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发布时间:2022-06-30 15:51 点击:
文章转载自 双语君 21世纪英文报
昨日,电视剧《三体》发布新预告片。农场主假说、幽灵倒计时、“三体游戏”等原著经典元素首次亮相,引发科幻迷们的热烈讨论。 The first trailer of new Chinese sci-fi series Three-Body, adapted from Chinese writer Liu Cixin's renowned fiction The Three-Body Problem, was released on Tuesday. The show includes some classic lines of the original book that stun many netizens, in addition to the special effects and the performance of the cast. 预告片发布,再现原著名场面
电视剧《三体》改编自刘慈欣同名长篇科幻小说,由杨磊执导、田良良编剧,张鲁一、于和伟、陈瑾、王子文、林永健、李小冉领衔主演。 该剧主要讲述了地球基础科学研究遭遇异常扰动,引发科学界惶恐动荡,纳米物理学家汪淼(张鲁一 饰)与刑警史强(于和伟 饰)联手调查,共同揭开了地外未知文明“三体”世界的神秘面纱,并随全人类一道与即将入侵的三体人展开博弈的故事。 The series tells the story of a nanomaterials expert who discovers a mysterious countdown and finds himself under military investigation. To unravel the mystery, he enters the VR game Three-Body, developed by the secret organization ETO, and discovers the truth behind the deaths of dozens of scientists. 预告片以原著里击溃众多科学家物理信仰的“农场主假说”贯穿始末,假说内容与诡秘的音乐让人毛骨悚然。 什么是“农场主假说”? 《三体》中的“农场主假说”(The farmer hypothesis)给许多人留下深刻印象,虽然只是只言片语,却细思极恐。 一个农场里有一群火鸡,农场主每天中午十一点来给它们喂食。火鸡中的一名科学家观察这个现象,一直观察了近一年都没有例外,于是它也发现了自己宇宙中的伟大定律:“每天上午十一点,就有食物降临。”它在感恩节早晨向火鸡们公布了这个定律,但这天上午十一点食物没有降临,农场主进来把它们都捉去杀了。 Every morning on a turkey farm, the farmer comes to feed the turkeys. A scientist turkey, having observed this pattern to hold without change for almost a year, makes the following discovery: "Every morning at eleven, food arrives." On the morning of Thanksgiving, the scientist announces this law to the other turkeys. But that morning at eleven, food doesn't arrive; instead, the farmer comes and kills the entire flock. 如果把人类比作农场里的火鸡,那么操控火鸡命运的“农场主”究竟会是谁呢?
从预告片中可看出,汪淼与史强在联手调查“三体世界”的过程中意外发现了“三体游戏”,再联系此前出现的幽灵倒计时、科学家集体自杀、宇宙闪烁等异常事件,二人最终将解开谜团的关键线索指向了曾在红岸基地工作过的叶文洁。 值得一提的是,原著中三体人用以震慑汪淼的幽灵倒计时和汪淼带3K眼镜看宇宙闪烁这两个名场面也首次露出。 Some fans of the original book gave positive reviews after seeing the trailer as it shows the high quality of the series produced by Chinese video platform Tencent Video and starring Chinese actors Zhang Luyi, Yu Hewei and actresses Wang Ziwen and Li Xiaoran. Netflix也在翻拍《三体》
《三体》的魅力之大,不仅是国内,国外也在尝试将其搬上荧幕。 早在2020年,就有多家媒体报道称Netflix已购买了《三体》版权,欲将其拍成剧集,并由《权力的游戏》主创掌舵打造。原著作者刘慈欣和英文译者刘宇昆将共同担任制作顾问。 "Game of Thrones" creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss will take the lead on the alien contact drama, as part of their overall deal with the streaming service. The author and Ken Liu, who wrote the English translation of the first and third novels, will be consulting producers on the series. 最新消息称,中国香港导演曾国祥将执导第一集,为全剧奠定基调。 据悉,该剧目前还在拍摄之中,艾莎·冈萨雷斯(Eiza González)、本尼迪特·王(Benedict Wong)、周采芹(Tsai Chin)、约翰·C·布莱德利(John C. Bradley)、利亚姆·坎宁安(Liam Cunningham)、约翰·艾德坡(Jovan Adepo)等演员将参演。 《三体》经典语句
Your lack of fear is based on your ignorance.
Weakness and ignorance are not barriers to survival, but arrogance is.
No, emptiness is not nothingness. Emptiness is a type of existence. You must use this existential emptiness to fill yourself.
To effectively contain a civilization’s development and disarm it across such a long span of time, there is only one way: kill its science.
The universe is a dark forest. Every civilization is an armed hunter stalking through the trees like a ghost, gently pushing aside branches that block the path and trying to tread without sound. Even breathing is done with care. The hunter has to be careful, because everywhere in the forest are stealthy hunters like him.
The truth always picks up dust.
Is it possible that the relationship between humanity and evil is similar to the relationship between the ocean and an iceberg floating on its surface? Both the ocean and the iceberg are made of the same material. That the iceberg seems separate is only because it is in a different form. In reality, it is but a part of the vast ocean.…
We are all worms in the gutter, while some of us are always looking at the stars.
编辑:商桢 左卓
来源:环球时报 北青报
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