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3.1 Destiny relations between Sam’s family and I

Some destiny relations destined between some people in their lifetime, the relation between I and Sam Corran is a just like this.
In July 2001, I received a call from  America, that was Sam Corran who was a friend of Stanley, his son Andres was sick. Stanley was my American patient, who had returned home as his condition improved, .
In the phone, Sam introduced his son's state of illness, and I told him: "In case like this, you also can treat it in the USA, but possibly the side effects will be great, and our 'sustained-release storage therapy' is without side effects, and the effect may be better, I personally welcome you bring your child to get the treatment in China, I will try my best."
Then there was no other sound from the phone.
In the morning, August 2th, 2001, I was busy in the ward, my mobile phone rang suddenly, it was Sam again, firstly he gave me some greetings  courtesily, introduced Andres's condition, finally he said: " Professor Yu,  Andres was in a bad situation, we decided to terminate the chemotherapy, you can come the USA to a consultation for Andres?"
I did not expect that Sam wanted me to the USA for the consultation. Crossing the ocean to the consultation in America, I hesitated, said: "If you decide to treat in China, directly coming, according to the illness you introduced to me, Andres is able to obtain a very good treatment here, there is no any problems."
"Professor Yu, after all, you just listen to my introduction on Andres's condition, and without personally diagnosis, we still want to ask you to come." Sam’s voice was shortness, sincere.
Leaving so many things at hand to fly to the USA was hardly possible to me, as I really didn't have so much time.
Sam probably estimated that I was in hesitation, and then he said: "if chemotherapy were continued like this, after two or three months, Andres will die...... Professor Yu, we believe that only you can save the life of Andres. But if you would not come to the consultation, how do you know whether it can be treated with 'sustained-release storage therapy'?" 
With Sam Corran's trust and sincerity and the doctor’s conscience of saving the lives, I really could not refuse and finally agreed the invitation of Sam, I said that I would bought the ticket as soon as possible and I will be on  the journey as soon as I could.
At the other side of the telephone Sam was very excited, before hanging up, he did not forget to add: "Andres was dying, please Professor Yu come USA quickly, fast."
On August 7th, 2001, I flew to American and live in Sam’s home.
The first thing after I getting Sam’s home was to do Andres a routine examination. After the initial diagnosis, I told Mr. and Mrs. Sam clearly: "The Child's disease is not so bad as you think, which can be completely controlled with 'sustained-release storage therapy'."
Mr. and Mrs. Sam listened and was very glad about it, in addition to entertain me in hospitality, they also discussed with me about something of treatment on Andres.  From their speech, I felt they were mutter and mumble, words to his mouth was back to pharynx, there seemed something was hidden to me.
Until 10 o'clock in the evening, Sam took out a data to give me, and then sheepishly said: "Professor Yu...... I think......I want to ask you to go to see a lawyer with me tomorrow......"
I was surprised in the heart: how should we see a lawyer?
I stared at Sam in puzzled and asked: "What's the matter?"
Sam vaguely said: "Professor Yu...... Sorry. You have a look and then you understand......"
This is a court filing, which detailed inside the word records of both parties, in the files I could see multiple English words "Yu Baofa " and " Dongping China " .
I was still puzzled: "How am I contacted with the legal documents?" Then Sam couples confided to me everything.
Originally Sam Corran engaged in a work of agent in Florida, the USA, also he ran a hotel, living a prosperous life. After Nellie married Sam, she took her son Andres came to live in the Orlando Florida.
At the beginning of 1998, Andres suffered from acute lymphoblastic leukemia, in the next two and a half year; Sam couple go all out to work to retain their son's life.
Perhaps their love touched the God, perhaps high-dose chemotherapy played a role, and little Andres’ illness was finally under control.
Bad luck seemed too hard on Sam couple and didn't let them breathe comfortably. After 5 months, leukemia then invaded Andres’ testicular, Andres suffered from testicular cancer, again hospitalized.
After consultation, the doctor suggested cutting off Andres's testis.
Hearing the news, Sam couples were stunned: If according to the doctor's treatment plan to do, it means that Andres would never become a basket case, how would he face the world when he grow up, and how would he face the social discrimination and soul torture!
Considered repeatedly, Mr. and Mrs. Sam rejected the treatment scheme.
The doctor expressed all helpless on his face and said that only with conventional chemotherapy method to control condition, but as  Andres's cancer was caused by the  leukemia invasion, so it should increase the dose, which was two times the normal dose, otherwise it didnot play the effect at all. At last, the doctor said toughly:"Do not remove the testicles, and then you must cooperate with high dose chemotherapy, without a bit of leeway to discuss!"
In desperation, Sam couple only nodded to agree.
But they were not willing to do that, as in the chemotherapy of leukemia; Andres's body was very weak, now just a little bit better, then he would be under the large doses of chemotherapy again. They worried that Andres would not be able to bear. Furthermore, nowadays the medical technology was so relatively developed, they always thought there would be a better therapy than chemotherapy, and just they did not know.
So, the Sams who were burning with anxiety barely cooperated doctors with chemotherapy on one hand, while on the other hand they were seeking around the chemists and the medicine, asking a better method of treatment.
Stanley, a friend of Sam, who was the same as a broker, told him: "I have a better therapy; you know I had suffered testicular cancer, and also had been tortured by chemotherapy, but now my condition has been effectively controlled. Do you know where I had the treatment? Dongping Taimei Baofa Hospital in China, opened by Professor Yu Baofa, an overseas Chinese student who invented the 'sustained-release storage therapy', which was very useful, I just came from there."
Stanley highly recommended the Sam couple took the child to cure in China.
Hearing the news, Sam couple seemed to have hit the jackpot; they continued to find all kinds of news about me, to collect a large number of “releasing storage therapy" data from the Internet.
This was firmly opposed by American doctors, and they felt incredible to the idea of Sam Corran couples.
However, at the moment, the Sam couples had already completely believed that only I could save his son, they tried to persuade the doctors with the powerful example of Stanley, but they did not expect this angered the American doctors, who shouted loudly: "The illness of Andres can only be cured in America, and cannot be cured in other countries. If you don't change your mind, determined to take Andres to China, I'll sue you ignoring the law, ignoring the children's life security......"
Sam couples were vacant.
I had been in America for so many years, and I knew America law, children's rights were classified in the first place to focus on protection, even the birth parents, whose some behavior made America social workers think the parents abused children, lawyers would ask the judge to deprive the custody of the parents, who even faced the danger of putting into jail.
Sam couples compromised.
On July 7th, 2001, after the start of a new round of chemotherapy for Andres, who appeared severe symptoms of side-effects: systemic snow-white skin turned yellow, hair loss, nausea, fatigue, eating something then vomited it, and often persistently abdominal pain. On July 21th, almost all of Andres's hair fell off, he was too weak to get out of bed, while naturally lively Andres still occasionally struggled to get up to exercise. Sam couples’ heart ached as being cut, since such treatment were going on, Andres should be treated to die!
Sam couldn't wait anymore, he found the doctor with a turned red face: "We do not do chemotherapy. I decided to take Andres to China to find Professor Yu for treatment, even if you accuse me, I am also not afraid. I decided!"
This day, Sam couples forced to carry Andres home from the hospital, and began to apply for a visa, prepared for going to China.
At around one o’clock in the afternoon on August 1st, when Sam couples were packing up luggage in their house, suddenly someone knocked at the door, Sam opened the door then he was startled: at the door stood a black police officer and two social workers who were with guns, handcuffs, and behind them parked three police cars.
Sam was muddled and asked hurriedly: "Police, what was happened? Did you knock on the wrong door?"
The police confirmed he was Sam Corran then said to him: "We came to see Andres; we have to check the child body to see whether there were the traces been abused ......"
Originally, just after Sam couples took Andres out of the hospital, the doctor wrote an appealing letter to accuse Sam couples abusing child, giving up America traditional treatment, and to find Chinese so-called " Professor Yu" and other therapy.
In America, everything involving women and children were the big things, which were under the supervision and management by special organization. As long as these institutions began to doubt on your treatment to the children, then you would became the object of their supervision and inspection, anything that you gave the children to eat and use, your usually behavior and attitude on the children would be in their control. At this time, as long as a little of your behavior made them feel too much, you would lose the custody of your children.
Facing to the police, Sam was confused in the heart, bracing himself to answer questions.
The police asked the questions very carefully, including something had been done to Andres after stopping chemotherapy, why to stop chemotherapy and so on.
Such a stalemate lasted for 45 minutes, the police still did not walk away, Sam asked: "Do you want to carry Andres away?"
"Yes, we will continue to give treatment for Andres." The police’ face was emotionless.
Sam's tone was also toughly: "if you want to take the child, it was not good only with a gun, I ask you to go away!"
The police were without a sign of weakness: "Well, well, an hour later we will come back again." It means they would take more persons and more guns coming, and they must to take the kid away.
As soon as the police left, then Sam called his wife Nellie: "You take Andres away; I wait for them here, fast!"
It came so suddenly, Nellie was even more panic, hurriedly carried Andres to the car, out of the house, but she was with a little idea, calling Sam: "Sam, where should I go?"
"Don't worry about where to go, at first you should be on journey." Sam was afraid that the mother and the child were found by the police; only wanted them to leave quickly.
An hour later, the police did not come back. Another hour passed, rang the phone, and a cold voice said: "At one thirty tomorrow afternoon, the court held a hearing; you all have to appear in court!"
At this moment Sam Corran calmed down instead, he thought: if I asked my wife and child together to court, it was possibility that the child would have been taken away forcibly to chemotherapy, that all the previous efforts will be waste. He determined definitely to call his wife who had lived in the home of a friend: Don’t come back, I will appearance to the court.
The night was so long and Sam was difficult to sleep. He was in a distress of a long time, as lawsuit was never an easy thing, but Sam had no way to retreat. At the same time, he also held great promises to win, because his friend Stanley had made a very good therapeutic effect in China, and not only Stanley himself, Stanley could help him more examples. There were precedents, there would be persuasive. He knew that the purpose of the doctors who accused him, because he deprived doctors the opportunity to make money, chemotherapy meant that he would pay the doctor innumerable money.
American medical system was very different from Chinese. As we all know, our current health care system is mainly on the purpose to heal the wounded and rescue the dying, to service for the public, while it is on the contrary in America, which is not a service organization but a pure commercial organization for the purpose of profit. So, in America, the doctor's income is particularly high, while the Americans who suffered from a serious illness always cannot afford the cost of the treatments if they have not enough home resources or medical insurance.
At 6 o’clock in the morning on August 2nd, Sam Corran went to the lawyer's office, hired a senior lawyer. After he stated the facts and opinions to the lawyer, the lawyer shook his head very helplessly, said the hope he win the hearing was not big. For the reasons: firstly, in the concept, few American believed Chinese treatment could exceed that in the USA; for the second, in law nor there was no cited case to support, American law is not simply to interpret the law with the provision of law, but according to the specific case one aspect which had occurred in the front  as a reference to affect the progress and results of the case; the more difficult, as this matter was related to children, which was no trivial matter!
Though it was so difficult, the lawyer still went to the court together with Sam.
At the hearing, the doctor was very excited; she accused Sam couples did not give the child the regular treatment, which was child abuse. She applied to the court for deprivation of Mr. and Mrs. Sam’s custody of the child, the child would be at guardianship by the children protection center of community and continued chemotherapy.
"Then much chance of survival can continuous chemotherapy give to the child?"The lawyer for Sam pierced to the heart of the matter.
"There is 50% chance of survival." The doctor replied.
The lawyer asked step by step: ”How long can he live?"
The doctor was speechless. Before this, Sam had ever asked the doctor the same question for many times, the doctor had just told him "There is 50% chance of survival", but she never said about survival for longer time.
In the lawyer's repeated questioning, the doctor then truthfully said: "With the probability of 50% he can live for 5 years!"
"The probability of 50% he can live for only 5 years! Why don't you let us go to China for treatment? The survival probability there of Professor Yu is 91%, the survival time is longer."
"Where is the evidence?  I don't believe it.
Yes, the time is too short; Sam did not take enough evidence at all to prove this point. He and his lawyer were speechless.
The court finally ruled: limited Sam Corran couple  to send Andres at monitoring by the children protection center of community before August 19th to continue chemotherapy. However, the court still gave Sam a chance to prepare evidence: on August 15th the formal hearing for the case would be held there.
Through one or two days of the hearing , Sam was jittery and almost did  not hold a little hope to win the lawsuit, two of the couples began to do ready for escape ---- they decided to abandon the family property and reluctantly left Florida.
At this time, his lawyer said to him: "We are not without the hope of winning, and the only, only, only hope is Professor Yu can come to testify in court."
Like a drowning person grasping a straw, Sam's eyes were bright: "Really? If so, we would ask Professor Yu to testify in court."
"But he is far in China, will he come?" The lawyer was skeptical.
Sam either had no idea in his my heart: Yu Baofa was now far in Dongping of China, and I had never met him before, will he help us for this?
“Let me see…. No matter with what kind of way, I must ask Professor to come here." Sam was with the manner to fight to win or die off.
And after a deep consideration over a night, Sam finally came up with a good idea: let me go to America with the name of request to a consultation.
To the result, I was really fooled.
Listening to the story of Sam couples, looking at the English documents of the court, I realized the means of Sam couple's, and I also very understood them: "Why didn't you tell me in advance so that I have a good psychological preparation?" Sam was very embarrassed: "I ...... the development of things was too fast, just like a nightmare. I was afraid it would frighten you to do this at the time, and I was worried about you would not come if you had known the truth. Sorry, we really don't want to hurt you, as only you can save our child!"
I was ignorant at the time. Though I had been in America for so many years, after all, I was not comprehensive to understand the law of America. Although I had witnessed some lawsuits triggered by medical disputes, while I had never dealt with Court .
Holding the file of  court hearing, for a long time I did not speak anything.
The two sides both were silent at the time, and I did not know how to deal with the matter.
Everything came too suddenly to make me be unexpected and to make me have no enough room to think about.
This was truly an unbearable request.
This was neither a regular course of official duties nor a routine treatment, which was then enough for just treatment, just waiting. Processing well, the patient would be grateful to you; not well, the patient would criticize you; fail processing, the patient would suffer a lot, and the doctor would bear his own soul punishment. This thing was essentially different from the routine therapy, and there were fundamental differences between them. Moreover, its consequences would not be estimated,  and the end for waiting was also unable to contemplate.
If I had not been in America, they could not get me there even they had spoken ceaselessly all day and invited me in the most honorific manner ---as I had to face the powerful law of America.
China and American after all are two different countries. I knew I was not the Messiah and I must respect the applicable law of America. I also understand that if I had accepted Sam couple's request, then I must understand to abide by the rules, learn to play the role, perform the duties.
If compared the lawsuit as a war, then Mr. and Mrs. Sam took me to the forefront of the position. Going forward meant that I must carry out a close combat with my unfamiliar American law; while retreat meant to be helplessly to give up the hope of Andres survival, even the life hope the Sams.
Since I had been in Orlando, retreat would only be the next bad plan.
In the morning on August 8th, 2001, I went to see the lawyer with Sam Corran.
The lawyer very earnestly begged me with him to serve as a witness at court. He said: "Now the situation is very adverse to  Mr. and Mrs. Corran, as we have no evidence. If you do not testify in court, the court is meaningless for us, Mr. and Mrs. Corran will certainly lose it."
I did not promise immediately: "Please allow me to think about it for a day, as I have no idea about how to help you."
Came out from the lawyer firm, I began to think: I had treated so many cancer patients in China including such disease of Andres, and I had also treated dozens of American patients. These examples were enough to persuade the judge. Moreover, my treatment was not with pure Chinese medicine, rather based on traditional Chinese and western medicine, using "releasing storage therapy" evolved by integrating the medical development , which was  reasonable, and I can try.
After one day, I promised Sam couples' request to appear in court. At that time, Sam was excited to rub his hands, and Nellie had been filled with tears.
In accordance with the law requirements, I worked on a treatment plan, which was delivered to the court.
Everything was ready, and we were just waiting for the trial on August 15th.
It was impossible not to be nervous for me, as the differences of national culture; it was not so simple to use a popular form to express a complicated idea to another nation. First of all, there were natural differences among the practices and ideas, the implementer accidentally decayed a bit, there would also be some loss of information to the recipient, , the final result may be poles apart.
