy, make them suffer great physical trauma and psychic trauma of losing breast, but also to bear a heavy economic burden.
As a representative of returned overseas students of entrepreneurship, I had been interviewed by Jiang Zemin, Zhu Rongji and other state leaders, and as a deputy of the tenth session of the National People's Congress, honor brought me a heavy responsibility. I had cured a lot of mothers with my own invention "releasing storage therapy" in my own hospital, but I deeply felt the power of my own was so small, only the whole society to care about the mothers’ health, then a stretch of clear sky would be propped up for them, so I solemnly proposed: led by Chinese Women's Federations, take measures in the national scope, actively promote the importance of prevention and treatment for postpartum maternal breast cancer, especially more the importance for new mothers whose mother had breast cancer, with the National Women's Health Organization as the main implementation unit, to carry out the prevention and treatment for postpartum mothers. The specific methods are the measures of prevention and treatment of breast ductal carcinoma studied in America or other methods. Our goal is to make the Chinese women avoid from breast cancer threat, let us do a real thing for all Chinese mothers, to protect them is to protect the Chinese nation, is to protect our tomorrow.
提案二    Proposal II
Experimenting medical fund of farmers savings for serious illness and health
Since the reform and opening up of China, the people's living standards happened earth-shaking changes, medical conditions have been greatly improved, and the average life expectancy is close to the level of moderately developed countries. But because of the economic development is not balanced in different regions, especially the vast less well-off rural areas, there is the situation which a serious illness (such as cancer) can't cure, dare not to cure, as their economic is distress. As the cancer to an ordinary rural family is just an earthquake, and even make the "well-off" family return to be poor, families in trouble bring unstable factors to the society. Go straight towards well-off, ill and health with security. In China, 80% of the population is farmers, almost 900,000,000people, which is the fundamental realities of the country of China, also the blind spots of the social medical insurance coverage. 
The new rural cooperative medical system only plays the guarantee effect on common disease; basically cannot guarantee the treatment of diseases like cancer. Relying on the state financial or social security is difficult to solve. So I suggest that, in the countryside experimenting medical fund of farmers savings for serious illness and health, with the strength from eight parties to solve the trouble of one party. Specific measures: farmers with a unit of village or group open a special account in a bank or other financial institutions, the various income of the farmers stored in "health savings" on the form of voluntary, according to the amount of their deposits, bank purchase a certain amount insurance for them, the deposit amount is large and the storage life is long, then the amount of insurance will big. So once farmer get a serious illness, he/she can obtain a large compensation from the insurance company. At the same time, banks establish business cooperation with some specialized hospital, farmers who got a serious illness come into the hospital for treatment, they can get a certain amount of preferential, preferential amount link up with the quantity and period of their "health savings"; the amount that hospital annual subsidies to farmers "health savings" loans to the hospital by the bank with interest free or low interest to help the healthy development of the hospital. To implement farmer’s serious illness and health savings can supplement the insufficient of the basic rural medical system, to play a major role in aged security and disease treatment for 900,000,000 farmers. China cannot wholly learn western medical insurance system, should go farmer’s serious illness savings road for Chinese conditions, which is an effective road for serious illness insurance of China farmers, and suit the majority of farmer’s mentality and the actual situation. For above advice, I suggest the relevant departments to study the implementation details, and then implemented in a pilot.
提案三    Proposal III
Open public expense medical, let the patients who enjoyed the public expense medical choose hospital, promote competition, thereby reducing the cost, saving the public medical expenses

Our medical system has changed, which is divided into non-profit hospitals i.e. original most country owned hospitals and for-profit hospitals; most are new hospitals or the latest restructured hospitals since reform and opening up. Some private hospitals gradually transformed into for-profit hospitals, some hospitals are at the grass-roots level in rural areas, still be divided into for-profit hospitals. However, the original medicine at public expense still do not have any change, patients enjoyed public expense medical only go to the designated hospital (i.e. the original hospital) for medical treatment, if they went to some for-profit hospitals for treatment, who would not enjoy free treatment, regardless how good the hospital treatment effect is, still not public treatment, which is an unfair under new situation.
Such public expense treatment of the designated hospitals fostered the hospitals’ service quality decline. As no sense of competition, to a certain degree, they waste the medical resources. Recommended opening restrictions of designated hospitals at public expense medical to allow the patient to enjoy the right of sufficient choice, which can promote fair competition among hospitals, improve the service attitude, service quality, reduce the cost of medical care, so that the limited medical resources can service more patients. We should believe the patient’s vision and sight for choosing doctors and hospitals.
