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1.1 Mother twice suffered from cancer hastened parturition to my dream
It should be said that everybody has dreams in the privacy of his thoughts, his own ideal and the pursuit of life, appeal and expectation of happy life. Most people’s dreams are always expectation for the future life, my dream, however, was related to the past which originated from mother’s twice suffering cancer, as the cancer had taken away my mother’s life. From then on, I felt that cancer was the un-decoded black hole of human beings.
The first time that my mother suffered cancer made me devote to be a doctor; and the second time made me have the dream “to decode the black hole of cancer for more mothers”. Since my mother had given me all her selfless love just as the others in thousands and thousands families.
My childhood was spent in a family with full of love. My father, instead to be a literary man like my grandfather,who liked to practice martial art as a child  and he got a lot of attainments on it. When he was young, my father made a living by boxing and busking,traveled all the country and made a lot of buddy friends. He was a martial arts instructor in Kuomintang’s army before liberation, later committed for helping a fellow villager escape from prison and then departed, for this my father was closed in prison for three years in the period of initial post-liberation, i.e. the so-called “history counterrevolutionary” In spite of this, father still served as a amateur instructor in Jinan troops in 1950s, teaching the people's Liberation Army martial arts. When I was a child, I often followed father to practice Chinese boxing, learned some martial art and Kung Fu, so after l went to USA I taught American old ladies Taijiquan, but that is the later story. My mother was a virtuous and capable woman who undertook all home affairs and never let my father worry about. She gave birth to four children, and I was the third, so I have two elder sisters and a younger at home. Maybe just as I was the only boy in the family, in fact, mother gave me most of her love partially and you cannot look it out from surface. I often said to someone that I was growing up under mother’s affection and asylum.
When I was a child, I remembered, in summer, when we come back after playing outside, we must to drink a plenty of water, while three bowls of water on the table, only me can tell which one has sugar in it, and my sisters do not know that, since it was specially prepared for me by mother. Every Spring Festival, mother was certain to make a new dress for me. The so called new dress, in fact, was modified from the adult’s clothes, while my sisters were always dressed in old clothes to celebrate the Spring Festival. Occasionally there was some tasty at home, and even if I was outside, mother would also leave some for me. The second-eldest sister found that mother was partial to me, so she always acted against me, and sometimes scuffled in together with me. While though my little sister was very young, she gave way to me in everything. Although my father was strict and usually serious in speech and manner, since I was an obedient, clever boy, never stirred up any troubles and my study at school was always in front of the others, he had never reprimanded me. Every time father would go out, my younger sister usually wanted to go with him, but my father always said no to her, while earlier hinted me going to the crossing in the street to wait him. At that time, though I was not the only child of the family as today’s, I enjoyed the caring and protection from the whole family.
In the early1960s, the food that could fill the stomachs of people had become the national luxury. At that time, as my father worked ever in the Kuomintang’ army, he was called the "counter revolutionaries" and sent back to the countryside. Be a porter in a transportation company before returning the countryside, barely supporting the family, while in countryside father lost the life source. All the family managed to get along depending on the helps of kinfolks, friends and neighbors, often scarce of food and clothes.
In the turbulent period of the "Cultural Revolution", though father was the "counter revolutionary", while the children were innocent! Due to mother's trying and efforts, mother and I went back to Jinan, whereas our house had been occupied by neighbors and the police let us live in the East of three north rooms of a neighbor. Under one roof, it was hard to avoid bumps one with another, and for several times quarrelling happened. At that time, mother felt worried about my father and sisters in the countryside, often she went to Dongping to see them. One day, I came home from school, no adults in the yard, and the children did not talk with me, then I strolled outside, suddenly a bright light flashed before my eyes, I saw neighbor Aunt Hong’s cooked dry sweet potatoes sunned on the sills, immediately I felt so hungry with stomach cooing up and slobber flowing out. I thought it was nothing to have a piece, after all, Aunt Hong was not at home, even if I ate a piece and she could not perceive it.  Eaten a piece of dried sweet potato, while I felt more hungry and my belly sounded with rhythm as if there was a rotating wheel contained in it, so every now and then I picked up pieces of dry sweet potatoes putting into my mouth one by one, until I felt that Aunt Hong might perceive it then I stopped to play with my little friends. The second day, such and such things was going on, as time went a long, there was not much left.