It was not so easy to want to use my own medical concept to convince the judge.
Sam seemed to see my thoughts and to comfort me he said: "You need not to be nervous, my wife and I have prepared for the worst, in the morning on August 15th, Nelly will bring Andres to hide out. If we lost the lawsuit, I will let Nelly take our kid to Ecuador at first, and then curved to China to find your for treatment, I alone left to take care of my house. If they asked me where my wife and kid had gone, I would answer them I don't know."
I could only fight to win or die.
At 2 o’clock in the afternoon on August 15th, the court formally held a trial for the case of Corran couples’ child abuse.
The court was full of spectators, no one spoke casually, and no one walked randomly. The judge and the two parties were tightening their faces; the whole atmosphere in the court was dignified, solemn, as if even the time was also solidified.
All of us were quietly waiting, and waiting for a verdict about the matter of little Andres’  fate.
All of these were just like a battle was about to begin, the atmosphere and the scene made all people feel nervous and feel unable to calm.
I was even more nervous; my heart beat seemed to be at my throats. This was the first time that I was on the court, and in a foreign court, it was not difficult to imagine that what a bewildered guy I must have be at the moment.
In the face of American doctors and auditors full of the court, I was the only one yellow skin Chinese.
As a physician, I had treated the patients with doing numerous great or small "releasing storage therapy", at the moment when the stitch was down which was in the matter of life, I had never heard the beating of his own heart, while this moment, I heard, dong dong dong against my parapet...... as I still had no idea.
I did not know the judge would ask me what kind of problems and I even did not dare to imagine, if my testimony had been adverse, then we were defeated, how I walked out of the court from the eyes of so many Americans......
Looking at these blond faces, suddenly I felt they were so familiar and so strange. Those years I studied in the USA, they were so enthusiastic, friendly, although I was poor; we were very harmonious with our feelings. While now, I felt suddenly how we became so hostile? I saw this sense of distance and strange from the eyes of America doctors and some observers. They looked at me just like looking at an enemy, staring at a monster.
“What am I going to do? What am I going to do?”
Several times I even wanted to exchange with the America doctor, then listen to her advice, see what to do next, but the idea was denied by me. If I communicated with the American doctor actively, she would see I had no idea in my mind. , and I had no idea about how the American doctor was. If she found out my view and word testimony, then she told all to the judges, what was the end was waiting for me? The really game had not been started yet, while I  had felt so lonely and helpless. The past few days, I hardly slept through the night. Often I just fell asleep  then woke up with a quiver, and then I was sleepless all night and night. Even I had no appetite,  and I did not feel hungry from stomach.
Because of my testimony would decide the fate of Andres.
Because of my testimony would change American doctors’ views on China and Chinese medicine.
The judge announced the court.
Lawyers for both sides stated their case and the reasons respectively, and then carried on the exchange and debate. Next, the American doctor expressed her views again, I finally appeared in court.
Sun Tzu said: "Know yourself as well as the enemy, and then you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat." After hearing the America doctor and lawyer’s presentations, my heartbeat slowed down with the peace of mind, as that the American doctor and lawyer repeatedly emphasized was outside nothing but their treatment was standard, which was the world standard, while China was a developing country, the medical facilities and medical methods were very backward, which was not worth mentioning.
Adventured in  America for so many years, I knew very well the American doctor’s concept, there medical was a business, and the American doctors had only one mind – to receive only western medicine training, at the same time, and they only cared about responsibility instead of the treatment effect, so American people enjoyed no real freedom in medical treatment. In other words, as long as an American doctor decided the treatment with this method, then he would rule in the end, and he would not change the method of treatment in the half-way, while for your life, it's your business. If you wanted to quit in the half-way, sorry, it was no way.
It's my turn to testify.
Went into the witness box, I raised my hand and said to be responsible for all what I was to say.
In front of so many American peers, I said slowly: "I come America to witness through so distance, while I did not want to prove the method of treatment in America is not good. There are a lot of my teachers in America, and I could not obtain a lot of knowledge and achievements without their help and support. Emotionally I love Americans, Chinese also love Americans. Here, I just want to prove that our method was more efficient......"
Next, I quoted a large number of cases to explain that chemotherapy could cause harm to patients at the same time in treatment. The purpose that we enthusiastically to do chemotherapy for the patient was nothing but wishing to extend the patient's life, while actually by its side effects, we inadvertently shorten the patient's life, this was an indisputable fact ......
At this time, the American doctor stood up and said excitedly: "But our treatment is standard, is normal."
I smiled: "The so-called standard is relative. If it were fully standard, and completely normal, then why American government still invested billions of dollars in cancer research every year? This shows that our current method is to be improved, need to be improved, otherwise, we do not need to study."
"Then, are the other therapies from China more advanced than chemotherapy?"
I answered with some excitement: "You are not very understanding about China, China is engaging in reform and opening up, and in the rapid progress. Chairman Mao Zedong advocated 'Make the past serve the present, make foreign things serve China,' which was encouraged us doctors of traditional Chinese medicine to learn from Western  medicine, and western medicine to absorb something from traditional Chinese medicine, so we can walk a road of medicine combined Western medicine with traditional Chinese medicine. My ' sustained-release storage therapy ' is also with the thought like this, which was organic, reasonable to integrate various effective methods."
My debate was right on the beat, and my words hit the mark with every sentence, so I won the American doctor somewhat on the psychological.  Here, all the people on the court laughed, who began to focus their attentions on me.
Next, I said: "In America, doctors are supreme. The doctor’s wages is the most, and the authority of the doctors was also the largest, so he only allows patients to execute his orders. While it is not the case in our Dongping Baofa Hospital, the treatment is a process of cooperation of doctors and patients. Our treatment is not the same as in the USA. where set plan is immutable and frozen, but according to the patient's condition to constantly adjust, so its effect  is much better than any other way. For this method we also benefited from the Mao Zedong Thought, which was the practical use of Mao Zedong’s guerrilla tactics:  breaking up the whole into parts, mutual integration, flexible. And, the medicine we used is  invented in America, which has been proven its role by a large number of clinical, we just put these anticancer drugs together, concentrated into a tumor, do not let it spread, so it has no side effect......"
I was to testify in court as a "secret weapon" by Sam family, which had made the other side be unexpected, and I argued for an hour, full court heard with concentration of their attention.
My voice just fell, the courtroom erupted the warm applause. Sam's lawyer also stroked while the iron was hot to debate, and gave it a good location for the focus: If Andres continued chemotherapy, he will die after two or three months. The question now is, as parents they think they should give the child one of the best treatment method.
A perfect pair cooperation toppled over every person in the court, the American doctor attending to Andres   was also dumb with speechless. Then, the judge asked the doctor: "Do you still have objection on Professor Yu’s words testimony?"
The American doctor replied helplessly: "By now I don't have any objection."
The judge then asked me about something of my studying in the United States, and finally asked me to provide a variety of experience and education certificate and other related materials, announced an adjournment.
Sam was very excited; he concluded that the judge had been completely conquered. After the adjournment, he jubilantly took me to eat pizza to celebrate, thereby releasing the long time depression and gloom.
As we were eating, I said: "Sam, you win the lawsuit."
Despite Sam had cherished great hope to win the lawsuit,  while the victory he was looking  forward was around the corner, he also feared it was a joy in vain, because he still took it to his heart for the Law "full of hate" : "How could it?How might you already know the result?"
"From two points it can be concluded. Firstly, the judge had been concentrating his attention on listening to my speech, while he was not interested in the debate from the other side; the second, at the time of adjournment, the judge asked me to submit my resume and other documents of education. Which shows that he is to verify these documents, also shows that my testimony is very effective. If he judged you lose, this was not necessary, nor with an adjournment, as he can sentence then."
I submitted my documents and materials  to the court, the second day, I flew back to China.
Just as I expected, on August 22th, 2001, the court made the final judgment: Approve the requirement of Sam Corran couples to bring their child to China for treatment!
On the phone Sam excitedly said to me: "I feel great, I was opposing to a legal system and I won, I kicked the American law with only a dinner money."
I was also very excited, as I felt for the first time to display myself in front of so many Americans single-handedly and heartily, perhaps I would never forget it.
Winning the lawsuit, and I "robbed" the little Andres from the American court to my hospital, who was a patient with testicular cancer and at the age of 9. By "releasing storage therapy", little Andres was saved back from the gate of hell.
3.2 Life or beauty? The story of an American lady painter

莫瑞尔·迪拉普兰(Muriel Deleplane)是美国佛罗里达州人,美国著名女画家,擅长工笔、人物,已经80岁高龄依然泼墨不辍,其画作在美国有不小的影响力。
Muriel Deleplane is from Florida, the USA, an American famous female painter, who was good at fine brushwork and figures, she was 80 years old and still painted ceaselessly, and her paintings have quite a lot of influence in the USA.
In April, 2003, at Taimei Baofa Tumour Hospital ward, Muriel took out the picture to show me which had been printed on the postcard by America State Postal Bureau, my heart was pierced through by the artistic conception  of the painting. Art is no national boundaries, the charm and the style means unconventional, uninhibited in common, such as the bamboo on the edge of a deep pool, or cut for whistle or section for flute, or agitation or desolate, which was more than suddenly enlightened after maintaining. Every person engaging in artistic creation was always with individuality, while Mrs. Morel's personality made us feel what was extraordinary refined. She said: "When I had to lose its own perfect in exchange for the possible of the continued survival, I would rather give up life to keep perfect."
Morel's pursuit for beauty is perfect whose life was always in the pursuit of artistic, she has a great cultivated spirit. When Morel suffered breast cancer and the doctor suggested to make breast resection for her, she made a decision which was unexpected by most people: Giving up the treatment to retain the women's unique characteristics. Also in order to retain the beauty of a woman, she came to China.
For Morel, this was an extraordinary rescue for the ordinary beauty.
In June 2002, Morel felt unwell, and then it was confirmed as breast cancer through several hospital diagnoses. At the beginning of hospital treatment, due to the lack of understanding of treatment for breast cancer, Morel did not know American doctors agreed that the best method of treating breast cancer was removal of the breast. After a few days in the hospital, the doctor told her they were ready to do an operation of breast resection for her, but they could not guarantee that breast cancer could be cured after resection.
Morel was very surprised: "Why my breast was to be in the resection? Were there no other better method of treatment?"
The doctor reluctantly shrugged and said: "Miss Morel, this is currently the best method of treatment, only resection in your breast can remove the lesion together. But I can't guarantee its success rate with 100%, as there are such cases, after the breast is removed, a focus moved to somewhere else......"
Morel was somewhat at a loss.
To follow the doctor's advice to do breast resection operation, she was not only to face the loss of female beauty, but also to face the situation that the cancer was not necessarily be completely cured; while not to follow the doctor's advice and there was no better way......
Considered repeatedly, she rejected the advice of doctors and not to do breast resection operation.
The American doctors felt it was incredible and tried to persuade Morel, they said: "If you don't do the operation, the cancer cells may spread further to endanger your life......"
Morel retorted: "If my breast were removed, do you guarantee that my life is not compromised? At worst of the worst, even you saved my life, as my breast was removed, then you say am I a man or a woman? I love life, while I even more love beautiful, I never put my breast to resection."
Morel rejected the American doctor’s advice, left the hospital. Since then, she was removed to a number of hospitals; the results were all to be "resection of breast". Morel was very disappointed, then she started many conservative therapy trials, including eating Chinese herbal medicine, but the condition was deteriorated step by step.
Relatives and friends looked her and worried, they also began to persuade her to do the operation, while Morrill disagreed and said to her relatives and friends: "God created woman with breast, which is to allow it to display the beauty of women, and yet the doctor had it removed, this is clearly a crime, I can't support them to commit a crime......"
In November 2002, the tumor on the body of Morel was so large, intense pain got her no peace for sleep or the meal, she suffered unspeakably. Although she was still in an attempt to treat with a variety of methods, it did not have much better.
One day, she was in the chat with her friend Jim Brown , Jim told her a Chinese doctor called Yu Baofa invented a new method for the treatment of cancer, and the effect was very good, there have been many American patients who were treated by him to be free from the torment of illness.
Morel listened with gleam in eye: "Where is the Chinese doctor now? How can I find him?"
Jim finally found the contact way after several twists and turns, and then he notified Morel
Morel was mad with joy and felt from the heart that God was fair and with special preference to her. Afterwards, Morel said: "Since I knew the 'sustained-release storage therapy' of Professor Yu, I felt from my heart that God was urging me: Hurry to China, to China......"
After obtaining the contact method, Morel called my mobile phone. She complained to me for her illness, and e-mailed all the test results to China, including computed tomography (CT) film.
After analysis, Morel's breast cancer although had reached an advanced stage, which was not so easy to treat as early and mid stage, while it was still cured  with a "sustain-release storage therapy". So, I called Morel: "Ms. Morel, I have assurance of 95% to control your cancer cells. You neither need to be cut off the breast, endure physical deformity, nor need to do systemic chemotherapy, endure physical pain, I can keep your beauty."
Got the answer, then Morel was not quiet for a moment any more. As she understood the details of  "sustained-release storage therapy" and Taimei Baofa Tumour Hospital from the Internet, preparing for the future with the treatment; at the same time she did preparations to China.
At the beginning of 2003, Morel announced to her relatives and friends that she was going to accept the "release  storage therapy" at Taimei Baofa Tumour Hospital " of Shandong in China.
听说莫瑞尔要到中国治癌症,亲友们坚决反对,理由是:第一,美国的设备和技术是最先进的,中国绝对不会超过美国,所以,这个“缓释库疗法”的可信度值得怀疑;第二,传染性非典型肺炎(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndromes,以下简称非典)病毒正在全球流行。一位亲戚这样说她:“你要去中国,去那么落后的地方治癌症,本身就够疯狂的了。现在中国正在流行非典,你又选择这个时候去,简直是双倍的疯狂!” 莫瑞尔一时感觉孤立无援。
Hearing about this, Morel’s relatives and friends firmly opposed for the reasons: Firstly, as the equipment and technology in America were the most advanced, Chinese never more than American, so the credibility of this "releasing storage therapy" was questionable; For the second, the viruses of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndromes (hereinafter referred to as the SARS) were popular in the whole world. A relative said to her: "You want to go to China so backward place to cure cancer, it's crazy. Now China is spread of SARS, and you choose this time to go, it is double the crazy!" Morel felt she was isolated and helpless.
Among these voices of opposition, only a voice to support Morel to China for treatment, she was Morel’s sister Bervely.
毕佛莉·恩森(Bervely Ensian)是莫瑞尔的妹妹,小莫瑞尔两岁,退休前是一位会计师。她对亲友们说:“美国的设备虽然是世界上最先进的,但它却控制不了姐姐的病。中国是个历史悠久的国家,文化底蕴丰富,重要的是中国有个于教授,掌握着治疗癌症的先进技术,所以我和姐姐一样相信中国,我认为姐姐的决定并不是发疯,而是上帝的安排。我不但支持姐姐去中国治疗,我还要陪她一块儿去中国!”姐妹俩力排众议,于2003年4月13日飞抵北京。
Bervely Ensian is Morel's younger sister, two years old younger than Morel, an accountant before retired. She told friends and relatives: "Although American equipment is the most advanced in the world, but it can't control my sister's disease. China is a country with a long history, rich cultural heritage. To the important, there is a Professor Yu in China who masters advanced technology for the treatment of cancer, so to the same of my sister, I believe Chinese, and I think my sister's decision is not crazy, but the arrangement of god. I not only support the elder sister to China treatment, I will accompany her to go China!" The two sisters prevailed over all dissenting views, arrived in Beijing on April 13th, 2003.
On April 13th, 2003, at the Capital International Airport, passengers were surging to the exit, and I come here to pick up, in a hurry, I couldn't find that big paper which was printed an English name of  "Morel", then I was panicky.
The two sisters of Morel in a wheelchair were pushed to the exit, straightly came to me. Morel firstly spoke to me: "Are you Professor Yu?" Got to the answer to be sure, the Morel sisters laughed knowingly. Morel said: "I imagined Professor Yu is like this. Although we have never met, while in the crowd in the airport, I saw at a glance that you must be the doctor! This is the will of God!"
