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发布时间:2018-01-30 08:51  点击:

On the planet we live in, there are hundreds of millions of automobiles and millions of ships, which all emit emissions every day, firing gasoline and diesel into our atmosphere. 
After years of exploration by many countries, LNG is considered to be the most ideal transportation fuel alternative available, with minimal atmospheric pollution potential.
LNG is short for liquefied natural gas. This new fuel could not only reduce pollutant emission to a large extent, but also enjoys high level of safety. Proven to be a safer fuel than gasoline, diesel or LPG, LNG has a higher ignition point, making it less flammable. In addition, LNG has a higher cap requirement for any time of eruptions, greatly lessening the probability of explosion. Its inherent volatility causes it to evaporate quickly, preventing a concentrated gathering of gases, and also reducing the likelihood of an explosion. Concretely speaking, LNG is safe in following specific respects:
安全因素一 LNG本身具有安全的物理性质
Safety Factor 1: A New Type of Naturally Safe Fuel
First of all, LNG is stored at a very low temperature. Once it is exposed to the environment, it will readily evaporate into the air, minimizing any danger of a fuel “cloud”.
When LNG is put into a cup of plain water, the water would be safe to drink due to the fast vaporization of LNG. That means that even in the case of spillage, cleaning up after LNG is not required.
LNG is a low temperature liquid which is intrinsically difficult to ignite. It can even extinguish a burning cigarette.
安全因素二 LNG在车辆、船舶使用的各个环节是安全可靠的。
Safety Factor 2: LNG is both a safe and reliable fuel source when it is used to power vehicles and vessels
LNG-powered cars have almost no difference in operation and functions in comparison with traditional gasoline or diesel cars; they could even save 15%-20% of fuel cost. Therefore, the number of LNG-powered cars has experienced a shocking increase from 2008, and now it has reached about 70,000 LNG buses and heavy trucks put in use.
Will the LNG cylinder breakage in an auto accident or overturned bring forth extra danger?
In an experiment, we dropped an LNG cylinder from a height of 10m, by which it faces an impact of car crash in a speed of 50km/h. The result: not only did the cylinder remain intact and virtually leak-proof, but there was no frost or dew on the shell. If an automobile accident were to cause a fire, will LNG cause any danger? We then tested the safety of the LNG cylinder in a fire accident scenario.  We placed an LNG cylinder above a high-temperature flame for a long period of time, and the liquid contents had not been inordinately gasified, indicating the qualitative insulation of the LNG cylinder. This experiment also showed us that when a fire occurs, there is no risk of a fuel leak erupting from an LNG cylinder. If an automobile accident were to cause a fire, it would be due to some other unrelated reason.  In such cases the cars burned down completely, but the LNG cylinders were amazingly still perfectly sound without any sign of fuel leakage.
LNG is also safe as vessel fuels, since the safety standards of vessel LNG are higher than car LNG. The vessel LNG has to withstand the added pressure imposed by the shaking LNG. 
In cases of collision-type traffic accident, the LNG storage tank may face strong pressure and squeeze. We conducted an experiment, simulating the tragic collision of two 300-ton vessels. With a hydraulic metal bow, we enacted an extrusion and collision accident. We discovered that the outside layer of the tank was just slightly distorted, but not broken. Thus according to our experiment, there is no actual risk of an LNG leak even under these highly unlikely circumstances.
Vessels and ships on sails may be influenced by marine corrosion. To research this matter further, we simulated a marine environmental, 10-year corrosion experiment. The result showed that the appropriate anticorrosive surface coat can protect tank materials from corrosion.
Besides providing a safety guarantee on LNG storage equipment, safety control systems have been carefully installed within vehicles and vessels carrying, equipping with the flammable gas at every checkpoint where LNG could potentially leak. Even a minor fuel leak would be immediately detected. Once a leak is found, sound and light alarms will be activated immediately, and the fuel supply valve is cut off immediately to prevent any additional fuel seepage. We have found the safety control system can effectively perform this function.
A ventilation system has also been installed on every cabin in the vessel. This eliminates the risk of either suffocation or explosion due to gas accumulation. 
Smoke sensors have been installed in a high safety control areas to detect a fire at the earliest opportunity and sound the warning alarm.
安全因素三 严重事故中LNG的危害是有限且可控的
Safety factor 3: Controllable Damage by LNG in Hazard Accidents
Although LNG storage equipment and the LNG fuel system are proven to be of high stability, we underwent testing procedures in order to examine the possible threat of LNG danger under some extreme conditions.
LNG storage equipment is both sturdy and resilient. To observe the near-impossible circumstance of an LNG cylinder being broken in a serious accident, we intentionally pierced it using a weapon. After a large volume of LNG leaked from the cylinder into the air, it did not bring forth any damage.
(Subtitle: this experiment estimated the damage LNG may bring in extreme conditions; the real probability is very low.)
In a more serious situation, we scattered fire sources around an LNG cylinder and then attempted to break it open. Our observations led us to the conclusion that the LNG will not explode even in the event of leakage combined with an open flame; it simply forms a jet fire in a very limited range.
(Subtitle: this experiment estimated the damage LNG may bring in extreme conditions; the real probability is very low.)
By comparison, let’s consider the result of an LPG leak when it is dropped directly onto an open flame. Since the LPG concentration is denser than air, the flammable gas cloud will form around to the leak’s location, not dispersing so rapidly, and it will cause a higher possibility of explosion in a situation with an open flame
So, what treatment shall we take in case of a fire by LNG? Research has shown that dry powder and foam can effectively control and extinguish LNG fires and prevent fire spreading。   
For years, LNG has been actively researched as a viable fuel source in both vehicles and vessels. Its ongoing development has been perfected for its role in both small devices and in larger systems, like manufacturing. Throughout its history, LNG has quite an impressive safety record. LNG transportation ships have been safely operating for the past 50 years, LNG vehicles have been safely operating for the past 20 years, and LNG vessels have been safely operating for the past 10 years. So far there has not been any casualty report showing an LNG-caused incident resulting from the combustion or explosion of the LNG fuel itself. A recent Transportation Security Administration report stated that, “Over the past 20 years, LNG has the best safety records, in comparison to other fuels like as gasoline and alcohol.”
After many extensive industrial applications and scientific experimentation, LNG has proven itself to be an intrinsically clean, environmentally-friendly fuel source. Its exemplary safety records, high safety controls and reliability add to its reputation as a desirable green energy fuel alternative which is readily accessible to consumers. LNG maintains the credits of high leveled safety and availability. CNOOC Gas & Power Group, as the wholly-owned subsidiary of CNOOC, focuses on “contributing clean energies to create a beautiful life”. They will continue pushing for the forward development of this very promising modern fuel source!

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