I forgot how long it passed, then mother came back who blamed me for eating the dry sweet potato furtively, she raised her hand high to slap me. Maybe my scared face made mother be softhearted, and her raised right hand only touched my head hard, with a sigh. Originally, what I had done several times was seen by neighbor Aunt Hong, while she did not stop me, she told mother with a smile: “The boy was really hungry.” This was the first time in my memory that I made a mistake, and the only time that I nearly was beaten. Look, how much my mother loved me, so far, once I think of it, tears was  flowing , and I missed my mother very badly.  
In 1970, due to father’s historical problem, my mother and I, who had returned to Jinan, were once again deported to Dongping, merely my eldest sister had worked and she stayed. The day to return, a big Jiefang truck parked at our door, then all the bag and baggage were loaded in it. On the second day, the truck which was loaded full of persons and baggage took most of the day arriving at the village of Xiaxie, Jieshan Xiang, Dongping County. As soon as the truck stopped, the secretaries from four big teams in the village came to welcome us. Then our families lived in a bullpen where I sniffed out a smell of cow dung as I entered.
When I was young, I was very stubborn, mother said that I had a spirit of not up until the goal. I remember once my eldest sister came back to see us who had worked in the factory of Jinan cement product, after living with us for two days, she would return to Jinan, and I wanted to go with her naughtily, mother did not permit while promised on the surface, as I had gone to school at that time,a rural primary school. Early on the second day, my eldest sister went to Daiyang Xiang station, along with the mountain trail, riding back to Jinan. I woke up and found her out, realizing sister had gone, I ran toward the door. The way to the station is fifteen miles, I shouted as I ran, while couldn't see eldest sister’s figure, but I didn't stop. At that time it was difficult to walk on the mountain road, for there was no decent way at all, still someone needed to pass by a cemetery, I had run for about fifteen miles to get the station, but the bus had been out of sight for a long time. After returning home, I felt depressed and my mind was wandering. When mother noticed, she felt something was wrong with me. Since I had passed the cemetery, a neighbor aunt reminded my mother:”Whether the boy was tangled by the demon? Conduct a religious rite quickly.” Nevertheless, mother knew her son, she said: “it was just because of his stubborn temper.”More than ten days later, a fellow-villager from Dongping,Jinan was returning to Xia Xie village to visit relatives, mother requested him sincerely to take me to Jinan by bicycle. Early in the morning we set off at four o'clock, went straight to Jinan all the way, eventually we arrived my eldest sister’s home at six o’clock in the evening. After the journey of more than two hundred miles, my ass was almost jolted to broken. Living in Jinan for a month, until my emotion was stabilized, then my eldest sister brought me back to Dongping. My mother, you are so understand your son, and you doted on your son too!
20世纪70年代,积劳成疾的母亲患了宫颈癌。不忍看着母亲受到病痛折磨,才12岁的我, 就用板车拉她去公社医院看病,医生说是癌症的那瞬间几乎吓死我。可怕的癌症,那是我第一次听到它的名字。第二天母亲被送去了济南,在大姐的关怀和医生的积极治疗下有了好转。从那时起,我最大的梦想就是当一名医生。我太爱母亲了,每当听到母亲的呻吟,就好比刀子在剜我的心。那时在学校学习根本不是为了自己,而是为了母亲……1977年恢复高考,我如愿以偿,考进了青岛医学院北镇分院。我要当一名医生的愿望太迫切啦。
In 1970s, mother was broken down from constant overwork, suffering from the cervical cancer. I could not bear to see mother was tortured by the disease, just 12 years old, I pulled her to the commune hospital with plate trailer. It almost scared me to death at the moment when the doctor said it was cancer. The terrible cancer, it is the first time I heard the name of it. The second day mother was sent to Jinan, then it took a turn for the better as mother was under my eldest sister’s caring and the active treatment of the doctors. Since then, my biggest dream is to be a doctor. I loved my mother so much, whenever I heard mother moaning, it liked using a knife cut out my heart. At that time I learnt in the school which was not for myself, but for my mother...... When the college entrance examination was resumed in 1977, I had got my wish, entering Beizhen Branch of Qingdao Medical Academy. My wish of being a doctor was too urgent.