I was not a Christian, I didn't believe in God, but I was infected by Morel’s discourse, grinning. Afterwards, I thought it was so coincidence and surprising: "You always say that God has been urging you to China to find me for treatment to your disease, from the distant America to find me, and to recognize me among the crowd of so many people for picking up, which is really the fate."
Because of such a small episode, the strangness between Morel and me was suddenly closed a lot, Morel was admitted to Taimei Baofa Tumour Hospital at Dongping, also she got excessive attention.
Morel had been already in advanced breast cancer, the tumor had begun to fester, stinking. This matter should not be delayed, after check, I decided to her treatment immediately by "releasing storage therapy".
At 3 o’clock in the afternoon, April 16th, as the sustained release drug was slowly injected into the tumors, Morel started her treatment process of 6 weeks in China.
The treatment was surprisingly successful, Morel’s pain disappeared gradually, she could eat normally, and her mental state was also better a lot.
When I asked Morel about her different feelings on the cancer treatment in the USA and in China, Morel felt a lot: “After suffering from cancer, I understand cancer is a chronic wasting disease, a bit like the birth of a black sheep, even though you have vast wealth, there is still a day of consumption to the end. It make a person run out for essence and blood, exhaust physical ability to death, I really do not know it is whose creative.”
A lot of diseases are to kill human’s life, but only the cancer patients were really known then that the diseases of effective immediately such as cerebral hemorrhage, myocardial infarction seemed a gentle to the cancer patients.
Cancer is a real punishment.
Morel also gave a example, she said to a chair with one leg broken, a good craftsman is trying to repair the broken leg on the chair, rather than to amputate it. She said I was such a doctor, who was in the repair of the patient's pain, rather than by the re manufacturing another pain to achieve the purpose.
After she was admitted to Taimei Baofa Tumour Hospital, in order to take care of her eating habits, the hospital made special meals for her, specially matched her an English speaking nurse  to do the translation for her, chat with her. She liked to eat pineapple, but because of the wrong season, and the hospital is in rural of Dongping, so pineapple was not to be bought there at all, then I arranged someone specially went to Jinan to buy pineapple for her...... With appropriate treatment and joyful spirit, Morel’s condition improved quickly, her physical condition also got good recovery, so after the treatment of one or two weeks, Morel again put up the portfolio, picked up a paintbrush.
The first painting that Morrill could paint again was a portrait of me.
Every day, after I had finished the checking to the wards, or occasionally I had some spare time, Morel always asked me to stay in the ward, looked me carefully for a long time, and then started painting the portrait. For Morel, she usually drew a portrait, finished it in one or two days, while she spent as more than as 40 days to draw the portrait for me! And every day during that more than 40 days she spend seven or eight hours in the portrait painting. She said: "Every time I see you, there is some new feelings in my mind, and I must get these feelings melt into the picture." Otherwise, she was not satisfied.
I thought the painting was very realistic, while Morel said the painting was not finished, she would continue to paint it, as she felt certain charm hadn't been drawn through.
I was deeply impressed with the persistence showed by Morel as an artist.
So, each time she saw me, Morel would give a change on the painting for once, and the picture was always painted and never be finished, so I gave it a name, called “Never Draw up Painting”. I had made a joke with Morel, I said the birth of my portrait was in your pen, so you were the mother of my portrait, and so it could be said that you were my mother!
Morel gave a hearty laugh; her eyes were full of maternal love......
Morel once said to me: "I heard that in the hall of Geneva Nobel Prize, there is a seat which was always empty is left for a human saviour who conquered cancer. I think, if one day this seat were taken, that would be by you."
I listened and smiled.
It was more than a month with time flashed, the treatment of Morel was very well at Taimei Baofa Tumour Hospital, and she was basically rehabilitation.
Morel was very satisfied with the effect of treatment, she said: "I got the treatment and care of very good here, I had made the right choice, the fact proves Professor Yu is the person that God sent to save me."
The day before leaving hospital, Morel finally completed the "Never Draw up Painting".
On August 12th, 2003, Morel  made a special trip to Jinan gratefully.
In my office at Jingshi Road, Morel who was in hale and hearty dressed in a black dress, painted with light makeup, nailed polish silver white, with a glistening yellow necklace around her neck, her fingers wore two rings. Seeing her, you would ignore the passage of time, and those you thought were all about the fashion, beauty, vitality and so beautiful words. Compared with a few months before, she was more spiritual, and complexion was ruddy, full of an inarticulate vigour. It could be seen that the treatment for her was very successful.
"It is just less than two months since you returned, how do you come again so soon?  What is wrong with you somewhere?" I asked her.
Morel smiled amiably: "I came to China this time, for one thing, I will thank the doctors of Baofa Tumor Hospital, thank you Professor Yu. I'm very well, without any discomfort; for the second, I want to take a good travel in China, seize the wonderful scenery and realize the conditions of Chinese people, closely contact with more hospitable Chinese. I really got to know China through Chinese doctors by coming to China to cure the disease,   China left me too many good things."
In the speech, Morel laughed with a sound aloud, even me with few words usually was amused by her.
3.3 Unforgettable, my good friend Joyce

认识杰茜(Joyce)老太太是在1990年,我刚刚租住第一个家的时候,房东家的前面有一个公园,那是一个很大的公园,叫前方公园(Frontier Park), 环境很好,周末总有很多人在公园玩。  
Not the same with others, the first money for I pursuing my career was borrowed from an American old lady.
It was in 1990 that I knew the old lady Joyce, when I just rented the first home, there was a park in front of the landlord's house, which was a big park, called Frontier Park, the environment was good, on weekend there were always a lot of people in the park.
周末,我经常去公园散步, 常常见到一群老人在练气功和太极, 这可是中国元素啊,这场面一下子吸引了我,我凑了过去。经过一番套近乎,我们聊了起来,教太极及气功的老师,是圣地亚哥的东方医学学院的教师,懂得中医,我们就开聊了。
On weekends, I usually went for a walk in the park, and I often saw a group of elderly people were in practice Qigong and Taiji which was Chinese elements, so the scene suddenly attracted me, I got gather there. After a cottoning up, we chatted, the teacher who taught them Taiji and Qigong was a teacher from College of Oriental Medicine, Santiago, he understood the traditional Chinese medicine, we started to chat.
Because I had practiced martial arts, Qigong and Tai Chi  since my childhood, then I practiced together with the old people.
One day, Joyce found me: "Baofa, could you help to teach Qigong? The Qigong master is at his vacation, nobody to teach."
“Certainly! Madam.”
I thought it was a good opportunity, by teaching I could make more friends, and know the society in the USA.
At first, I didn't look it seriously, little did I think of the teaching lasted for a few years, I taught them Guo Lin Qigong and standing exercise, which was also called Heyang exercise. Everyone loved it, every person every month for ten dollars, dozens of people, so it had become my pocket money, refueling money.  Some of them were cancer patients; naturally we talked about the treatment of cancer.
Joyce was a cancer patient who had done breast cancer operation for twenty years, in the year I met her, she had already had lung metastases and oral metastasis, and then I became her adviser.
Joyce was wisdom, popularity, wealthy with lots of money, and she could play piano, knew Chinese tea, she had ever taught Chinese tea ceremony in the university. China elements on her were so many; she also could do Chinese meals, often asked these practicing Qigong friends to her home for dinner and chat.
We also compiled Qigong into a booklet for teaching conveniently and for trainees’ reference.
Every Saturday, I saw Joyce in the park, as we met, she would lovingly embraced me, at first I was not used to it, later I was accustomed, that was an American mother’s hug, very sweet, very warm.
She was from Australia, her husband was an America naval officer, in the mid-term of 1930s he performed official duties to Australia, they met and fell in love. Joyce followed him to America, married and settled down to give birth to and raise children.
In 2000, her husband suffered from Alzheimer's disease, and then got esophagus cancer, moved to the apartment for the aged; he would not suffer any of that operation and chemotherapy, so with Joyce’s care, he went to heaven peacefully.
As I met Joyce, we talked with each other about everything under the sun, and soon we became good friends, intimate friends, we talked about everything, and once we talked, it may last half a day.
In 1997, I had returned home for a few months. On the Saturday after I went back to America, I went to the park to practice Qigong, seeing the long lost Joyce. She looked very well, her face was white tinged with pink, suffused with red, her blue eyes beating happy note, as if she was suddenly younger dozens of years than ever before. 
I asked her, "Hey, Joyce, how about you recently? Why do you look so well?"
"Oh, yes, Baofa, I'm in love secretly, I have fallen in love, we write a letter and make a phone call every day, how happy we are!"
  原来,杰茜也回澳大利亚探亲了,遇到她小时候的男同学,他曾经追过她,他的孩子大了,老婆死了。 这一对老朋友相遇了,一下子迸出了爱情的火花。
Originally, Joyce also had returned to Australia to visit relatives. She met her classmate as she was very young, who had ever pursued her. His children had grown up, and his wife died, so the two old friends met again, suddenly the spark of love burst out between them.
Look, this was Joyce, a good friend of mine who talked everything with me.
Infected by the atmosphere of Chinese pioneering In Santiago, I often thought of my future, and often talk about entrepreneurship with Joyce, as sapiential Mrs. Joyce was my think-tank, a free think-tank.
During this period, a company boss came to meet me, who was called Robert, Taiwanese, very successful in America. I had a good project of drug carrier, as I showed him a simple project plan; he immediately decided to invest $100,000, 50% of the shares. I thought it could be done. When we were preparing for register of the company, Robert proposed that he should increase the investment of $50,000, much to the share of 1%, to become the shareholder of 51%. I discussed this with Joyce, she said: "No, he is holding the right. The number of his investment is not much, while the development of the drug research requires a lot of money, $150,000 is not enough." She let I reject him, I was really a bit reluctant, after all that time I very much needed that money.
A few days later, Joyce came, as she decided to lend me 100,000 dollars, "Open your own company with it at first." Write a paper contract, she immediately gave me the money.
This was my first venture funds. In 1999, when I opened the hospital, I repaid her the money with interest, but she put the interest back, she said: "It was for my son, and I do not need the interest."
Joyce, my American mother, my old friend, I thank you.
The Qigong class was still as usual, and the practice lasted more than 20 years, but Joyce and I didn't participate in it any more. Joyce went to heaven because of the cancer in 2004 to find her navy husband. And I was always very busy all day for a few hospitals in China, so I had little time to go back to America.
One day in the autumn of 2010, a Saturday, in America, after the conference, I aimlessly walked in the street. As I looked up, I found I had unexpectedly come to the park where Joyce once practiced Qigong.
In the park, there were still a group of old people, who were practicing Qigong, every gesture and motion was so familiar to me, oh, that was the Qigong that I had taught them! I seemed to have returned to the past, as if I had seen Joyce, who twisted her some fat waist, carefully trained...... When they had finished, I came up in conversation with them, few of them could recognize me, among them there was yet no Joyce, no one knew how many group of people had changed in the Qigong class.
While as I told them I was Yu Baofa, they were accidentally cheerful as a lark, called me Teacher Yu, immediately stepped forward to shake hands with me, making detailed inquires. Originally, Americans liked Chinese Qigong, and the pamphlet I compiled was still in use, person to person, mutual promotion, became a circle.
I was really happy the vitality of such a small Qigong practicing class was so strong, what more made me feel gratified, they planted a tree next to the park inscribed with her name – Joyce to commemorate her.
Joyce, I do not know whether you see it in heaven?
Before her death, Joyce still specifically made me a long-distance call to settle her concern to me in her heart, when I was participating in the National People's Congress in Beijing.
We talked for a long time, also talked about a lot of things.
I told her: "I'm going back to America to save you, I still have a lot of ways, and you can rest assured, Baofa is sure to save you."
While she said: "Baofa, I have already been satisfied, as it was 30 years since I suffered cancer, after the transfer it was another ten years, I have already prepared, I am 87 years old, children are on my side, I'm ready to go, I am very happy."
The moment, I was very sad, I said to her I was very regret and pain.
She said, "Baofa, don't be so sad. This is something sooner or later, I also have prepared for a number of years. You do a good job in China, do not let it affect your work. I love you, Baofa."
We said goodbye in a friendly atmosphere, Joyce said "Goodbye", I also said "Goodbye". No, that's not “Good bye”, it was “Farewell”. Afterwards, I thought, Jessie might be right, that was "Goodbye", we would meet in the heaven.
Joyce walk away quietly, with dignity to the end of her life, we would never touch.
After a month, I returned to Santiago, especially went to her family, her children were in the auction her things, some China antiques and porcelain, which were all very valuable China objects. Looking at Jessie photos, I thought she is so great, so cute, she lived naturally and unrestrainedly and died with boldness of vision, she would always live in my heart, in Santiago friends’ heart.
Good bye! my best America friend, my elder, my think-tank. Good bye, I miss you, not for your help, I might not be here today.
3.4 An American, Heller’s experience

Hella’s experience was also very legend, as she braved so much prejudice and misunderstanding to Chinese for treatment.
Heller was from American western, and her acquaintance with her husband was quite somewhat as that on "Titanic", two people also met on a ship, then fall in love at first sight, and soon they loved with each other. As they were ready to get married in full of joy, they encountered the objection from Heller’s family.
Heller's home was very rich, while her husband was a pauper, but love strength was infinite. Heller finally broke through the obstacles to get together with her husband, mutual help and relief in time of poverty, forever.
A few years before, Heller suffered from ovarian cancer, and she had an ovarian tumor resection. For several years she was in good condition, and there had been no recurrence. But by early 2000, she felt epigastria pain. After diagnosis, she was told that cancer cells then had run to her liver.
Two people having mutual affinity supported with hand in hand, going all the way to the middle age of their life, how happiness it was! What a thing many people were yearning! But at the time, Heller had to leave her husband to go, how could the husband be reconciled?
In order to retain the life of Heller, her husband accompanied her going through all the major hospitals in California, but they were told: Heller's disease had no cure. To the liver metastasis, USA doctors also were at a loss what to do.
As she watched her husband in despair, painful way, Heller enlightened him and said: "I died of cancer, which is much better than from other dead methods. I can see you are so sad for me, so love me, I have to my heart's content."
The husband was more pain in heart such as knife cutting, he said: "I can't do this to wait to see you to die. You went away, I will be very lonely." As the hospitals announced Heller's disease had no cure, the husband then sought help on the Internet, hoping to get help from others, and at the same time, he accessed all treatment mechanism on Internet. Inadvertently, he found a "sustained-release storage therapy" in China, where a doctor was call "Yu Baofa".
Deep love made the husband be regardless of the against from family and friends and doctors, bring Heller to Chinese.
On April 4th, 2000, Heller was admitted to Taimei Baofa Tumour Hospital, I personally did the treatment for her, first made her examination comprehensively, the check result was: Karnofsky score (score standard of Karnofsky function status) 50, ascites syndrome (+). Ultrasonography (B ultrasound) showed the left lobe of the liver was with 4cm × 4cm mass, in the right lobe of the liver, see two mass of 5cm × 5cm and 3cm × 3cm. Ascites cytology, find cancer cells.
Conclusion of the diagnosis: after ovarian cancer operation then the liver, peritoneal metastasis.
I made a comprehensive analysis on the result of Heller's check to formulate a detailed scheme of diagnosis and treatment. With her husband accompanying, Heller made "releasing storage" treatment, in fact, they felt that was not much hope, a bit like "doctor a dead horse as if it were still alive -- make every possible effort ".
However, Heller and her husband did not think, after the treatment of "release library" for two months, on June 8th, 2000, she was then examined by ultrasound, and liver metastasis carcinoma foci disappeared, no new lesions was found, ascites disappeared.
Since then, Heller, who was 48 years old, was recovered soon, not only daily food and clothing could be arranged by herself, she also could take swimming, cycling and other sports. Heller was rehabilitation.
Relatives and friends were surprised; even they themselves were surprised, too. Using the words of Heller's own, she was completely relying on perseverance to adhere to Baofa Hospital, unexpectedly the lucky in fantasy really appeared in their own body.
Heller felt it was so lucky to come to China, what’s more, she could support move with her husband again in their middle age of life, sharing of family together.
She gratefully said I was her "God", I smiled and said to her "Afterwards, the recovery is very important, which is rely on your own, as long as you are strong, you can beat cancer."
So the hospital was famous, as after her physical recovery, Heller often went walking in the street, and the people in the street saw a "gringo" being in Baofa Hospital, all of them thought I "was really amazing".
