- 行业新闻
发布时间:2023-08-08 09:49 点击:
你喜欢照镜子吗?幼年的我们通过照镜子,知道了自己的五官特征,高鼻梁、大眼睛,嗯~还不错嘛!很多人喜欢用美颜相机自拍,只为呈现最“完美“的自我,也引发了人们对“容貌焦虑”的担忧。“身体发肤受之父母”,要知道,你本来的样子就很美呀! 说起来,你有没有被别人说过“长得像爸爸”或是“长得像妈妈”?哪些面部特征遗传自父母呢?一起来了解一下吧! What makes your look?
You have big eyes and a small nose. While your friend has small eyes and a big nose. What makes you and your friend look different? The answer is genes. Scientists found 15 genes deciding some of our facial features. Some of these genes can pass down from parents to children. That’s why we often hear people say, “You are just a clone of your mom, or of your dad.”
But what facial features did you get from your mom? And what parts came from your dad?
The tip of the nose is the most “handed down” part. If one of your parents has a big nose, you are likely to have the same nose shape.
If one of your parents has a big chin, usually you have a big chin.
One parent has a light skin color. The other parent has a dark skin color. Most of the time, you have a skin color in between.
Even twins don’t look the same. Their looks are just very similar. They can have some small differences.