During the four years I learned in the medical college, my grades was always at the top of the list. After graduation, I was assigned to work in the Research Institute on Tumor Prevention of Shandong Province (now the Tumor Hospital of Shandong Province), before long, I was sent to study in the tumor hospital of Chinese Medical College.
Something unexpected may happen any time. Just as I was very busy with my research and studies, mother who had worked hard for all her life suffered from cancer again, which was esophageal cancer. This striking on me was too hard, as mother was the dependence my spirits relied on, and I could not lose her. I stopped my study in Beijing and returned Jinan. While I paid attention to mother’s illness, I was learning more strenuously, determined to study esophageal cancer to cure mother. But I exhausted all my knowledge and methods, done with both chemotherapy and radiotherapy, did not I retain mother’s life. Mother died with nostalgia for the world and the hope for her children.
I eventually understood that it was impossible to achieve substantive breakthrough in treatment of cancer by operation and radiotherapy, chemotherapy present, in order to save thousands on thousands of cancer patients, there must be a new therapeutic method. When mother died, I was a single. Mother once so desperately wanted to see I was married, but it was not ultimately implemented. After the burial, I observed a fellow-villager at our native place who had suffered from esophageal cancer was still alive without treatment as he could not afford the cost. This was really a blow to me, how ironic it was! Be a oncology doctor from Shandong Provincial Tumor Hospital, I even could not cure my own mother's illness, my heart was very painful. At the same time, it also made me to have many questions on research and treatment of cancer. In order to study, I had done injections and experiments in my own body, so which was often swelled, arising a body discomfort since.
The colleagues from the Cancer Hospital of Chinese Medical College saw me like this, and thought maybe I was stimulated by mother’s death and was heading into a blind alley, so they advised me not to do so crazy, adjusting my own mentality then to research again. But I did not stop. My mother died just because of cancer, as a cancer researcher, what a kind of feeling, you say, I would have? An idea always flashed in my mind: why were we always slaughtered by cancer but having no way for it? It must be that we did too little. In order to save thousands and thousands of patients from the killing of cancer, how could you do it not to seize the time to study?
Mother had gone, while at night I often wake up from a nightmare with heart pounding. In the dreams, I was in the white coat, pushing a wheelchair in which sat the sick mother, seeming to want to do physical examination. The hospital corridor was very long, pushing mother, I walked, walked, and always went round......A lot of people were standing on both sides of the corridor, stared at me with that kind of contempt eyes, quite a few in the crowd were pointing at me, I did not dare to look at them. I heard the people talking about me: "As a doctor, a cancer doctor, even his own mother's disease cannot be cured, what a doctor is it?"
I flushed with shame, and my brain was noisy, then I quickly hurtled forward. Walked and walked all along till I was tired to pant for breath, still I could not see the laboratory door. At this time, a group of people with fierce looking gathered around me, and there was another endless criticism, just then I suddenly lost control with a big growl: "Go away!" Waken up, I broke out in a cold sweat and found that it was a dream.
I had ever repeated similar dreams for many times.
Cancer, for me, was the scar, the tear stains; the shame...... cancer was just a major disaster. For the patients, the families and the relatives, cancer was a ferocious killer, when would the mystery of cancer "black hole" be solved? When could the people see a beam of sunlight? What can I do? This was the major reason why I would never give up the research and treatment of cancer in the future.
In order to realize the China dream of anticancer as well as to obtain a beam of sunlight penetrating the cancer "black hole", I stepped into the cancer "black hole", taking more than thirty years as one day, closed myself in the "black hole"; I put all my energy round the clock into the battle with cancer, tenaciously go through the whole journey.
1.2 I wanted to be a noble oncologist all the way
What on earth is the cancer "black hole"? What a kind of things are contained inside? I had no clear understanding on these questions when I graduated from Union Medical College in 1988. In 1990, I received the invitation for postdoctoral research from the Medical College of California, San Diego, USA. relying on my hard work and achievements, then I resigned the work in China-Japan Friendship Hospital which was very lucrative to seek ways of conquering cancer on the other side of the ocean with the idea of throwing the helve after the hatchet, wished to go further a little to explore cancer "black hole", finding the beam of sunlight, to realize my dreams.