And then Dongping was lively, some farmers who had only seen foreigners on TV came one after another:"Let’s have a look what the foreigner look like."
After Heller was admitted to the hospital, the two couples were still ate and drank as usual now, who was not seen a little look of sorrow. Some people thought it was unthinkable: Just like that,, how could they still eat?
In fact, the Westerners treated illness and death with a peaceful heart, and they dared to face up to death, while Chinese were just the opposite, this was a problem of mentality, and also a problem of education. In foreign countries, a person received death education as he was very young; foreigners looked at death with pacatamente, as death is just a part of life.
Heller had returned to America, as she was reborn.
3.5 Acquaintance and then knowing with each other to Deputy Secretary General of the State Council

On March 3th, 2012, I was busy in Jinan Tumor Hospital, suddenly came a call from Teacher Lu Lina of Beijing Union Medical College: "Baofa, Deputy Secretary General of the State Council, An Chengxin is now in the General Hospital of Jinan Military Area for 64 row computed tomography (CT), he may ask your for consultation this afternoon. He has suffered from liver cancer for a year, now he suffers the pain of liver." I did not take it as big thing, I thought: it was less probability such a high official would see me, he was still at inspection in a large hospital, generally would not come to my hospital.
After 3 o'clock in the afternoon, a group of people really came to my hospital, about a dozen people, and a few went to visit the ward. The Deputy Secretary General was a tall and thin man, with glasses, very gentle. After a brief greetings and exchange a few words, we went straight to the theme. I opened the computer to report in detail, explain my invention of "releasing storage therapy", and its principle and effect. Several of the people may be the leader’s primary care doctors, as they were listening to my telling, they also kept asking questions, which were very professional.
The deputy secretary general also listened carefully, carefully tried to figure out.
Suddenly, he asked: "Cancer is still not conquered all over the world, have you really conquered it?"
"Public tumor hospitals were so much, why did not they have such 'sustained-release storage therapy'?"
"This is my invention, you see, this is my letters patent, I still haven't had a chance to teach this therapy to other hospital."
"Then why was there any negative news about you online?"
"Yes, leader, it was purely attacks and slander on my personal, and no one stood up against my cancer invention. As our Party was young, did it not suffer from the attacks and libel of Kuomintang too? Do you believe that slander? Or you don't come and ask me to see your diseas, all right?"
I was not happy as someone talked with me about the topic unrelated the treatment when I was at work. While he was a leader, also a patient, he had the right.
A trace of my displeasure was perceived by him, he also felt it was really beyond ordinary to ask the question like that, and all sorts of gossip " Torture" by so many people he brought.
Finally he spoke again: "I'm sorry, since I don't understand some of the things."
In this way, the group of people talked for about 2 hours in my office, went away with no decision, and no news after a few days.
After about seven or eight days, the Deputy Secretary General called: "Baofa, sorry, these days I went to the hospital in Beijing again, took some examination and consultation there at Professor Yang. As my portal vein is with tumor thrombus, it is not suitable for intervention treatment in general, while the chemotherapy was with very great side effects, so I decide to take treatment in your hospital tomorrow. I believe you, and Teacher Lu Lina in Beijing Union Medical College also repeatedly recommended your therapy, she was HCC patient herself, had been treated by you for ten years, she is now still alive, which states everything. We are university classmates, I believe her."
That day he did come to live in No. 12, Floor 3 in our hospital, which was a suite, his wife accompanied with him. The relation between us began to become harmonious, and we also started to have trust with each other. That day we talked about a lot. Originally Deputy Secretary General had been to many places around the country in search of a cure in the year after he suffered the disease, but he had never been to the big hospitals in Beijing, only with some routine diagnostic tests in his fixed point medical hospitals.
As with some trust, I could ask some questions: "So big a leader as you, why not to big hospitals in Beijing?"
"I had seen a few friends with the same disease who went to large hospitals for treatment, to the results, all died, and in very painful ways. I don't want to repeat their way, as I have known the result." "There once was a famous expert of Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery to do hepatic resection for me, I didn't agree, as did it, one could only live for a year, I am now also a year."
I asked again: "Then, for this year, how do you treat it?"
"I went to ask a lot of Taoism, Buddhism masters for help, and I went to a variety of health museums with traditional Chinese medicine.”
"Had they effect?"
"Now the tumor grew up, and the liver pained so much that I cannot sleep, so I come to see you?"
I quite understood why a leader at ministerial level went to explore new therapy everywhere, to find the treatment of Taoism, Buddhism and folk, as there was no real meaning for cancer conquering in medical circle, some hospitals could do some comfort treatment for patient, to the consequences, over  treatment only resulted in the empty of both person and money. Of course when it was at terminal cancer, there was more no hope to cure, and then all kinds of "God" of cancer therapy would have the market and opportunities, such as Hu Hanlin, Zhang Wuben, but no one dared to ensure efficacy, which were the so-called "mix up", like a cocktail modulation, good or not, no one could research.
I was thinking of telling him our hospital promises to patients.
He may have completely understood me in advance, even these were known by him. "It is not a matter to spend some money, while delaying treatment time is the big matter. Big hospital cannot guarantee the curative effect, while you Yu Baofa can do so." The Deputy Secretary General said, whose serious face smiled.
The second day I gave him a treatment for liver mass, that evening the liver pain lightened, he could turn over in bed. The next day he watched the opera "Son of the Yellow River" together with us, which was a Lu Opera with the theme of my life experience, he was very touched.
Next there was a series treatment of "release library". We  treated 14 cm liver cancer area for six times, portal vein tumor thrombus for three times, then his symptom relief, pain disappeared, portal vein smooth, left liver mass stability without blood. Deputy Secretary General had lived in our hospital for more than a month, during the time he talked cheerfully and humorously, amiable and easy to approach.
After 6 weeks, the Deputy Secretary General came back to review with the computer tomography (CT) and color Doppler results of Beijing Hospital: portal vein smooth and hepatic left mass stability without blood. While the right liver appeared 8 small lumps, he was admitted to our hospital again. I personally took "releasing storage" treatment for him one after another, the lesion disappeared quickly. After it was at stable condition, he left hospital to rest.
In August of the year, he was in recuperation at a suburb of Beijing, once he ate the food which was not broken up, resulting in his lower esophageal vein bleeding, then he was admitted to the Beijing Hospital for more a month. At the time, it had extended his life for more than 5 months.
The Deputy Secretary General had ever said to the people around him: "Professor Yu Baofa’s ‘sustained-release storage therapy’ relieved my pain, prolonged my life." If originally he didn't go to the folk to seek medicine, did not delay a year time, coming we here early and using my therapy early, the effect would be better. This was a later story.
3.6 Contact with the famous Hongkong reporter Wu Saoly

Wu Sally, Phoenix TV star talk-show host, deputy director, with a head of short hair, a warm smile, a spell able career apparel, for more than 10 years, she visited leaders and celebrities around the world. With her professional level, unparalleled anchor style, she won countless audiences appreciation, at the same time, she had been highly appraised by the leader of the state. She was elected as "One of the most important person you should know in China" by "Asia Week", in 2001 she was voted as one of the "Global twenty most influential women of the century" by the readers of "Global" magazine sponsored by Xinhua News Agency.
I recognized Wu Xiaoly in 1999, when Prime Minister Zhu Rongji was visiting in America, Prime Minister met with 50 overseas students as he stayed in Losangeles, America. The year was the fifty anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, as a celebrity of overseas Chinese in Santiago, I attended the event. At the Consulate in Losangeles was interviewed by Premier Zhu Rongji, Vice Premier Wu Yi also attended the meeting, the two prime ministers and we had a photo together. Wu Xiaoly was among the reporters, I remembered she asked Premier Zhu several questions, and Prime Minister answered them one by one.
At the banquet in the evening, I met Reporter Wu Xiaoly again, we chatted for a while, I said to her: "I have returned to found a hospital, a tumor hospital built in Chinese rural, specially in treating cancer." She was surprised: "Treatment for cancer, is it to a small hospital?" I talked to her about my experience and therapy method, and took a group photo with her, who was dressed very casually at the time.
In 2004, at the Great Hall of the People we met again, with mutual greetings, I was the deputy of the National People's Congress, she was an ace reporter, she still remembered me, I was very satisfied. As Wu Xiaoly was a reporter of assembly, often wrote some interesting sidelights inside and outside the Great Hall of the People, though she was relatively low, she was still more eye-catching than the deputies, many entrepreneurs were rushing to talk to her.
Wu Xiaoly was so well-known in the world, which was related to Premier Zhu Rongji. In 1998, in the "NPC and CPPCC" news conference as Zhu Rongji served as Prime Minister of the State Council, Zhu Rongji personally told the host: "Is it all right to take care of miss Wu Xiaoly from Phoenix TV? I liked her program very much." In this way, Wu Xiaoly was henceforth well-known far and near, becoming the spotlight of the media.
Being hand-picked by Premier Zhu Rongji is the dream of many journalists, while Wu Xiaoly looked indifferent, she said: "The call did not affect my work, I am still working hard. It either didn’t change too much of my life, which, I think, is just my life track." Then someone asked: "If it were not for the call, how would your life be?" Wu Xiaoly smiled and said: "There is no ‘if’ in life, which also cannot be expected, as life is not likely to go back." She said frankly that herself was a person wanted to behave with low-key though she was in a high-profile industry.
Once again I met Wu Xiaoly in the National People's Congress; she was the special invited reporter of NPC and CPPCC. One day, I received a call from a lady, it said to me with a Southern Min dialect: "Professor Yu, I was a colleague of reporter Wu Xiaoly." To tell the truth, I couldn't believe that she was the reporter sent by Wu Xiaoly, I also felt being rather baffling: Although we had met, which was several years ago, she should have my contact way. How did she think of me? After a greeting, I knew, she was facing my new treatment of cancer to call me.
A few days later, the reporter also really came; I went to the airport to meet her. On the way back to my hospital, we talked about the reason of the interview, only then I knew, one of her friends had suffered liver cancer, as he did not want to do the operation, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, then he we had asked around the treatment methods, an American friend mentioned: "There is a Yu Baofa from Chinese continent, whose 'sustained-release storage therapy' is very magical, several American patients have obtained very good results." Then she knew something about me from deputy director Wu Xiaoly, so, on behalf of her friend, she came to Chinese Mainland to realize the truth.
To the hospital, visited our ward, watch me treat patients, and our patients about one afternoon, she is very happy to see the patients, in addition to her amiable and easy of approach, the ward of laughter. The second day, accepted the interview, I simply introduce myself, a detailed analysis of "mechanism and effect of sustained-release base therapy", also introduced me to the treatment of many patients with liver cancer effect, she listened very satisfied.
In third days she was back in Hongkong after her friends, came to Ji'nan, Igave him a treatment planning, and implementation of the treatment, in ourhospital for one month, the disease was discharged back to Hong Kong after remission.
2008 "Chinese tumor targeting forum" after the closing, Hongkong reporter wrote about me and "releasing storage therapy" article, published inHongkong, "Wen Wei Po" on.
The June 10, 2008 report:
The first private Tumor Hospital of the returnees postdoctoral Chinese,someone says to the insurance law of change is not only the fate of countlessordinary people, more important is to create a new method of tumor therapy.
According to the latest data from the Ministry of health, Ministry of science and technology, the State Food and Drug Administration and other ministriesannounced in late 2006, urban and rural residents in China: the ten major causes of death, malignant tumor has more than cerebrovascular disease,heart disease and ranked first in the top ten causes of death, rural residents,malignant tumors ranked the third. WHO experts predict,In 2020, the world population will reach 8000000000, new cases of cancereach year will reach 20000000 people, 12000000 people will die of cancereach year. Shocking! Yu Baofa in the tumor therapy in clinical practice, found a paradox phenomenon in traditional in chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is recognized in pharmacology, medical terms, all over the world are using this method, also have certain effect, but its side effect big. The patient injectionchemotherapy, hair loss, vomiting, decreased white blood cells, immunityrapidly decreased, weight loss and weak, spirit is dispirited, crime psychologyby physiological, a little less than tumor torture is poor, and a man's life has not been significantly prolong.
Through the research on insurance law, the discovery of chemotherapeutic agents is a double-edged sword, it not only in killing cancer cells, patients with systemic healthy cells was also killed. "Exercise" only allow patients to await one's doom, and large dose of intravenous chemotherapy, and equal tohasten death. This is the treatment of tumor with a paradox phenomenon. After further research, rooted in the insurance law discovered this paradoxphenomenon in the whole drug chemotherapy method and route of administration on. After nearly a hundred times animal experiments and clinical trials, he invented the "releasing storage therapy". This therapy is theanticancer drugs and several kinds of preparation combining, injected directly into the tumor tissue, the tumor itself, forming a huge "drug warehouse", handto stay within the tumor drug in time prolonged, hand Everfount to releasedrug. The drug will be tumor tissue soaked in it, like a "liquid knife", more than 20 days of time to play a pharmacodynamics, layer by layer to kill. In 1996, the world cancer conference in insurance law, announced the new therapeutic concept and method, has been participating experts as "a revolution in cancer chemotherapy drug technology". Subsequently, this technology was obtainedAmerican patent and patent, patent China Australia, and gradually in Americanand Chinese in clinical application. It is reported, at present domestic hospitalrequirements and to protect method to carry out various forms of technical cooperation, willing to use the treatment of such new technologies to relieve pain.
Hongkong Phoenix TV station also reported the story of my home business. Now also often the Hongkong patients come to see me, now a Hongkong website, can still find many of my cancer treatment story.
3.7 Learn in order to practice, and continuously explore, for the cancer patients

During the period from 1998 to 2000, I focused on the study of sustained release drug in the tumor. I established laboratories in Jinan Overseas Students Pioneer Park, made a large number of animal experiments, and research on metabolism kinetics of drugs combinations in the tumor, confirmed that this combination could indeed make the anticancer drug release in cancer, control the growth of tumor effectively, also display the obvious effect in clinic.
On June 22th, 2000, appraised by experts, "releasing storage therapy" reached the international leading level. The expert appraisal is a recognition and encouragement. Originally I wanted to apply for provincial prize for scientific achievements, while I thought later, parts of the experts came for my invitation, such as Chen Li of Shandong Tumor Hospital, Wang Lvhua, Li Yexiong of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, if I had gotten results with this application, I feared being accused of not too true, so I gave up. In fact, at that time, Director Dong Zhaohe and Director Shi from the Provincial Science and Technology Department reckoned that I could apply, while I own pressed it down. To tell the truth, I did want, but I felt it was better to be rigorous toward science.
On February 17th, 1999, I declared the patent, and I got America, China invention patent respectively in 2004, 2006.
In the laboratory I fully studied the mechanism of sustained release storage medicine, a large number of animal experiments had fully displayed the effect, reasonable prescription. Western medicine stressed combined application, configuration application, in tumor drug, it certainly can combine compatibility, so that different drugs play a different role, to play the combined effect of killing tumor, which was the most reasonable medication.  As no one had done the research in this area, then I became somewhat prominent. Dose increase of radiotherapy, chemotherapy would have side effect, small dosage would have no tumor killing effect. We use "releasing storage" for local treatment of tumor, to kill the whole tumor, minimize the tumor load, then we can use the small dose of chemotherapy, eliminate body potential tumor, unlike conventional chemotherapy with the purpose to kill large tumors, yet result in bringing big side effect to patients.
I understood the direction of my research was not mainstream research direction. If I and my small hospital had followed the large mainstream direction, certainly we would be in the back, to the backward, so we must have the innovation, to find a new snap course, and then we can do something, carry forward something and apply something, can reveal a returned doctor's opinion. For fifteen years, the research direction is right.
After returning home, I just carried back a different concept, by integration of medicine, organically, reasonably fused together various effective therapies and measures, to maximize the killing of tumor and the protection of normal tissue out of injury. "Releasing storage therapy" is presented on such basis of concept, with a puncture operation of surgical, computer tomography (CT), ultrasound (B ultrasound) image positioning; with several medicine jointly injected into tumor cells, forming a sustained-release medicine warehouse, to make the drug slow release to kill tumor cells, which was almost without any side effect. This is one of the traditional Chinese idea of therapy, eliminating evil with no injury to the principal, not only pay attention to the tumor, but also pay attention to the whole of a person, this idea and thought had been fully understand and applied by many scholars, becoming a guiding ideology for cancer clinical treatment, which should be a good thing benefit the country and the people.