提案四    Proposal IV
Drug advertisement shall indicate the chemical name

At present, the drug advertising is overspread, and it is difficult to identify. To investigate its reasons, we will find it is mainly because of the lack of a reasonable standard in drug promotion to constrain, manage the drug publicity.
Now don't say patients, even some doctors don't know the effective components of drugs, such as Contac, most people know it is for colds, few people know its effective components, its chemical name is compound phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride sustained release capsules, with a stong vasoconstrictive action, which can quickly ease the flow runny nose, stuffy nose and other symptoms of early cold, while it is without relief action to fever, headache, muscle pain, cough, etc.. If the old man was suffering from severe hypertension, and function for phenylpropanolamine rapid contraction of systemic microvascular can make blood pressure elevatory, after the patients suffering from high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, glaucoma, epilepsy and other diseases taking it, which  easily cause headache, dizziness, palpitations, nausea, vomiting, epilepsy, plus the elderly liver dysfunction, even taking a normal dose, also for the reduced metabolism causing the concentration of drug in vivo be higher, resulting in adverse effects to enhance or lasting. From this we can see that, if at the time of publicity, contac and compound phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride sustained release capsules were both be propaganda, let everybody know that two is the same kind of thing, you can avoid false composition in advertisement, and also facilitate the clinicians prescribe, avoid unnecessary side effects.
What is more, some publicity use "×× capsule", "×× oral liquid", "No. ×× medicine" to replace, so that consumers and doctors are at a loss, cannot be clearly to take medicine. Afterwards, once there is a dispute, consumers cannot claim their legitimate rights and interests because there is no conclusive evidence.
Reasons for the above phenomenon are the relevant laws and regulations are not sound enough, some medical institutions to avoid the national laws and regulations, then the relevant administrative departments are difficult to obtain evidence, difficult to punish them. The existing laws and regulations are not compulsory unification of commodity and chemical names for drug promotion. There are two main provisions on drug publicity of " the drug administration law", the provisions of Article sixtieth "Prescription drugs may be introduced on medicine, pharmaceutical professional journals jointly designated by the administrative department of the State Council and the drug regulatory department, but not in the mass media to release advertisement or in any other form to advertising of the public as the object", the provisions of Article sixty-first "advertisements of pharmaceuticals shall not contain any unscientific assertion or guarantee on effects; not by state organs, medical research institutes, academic institutions or experts, scholars, physicians, patients' names and images". Which are not clear said drug promotion must commodity name and chemical name both at propaganda at the same time, this provides the opportunity for false advertising.
In order to further standardize the medical market, let the drug advertisement have laws to abide by , safeguarding the interests of patients, better guiding the work of clinicians, I proposed the "Drug Administration Law" Article sixty-first: "Advertisements of pharmaceuticals shall not contain any unscientific assertion or guarantee on effects; not by state organs, medical research institutes, academic institutions or experts, scholars, doctors, patient's name and image to prove." amended as: "advertisements of pharmaceuticals shall not contain any scientific assertion or guarantee on effects; not by state organs, medical research institutes, academic institutions or experts, scholars, physicians, patients in the name and image to prove; drug advertisements shall use chemical name, need to use the name of commodity propaganda, must also specify the chemical the name."
2.9 The launch and operation of the Medical Long March, Feel and touch on the Long March
In 2004, on the National People's Congress, I as the president of two tumor hospitals issued a written proposal to carry out an activity of Long March Medical Poverty Alleviation, 29 provincial and ministerial leaders and deputies of the National People's Congress signed the proposal to support, thus the activity of Long March Medical Poverty Alleviation was carried out starting from Yudu County of Jiangxi Province, lasted 3 months, travelling 14,000 km, via by way of 10 provinces (area, City), serving 30 counties.
The proposal was not to be prompted by a sudden impulse. As early as 1995 I returned to pursue my own career, I realized through investigation and survey at grassroots that due to historical and geographical reasons, the rural health work in our country was still relatively weak, especially at the areas of former revolutionary base, minority nationalities, border and poverty-stricken the problems of farmers poor by illness was still outstanding, then I initiated the idea of doing something for the people at old revolutionary base areas in the future when the time was ripe.