Neither other pursuit, nor the wants to pursue the false glory and titles, I just want to be a noble oncologist, contribute a little for human by conquering cancer "black hole".
到美国学习,因为受到了导师斯奈尔·金(Sinil Kims)的影响,向他学习缓释库这个概念及应用方法。与此同时,我意识到自己缺少许多知识,急需充实自己,特别是分子生物知识。
Learning in American, I was affected by my supervisor Sinil Kims and learned the concept and application methods of sustained-release base from him. At that time, I was aware of that I lacked a lot of knowledge, and urgently need to enrich myself, especially the knowledge on molecular biological.  
I was one of the college students from the first session after the resumption of college entrance examination, although the base of my knowledge was good, the medical college students mainly learn the comparatively basis subjects such as biological, biochemical and so on, and the teaching time was short, the content was relatively simple, principally with the clinical knowledge. The one who graduated from the medical college was fully qualified to be a resident doctor, but too far to the research work.
When I was pursuing the master degree, my medicine level had been further improved. The year when I obtained the permission, the proportion of admission for graduate was very small, and profession was shared very fine. In China, my research direction was a nuclear medicine, imaging of adrenal pheochromocytoma, lymph node imaging agent and so on.
In the USA, my research direction changed, and then my knowledge was something not enough. It really filled up my weak points following the supervisor to research on molecular biology for several years. In the tide of molecular biology, at least I didn't speak in layman's language any more, and at least I could understand better the key points and related links of biological treatment .
我很注意参加索尔克生物研究所(Salk、Institute for Biological Studies)和圣地亚哥加州大学(University of California, San Diego)的各种学术会议、讲座,有些讲座可能完全与我的研究无关,我也一样参加,为的是受受启发,看看能否找到我感兴趣的内容,尤其是癌症治疗方面的新点子或新思路。学术会也多数与我的目的相差甚远,我只是听听,当作练英语,当作休息,这些学术讲座会都备有饮料及小吃,我就当作休闲。
I paid great attention to the various academic conferences, lectures at Salk Institute for Biological Studies and University of California, San Diego. Some of the lectures had nothing to do with my research, which I also attended to be inspired and to have a look whether I could find something I was interested about, especially the new ideas or new thoughts on cancer treatment. Most of the academic conferences also differed very far from my purpose, which I just listened to as a practicing of English and a rest. As in these lectures and conferences, there were prepared drinks and snacks; I just regarded it as a casual.
索尔克生物研究所是坐落在加州南部拉霍亚的一个独立非营利科学研究机构。它于1960年由乔纳斯·索尔克(Jonas Salk)创立,创始者中有雅各布·布罗诺夫斯基(Jacob Bronowski))和弗朗西斯·克里克(Francis Crick)。1962年研究所正式投入运行。这所研究所是美国生命科学领域成果最多、质量最高的研究机构之一。在中国知道的人很少,多数人知道哈佛医学院。2004年,《时代高等教育》增刊将索尔克生物研究所列为世界第一的生物医学研究机构,2006年,《科学观察》将其列为神经科学和行为学领域全球第一的研究所。路易·康是索尔克生物研究所的设计者,在美国现代建筑师中,路易·康在建筑学上的地位相当高。他在1901年2月20日生于爱沙尼亚的萨拉马岛,1905年随父母移居美国费城,1924年毕业于费城宾夕法尼亚大学。大器晚成的他五十多岁时才真正成为一代宗师,他的建筑作品通常是在质朴中呈现出永恒和典雅,他阐述了建筑应该怎样在反映人类对本质的思考过程中创造的奇迹;他提到的光明与阴影,与他在建筑作品中善于把握光的作用一样,都启发着人们对存在和哲理的思考。
Salk Institute for Biological Studies was an independent non-profit scientific research institution located in La Jolla in southern California. It was founded by Jonas Salk in 1960, and the initiators included Jacob Bronowski and Francis Crick. The Institute was officially put into operation in 1962. It was one of the research institutions which achieved the most and of the highest quality from life science field in USA. It was rarely known by Chinese people, as most of them knew the Harvard Medical College. In 2004, the supplementary issue of “Times Higher Education” ranked Salk Institute for Biological Studies as the first biomedical research institution in the world, and In 2006, the "Science Observation" ranked it as the first institute all over the world in the field of neuroscience and Behavioral Science. Louis Kang was a designer of Salk Institute for Biological Studies who enjoyed a quite high status among American modern architects. He was born on the island of Saaremaa in Estonia, February 20, 1901, and immigrated with his parents to Philadelphia in America, 1905. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, 1924. He who great minds matured slowly became a master until he was more than fifty, and whose works of architecture presented eternity and elegance in plain, he elaborated how the miracle was created by the architecture through reflection of human thinking on the nature; the light and shadow he mentioned, as well as that he was good at grasping the effect of light in architecture works, both inspired people to think about the existence and philosophy.