As oxygen (O2) is by far the best radio sensitizing agent and chemotherapy sensitizing agent, then how to improve blood oxygen saturation have become one of my reseaches. After three years of efforts, the three oxygen (O3) therapy apparatus has been developed successfully in Jinan, and get approval of the drug administration of the province. In the course of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, through three oxygen (O3) therapy instruments, we can make the patient’s blood oxygen saturation increase to 85% - 95%, to improve the effect of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, so the curative effect is improved. Of course, due to the use of most effective topical treatment (We call it activation radiotherapy, activation chemotherapy), local effect is very difficult to be seen directly, while the quality of patients’ life is improved, and recurrence id reduced, that is to extend the life. This set of theory and practice had not yet be questioned or with dissenting opinion so far, which is very helpful to overall treatment of patients, as a part of the treatment to be fused to treatment.
The concept of Cold Fried Chinese Medicine was proposed by me after careful thinking. Chinese medicine is broad and profound, with a long history, spanning thousands of years, and has become a part of Chinese culture. As a culture, people study it, appreciate it; as a medicine, it has unique advantages. While in the treatment of cancer, though there was a lot of research by Chinese, the effect is difficult to express with data, so it is difficult to persuade others. I am not a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, while I believe that Chinese medicine can treat cancer, as some western anticancer medicine is extracted from Chinese traditional medicine. But the traditional Chinese medicine production is not science, almost all the Chinese traditional medicine was to be boiled with 100 degree water, just instant-boiled mutton, effective components have changed in property and quality after boiling, especially some organic biological active alkali, which should be maintained the original activity of traditional Chinese medicine, in order to maximize the effect of traditional Chinese medicine. I made and prepared a series device of cold decoct Chinese traditional medicine, according to the different cancer, syndrome differentiation, using different prescriptions, to make different cold fried Chinese medicine decoction. We have done experiments on animal, observed and studied the anticancer efficacy of cold fried Chinese medicine, which does have some effect, so making Chinese herbal medicine as adjuvant therapy of tumor is a very good method.
It is very difficult to do clinical research, so general clinical research results vey less, mostly confined to case analysis and analyzing case, or clinical observation of a new drug for Phase I, II and III. People just like us to do clinical research are very small now, which is a work of wasting time, manpower and finance. In order to solve the password of cancer "black hole", I set up the Institute of cancer research, where there are postgraduates working on it specially. I am not willing to look at the patients in misery, and I have the responsibility to probe, to study, trying to find out the method to reduce the pain of patients. To do this, I am not for the beautiful paper, nice theory and modern concept. I do not do these studies on molecular cancer gene, molecular target, tyrosinase and tumor suppressor gene (P53), and my institute is in the study of known drug restructuring, compatibility efficiency and reducing side effects.
The study of animal laboratory is preceded according to the most scientific methods at present, which is also with innovative ideas. Everything is in the specification.
Study on the treatment of cancer patients is different from animal experiments. To study patients should comply with the code of ethics, also be perfectly logical and reasonable. As we are facing with real people, who are tortured by the illness, we should actively find solutions, looking for measures for them, while there is no answer for all problems in treasure of the reality medical science, especially cancer, cancer complications, sudden disease, unlike the cold, for readily drugs, which has a certain effect. Cancer pain is torturing tens of thousands of patients, China annual incidences are more than 3,000,000, and most are in the late stage. Majority of the existing operation, chemotherapy, radiotherapy are not ideal in the effect, dozens of years without much change, which is really disappointing.
Study on the patients themselves cannot be carried out casually, it must have the principle. The cancer therapies around world are in research, are explored in the study. In America, the new developed drug has been approved by Food and Drug Administration of America, and has been used in clinic, while to the cancer patients, it is still doing research. Legal drug does not mean that there is effect, as medicine is scientifically developed, and with quite a scientific, but some drugs in clinical application were with the effective rate of only 20% - 30%, this shows that the effect of very scientific medicine is not certainly scientific as it is used in patients, and its effect is not certainly satisfying.
Both I and Professor Xu Ze, a surgical oncologist with 60 years of doctor experience think clinical tumor is a new subject, also a backward discipline, which is not strict like math, chemistry, molecular biology, make a clear and definite commitment, this subject is not 100% science, and people are striving for it.
Lung cancer is a common cancer, for the treatment, some conventional therapies such as radiotherapy, chemotherapy have certain curative effect, but the effect is not ideal. In order to study our tumor "releasing storage therapy", at start, it is not determined separately using "releasing storage therapy" can bring much effect to the patient, then at the same time we take a routine treatment for patients, which is more safety and security. As the old method have certain curative effect, coupled with a new method, it can increase the curative effect. In case the effect of new method was poor, it would not affect the curative effect to patients. Of course, the final effect is complementary, increasing the total curative effect. This is the ethics clinical to observe.
Patients with pancreatic cancer are our common patients, conventional therapy was almost ineffective for them, and even shorten the life of patients. Great side effect makes the patient pain unbearably. For this kind of patients, we can directly take the new treatment, as the curative effect is very good. We are in conformity with the code of ethics to do just like this.
When some patients are with cancer recurrence after operation, and chemotherapy is ineffective, radiotherapy is also invalid, thus the patients are not suitable to do chemotherapy, radiotherapy and operation, then they can consider to choose other therapy, to take in a new therapy, a new treatment reasonably.
When some large hospitals can't provide effective treatment, there are always a part of the patients are not willing to give up treatment, who do not believe the explanation of some hospitals. The patients have no treatment, and the drugs should be used are used, while these patients are still full of longing to live, seeking the doctors and medicine around, then my "releasing storage therapy" has become their new target. The exploration to take a new therapy for these patients, especially to change the route of administration is consistent with the code of ethics, is perfectly logical and reasonable and legitimate, otherwise these patients can only wait for death, lost the hope of life.
However, some experts make carping comments on it, the violations, the illegal, or even a therapy is said to be fake. Of course, these experts do not really know my "releasing storage therapy", or they know a little, just hearsay. I welcome the experts to visit my hospital, I will demonstrate the scientific, practical of our therapy, more important, I will let them have a look the curative effect of the patients I treated, which is only my pride.
治疗癌症的研究在世界上最宽松,允许火、冷、酸、热等几乎任何一种方法,科学家及大夫所想的都用了,电子、光子、离子、透视(X光),质子的、化学的、电化学的,甚至到太空技术,世界上没有任何一种设备可以真正地攻克癌症。美国实现了登月,攻克癌症却还是停留在动物实验上,还花费了比航空航天更多的费用,中国在这方面的投资当然很不够,仅仅近几年才好些。即使投入得多了,真正用于研究治疗的经费也很少,多数的专家愿意研究基础理论,发表文章,发誓要赶超美国,暂时也赶不上, 赶上了, 又怎样, 美国也没有治愈癌症。
Study on the treatment of cancer is the most relaxed in the world, allowing almost any kind of methods such as fire, cold, acid, heat and so on. Anything that scientists and doctors can think about are used such as electronic, photonic, ion, perspective (X light), proton, chemical, electrochemical, and even the space technology. There is not any equipment in the world can really conquer cancer. They have realized moon landing in America, while they are still remain in the animal experiment for cancer curing, which also spent their costs more than Aerospace. Chinese investment in this area of course is not enough, which is better only in recent years. Even more investment, the fund really for the study on the treatment is few. The majority of experts are willing to study the basic theory, to publish articles, swearing to catch up with America, but temporarily they cannot, and then how about even if they had catch up with the USA?  In fact, the USA have not cure cancer.
Cancer is a difficult problem of the world, an enemy of the human race. Any person in the world, as long as he wants to do something to conquer cancer, he is welcome. He can donate money; he can take part in the global fight. No matter how much his contribution is, whether he is successful, he should be respected.
The disease has killed tens of thousands of people's lives, and it is still occurred every day. As a member of humanity, a cancer doctor, the director of the tumor hospital, a cancer patient's son and a conscientious scholar with the oath to fight cancer, I am willing to put into this war without smoke.
"Releasing storage therapy" can sustainably release the anti-cancer in tumor, which is not a slow release agent, but the interactive results of compositing drug and tumor tissue. Most people also think there is a sustained release drug, in fact this is the genius of invention.
This treatment is similar to the treatment of interventional embolization, but intervention is flawed, when the tumor is no great vessels, intervention cannot be implemented; as it can carried out, the anticancer drugs for intervention must mix with lipiodol to become an emulsifier (formulation of water in oil), then it can be injected to vessels distributing in the tumor. Anticancer drug entrapped in iodine oil does not play a role to cancer, and it must be free out from the oil then to have effect. Being out, it swims to the whole body, to produce a general malaise and nausea, vomiting and other side effects. "Releasing storage therapy" has overcome this shortcoming, as anti-cancer drugs is in storage between and in cancer cells, directly confronting with cancer, which can directly exert its anticancer effect, and very few flows into the body, so there is no systemic side effects, that is the theory basis of we called "anti-cancer eliminating evil without hurt principal". My tutor Sinil·King and I saw the defects of the treatment of interventional embolization in 1990, and then we have to study it, transform it, to the innovation and invention.
After Sinil's company was sold off, he went to be the governor specializing in clinical cancer research in Pfizer Inc, as he knew the clinical and had developed medicine. In 2006 I went to his office to meet him, reporting my study and the next plan, he was very happy. This study has demonstrated a significant difference, and application effect is not the same, so far we cannot do tumor treatment without the "releasing storage" within tumor, and we take it as the core of comprehensive treatment, the fact proved that it is effective and safe.
Having the exact effect, we are all very happy. Some friends of my peer said, “You should publish paper about it, and then it can be recognized. You can let people know you by taking part in academic conference.” Indeed, I also want to do that.
I was willing to accept the recommendations of friends, publishing some articles to make people understand, also to make my colleagues share my study. So, I organized our hospital doctors at Dongping, first signed integrity letters, swearing in the process of settling cases to be serious and objective, seeking truth from facts, never practicing fraud, to reflect our situation objectively whether good curative effect or poor. Indeed, we did not need to fabricate false data, as we did not depend on the articles to live, but rely on our reputation. The curative effect is good, we have to study how to improve more; curative effect is poor, we should study how to ameliorate, as there was still not really healing therapy for cancer.
In 2002, after four months of trimming, I published 16 articles, including lung cancer, liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, cold decoct Chinese traditional medicine, animal experiment. In the four years since my hospital was found, I can publish these articles, which is also not a small achievement. For a decent municipal Tumor Hospital, it is also very difficult to finish so many articles in four years. As a scholar, an intellectual, to publish my own academic point of view, the research results is a kind of enjoyment, a kind of honor. (For details, see the book accessories)
I did not have any ambition, just to exchange with others, mutual understanding, and I wanted more the main force, the national team of anticancer to get to know my anticancer thoughts, concepts and methods.
One day, I met a teacher of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, who was to do the journal of cancer, which also need the articles in this respect. Through the introduction, both sides believed that was a good thing, they officially accepted in our articles, re-do the adjustment in accordance with their format, as they modified them so carefully that even the punctuation marks were lined out in red pen. Meanwhile they let me pay the costs of publication, as they provide the account, we paid for once, then we just waited it to be published!
One day, suddenly I received a phone call from the periodical office notified us for rejection articles and refund, which made me momentarily at a loss. Union Alma Mater magazine had accepted my manuscripts, also charged publication fees, how did not they talk about credibility? This was not the Union’s style. My Alma Mater, my teachers, how did you make this kind of joke you’re your students? Did not you all hope the students you had fostered would do something, Alma Mater?
I kept asking what it was, while they just don't give a reply, there must be a reason for it, isn’t the magazine for communication? Is the content poor or the format incorrect? Is the research direction not allowed or the way, the method wrong? Good and bad, you should give some advice. Without any answer, still now they have not given a reason, which was so overbearing.
I always think that different opinions can exchange, mutual discussing, as there is no perfect man in scientific field. Entrepreneur and learner is very difficult to take at the same time, considering this then forgetting that, it is difficult to satisfy both sides. I always think the treatment in tumor should belong to the non vascular interventional therapy instead of the category of radiotherapy, chemotherapy; it should belong to a category of new targeting. Anyway, I still need to explore, to study continuously, as long as the patient get curative effect, nothing else mattered.
In the hospital, doctors insisted to publish these articles, as their future promotion should use the papers, so I contacted the "Journal of Shandong University (Medical Science Edition)", then 16 articles were published in the same year. The theses had been published, neither brought us aura, honor, nor brought us negative effects, just for peer to refer in the academic, just the same too even they were published in Beijing.
In 2006, I and my graduate into role of immune agents in tumor in sustained release chemotherapy in, although is the study of animal experiments, have innovation, immunotherapy and chemotherapy combined with clever, self immunity can stimulate human potential, control cell carcinoma. My contribution to Beijing "Chinese Journal of cancer", but rejected. When I graduate in "Chinese Journal of Oncology" published articles, now studying for many years, and the research for more than ten years, I must be better than the level of the year ah, but these studies I very rare in Chinese, I the most comprehensive, most systems in the aspects of the research, how to cannot be published? My graduate quickly submission "Journal of Shandong University (Medical Science Edition)", published papers on schedule.
The two thing I expert for worship some disappointed.
The call of the country innovation is the hope of the nation, the future of the country, specific to the tumor boundary is not allowed, nobody really conquer cancer, nor my alma mater teachers and classmates, I also have no, I was justin my own strength to do the research on such a point, don't need suchsuppression. 2006, 2008, 2010, 2011 and four years, my thesis abstracts are published in American American Institute of cancer research (AACR), USAsociety of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) on, it shows that I study is a certain level,and not a worthless, while domestic publications why can not tolerate me the article? A strange point which is the cancer community. Don't blame anyoneslandering me, pressing me, for some reason is really in my home, so many years, and would only become expert in exchange friends, experts don'tdeliberately to communication and contact the academic circle.
I often take part in the meeting USA tumor, harvest have each meeting. Just return, participated in several national cancer conference, feeling a littledisappointed, too much advertising, academic conferences like products fair.Sometimes the impatience, they often put forward some problems, wasquestioned the lecture, such as a tumor on the meeting, the man told the KLTcancer by anticancer gene, anticancer, I asked if there is no molecular evidence? No. There is no how can it be said that the mechanism of Chinese medicine Kanglaite anti-cancer anti-cancer gene is? Because at that time the word cancer gene is very fashionable, stylish, attractive, they cited thismechanism, when the biological chip fashion, they cited biological chip, protein chip.
Such fabrications, actually did not have the expertise to correct, there is no strict review, more's the pity was most doctors hear eat with appetite, seem to learn science. In turn, and then the noun these mechanisms, fashionable to persuade patients and their families, to sell their drugs, which played what role? It is phytotoxicity ah!
I don't blame the doctor, most of them no systematic study of molecular biologyis very deep, mostly medical school medical students, they have not studied and molecular biology experiment. Hateful, some people understanding the molecular biology, but they do not stick to the truth, because pharmaceutical companies out of the sponsorship fee, can't stop this kind of behavior, butdoes not care about these lies may be misunderstood as the truth.
Money talks to penetrate into the academic, infiltrated into the clinical fieldtumor. Just the academic fortunately, none of the people, but the clinical fieldtumor on the bad, because the tumor clinical connected with tens of thousands of cancer patients, they pay for corruption, unfortunately, cancer patients,benefit is cancer doctor and pharmaceutical companies, drug manufacturers,drug representatives.
So I rarely go to participate in this conference, international conference must participate in, want to know some new progress. Attend the meeting of coursealso can know some friends, but I'm a little shy, familiar with the familiarstranger, do not take the initiative to mature, a little gentleman not contentiouslook.
Of course, USA tumor conference also sponsored conference ofpharmaceutical companies, but is really.
3.8 Be humility in cancer research and treatment

Most people from the press and the folk just know there was a private hospital for treatment of cancer in Dongping of Shandong, which was operated by a returned student and with the world's leading technology "releasing storage therapy", but for me in person they knew little, till I was elected to be the deputy of the National People's Congress, the situation was still the same. And I was always silent to the press repeatedly invited, or sticking to "Silence is gold", or with a shield of "Sorry", not because of so shy or poor in speech, just as I did not want to be publicity. But once I got to the podium for speech, never with prepared lecture, I could speak as long as it could be.