As referring to the original intention to initiate this activity, I told reporters: "I grew up at rural area in Dongping County of Taian City, and I experienced deeply the hard for farmers to see a doctor since I was young. Returned from America, my biggest desire is to serve the grassroots as soon as possible with advanced medical technology I had learned abroad. Now I had the knowledge, the ability, while all this was created by the motherland. To return motherland and to repay the society is my bounden choose. I hope that through initiating and organizing the activities of Long March of Medical and Poverty Alleviation to inspire and call for the whole society to pay attention to the medical health conditions in poor areas and health needs of the old revolutionary base areas, let the people at old revolutionary base areas who sacrificed a lot for national liberation in the past be fully aware of the care of the Party and the Government and warmth of the socialist family."
In the events of new long march, I spontaneously financed about ¥3,000,000 for buying medicine, medical equipments, supplies, books and daily necessities which were donated to the poor areas, and for the medical team of 66 people's basic necessities of life on the Long March.
No smoke of gunpowder pervading, no killing and shouting, while it always can't let me forget those Red Army soldiers torn by evil shells, ripped through by the merciless bullets, just also for them, my companions and I set foot on that journey which was full of suffering, tortuous and long, to search for the immortal glory again.
I remembered it was on October 11th, 2004, we held a rally ceremony in Jinan, all the activity started on October 16th, and ended in mid January of the second year. The fleet of the activity set out from Yudu County in Jiangxi Province by way of ten provinces  (regions, city), such as Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan, Sichuan,Chongqing, Gansu, Ningxia, Shaanxi, select 30 to 40 counties and cities as a service point from more than 100 counties and cities along the way, for each service point, we serviced from 2 to 3 days,  finally arriving  in Yanan City,Shaanxi Province.
I was in the Long March of Medical and Poverty Alleviation, along the way, I continuously harvested the graduation and moving.
The following is part of my diary.
2004.10.16/ October 16th, 2004
Arriving at the national famous Red County -- Xingguo County of Jiangxi Province, joint with other experts to see 9 old Red Army soldiers: 96 years old Wang Bangzhong, 99 years old Cao Huizuo and 97 years old Liu Lian etc., examining, treating and medicine feeding for them, when I saw Grandpa Liu was still so strong, I was very happy and send him ¥500 to buy some tonic. We gave the old Red Army soldiers solar water heaters as a present and installed for them.
With the volunteers’ encouragement, old Red Army soldier Grandpa Huang affectionately sang the famous "Song for comeback victory "at the period of “anti encirclement”, made me feel as if I returned the revolutionary time of extremely hard and bitter and burning passion 70 years ago .
"Drinking the water while we do not forget who dug the well", I sincerely wish health and longevity to the old Red Army men.
2004.10.20/October 20th, 2004
At eight forty in the morning, entered the site, I saw two rows of long service station was surrounded by the villagers a bursting at the seams.
"Please let me in!" At 10 in the morning, a villager carried his mother walked toward the station of Department of orthopedics arduously, as sweat had soaked his clothes. His name was Liu Changshun, heard the medical team is coming, early in the morning he carried his mother whose legs disabled, walked 5 km’s mountain road coming here.
After I examined the old woman, my mood was very painful. As there was a tumor on the old woman’s right breast, for many years without any treatment, tumor was now as big as a fist, its surface had been broken, pus was flowing at the wound. I looked at her haggard appearance, very heartache, while the old woman said: "I am old, suffering the sore, but we have no money to cure it."
I hurried to made the necessary checks for the old woman, then to do the therapy of "sustained-release storage".
I deeply felt, the people at old revolutionary base areas were lack of treatment and medicine, meanwhile I also felt guilty, I should have come earlier, sent treatment and medicine to the people at old revolutionary base areas and sent knowledge and culture for them.
2004.10.24/October 24th, 2004
In the morning, I was in medical car at the service spot in Yeping Xiang, doing the treatment of "releasing storage therapy" for Zhong Shishui (male), who was 41 years old, from a poor family in Xinyuan Village, Yeping Xiang, suffering from pancreatic head compression of duodenal malignant tumor (2cm * 3cm). After treatment, patients felt good, his family took my hand, eyes full of tears, repeatedly to say: "If no you, my husband can only wait for death."
The treatment was successful; I told them the attention matters and follow-up treatment.
In the afternoon, carried out a professional training for medical workers from the basic level in Ruijin City on the subject of world leading scientific research in cancer treatment, received a warm welcome from the medical workers.
2004.11.8/November 8th, 2004
At the medical scene in Daoxian County of Hunan Province, the people came to see a doctor were so many, from eight thirty in the morning to two thirty in the afternoon, the team members didn't have any water or ricel, seize every minute and second for the treatment to the patients.