Some academic lectures like these were held almost every day in Salk Institute and University of California, San Di ego, most of which were the fundamental molecular biology without the value of clinical application. Of course, basic research was the scientist's interest and hobbies as well as the biologists’ tool for survival. They needed to publish articles for promotion and to write application reports for research funding, and the time they spent on writing funds application in life is accounting for about half of their occupation career, however, the probability to get funding was only 10%, or even less.
这些科学家拼命干的目的,是希望得到经费,用于研究和生活。哪里有项目招标,哪里就有科学家的身影,为了争取到资金,拼命地思考出标新立异的项目,并设想着种种可能的答案,而一些药企或大商人会选择对自己感兴趣的项目慷慨解囊,赞助美国癌症研究学会(American Association for Cancer Research)、美国临床肿瘤学会(American Society of Clinical Oncology)的某些研究。各种各样的奖项,刺激着他们去申请,而药企或大商人拿出的这些钱,在美国还可以避税或减税。因此多数不是为了兴趣,只是为了生存。
The purpose for the scientists worked desperately was to get the funding which was used to study and life. Where there was project bidding, there were the figures of the scientists. They desperately thought of a rat-fuck project and imagined all sorts of possible answers in order to get the money, while some pharmaceutical enterprises or large merchants would choose the projects they interested then loosen their purse strings generously, sponsored certain research projects from America Association for Cancer Research, American Society of Clinical Oncology. Various awards stimulated them to apply for, and the money taken out from the pharmaceutical enterprises or large merchants, in America, can be tax avoidance or tax cuts, so most of the applications were just for survival rather than for interesting.
多数的哲学博士 (Doctor of Philosophy,Ph.D.)的工资,不像临床医学博士(Doctor of Medicine,M.D.)的工资那么高,因为这些临床医学博士可以一边做医生,一边做研究,他们主要出于兴趣,为在临床实践中遇到的困难和问题寻找答案,寻找解决的方案,这也是我比较欣赏的一种研究方式。在美国,这种医生社会地位较高,工资待遇较高。
Wages of most Ph.D was not so high as that of M.D., because these M.D could do as a doctor, while they were doing research which mainly out of their interest, to find answers to the difficulties and problems encountered in clinical practice and to find the solution schemes to them, which was also a way of research I appreciated relatively. In the USA, this kind of doctors enjoyed a relatively high social status with high salary.
Some of Chinese overseas students who had studied medicine domestic, in America, however would go to study Ph.D in order to improve their ability to communicate in English as well as with a pupilage they could legally reside in the USA., while some of them chose to take USA license to practice medicine. In American, clinical M.D generally has a license to practice medicine. If you passed the license exam, finished the intern, then you could be a doctor. Comparison at home the persons who had read a Master or a Doctor seemed to suffer heavy losses, in fact they didn't, a good basis of learning for faster progress and a adaptation quickly.
I had seen a lot of China Bachelor of medicine done very well in America, of course, who had to face a lot of trouble at the beginning, overcome many difficulties, and some of them even through self-study to make up their deficiency.