As young I was a little shy, do not love to talk. it was said that I could not speak before my 4 years old, before 12 my character was very timid.
During the "Cultural Revolution", after my family returned to the countryside, my courage seemed a little bigger than before, began to speak in front of people, but I never talked nonsense, to say what was to say. In high school, I exchanged more in private with my classmates, with more friends, I spoke better than before.  I had taken commissary in charge of sports in the class, to organize class-break setting-up exercise every day, then I got a bit of exercise with the chance to speak,. During the period of university I was a group leader, had to make a speech for group activities, but I did not speak on stage. I remembered as the school meeting, my heart would speed up when I walked from the front row.
Perhaps parents spoiled, or perhaps I didn't love appearing in public from I was young, as I grew up, I still relatively loved to be low-key.
After going abroad, I often lectured in the university classroom, which was I willing to do. I just spoke out what I knew in accordance with the requirements of the course, which was a kind of exercise for me. In the early stage of my entrepreneurship in the USA, I had appeared personally to co-ordination of some matters, yet it was relatively simple.
在国内就不一样了,自从打算创业以来,很多事你想不出面都不行。 整天的应酬,频繁的开会,无谓的应付,无休的话语,这也是被逼无奈,要想更多人了解癌症的治疗方法,就要介绍、讲解。
In domestic, the circumstance was not the same. Since I planned to pursue my own careers, a lot of things could be carried out if I did not want to appear personally. I was always in social engagement all day, frequent meetings, meaningless cope, restless discourse. I was also be compelled helplessly, as I wanted more people to know about cancer treatment, then I should introduce and explain it.
I should attend a lot of meetings, from the National People's Congress, the City People's Political Consultative Conference, China Zhi Gong Party conference, Chinese life care conference, to the big and small meetings of hospitals, and I had adapted to a variety of conferences. From the meeting I also learned some knowledge, got some information, which was a raise for me.
Now, my four hospitals were managed and operated by branched presidents, so sometimes I can secretly be lazy, take the time to write a book, do some research.
I think, a scholar need to be humility, who displayed not only excellent character, rigorous scholarship, should have more scientific you fear of the truth, humbly inquiring mind. I admire Newton's two generations of the famous, the interpretation of the science you humble. A sentence is in 1676 he wrote to friends in the letter: "if I have seen farther than others, it is because I stand on the shoulders of giants." Another sentence is: "I look like a child playing on the beach, from time to time than others found a more smooth pebble or a more beautiful shells and happy, but in front of me the vast ocean of truth, it is a complete mystery."
我就是一个找到一只美丽贝壳的人,“缓释库疗法”就是一只贝壳。十几年来,“缓释库”的疗效提高了很多, 但我们还需要进一步的深入研究,在癌症这个领域里,我就是比别人先走了一步,将癌症的治疗提高到一个新的水平,要想解开癌症“黑洞”之谜,还需要更大的努力。
I am a find a beautiful shell people, "releasing storage therapy" is a shell.Come ten years, "effect of sustained release library" to improve a lot, but we still need further study, in the field of cancer, I am the one step ahead thanothers, will improve cancer treatment to a new level, to unravel the mystery ofcancer "black hole", also need more efforts.
Now, the invention and entrepreneurship I have been on the right track, as a speeding train, the way must have appeared stop and beat all problems, the train will have a long way to go to reach the destination, for me it has notrough.
I often inspire peers and students entrepreneurship, and they exchange experiences and learn from each other, this is a very meaningful thing. At thePeking University School of medicine, Military Medical Science Academy of the PLA etc. Chinese University for bachelor's and master's graduate students on the course, about entrepreneurship and my cancer view.
In 2011 December I should Dr. Li Mei invited to USA, about my entrepreneurial and invention in New Jersey North American Chinese Annual Conference, the sentence cannot do without cancer, cannot do without therapy sustained release my library "".
记得那天下午,我的演讲超时了,但还是停不下来,台下的人翘首以盼,希望我继续讲下去,一直讲到六点多。晚宴时,在去往餐厅的路上,很多人都跟着,餐后还有人跟到了宾馆接着聊, 其中一位叫斐力甫·秦(Philipps Qin), 对癌症治疗特感兴趣,几个人在宾馆里聊到了深夜。
Remember that afternoon, my speech is over, but still can not stop, the crowd of people waiting, hoping I continued, until six points. Dinner in the restaurant,go on the road, a lot of people to follow, there are people with postprandial to the hotel and then chat, one called Fei Lifu Qin (Philipps Qin), interested incancer treatment, few people in the hotel room and chat at night.
After half a year later, suddenly one day, I received a call from American to: "I am Feilifu - Qin, had listened to your lecture, I now cancer, thymic carcinoma, 3 cm, to the professor, what should I do?"
"As long as you come to China, I must give you cure."
一个月后,他真来了,居然没带钱,他说保险公司答应他了,只要治疗有理有据有效果,可以考虑给他报销。既然来了,大老远的,先治病要紧,就留下他美国保险公司的保险卡号。 经过三次“缓释库”的治疗,胸腺癌稳定,免了一次大的开胸手术。
A month later, he really came, didn't take the money, he said the insurance company promised him, as long as the treatment of reasonable effect, can consider to reimburse him. Since the past, all the way, the first medical matter,leaving him USA insurance card. After treatment three "release", thymic carcinoma is stable, from a large open chest operation.
Back to the USA Feilifu - Qin, and insurance company after discussion of up to six months of communication, the insurance company to see his thymic carcinoma has narrowed, that reimbursement of his expenses, the money tomy account in American. In 2013 Feilifu - Qin to come back to the hospital, andto strengthen the treatment of A. I believe America insurance company, this will give him the reimbursement. In 2013 December to come back to the hospital,completely disappeared tumor.
2012年9月又收到陈邦华博士的邀请,去华盛顿给华人年会讲课,到场的有美国食品药物管理局华人官员,有美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)华人研究员,都是博士,听了我讲课,得知我回到中国的农村创业,并取得了举世瞩目的成绩,都为我高兴。
2012 September received from Dr. Chen Banghua's invitation, to go to Washington to the Chinese Annual Conference lecture, the scene of aChinese official American food and drug administration, has American National Institutes of Health (National Institutes of Health) Chinese researcher, is a doctor, listen to me carefully, that I go back to the Chinese ruralentrepreneurship, and obtained attract worldwide attention results, all happy for me.
April 16, 2013 held in Beijing life field annual meeting, invited me to lecture,mainly about "releasing storage" within the tumor therapy of pancreatic carcinoma, the survival rate of one year increased to 60%, increased by 400%- 800%. It is of interest to be the experts, the meeting will be further discussedand experts. We have a great progress for the study of pancreatic cancer is indeed, since 2013 January Beijing Bao tumor hospital opened, we went to the whole society commitment: the treatment of pancreatic cancer does not collect the money. Promise to deliver, the commitment will have true ability,commitment effect will be confident, since the promise, we'll have to do.
In cancer subjects, do research and treatment are controversial, becausethere is no real sense of cancer, a large number of children I like in the seaside frolic in Newton, he found the piece of "more beautiful shells," I found a piece of "flash shells", that is my the invention -- "releasing storage therapy".
Think of me when start-up people on my personal dispute, now may have tocollapse of itself. Because I do, have reduced the pain for the nearly 30000cases of cancer patients, prolong life, improve the quality of life, and even some patients survive 15 years. But the cancer war, is not the result of war, of course, still controversial.
No matter what kind of person, what kind of occupation, what kind of identity,the person must be humble.
Modest first starts from a personal style. I appreciate the Americans, casual,easygoing heart. I heard a story, is about USA president in the history of Mr. Lincoln and his servant.
An autumn afternoon, Lincoln is very tired, alone in a mall walking, thinking.Leaves one after another, the autumn wind blowing. At this time, came in the face of a man, and Lincoln went over a meeting. That man looks a bit awkward,even a little nervous. However, Lincoln was the first to say hello to him, and said: "Sir, you are in for a walk? This afternoon enjoyed? Autumn cold, pay attention to your body." The man could not say words, a face moved. What kind of man he is Lincoln? Relatives, friends, or colleagues? Are not. He was aservant in the house of Lincoln, a slave just liberated.
Modesty is a reserved attitude to life, it does not have power and prestige,dignity, it is noble but not arrogant, modest is the calm sea, all rivers run into sea, little streams Gou Jian noise jump, but in quiet contains infinite power.Modesty is a realm of life, from a broad experience and profound knowledgeup height, as a scholar, should have such qualities. However, excessivemodesty, humility in entrepreneurship, easy to let others misunderstandingwithout strength, humility sword, show yourself in order to better!
3.9 The good curative effect was always said to be misdiagnosed

My first hospital was located in my hometown Dongping, where was a high incidence area of cancer. As the economy was relatively backward, farmers were normally lack of medical treatment. After they suffered cancer, they didn’t have the ability to pay for the expensive medical expenses. Our hospital had been opened; people came to our hospital with an attitude of trying. When the hospital was just built, due to the reputation is not high, the patents came to the medical treatment were mostly with advanced cancer. At that time I was really nervous ----If the patient who would have been almost dead did die in my hospital, how did we do? The hospital was just opened, which could not afford to the death. I had ever really have such a problem, but soon I didn't worry. After treatment for these patients, I did not expect the effect was quite good.
"Baofa’s treatment for cancer is without chemotherapy, and patients don't spend a lot of money, while the effect is good. It was uncanny!" So the news spread rapidly from mouth to mouth, and there were a lot of patients and visitors coming to the hospital, where the ward section with120 beds, the bed utilization rate had never less than 85%.
Such a good result prompted me to opened the second, the third tumor hospital, I opened the hospital in Beijing. Through continuously research and practice for more than ten years, the effect of my "releasing storage" had been in improvement continuously.
Originally the puzzle of cancer "black hole" was bothering me, I tried to explore the effective therapy, while we were with "release library therapy", another problem troubling me was that I was always misunderstood by others. Perhaps for the reason that my hospital belonged to private hospitals, so I achieved results in tumor treatment were always not be recognized by the medical community. Good curative effect, the tumor was gone, then it is said to be misdiagnosed.
A patient took an operation at public hospitals with cutting a part organ, after recurrence he could not do operation any more. After he came to our hospital, we took our method for him, effectively controlled the state of his illness. Might this be our misdiagnosis? These were what happened to the same patient, as such events occurred frequently, we had become inured to the unusual, thus, once we encountered the argument of such "misdiagnosis", I just felt helpless.
Some people doubted our diagnosis; in fact, all patients in our hospital were almost diagnosed by other hospitals, few patient was diagnosed in our hospital. Among them, 1/3 of the patients did not know their true condition, as their family members had taken the security measures, some patients even didn't know their disease after they discharged from hospital. The patients did not admit they were cancer patients, such patients but may live longer. If you had asked such patients, it was sure to be a misunderstanding.
Some people also doubted my therapy, while the technology of "sustained-release storage therapy" had got America patent, which was no doubt. And "sustained-release storage" was not the same concept with the medicine! Some people thought it was is a kind of new anticancer drug, but we had never said it was a drug, only a technology for drug release treatment, which made the old varieties of drugs play a greater role. Please see the following cases.
患者1 我们治疗过的癌症患者纪云成,2007年患了肝癌后,去了上海,在东方肝胆医院手术切去了左肝,术后2个月又发现右肝三个小肿块,其实在手术之前,北京协和医学院陆莉娜老师就几次向他介绍了我的治癌方法,都被他拒绝了。陆老师和她的丈夫都是我的病人,陆老师经过我的治疗,已经存活了十年有余,所以当纪云成手术复发,陆老师又积极建议,因为亲戚关系她不愿让他做手术受罪,但他还是去上海准备做介入治疗,但由于碘过敏没办法,这才抱着试试看的态度来到济南保法肿瘤医院,寻求新的治癌方法。
Patient 1  Ji Yuncheng, cancer patients we treated, who  suffered from liver cancer in 2007, then, he went to Shanghai to take an operation cutting his left liver in the Eastern Hepatobiliary Hospital. After 2 months he found that there were three small lumps on right liver again. In fact, before the operation, Teacher Lu Lina from Beijing Union Medical College had introduced to him for several times about my method of cancer treatment, which was turned down by him. Teacher Lu and her husband were both my patients. After my treatment, Teacher Lu had survived for more than ten years, so when Ji Yuncheng got recurrence after operation, Miss Lu actively made suggestions again for their relative relations, as she was unwilling to let him suffer operation, but he still went to Shanghai ready to do interventional therapy, only for the iodine allergy he could not do anything about it, thus with the mind of trying, he came to Jinan Baofa Tumor Hospital for new method of cancer treatment.
In 2007 at our hospital, for Ji Yuncheng's illness, I treated every tumor three times, for three consecutive years of 2008, 2009, 2010, each year he came to our hospital for review, two of the three tumors disappeared, one with no change for calcification.
On July 28th, 2012, Ji Yuncheng’s relative came to our hospital for treatment, as they talked about Ji Yuncheng, he just knew Ji Yuncheng was alive and well. The people at the surrounding who were familiar with Ji Yucheng all thought that he was diagnosed wrong, otherwise how he was still alive for so many years, as a patient of liver cancer was up more than a year of survival. Yes, in fact, like this case, the problem, I'm afraid, which could not be solve by public hospitals or big hospitals was smoothly done or easily solved in our hospital, the facts were there and you had to believe. Ji Yuncheng's disease had been effectively controlled, so when his relatives suffered from cancer, introduced by him they also came to our hospital.
患者2 男,47岁,因排尿困难,经北京大学第一附属医院确诊为前列腺癌。手术治疗效果不佳,因此来我院就诊。计算机断层扫描(CT)检查显示,患者前列腺体积增大,为4cm×4cm,密度较均匀,形态较规整,其上端突入膀胱内,与膀胱分界模糊,膀胱精囊角变小。入院后3日对患者进行“缓释库”治疗,一个疗程后,前列腺肿块缩小至1.2cm×1.5cm,病人排尿困难症状明显改善,无尿频、尿急、血尿,无下腹疼痛等症状。
Patients 2  Male, 47 years old. For dysuria, he was diagnosed as suffering prostate cancer after the diagnosis at the First Affiliated Hospital of Beijing University. Operation treatment was ineffective, so he came to our hospital. Computed tomography (CT) examination showed that patient was with prostate volume increase, as 4cm × 4cm, which was with homogeneous density, regular shape, and the upper end protruding into the bladder, boundary fuzzy with bladder, and seminal vesicle angle of bladder became small. On the third day of his hospitalization, we treated him with "releasing storage therapy". After a period of treatment, the prostate masses reduced to 1.2cm × 1.5cm, the dysuria symptoms of patient improved significantly, without frequent micturition, urgency of urination, hematuria, no abdominal pain and other symptoms.
Analysis: Prostate cancer is a common malignant tumor in male reproductive system. The most occurred in the posterior lobe, it also occurred in both side lobes. Among prostate cancers there were mainly adenocarcinoma, accounted for about 97%, and squamous carcinoma accounted for 5% - 10%. Operation mortality was 1% - 3%, operation cure rate was low. While the treatment effect of "sustained-release storage" is obviously superior to other methods, this conclusion has been verified by practice.
患者3 女,48岁,卵巢癌。于2001年5月出现左下腹阵发性疼痛,月经不规律,当地医院检查,超声(B超)显示,左卵巢实性占位,很快入我院治疗。腹部超声(B超)检查显示,左卵巢可见一大小约5cm×5cm的实性低回声团块,边界清,病理检查为腺癌。经过“缓释库”治疗3次,左下腹隐痛基本消失。超声(B超)再检查显示,实性占位缩小为2cm×1.5cm,内部无回声。
Patient 3  Female, 48 years old. A patient of ovarian cancer. The paroxysmal pain emerged at left lower abdomen in May 2001, with irregular menstruation, by inspection at local hospital, ultrasonic (B ultrasound) displayed the left ovary solid space occupying, thus she came quickly into the therapy in our hospital. Abdominal ultrasound (B ultrasound) examination showed left ovary was with a visible solid hypoechoic mass size of about 5cm x 5cm, clear boundary, which was adenocarcinoma by pathological examination.After treated by "sustained release storage" for 3 times, her pain at the left abdomin disappeared. And then checked by ultrasound (B ultrasound) to display, solid space occupying reduced to 2cm × 1.5cm, internal echoless.