Deputy director of the Surgeon Li Qiang saw more than 100 patients, dizzily to vomit, precordial pain to hard bear, taken a measurement of blood pressure, low pressure up to 120 mmHg, taking antihypertensive drugs and Kyushin Pills, rest for 5 minutes, he went to the clinic to see the patients. Nurse Li Bin, Liu Deyun's voices were hoarse, measuring blood pressure to wear their ear canal, no one complained.
The old Red Army solider, 85 years Li Xiusheng rushed to the scene to see the doctor, who saw the circumstance at scene, wept touchly, boarded the inspection car, bow three times to all team members, he said excitedly: “See you I think of something that year, long live the spirit of the long march!"
2004.11.12/November 12th,2004
With red egg, boiled peanuts, 70 years ago, the people from Daoxian County Hunan Province by this simple way saw off the Red Army soldiers on the Long March; 70 years later, the scene was represented, with the song "Ten Sending the Red Army", hundreds of people from old revolutionary base areas had been waiting for a long time, holding already prepared red egg and boiled peanuts, presented in front of each team member.
The route to board on the bus was only 20 meters away, while the team members spent more than 20 minutes to walk to the service car, holding red egg one by one, holding peanuts a bag and a bag, the he eggs and peanuts in hands were too many to hold, falling down then pick them up, the people to see off did not want to leave.
在这份浓得化不开的鱼水情面前,我都禁不住泪流满面。送行人群中有位白发老奶奶紧紧地抓住我的双手,激动得一句话也说不出。 车轮开始缓缓前行,这时,上车的队员有的都哭出了声,其中护士李滨哭得最伤心,谁都劝不住。 
Even me also could not help but tears in front of the thick and close feelings. Among the crowd to see off, a white haired Granny clutched my hand couldn't say a word with excitement. The wheels began to slowly move forward, then, teamers on the bus have cried out loudly, a nurse Li Bin was at the most to cry excitedly, no one could settle her down.
2004.11.20/November 20th, 2004
Today, took Forlani from Sichuan back to Jinan Baofa Cancer Hospital by plane.
62 year old Forlani was a primary school teacher in New York, USA. A year ago, She was diagnosed suffering breast cancer in a local hospital, the American doctor advised her again and again to do chemotherapy or mastectomy. However, when she learned that operation could not eradicate cancer cells, she gave up the therapy. She said: "In addition to this method, there must be other method to treat the disease around the world."
Not long ago, Forlani learned from a friend, there is someone in China named "Yu Baofa" can cure her disease, regardless of opposition from American doctors and friends, making light of travelling a thousand (miles)li she came to China.
When she was full of hope coming to Jinan, she was told: I had been thousands of miles away in Hunan. The old Forlani who was urgent to seek medicine made a bold decision: Looking for me to the road of Long March. After many setbacks, daring Forlani was coming to Hunan, then she heard "Professor Yu" had led the team of Long March Medical and Poverty Alleviation to Guangxi. So, she changed the route, to Guangxi.
On October 29th, she and I met in Quanzhou county in Guangxi.
The second day, I did the first treatment for Forlani with "releasing storage therapy". With the release of the drug slowly into her body, Forlani’s heart which was hanging for a long time was gradually put down. A few days later, the mass inside her breast began to fade, her mental state then was much better.
In the next 20 days, I participated in activities of poverty alleviation, while carrying on the treatment for the elderly. After three times of therapy, Forlani’s breast lumps began to fade, her mental health is getting better.
"I want to be a volunteer on the Long March." As Forlani was receiving the treatment, she did in her power to teach English to children in the mountainous area, and made profound friendship with the medical team.
I considered her state of illness and physical condition; this afternoon I took the elderly back to Jinan by plane to further consolidation therapy.
2004.11.27/November 11th, 2004
At seven thirty in the morning, the team with the warm hearted gratitude of local people set out from Xiangyun County of Yunnan Province, with great strength and vigour go forward to Miyi County of Panzhihua City in Sichuan Province. This road vehicles wheeled on was opened forcely from the mountains, which is mud mixed with gravel, extremely rugged. Walking on such a way, one can imagine, it tossed every person almost to viscera out, the stomach kept brewing storms on rivers and seas! The road was very narrow, only the width enough to stagger the two car. Looking out of the window, the team would have been travelling in the precipitous rock and sheer cliffs. Surrounded by the mountains, the fleet was bumping and running...... The mountains were connected one by one; we had lost count how many hills the team had travelled. At this time, several young medical teamers on the car said: Now we must go so long time by car on the road, which is still so dangerous, the Long March of the Red Army had to completely depend on the feet tramping over mountains and through ravines, it’s really hard to imagine how they walked through the mountain that year?