延安老兄就是其中一个,他没有研究生的经历,后来考取了行医执照,在美国就是当然的临床医学博士。我的中国朋友毛利(Mao Li)也很优秀,在著名的安德森肿瘤中心(M.D. Anderson肿瘤中心创建于1941年,是全世界最重要的癌症研究中心之一)当了教授,没有考行医执照,也是临床医学博士,也没有国内外研究生的经历。近年他又去了美国马里兰的一家口腔医学院当了系主任,为中国人争了光,如按国内的观点,他确实没有得过博士学位,但美国承认了他,又当了不同级别的教授,就是当然的临床医学博士。
Brother Yanan was one of them, he had not experience graduate, later he passed the exam and got the medical license who was a rightful M.D in USA. My Chinese friend Mao Li was also very excellent who had become a professor in famous M.D.Anderson Cancer Center (M.D. Anderson cancer center was founded in 1941, and it is one of the most important cancer research center all over the world) , he did not get the license to practice medicine, but also the clinical medical doctor, besides, he did not have the postgraduate experience either domestic or foreign. Recently, he went to be a dean of department in a stomatology college in Maryland, USA, which was honor for Chinese. According to the domestic viewpoint, he did not have a doctorate indeed, while USA admitted him; and he had become a professor at different levels, then of course a clinical medical doctor. 
美国任何一个大学的助理教授(Assistant Professor)、副教授(Associate Professor),或加冠于副(Adjunct)之类,条件之一是具有哲学博士或临床医学博士或同等学力,只要你在美国干得好,就能得到承认,这就是美国。这些人回国了,国内的观点与美国有所不同,那属于国情问题,不是个人能主宰的,我觉得,承认与否无关紧要,只要有能力就可以了。
One of the conditions for Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or other title with “Adjunct” from any University in the USA is Ph.D. or M.D. or equivalent, as long as you done well in USA, you would be admitted, this is America. When these people returned, however domestic viewpoint was different from that in America which belonged to the national affairs and could not be controlled by the individual, I thought, as long as you had capability, it was not important to be admitted or not.
Just as I was, my M.D.was recognized in USA, while in China, it was no problem to go along domestic rules. 
As in American research, I worked very hard, and it was the often case to work overtime” Sometimes I could not sleep in the middle of the night, then I went to the lab to do experiment. I often missed the dinner time, be hungry then to grab something to eat. So, two years passed quickly.
1992年,我有幸在世界著名的索尔克做博士后研究。在这个研究所里,我如鱼得水,开始在美国崭露头角,我的科研成果于1994年曾得到美国陆军医学研究开发署(U.S Army Medical Research and Development Command)科学前途发展奖16万美元,当时我们实验室的十几个博士后中,就我跟另一个中国人得到这笔经费,一时惊呆他人,我俩都没有哲学博士。同时我也是首席科学家(Principle Investigator,PI),同时还被聘为该研究所的研究员,同年被破格聘为加州大学圣地亚哥分校医学院的助理教授。  
In 1992, I was honor doing postdoctoral research at Salk, the world famous institute where I felt myself just like a fish in water, began to cut a striking figure in America. My research results was granted the Future of Science Development Award with $160,000 by U.S Army Medical Research and Development Command in 1994, when there were more a dozen postdoctoral in our laboratory, only me and another Chinese fellow enjoyed this funding, and this stunned others, as neither of us was a Ph.D., at the same time I was also the Principle Investigator as well as appointed to be a researcher in the Institute, the same year I was employed to be assistant professor at the University of California, San Diego.