Analysis: Ovarian cancer is presently one of the most common gynecologic malignant tumors, conventional selection operation treatment. The patient refused to operation for its big trauma, came to our hospital to choose "releasing storage therapy". No trauma, and the curative effect was good, the patient was very satisfied with it.
Anyway, someone did not investigate the facts, said the diagnosis was error as the patient was cured in Baofa Tumor Hospital, really a scholar was always wrong when he was in front of a gunman. I have already become accustomed to these comments and questions. But this question or dispute, patients didn't care, whose need was the efficacy and the extension of life. The patients did not care about whether I Yu Baofa came from America or from the countryside, once they understood the ideas and methods of my cancer treatment, they would come to our hospital for treatment, once they are failed in big hospital, either domestic or foreign, to seek effective therapy is the patient's right, no one can stop.
为了证明“缓释库”的真实疗效,我愿意出钱请有关的记者和专家,在公证部门的参与下,对我院过去治疗的所有病人,进行一次深入调查, 看看到底有效率是多少;到底有没有病例是假的;存活率到底是多少;与国际治疗水平相比,是高还是低。这样对社会是一个交代,对帮助过我的各级政府也是一个交代。也是对“99山东省十大杰出留学科技专家”“华侨华人专业人士‘杰出创业奖’”和“中国青年志愿者行动贡献奖”的一个交代。我真的希望肿瘤界的同行们经常到我们医院参观指导相互交流,一并了解我们,达成共识。
In order to prove the real effect of "sustained release database", I am willing to pay for journalists and experts, in the participation  with notary sectors, taking an in-depth investigation to all the patients treated in our hospital in the past, to have a look how much the efficiency is; whether on earth there is a false case or not; how much the survival rate is; compared with international treatment, level is high or low. This is an account of the society; also an account of all levels of governments helped me. Also it is an account of “Ten Outstanding Returning Technology Experts of Shandong Province, 1999”, “‘Outstanding Entrepreneurship Award’ for Overseas Chinese Professionals” and "China Youth Volunteers Action contribution Award". I really hope the colleagues in cancer community often visiting our hospital to guide and exchange with us, and to understand us, to reach a consensus with us.
Any well intentioned criticism, I accept. Correct mistakes if I have made any and guard against them if I have not. But the malicious slander attacks, we resolutely oppose.
In fifteen years, "releasing storage therapy" have delivered the goods, treated nearly thirty thousand patients, who were spread all over the world, with various effects, living for five or six years, even ten years. The people who was a patient treated by us is the foundation of our existence, and it is understandable that people who do not understand my therapy method indulge in idle gossip. Someone attacked me and my hospital in the Internet. It can't bring us much matter by several web postings, a few words of diatribe pour, I just feel some discomfort. Do you business, go your own way, let people to evaluation.
Most cancer patients were veterans in battle, who had been any kinds of hospitals, seen any kinds of professors, doctors, studied any kinds of scientific theories, therapy methods, only with the pass of effect they can see through all deceptions. With no effect, patients will not accepted: side effects increased, the patient will complain; life quality was to improve, the patient and his family will question. I Yu Baofa can get through these pass, can promise to patients, which is reason there were always so much patients in our hospital. My patients are from all the country, across the world, including America, Canada, Japan, South Korea and so on developed countries.
Here is the note of one of my patients -- hospice note of a patient with liver cancer in 8 years, which reflects the aspirations of cancer patients. Every time I read it, it gives me the motivation. In the rest of my life, I will work hard, research heartedly, continuously to improve, so that the effect of "sustained release storage therapy" will be in constantly improving.
Recently, I am always with some ominous feeling, always feel my live is coming to the end. Ascites in belly, I am with no strength and don’t want to eat. For 8 years, I am the first time at this circumstance. After inspection in the hospital, my wife did not tell me the results of the inspection, only push me hospitalized as soon as possible.
8 years ago, when the doctor told me that I suffered from liver cancer, I didn't think I could be alive till today. At that time I was found out the disease at the large hospital in the province, at the very start, the attending physician was full of hope, told me only with an excision operation, to live three or five years without problems. Struggling on line of life and death, by the doctor's bewitching, I proceeded the choice of operation without hesitation, which maybe the most unwise choice in my life. In the operation, the doctor saw it was unresectable, and then sewed it up. Taken a knife in vain, needless to say body pain, to the most important, it was to declare my disease with no cure. Just 36 years old, I could only wait for the coming of death. The doctor changed his mind suddenly, implied me to give up treatment between his words.
Giving up the treatment of big hospital, I had not given up hope of survival. My wife, children all needed me, I couldn't die, I would seek all methods to treat my disease, even extended my life a day, I also wanted to try. At the time, maybe my life was not to the most, I saw a reporting on television that an America boy came to China to treat tumor, according to the introduction I found my lifesaver – a returned postdoctoral from the USA, who accepted a new targeted therapies -- "sustained release storage therapy". After the treatment, my liver tumor disappeared miraculously; I could not believe this was true.
It can be said all that is perfect to develop here, though I experienced the trough of my life, while I met the right ones, turned calamities into blessings. Experiencing the invalid treatment of large hospital in the province and the treatment of "releasing storage therapy", home savings was basically spent out, because of crossing cities, and because I did not continue the ineffective treatment in the large hospital designated by medical insurance department, when I took the reimbursement procedures to apply for reimbursement, no matter how I begged, only to get three cold words: "Can't be declared." Watching my home which was as poor as a church, watching the kids needing money at school, watching my parents needing to support, the joy after treatment was quickly overwhelmed by the cruel reality.
Although medical expenses could not be partial reimbursed, I was still the home pillar, I also need to earn money for the family, I helplessly had to hide the fact to the unit that I had suffered liver cancer, continued to participate in the work. In order to avoid the attention of people, my labor intensity was even bigger than before. It went away by one year, two years, I didn't feel a thing, then as I was busy in working, I had forgotten I was a patient, and cast the entrust of check regularly by the doctor who saved me to be flung to the four winds.
My carelessness finally led to the progression of the disease, I have the feeling, this time, I am really to go to the end of life. Although the doctor who saved my life will still go to all lengths to treat and save me, while my own negligence had caused the illness reaching at an advanced stage, medicine for deathless disease, I know, the hope of my survival is not much.
People will die, his words are good, I just want to tell the majority of cancer patients through my experience: 1 Operation is not necessarily universal, you must be reasonable to choose the suitable method of treatment; 2 Even got effective treatment, you also should check regularly, don't let the disease progress.
Of course, I still have a glimmer of hope. I hope that the doctor could give me 8 years again, let me have more time with my family. I also hope that the health sector could solve the problem of reimbursement for cancer patients’ life-saving money, don't make more patients like me to regret.
3.10 被吕剧,被雕刻
3.10 I was made to be a character in Lu Opera (of Shandong Province), and then sculptured to be an image
I very like the local drama in our Shandong Province -- Lu Opera. When I was young, I often go to the theatre together with my sisters, the drama attracted me most was those costume drama, which left me a deep impression. Although Lu Opera was less than Peking Opera spreading widely around the country, while in Shandong it is almost known to every family, the melody and the plot have affected generation after generation of Shandong people.
I never thought that my own story would appear on Lu Opera stage, I still more did not expect that I was the prototype of the hero in Lu Opera. In 2010 Shandong Lu Opera Troupe compiled my experience into a script, with rehearsal to the opera "Son of the Yellow River". Inadvertently, my story was moved on stage. I am very grateful to all members of Shandong Lu Opera Troupe, thanks to the people of Shandong. At the same time, I felt a little shy and guilt, as I thought that I was with heavy responsibility on shoulder in anticancer road, while it was not enough that I have done, I ought to do something for the people of Shandong.
The day of the premiere, I watched the show "Son of the Yellow River", the story is true, I seemed to back a few decades before, I saw my mother, my folks, my mentor, once again I revisit my entrepreneurial process ......
The plot introduction of Lu Opera "Son of the Yellow River":
On the road beside the Yellow River, he left the footprints as he took his mother with a floor to the cancer doctor, eventually he shed tears for lost mother. Several years later, he became a famous anti-cancer expert be well-known in American medical circles. With the attachment to motherland and the Yellow River, he resolutely returned to his hometown that was still poor and with high incidence of cancer, built the first domestic private Tumor Hospital, determined to reward the folks at his hometown with the guilt to his mother. Thus, hardships and frustrations came in a continuous stream, chagrin and tears followed as shadow, during the time, he had also been confusion and remorse, but he sincere heart was not extinguished, and finally he obtained successful gratified, business to grow......
This play is adapted from the true story of Professor Yu Baofa, the deputy of the National People's Congress, a famous returned scholar from the USA, and the medical expert, animatedly to show the moving image of a returning deficit for his life care, sincere and dedication, patriotism, dedication.
A domestic sculptor’s father was ill, suffered from terminal cancer of stomach, after many setbacks he found me, hospitalized in my tumor hospital. After "releasing storage therapy" in treating for three periods of treatment, his father then was at the situation with not only pain disappeared, sleep and appetite greatly improved, but also his spirit of the first full. Every time I saw the old man at my rounds, he always talked cheerfully and humorously, talked to me about his feelings, about his home affairs, about his experience in these anticancer years. The old man also urged his son to mold a statue of me, he always said: "it is the Buddha present its power, let me find Professor Yu, Professor Yu is my benefactor." 
I shirked repeatedly but with no result, then just what did he do.
The sculptor also wrote an essay in his sculpture process.
As the Dean Yu portrait down
At the first face to Dean Yu was at the time when my father hospitalized in Jinan Baofa Tumor Hospital for gastric cancer, went to his office to ask the disease, upright face, spiritual eyes with some bookish, talked about the treatment plan, his familiar, Chen Libi. His quick thinking and fast paced speed, let you feel his passion, he talked about a variety of Chinese and foreign cases treated in high spirit, he let you feel on his career focus and dedication.
Found in the dean is the father of gastric cancer to Ji'nan insurance law TumorHospital, went to his office to ask the disease, side of the face, God has eyesbookish, talked about the treatment plan, his familiar, Chen Libi. His quickthinking and fast paced speed, let you feel his passion, he talked about a variety of Chinese and foreign cases treated in high spirit, he let you feel on his career focus and dedication.
To see from the Dean, is the father because of feelings of anxiety and the doctor happened to know this contradiction, Dean in an apology to us let me say a deep surprising remarks: "if anyone on my patient is not good, I will hatehim from the bottom of my heart." He is honest, kind, caring, reflects hisXuanhujishi spirit "compassion" feelings. Because he was moved, in the fatheraway from the hospital, I offered to make a sculpture portraits of him, he is abusy man, to provide natural painting time in his office, so I rush made a fewphotos look angle, then back to the studio started for his sculpture portrait,because almost is in silent plastic so, often, about his image, professors and scholars are also thinking about the person he is artistic image tone -- a heart full of passion refined and cultured. After two months of work, completed thestatue. But in the Dean came to the studio to see the portrait, he around a few laps without language, I know he is not very satisfactory. Facing the reality andcomparison of sculpture, I also feel that although the performance of hissculpture image features, but failed to show his spirit. I decided to come again,to mould a statue of portraits, he also put forward the portrait key to express his spirit and non image. The new statue re completed in three months, he was satisfied that, to put this portrait over made several cast copper statue, put in several branch hall, let the patient staff looked at his portrait feel hisresponsibility and his treatment of patients benefiting spirit. In the bronzestatue transported to Ji'nan, Beijing Hospital installation, he said it was "to give yourself pressure ah, I will strive to build their own this spirit of benchmarking,the patients in therapy of advanced technology America learning is widely used in the Chinese, let oneself have a niche in the temple of famequalifications in this line".
Later, I learned that he started a private hospital hardship and frustrations, to understand the private hospital doctors in the academic status of the edge, but he still adhere to regularly participate in International Conference on cancer treatment academic, keep pace with the world of academic technology onanticancer. When he saw the abstract sculpture in my studio, and he put forward his "biochemical treatment by cutting" theory, use the form DNAstructure of biological and abstract sculpture show, in his hospital, I was againhe was so receptive to new things and scared, after all, abstract sculpture in the Chinese is small, he had the decision so fast, let me feel the sculpture portrait also somewhat less vicissitudes and tough, I smiled and said: "I hope to have the opportunity to obtain Nobel award at you when you re plastic body image."
Yes, I "release" of Library of invention is really the champion in the cancer research field, there are USA friend said, you can go for Nobel prize in physiology or medicine. OK, I will work hard in accordance with internationalrequirements to prepare, to fight, not for anything else, just for my inventioncan get a admits, but Nobel award is just my goals, but it is not my purpose, my ultimate goal is a good treatment in patients with tumor, the patient's rehabilitation is my biggest harvest.
3.11 Every year I travelled to and fro between China and the United States many times

I often go to the USA to participate in academic conferences, since I cannot be separated from the America circle, cannot do without the high-end academic, as a cancer researcher, I should grasp the trend of the research, exchange with wise, which can open my ideas.
I can't remember how many times to the USA to participate in academic conferences. Each time, after attending the conference, I always went back to Santiago, the USA, back to my own home, leisurely to live there for a while, make my nervous tension relax down, adjust my own mood. As in domestic, I was too busy, along with the growth of my age, sometimes I felt it cannot support physically. Since I returned to pursue my own careers in domestic, the visa for my round-trip America passport has more than 120 times.
Back in Santiago, I would take time to Salk and University of California, Santiago for a walk, having a look, chatting with my old friends and breathing the fresh air there.
One night, a friend on biological research called me, on the phone the friend and I talked of everything under the sun for an hour. He said he had seen many media reports about me, and then he asked something of my situation. During the time, I asked him: "How about old director Crick’s recently physical condition?" "Old director is very busy recently, in the study on brain." I could not help but be startled at the old director, more admired to him.
我的朋友曾是索尔克的博士后,我问他是否还在做生物研究,他说已经不做了,改做皮鞋生意,而且他做的皮鞋很好,都在美国大店和名店销售,像诺德斯特龙 (Nordstrom)这样的店,每双皮鞋的价格都在100—300美金,比在索尔克挣钱更多,而且还舒服。隔日,我去他家拜访,一进客厅,只见皮鞋摆满了整个房间。一时间,我的内心感到有些酸楚,替科学界有些惋惜,一个科学家在做皮鞋生意,虽然很赚钱。在美国就是这么现实,生存第一,一个医学博士做皮鞋生意,在中国人眼里,很不理解,在美国很多人认为很正常,能生存就是本事。
My friend was a postdoctoral of Salk. I asked him whether he was still doing biological research. He said he had not done it, changed to do the shoes business, and the leather shoes he did were very excellent, being selling in American big stores and well-known shops just like Nordstrom, each pair of shoes were in the price of $100 - $300, he earned more than in Salk and be comfortable. The next day, I went to visit him. Entered the living room, I saw the shoes were filled the whole room. For a while, I felt some sour in my heart, with some regret for the scientific community, a scientist was doing business of leather shoes, though it could make a lot of money. In American it is so reality, survival the first. In Chinese eyes, that’s very incomprehensible for a medical doctor to do leather shoes business, while a lot of people in the USA think it's normal, survival is the skill.
Leather shoes and postdoctoral research are with no difference in survival, it is not everyone who had worked in Salk can become a doctor in Salk. At the same time, not every university student graduated to become a professional, not all the postgraduates from the Union can become big doctor.
Jonas Salk, the old director of Salk as I worked there, died of heart failure on June 23th, 1995, but his spirit lives on. People from Salk Research Institute did not forget Dr. Salk, Santiago did not forget Dr. Salk, I would more not forget Dr. Salk, I had taken Salk Spirit back to China, back my hospital. The disciples cultivated by Salk Institute were tens of thousands of in the world, and not every disciple can take Salk spirit back to their motherland. I did so, in this sense, my Taimei Baofa Tumour Hospital is the Chinese branch of Salk Institute, as it received Salk's influence and guide when it was founded.
At a reception room in the Salk Research Institute, I leafed through the pictorial with some new progress of the Salk Institute, and saw my tutor Dulbecco, whose photos form young to adult were printed on the pictorial, at the photo when he got the Nobel Award in 1974, I was excited, subconsciously dial his secretary.
His secretary was very excited: "Welcome you back USA, welcome to the Salk, how about your hospital? Did the America boy discharge from the hospital? And are there any new more America patients to your hospital?"