Night, at 12 o’clock, the team is still traveling in the mountains, both sides are the cliffs. For the sake of safety, the medical team members had to get off and walk......
The new Long March is to us a spiritual baptism!"
2004.11.28/November 28th, 2004
Today, Forlani had her 63 years old birthday in Jinan Baofa Tumor Hospital. To make her birthday more meaningful, the Granny contribute $5000 for the activity of "Long March of Medical and Poverty Alleviation" in her own name, hoping to make her own meager strength for this activity.
Franny wrote in the letter to the long march medical team: "Thank you for the superb medical skills and thank you for making me feel dedication...... Wish you smoothly and healthy!"
I was very moved, a foreigner, so supporting to the activities, what reason do we have not to do a better job for this activity? Thanks to Granny Forlani!
2004.11.30/November 30th, 2004
Afternoon, in the pattering rain, at Puwei Town, in Miyi County, Sichuan Province, the medical teamers of “Medical and Poverty Alleviation Long March” sent medicine and treatment for the elderly at local nursing home, using their sincere love to warm the lonely hearts; old people used the song to sing: "I will put you in mind."
2004.12.2/December 2nd,2004     
Today, saw Dr. Zhang Hua working tirelessly to do check to the patients, grizzled hair was blown to some messy, sweat was oozing from her forehead.
Zhang Hua is 65 years old, the chief doctor in Jinan Baofa Tumor Hospital. Who said that the long march is only by young volunteers? Zhang Hua, the overage volunteer is using her passion and skill to serve for the people at old revolutionary base areas.
Before the start of the event, I once asked Zhang Hua's opinion, asking her if she would take part in the long march medical activities, she almost didn't hesitate to answer “Yes”.
 Thanks to her! Just like a young along the road, she didn’t show any weakness.
2004.12.8/November 8th, 2004
In No.15 ladder classroom of Chongqing Medical University, I gave a special report of “Medicine and Spirit of Long March” for 250 students.
I talked about the hardships and fun of the overseas students returned to entrepreneurship, to serve the country, the scenes of the volunteers for medical and poverty alleviation serving in the old, less, side, poor area, particularly emphasis on how to use Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong thought armed mind, and translated into our own beliefs, return the medical career of motherland, serving the people. The report touched the attendees deeply, brought the students resonance, with the continuous applause.
2004.12.15/November 15th, 2004    
For more than two months, we marched on the road with mutual help, mutual encouragement, to share joy, to bear the pain, we have become one family. On the long marching road, the teamers use the practical action to interpret the volunteers’ oath: dedication, love, mutual aid, progress.
On the guest book, the teamers left a deep feeling to their loved ones, to the masses of old revolutionary base areas.
"We are trudging through the long march, although conditions are difficult, our heart was burning with a fire, which was from the love, understanding and support of our family. We would use the hot feelings of the angel in white forever to warm the Yunnan Guizhou Plateau, make the Loess Plateau be scattered fully with health oasis."
"Yi Min, we are part for a long time, how about the aged people and the young daughter at home? The heavy burden of taking care of the family is on you thin shoulder, in the long march, I will say with deeply feelings: 'You have worked hard, thank you, I love you.'"
"Mother, daughter should act under your knees, but let your work for me, I am really sorry, you should pay attention to your body. Ying Er, mother’s baby, mother is not willing to leave you, you are still young, when you grow up, and you will be proud for mother’s doing. You should listen to the words of your father and grandmother, to study well, waiting for mom to go back to see you good results."
"Miss unlimitedly, all are in no words." Among the service team, the eldest Teacher Xu Guosheng expressed all the volunteers aspiration with a word.
2004.12.21/November 21st,2004            
From Chongqing to Gansu, overnight, the teamers came into the great northwest from the south, the range of the temperature was more than 10℃, extremely dry climate, which made us didn’t adapt to it who have lived in the south for more than two months, many of the teamers began to cough, be cold, fever.
At seven thirty in the morning, it was very cold outside; the ground was covered with thick ice, so the players had to walk with hand in hand, carefully minced to next service point ......
Because of dry climate in Gansu, Wang Xiantao has been in the nosebleeds, however, he stuffed with cotton, continued to adhere to the work. In the bleak inspection car, I let him rest, he said: "Now, I'm the only one for ultrasonography, and if because of a trifle influenced the work, which may delay how many people to see a doctor."
2004.12.30/November 30th, 2004
More than 8 o'clock in the morning, I and several teamers went to the next service point -- Wuqi County, Shaanxi Province.

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