1.6 At the cancer center in University of California, San Diego, I studied to practice following supervisor Sinil  
我的第一个导师,私下都称老板,是位肿瘤科的临床医生,因在圣地亚哥加州大学肿瘤中心,所以他也是助理教授,能带博士生及博士后学生。斯奈尔在研究药物载体方面很有成就,发表过很多篇文章,并拥有一些专利如多室多层的脂质体(Liposome)缓释药物治癌症。中心主任史蒂文·豪威尔(Steven howell)教授也是一名肿瘤医生,肿瘤缓释泵化疗是他发明的,为此,他得到了一笔不小的资金。主任史蒂文在美国肿瘤界很有名气的,主办过美国多届肿瘤学术会议,他的实验室博士生较多,正在研究铂类耐药基因。我们同在一座楼,基本上是一个大实验室,他是大老板,斯奈尔是小老板,我直接归斯奈尔管,是他的学生,他的部下,为他打工的博士后。  
My first supervisor whom I privately called boss was a oncology clinician, as he was at the cancer center in University of California, San Diego, so he was also an assistant professor who could direct the doctoral and post doctoral students. Sinil had made great achievements in the study of drug carriers, published a lot of articles about them, and had some patents such as curing cancer using the sustained release drugs of multi chamber multilayer liposome. The center director, professor Steven·Howell is also a cancer doctor who invented the tumor sustained release chemotherapy and therefore gained a comparative sum of money. Director Steven was famous in the USA tumor field, had ever hosted the American Academic Conference on cancer; and many a few doctoral students were in his lab working on the research of platinum resistant gene. We were in the same building, almost the same big laboratory, and Director Steven was the big boss while Sinil was a small boss. I was directly under the supervising of Sinil i.e. I was his pupil, his follower and a postdoctoral working for him.
When I was a Graduate student at the Tumor Hospital of Union Medical College in Beijing, I had studied the synthesis, function and application of the liposome, and published several articles about it, so I was almost the first person of applying liposome to lymph node imaging agent and bone imaging. It seemed no especial domestic who had engaged in basic research and clinical application research, while in America as long as you applied the research and invention to clinical, people would see highly of you. The clinical effect of my invention was well, and the Americans in the lab respected me more.
At the University of California, San Diego, I filled out a thick pile of forms, some of which I understood while on some of which I had half-baked knowledge. Then I got a monthly salary of $1200, which was much higher than that of the government-funded student. As filling out the forms, a column in a form was needed to select: A doctor of philosophy? Or a clinical medical doctor? I thought neither could I choose the clinical medical doctor, nor the doctor of philosophy.
I asked my supervisor Sinil for help, and he told me: "Fill that you are a doctor of clinical medicine."
I declared to him once another: "I am a master of medicine, an University Bachelor of medicine instead of a clinical medicine doctor, nor the doctor of philosophy."
    Sinil told me again and again that we were the same as the clinical medical doctor, "You had been a doctor with a degree diploma in China, and your college is acknowledged in America, in my lab, you are engaged in the study of medicine postdoctoral, so you are the clinical medical doctor."
  我觉得还是不妥,他说:“好了,你如果读哲学博士,你就是临床医学博士加哲学博士,在美国有了临床医学博士,多数人不必再读哲学博士。有些哲学博士为了行医,也会选择读临床医学博士。你已经做得不错,没有必要再读哲学博士,太浪费时间,读哲学博士可能就是5—6年, 时间就是金钱啊。”
如果当年在美国我去读哲学博士, 前途肯定是另一样了。
Finally Sinil half made fun of me and said: "Of course, you have to get the license to practice medicine in America."
Still I felt it was not right, while he said: "Well, if you read the PhD, then you are both a clinical medical doctor and a PhD, while being a clinical medicine doctor, most in USA don't need to read the PhD. Some PhD may also choose to read the clinical medical doctor in order to practice medicine, while you have done a good job and no need to read the PhD which is too waste of time, may about 5 to 6 years, you know time is money."
If I had read a PhD in America, the future to me is certainly the other.
In this way I became a postdoctoral, followed boss Sinil to do postdoctoral research.
In 1990, the sustained release drugs of liposomal cytarabine ( pyrimidine antimetabolites, the synthesis through inhibition of DNA, interference to cell proliferation, is synthesis of drugs and liposome for treatment of cancer) under Sinil’s research had been quite good, with intrathecal injection, stayed in the cerebrospinal fluid for twenty days, could cure various cancers of the brain metastases and meningeal metastasis. I did a lot of work in order to amplify the small samples in laboratory, while he taught me how to use the drug release carrier he invented, and I had done the liposome of small sample very well.
When I returned to pioneering work, I also made the multi chamber bag liposome with Chinese raw materials.