聊了足有十分钟,我还意犹未尽,又给导师的导师杜尔贝克打电话,电话是他夫人接的,一听是我,高兴得不得了,我和导师聊了一阵子。虽然“师爷”已经老了,但他的记忆惊人。 欣喜若 狂喜
We talked for ten minutes, I still felt it was not enough, and then I called my tutor’s tutor Dulbecco, which was received by his wife, as she knew it’s me, she was delighted. I chatted with my tutor for a while. Although "Grandpa Tutor" had already been old, his memory was amazing.
He said: "I almost traveled all over the world, but only not to China, which is very regrettable."
Mentioned this, a sour in my heart, I should have asked him to China to have a look, and I had told him the matter. But for the reasons, on one hand, I was busy in building the hospitals; on the other hand, I felt it was not enough I had done in China, I thought at the time my career would be on track, I had gotten some achievements and then to ask my tutor to China. Moreover, as he is a Nobel Prize winner, it is surely to disturb many departments to ask him to China. I was afraid that it would be gossiped by others, so the matter has been dragged down.
He had known all my situations in China, my tutor Serra had come to China to see me, and in CCTV's "Chinese -- filial son of mother river" he said so much good words for me, which made me be indebted forever, as it’s really once a teacher, parent forever.
I told "Grandpa Tutor" Dulbecco: "I will report the matter to relevant departments of China after I return domestic, we will ask you to lecture in China."
He listened and was very happy: "I am certainly willing to China, as long as my body can."
After talking with him on the phone, I then casually walked into a lab, talking with the researchers for a day who worked together with me originally. A group of people left Salk, and a group of people came into Salk, which like the Siege, but not the Siege. It was easy to enter into the Siege, then people got bored, while it is difficult to get in or out of Salk, as you entered it, the practicing was forever in finishing, Knowledge was with no limit, the persons who got out the Salk were with the situations of good or bad.
从索尔克出来,再往前走,就是有名的黑海滩(Black Beach),望着海天一色的远方,心情格外开阔,这儿常年有人在裸泳和日光浴。一边是严谨的学术研究机构,一边是闻名遐迩的旅游圣地,两相参照,相映成趣。
Out from the Salk, and then I moved forward, it was the famous Black Beach, I looked at afar with the sea melted into the sky, my mood was very open. Here there was someone in the nude swimming and sunbathing all the year round. On one side it is the rigorous academic research institution, on the other side it is the well-known Holy Land for tourism, reference form two, you would gain much interesting by contrast.
In my home at Santiago, the mailbox was full of letters, which had a Christmas card from my old friend landlord Larry. Now, they have a family of 4 people, their daughter looked lively and lovely. That year as I lived in his home, I didn't need to pay rent and meals, on condition that each Saturday I was to clean his backyard and mowed the lawn. Originally, Laurie was to learn martial arts from me, while he was so lazy that he could not get up early in the morning, he learnt for a few days then gave up. He sent me a homemade card (be made of his family photos), above it he wrote: Give me a call. I know he misses Baofa, I have left his home for 10 years.
I made a call to him. He said happily, he had turned to an ordinary staff early from a boss, with a relaxation, his company had been bought by a big company, and then he became a clerk in it. This is also a unique attitude of American, being able to advance and retire, always happy. It is really very happy to work on time, to have dinner with family. When it came to me, I said I was still in dire straits, a boss. He smiled, encouraging me to do it well that I wanted to do. I said as my cause was bigger, I also wanted to remove all of the black gauze caps (official titles) on my head, let others to be the boss, I would be a researcher or a professor, back to the lab, back to the hospital, to concentrate on research, invention and innovation.
In an instant ten days passed, as Christmas was coming. The Americans were busy in having their holiday, people to buy things were in a continuous line, I also joined the mall, went straight to the things I wanted to buy. I spent this festival in the USA, but I was not so crazy like Americans in my heart, as the patients were waiting for me in my hospitals, I was urgent to go back. As for the holiday, I was very careless.
To the date of return, I came to Los Angeles International Airport. After all the procedures were completed, I entered into the waiting hall waiting to return to China. The world was really small, no sooner I set down firmly, then a line of old Overseas Chinese about 14 people saw me, and they all knew me, to return to China for expedition from Santiago, which was invited by the state council.
They were delighted to see me, said I had brought honor for Chinese. I only modestly said: "I also want to learn from you, old overseas Chinese; you have been in the USA for decades, old people with young heart, still thinking of motherland, and trying hard to do something for China." Among them, Professor Zhu had taught at University for decades, he was respected, and I admired him from my heart. A person cannot do a few things in his life, do this, and then he cannot do that. The key lies in playing his own life, no matter what job he does, as long as he focus on it and work hard, he is certainly to be successful.
Board on the plane, I still fell into a dream, lost in thought, I couldn't remember how many times I had gone to America, and how many times back home.
Air China flight 986 was finally over Beijing after 12 hours of flight, and then landed safely, the hearts of the people also landed.
Off the plane, my heart was more comfortable, and I walked slow down. Sitting in a taxi in Beijing City, I opened the mobile phone, and calls came in ceaselessly, of asking the disease, having a chat.
I realized I returned to China. I needed not to say English, saying Mandarin was handy to me. I still realized I would adjust to the China frequency, China approach, Chinese mode of thinking – which can be fast, which is that you want it be fast but it cannot. As soon as I returned to motherland, I should be busy. For everything, big and small, they would ask me. Most of the things were very difficult to finish on schedule, today till tomorrow, tomorrow till the day after tomorrow, which is often the case, also there was something was dragged on to no. I must be prepared in my mind, take it easy.
In April 2013, I went to Washington again to participate in a meeting, the award ceremony of Chen Zhu, vice chairman of the National People's Congress. Afterwards, I especially drove to the boss Sara’s home; Sara who had already been a professor of Johns Hopkins University had made preparing for my arrival, she made me live her home one night to review the things and all the colleagues in the Salk. Her husband was life-long researcher of National Institute of Health, USA., doing research on the AIDS virus. She cooked dinner for us, the whole chat was in the excited state, her husband specially took China classical records, in China music, we chatted very happy.
Every time I went to the USA to participate in various meetings, I always asked my supervisor Sinil for dinner, as he was the first person led me to the USA, the Professor of Medical College of California University. America Pfizer global anticancer drug R & D base was in Santiago, and he was responsible for the verification of clinical drug. Since 2006, I often reported him about my study, especially the progress of "sustained-release storage" for the treatment of cancer. He admired me, and said I was the flagship in his postdoctoral. Every time I talked with my supervisor, then I always got some unexpected harvest, as the teacher praised me, which seemed he recognized me. In front of the teacher, I would always be a student.
In America I also met Zhang Haiming, who had enlightened us Santiago Chinese entrepreneurs. We often kept in touch. One day we organized a small picnic, in front of some students and entrepreneurs, I told my practice in China, my story of cancer treatment in China, my theory of invention and clinical effect.
In America, there were my footsteps, my friends; I would often go to America to have a look, to hear, to see, to enjoy the free air, academic air. Having a look is strolling everywhere, hearing is to listen America story, seeing is to see something new, to meet some friends, also I would tell them my entrepreneurship, my dream of anticancer and the story of my continuing entrepreneurship.
3.12 Don't over treat cancer patients

In the face of cancer, most patients walked this way: at first, operation, spend tens of thousands of money; and then chemotherapy, spend hundreds of thousands of money; without effect, then radiotherapy, again spend hundreds of thousands of money or even more money; and then fight north and south with treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, spend tens of thousands of money, eventually lose both person and treasure. This is the cancer "black hole" in taking human’s wealth and life.
After close relative left, many people would find that we didn't know about cancer. We had put so much emotion and expectations, that we had still not to let the dead enjoy the last family affection. Regret to allow the patient to suffer so much pain of chemotherapy and torment of radiotherapy, innumerable regret, innumerous complaints, but it is too late.
As a cancer doctor and a researcher with 30 years of medical experience, the more I had the ways to realize the current situation of tumor treatment, the more I heard the "stories", then the more strong the sense of my responsibility to face the patients and the sense of my helplessness to face the current situation of cancer treatment.
Academician Lewis Dr. Thomas from American Academy of Sciences once said: "A lot of things done in the treatment of cancer -- operation, radiation and chemotherapy are all belong to half a technology. As these measures are all pointing to the already established cancer cell, rather than to the mechanism to turn cells into the neoplasm." Thomas's words truthfully reflected the reason of therapy failure.
That is to say, operation, radiotherapy and chemotherapy were only for results and not for reasons. At present, as the cancer has not been overcome, how to better use the method of treatment has become a major problem for the people.
I think, the scientific method of treatment should timely adjust the manner of disease treatment with the change of patient's condition. For example, operation can get good effect on patients at early stage, at this time, operation treatment is science; but if the disease of patients advanced into middle and advanced stage, the tumor occurred systemic metastasis or distant metastasis (Although CT, the B ultrasound examination has not found metastasis, other organs and organizations have a subclinical lesions, blood has cancer cells), at this time, operation treatment is not scientific, which is only increase the physical harm to the patient but with no effect to the state of illness and the treatment. If you try to execute operation reluctantly, may accelerate the spread of cancer cells and metastasis; some patients after surgery, the tumor was found too severe adhesion to resection, and then it had to be originally sutured. In most cases, the operation itself was very successful, beautiful, and the surgeon was also to his heart’s content, felt a sense of achievement, while for patients it did not play any role in treatment, but make the original weak weaker, immunity plummeted, the cancer cells grow more rampant. As a surgeon, who had learnt operation would do operation, pairs of skillful hands are to do this job. Operation has its glorious history. For 200 years, operation had played an inestimable role in the treatment of disease, it was understandable be honor as a surgeon.
However for tumor resection, it should be the relative role. For advanced cancer, to cut rather than not cut, while the patient met the surgeon, except for cutting, who can't do anything else. Whether surgical or internal medicine, we doctor should base the patient's condition, consider how to make the patients reduce pain, improve life quality, prolong life, don’t cut as it can, use conservative measures rather than trauma way, respect life, cherish life, save lives, which is the duty of each doctor.
Overtreatment is the waste of material resources, also a waste of human resources, more aggravating the economic burden of patients. By example of gastric cancer, 20 years ago, the average cost of diagnosis of gastric cancer was about ¥400, and now, the average cost of diagnosis is¥2800. If the high-end diagnostic technique were applied, average cost would rise to ¥8000. And this is just the cost of diagnosis, does not include the cost of treatment, the rise of treatment expense is more alarming. 20 years ago, the average cost of chemotherapy for once time was about ¥100, and now it has risen to nearly ¥15000, an increase of 150 times. Undeniable, the accuracy of diagnosis is indeed raised, the side effects of chemotherapy reduces, however, a ruthless and cold fact is, in these 20 years, five years survival rate was not significantly improve. Drug therapy is also in progress, but that progress is still very little for therapeutic effects on patients with it.
For end-of-life disposal in advanced cancer patients, I have my view. Modern medical technology has completely changed the traditional culture of death. Improving constantly of medical technology encouraged people to further delay, delay death, looking for an excuse to avoid death. It seems that the use of a large amount of money as well as the complicated and expensive medical technology can postpone death indefinitely. Its purpose is just let the patient "look alive"! Through technological intervention against death is just a "comfort" to alive, but a torment to the patient, and a big store of displaying the medical technology to the doctors.
In this case, death is no longer relevant to fate, only relate to the doctor to decide what time to unplug the ventilator bolt on.
As for the hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) technology, originally it was successfully used for a variety of incident of sudden death patients, now widely used in patients with incurable chronic, such as cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer's disease, a vegetable. I will try to ask the experts and doctors, so some patients are on the verge of death, how much significance is cardiopulmonary resuscitation? How much significance is it to spent more than 1000 yuan a day? What did it bring to the patient's family? Although medical has conclusive evidence that the patient has not cured, while the patient's body was still stand on a ventilator, sputum aspirator tube, tracheotomy, a series of covered pipeline, just to make this life still maintain a heartbeat, which is indeed waste man power and money.
Therefore, the Japanese emergency medical experts Yamazaki said: "This is the persecution on a body totally no will! It is turning the moment of most human death between the patient and family into a battlefield where the medical staffs show their glory."
A lot of the time the doctor, especially the oncologist, actually cannot bear the praise of "the magic hand that restores health", "as the medicine took effect, the symptoms vanished", because the method at present in the world is not completely cured of cancer. This is not fit to blame doctors. But if excessive medical treatment for cancer patients, then the doctor is to be blamed. To a dying cancer patient with technical "toss" is extremely wrong.
As a cancer doctor, I have ever seen many examples of excessive treatment.
The very sad case I had seen was a staff of the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) in Yantai City, male, 55 years old, in the regular physical examination who was found a small tumor on the liver, lack of 2cm. Extreme fear forced him to take treatment for many times. As he came to the Tumor Hospital of Shandong Province, after the expert consultation, it was not suitable for operation for the tumor grew in the side of vascular, then he returned to Yantai with radiation in a hospital. By positive treatment, his tumor had been effectively controlled, but his liver was severely damaged -- due to excessive radiation led to liver carbonization, he died of hepatic coma after more than two months, the excessive treatment killed him.
There was a boss who had a lot of money on fisheries business, he could not take operation for liver function damage after it was diagnosed as liver cancer, so in the doctor guidance taking Nexavar (also known as Sola Feeney), which was so far thought to be the most effective drug for treatment of liver cancer. He was using the best, the most expensive drugs for the treatment of his disease, which made the patient feel proud and happy. This medicine was like his life-saving straw, medication a week later appeared large intolerable drug eruption, then progressive deterioration of liver function, and then the advent of ascites, these made him miserable, but he had been unwilling to stop drug. The day before the end of his life, there was a word “medicine” in his memory, before and after it “tossed” him less than three months. Unfortunately, he didn't lead those days with curative effect experience till to death. More unfortunately, he did not miss the adverse reactions caused by Nexavar, no quality of life.
A deputy magistrate of Dongping, my native place, unfortunately suffered from lung cancer, which was highly regarded by county leaders, she went in an authority of Beijing tumor hospital, all radiotherapy and chemotherapy were done, for half a year she died. A chance I encountered the magistrate, we talked about the matter, I said: "I have known the subprefect since my childhood, as I was in junior high school, she was a cadre lived and worked in our village, when I returned to operate the hospital she was the director of the County Health Bureau, we should try to save her, if she had been treated in our hospital, she would not died so prematurely. The patients treated by me at least can live 3 to 5 years, the most even live more than ten years." The magistrate interrupted me said: "Baofa, the cadres at this level wanted the standard treatment, we have done our best for her treatment in Beijing. If only in your hospital, she would have lived three or five years then to die, there were still people’ complains." 
From above examples, we can see the patient's psychology and the wrong choice, too much to believe and to apply traditional medical treatment would kill people.
It is a misunderstanding that a patient incurable was rescued repeatedly and in a state he was extremely painful to continue his life until he died with his organ failure, which should not be the "good death" patients expected.
Almost all medical personnel have seen "invalid treatment" in the work. So called invalid treatment refers to using all the most advanced technology on a patient who was at his/her last gasp to extend his/her life. The patient's trachea would be cut, inserted the catheter, connected to the machine, constantly pouring medicine. These scenes are performed every day in the intensive care unit (ICU).
I think, for cancer patients at the end stage of life, excessive rescue for patients is no significance; the best thing is to do the hospice care. Hospice care is intended to make the patient reduce pain, calmly towards the end of life. Hospice care though cannot make the patient's death earlier or later, it can reduce as much as possible the suffering of patients, make them calmly and happily towards the end of life.
Compared hospice care with excessive medical treatment, we find that hospice care paid more attention to provide patients with the sense of comfort and dignity, so that they can ride out the last days. It is worth mentioning that, in America, studies have found that the patients at terminal stage living in a hospice care live longer than the patients with the same disease but actively seek treatment patients. Hospice care is a comprehensive care program for dying patients and their families, which covers the needs of physiological, psychological, social, spiritual, continued until the death of a patient.
In the face of cancer, cancer physicians were mostly stuffy in the cancer "black hole", they also felt very troubled, I was no exception. We would find the most likely or the most effective method in trouble.
Patients and their families also need to remember that, in the treatment of patients, the effective method is scientific, no effective method is not scientific for patients regardless how good theoretical basis it has, we should change ideas to seek an effective method for patients with the disease.

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