时间:2018-02-02 16:57 来源:未知 作者:dl 点击:次
面对152年来首次“超级蓝血月全食”,朋友圈被全国各地小伙伴“晒月亮”的照片刷爆了。 Stargazers across China looked up at the moon to witness the rare sight of a "super blue red Moon" Wednesday night. Unitrans世联翻译公司在您身边,离您最近的翻译公司,心贴心的专业服务translation company,全球领先的翻译与技术解决方案供应商,北京翻译公司、上海翻译公司顶级品牌。无论在本地,还是广州、深圳、天津、重庆、苏州、香港、澳门、台北,海外,Unitrans.cn世联的英文翻译等专业服务为您的事业加速! 昨晚的月全食被称为“超级蓝色血月”。这么多修饰词,都是啥意思?世纪君先来科普一波: 当月亮、地球、太阳完全在一条直线上时,地球在中间,整个月亮全部走进地球的影子里,这便是月全食。 A total lunar eclipse occurs when the moon, the Earth and the sun align at one straight line, the Earth in the middle. The moon is completely covered by the Earth’s shadow.
中国科学院紫金山天文台科普部主任张旸介绍,“蓝月”并不是蓝色的月亮,是指在同一个月份内出现第二次满月。此外,“超级月亮”是指月球运行到近地点时显得更大、更明亮;相对的,“迷你月亮”就是月球运行到远地点的时候,从视觉上看,“超级月亮”一般比“迷你月亮”大14%,亮度高30%。 According to Zhang Yang, an expert at the Purple Mountain Observatory in Nanjing, the second full moon in a month is a blue moon. On Wednesday, the moon also happened to be rather close and bright because its orbit was near its closest point to Earth, thus called a supermoon. “超级月亮常有,但与月全食同时出现,还碰巧与上一次满月出现在同一个月份,就稀奇了。” "Supermoons occur rather often, but we rarely see it sync up with a lunar eclipse, or blood moon," Zhang said.
所谓“蓝”得一见是也! “血月”则是指此时地球正好运行到太阳和月球之间,地球大气层(atmosphere)可以折射(refract)和散射(scatter)太阳光,太阳光中波长最长的红光折射和散射到月面上的最多,从而出现了红月亮,因而也叫血月。 只要天公作美,昨晚全国大部分地区都可以用肉眼直接观赏这一罕见天象,中东部可见月食全过程,西藏西部和新疆西部部分地区看不到半影食始和初亏现象,但可看到初亏后面的过程。 On Wednesday night, the cosmic sight was seen in most parts of China where the weather was clear. The western parts of Tibet Autonomous Region and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region may have missed the beginning of the lunar eclipse, according to Zhang.
“超级蓝血月全食”引发全民热情,视频网站有直播,社交媒体有分享。北京天文馆附近则聚集了1000多人,带着各种装备来欣赏。 Popular video sites provided live broadcasts of the "super blue red moon." People shared their "moon moments" on social media, and pictures of the lunar eclipse went viral on the Internet. Over 1,000 people gathered at the Beijing Planetarium to use the equipments to watch the moon. Many parents brought their children for a lesson in science. 在我国古代传说中,有天狗食月的传说,人们会敲锣打鼓燃放烟火驱逐天狗。 Chinese folklore once interpreted the lunar eclipse as the moon being eaten up by a heavenly dog, and people would play drums and burn fireworks to drive the heavenly dog away. 不过现在,没有人相信天狗传说,只是看着自家狗子会不会对着血月叫唤了~