Mr. Sinil communicated and discussed with me every day as well as he always tested me from immunology to oncology and pharmaceutics, gave me articles every two or three days for me taught myself. Just three months, I began to feel headache, dizziness more and more seriously, taken a check by a doctor at Department of Ophthalmology and learnt that the myopia of my eyes was to 300 degrees, since then I had to wear glasses, become the appearance like this now.
利用脂质体承载药物,肿瘤注射缓慢释放药物,维持药物在一个较高的浓度,从而持续地杀死肿瘤,效果比较好。斯奈尔导师已经发表了一些文章,让我研究瘤内脂质体缓释的动力学。我比较懂得计算机断层扫描(CT)、核医学将造影剂,泛影葡胺包埋于脂质体,行瘤内注射,于是立即进行计算机断层扫描(CT)扫描,记录出片,然后用治疗计划系统(Treatment Planning System)读出肿瘤内计算机断层扫描(CT)值及变化,分析出泛影葡胺在瘤内的变化情况。
The effect was relatively good of which using liposomes to carry drugs, tumor injection to slowly release the drugs to maintain a high concentration thereby to kill the tumor. Supervisor Sinil had published some articles, and he let me study dynamics of intratumoral liposome release. Relatively I knew computer tomography (CT), nuclear medicine will contrast agent, meglumine diatrizoate entrapped in liposomes, for intratumoral injection, then immediately scanned the computed tomography (CT), recorded sheets, and then used the Treatment Planning System to read out the value and the changes of the computer tomograqphy within the tumor tomography (CT) , analyzing the changes of meglumine diatrizoate in tumor.
We also study the saturated alcohol in tumor and anti-cancer drugs,  intratumoral injection in saturated liquid, as the study on intratumoral ethanol injection for treatment of liver cancer was startecd in 1980s and the effect was not ideal. Alcohol coagulated the protein in tumor to make tumor death, and it would improve the curative effect if at the same time of the protein coagulation and embedded them with some anticancer drugs. This idea is mainly put forward by Sinil, done by me(finished by me), and the whole process took more than one year.
From the beginning of the experiment, the mice with tumor fainted after alcohol injection, and I had ever managed to do with multiple injections, still got the poor effect. The experiment was done repeatedly, wasting a lot of time, till it made me think about how to make the mice produce ethanol tolerance, then i bought the newborn mice and fed them with 10% alcohol, added an order of magnitude every three days, until the 100% alcohol. Due to long-term drinking, the mice grew up strong a lot, and even more better after vaccination of melanoma cells, as well as did not faint any more with injection of saturated alcohol and intratumoral. The test succeeded.
I made speeches at the tumor center for many times, using tumor tissue coagulation degeneration to sustained-release anticancer drugs, so as to achieve a better effect of anticancer, which was the prototype of anticancer “ sustained-release base ” we proposed 20 years ago. Eight years later when I was out the USA, an article about the “sustained-release base " was published, co-signed by my supervisor Sinil and me.
斯奈尔研究脂质体缓释药物的目的不光是为了发表文章,他的目标是为临床病人治疗癌症。这不同于哲学博士研究理论发表文章是为争取更高的学术地位。斯奈尔开办了帝宝泰克(Depotech)公司,就是用他研究的缓释库抗癌药物的脂质体向美国食品药物管理局(Food and Drug Administration)申报批新药物。1998年美国食品药物管理局终于批准斯奈尔的抗癌药物上市了,同时他也上了美国的《纽约时报》,斯奈尔成了亿万富翁。跟他工作了两年,我学到的就是学以致用,把自己成果最终应用于病人,斯奈尔非常满意我所取得的成绩。
The goal for Sinil’s study on liposome sustained-release drug was clinical treatment for cancer patients rather than to publish articles which was different from an PhD who published articles on theory research in order to gain higher academic position. Sinil opened a company of Depotech, which was just using the liposome of sustained-release base anticancer drug he researched to declare new drugs from Food and Drug Administration USA. In 1998, Sinil’s anticancer drugs was approved to enter the market by Food and Drug Administration USA., at the same time he was also on the " New York Times" as well as became a billionaire. Working with him for two years, what I have learned is to learn for practice, applying the research  results on the patients, and Sinil was very satisfied with my achievements.

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