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Auditor’s Report
HZT CPA [2012] No. 021
All Shareholders of Cangzhou Mis Co., Ltd.:
We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Cangzhou Mis Co., Ltd., which comprise the balance sheet as at December 31, 2011, the profit statement, cash flow statement of 2011 and notes to financial statements.
I. Management’s Responsibilities for the Financial Statement
The management of the Company is responsible for the preparation and the fair presentation of these financial statements. This responsibility includes (a) preparing the financial statements in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises (b) designing, implementing and maintaining the internal control relevant to the preparation of financial statements so that these financial statements are free from the material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
II. Certified Public Accountants’ Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the China Auditing Standards for Certified Public Accountants. Those standards require that we comply with the code of professional ethics, plan and perform the audit for obtaining the reasonable assurance as to whether the financial statements are free from the material misstatement.
An audit involves of performing procedures to obtain the audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the judgment of certified public accountant, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to the fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, we consider the internal control relevant to the preparation and the fair presentation of financial statements in order to design the appropriate audit procedures, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of internal control. The audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of the accounting policies used by the management and the reasonableness of the accounting estimates, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for audit opinion.
III. Audit Opinions
In our opinion, the financial statements of Cangzhou Mis Co. have been prepared in accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and Accounting System of Enterprise, presented fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Company as at December 31, 2011 and operating result and cash flow of 2011.
CCPA: Li Yongli
Cangzhou Hebei
March 6, 2012
Balance Sheet
Table 01 of Financial Statements of Foreign-invested Enterprise
Unit: Yuan
Prepared by: Cangzhou Mis Co.
Item Line No. Closing Balance Opening Balance
Current Assets: 1
Monetary Capital 2
Deposit Reservation for Balance 3
Lending to Banks and Other Financial Institutions 4
Held for Trading Financial Assets 5
Notes Receivable 6
Account Receivable 7
Prepaid Accounts 8
Insurance Premium Receivable 9
Accounts Receivable Reinsurance 10
Provision of Cession Receivable 11
Interests Receivable 12
Other receivables 13
Redemptory Monetary Capital for Sale 14
Inventory 15
Raw Material 16
Good Stocks 17
Non-current Assets Maturing Within One Year 18
Other Current Assets 19
Total Current Assets 20
Non-current Assets 21
Disbursement of Loans and Advances 22
Available-for-sale Financial Assets 23
Held-to-maturity Investment 24
Long-term Accounts Receivable 25
Long-term Equity Investment 26
Investment Real Estate 27
Original Price of Fixed Assets 28
Less: Accumulated Depreciation 29
Net Value of Fixed Assets 30
Less: Provision for Impairment of Fixed Assets 31
Net Amount of Fixed Assets 32
Construction in Progress 33
Project Materials 34
Liquidation of Fixed Assets 35
Capitalized Biological Assets 36
Oil and Gas Assets 37
Intangible Assets 38
Expenditure for Development 39
Goodwill 40
Long-term Deferred Expenses 41
Deferred Tax Assets 42
Other Non-current Assets 43
Physical Assets Reserve Specifically Authorized 44
Total Non-current Assets 45
Total Assets 64
Current Liabilities 65
Short-term Loan 66
Borrowing from the Central Bank 67
Savings Absorption and Due from Placements with Banks and Other Financial Institutions 68
Loans from Other Banks 69
Transaction Financial Liabilities 70
Notes Payable 71
Accounts Payable 72
Accounts Received in Advance 73
Financial Assets Sold For Repurchase 74
Commissions Payable 75
Remuneration Staff for Payable 76
Salary Payable 77
Welfare Payable 78
Rewards and Welfare Fund Payable for Staff 79
Taxes Payable 80
Taxes Payable 81
Interests Payable 82
Other Payables 83
Accounts Payable Reinsurance 84
Reserve of Insurance Contract 85
Acting Trading Securities 86
Acting Underwriting Securities 87
Non-current Liabilities Maturing Within One Year 88
Other Current Liabilities 89
Total Current Liabilities 90
Non-current Liabilities 91
Long-term Loans 92
Bonds Payable 93
Long-term Accounts Payable 94
Special Accounts Payable 95
Estimated Liabilities 96
Deferred Tax Liabilities 97
Other Non-current Liabilities 98
Reserve Fund Permitted Particularly 99
Total Non-current Liabilities 100
Total Liabilities 101
Owner’s Equities (or Shareholder’s Equities) 102
Paid-in Capital (Capital Stock) 103
State-owned Capital 104
Collectively Owned Capital 105
Legal Person Owned Capital 106
State-owned Legal Person’s Capital 107
Collective Legal Person’s Capital 108
Individual Capital 109
Foreign Capital 110
Less: Investment Returned 111
Net Amount of Paid-in Capital (Capital Stock) 112
Capital Reserve 113
Less: Treasury Share 114
Special Reserve 115
Surplus Reserve 116
Legal Reserve 117
Other Surplus Reserve 118
Reserve Fund 119
Venture Expansion Fund 120
Capital Redemption 121
Provisions of Risk 122
Undistributed Profit 123
Converted difference in Foreign Currency Statements 124
Totality of Owner’s Equities Attributable to the Parent Company 125
Minority Equity 126
Totality of Owner’s Equities 127
Total Liabilities and Owner’s Equities 128
Profit Statement
Table 02 of Financial Statements of Foreign-invested Enterprise
Unit: Yuan
Prepared by: Cangzhou Mis Co.
Item Line No. Current Amount Previous Amount
Total Revenue of Business 1
Income of Business 2
Income from Main Businesses 3
Income from Other Items 4
Interests Income 5
Premium Earned 6
Commissions 7
II. Total Cost of Business 8
Cost of Business 9
Cost for Main Business 10
Cost for Other Items 11
Cost for Interests 12
Cost for Commissions 13
Surrender Value 14
Net Amount of Compensation Payout 15
Net Amount of Provision for Insurance Contracts 16
Dividends Paid from Policy 17
Amortized Reinsurance Expenditures 18
Business Tax and Addition 19
Sales Cost 20
Management Cost 21
Expenses for Business Entertainment 22
Expenses for Research and Development 23
Financial Cost 24
Expenses for Interests 25
Income From Interests 26
Net Loss on Exchange (Net Profit is marked as “-”) 27
Asset Impairment Loss 28
Other 29
Plus: Profit on the Changes in Fair Value (Loss is marked as “-’) 30
Income on Investment (Loss is marked as ‘-”) 31
Investment income from affiliated business and cooperative enterprise 32
Profit on Exchange (Loss is marked as “-’) 33
III. Operating Profits (loss is marked as “-”) 34
Plus: Non-business Income 35
Disposal Profits on Non-current Assets 36
Loss on Exchange of Non- monetary Assets 37
Subsidy of Government 38
Gains and Losses of Exchange on Debt Restructuring 39
Less: Non-business cost 40
Loss of Disposal of Non-current Assets 41
Loss of Disposal of Exchange of Non-monetary Assets 42
Loss of Debt Restructuring 43
IV. Total Profits (loss is marked as “-”) 44
Less: Income Tax 45
V. Net Profits (Net loss is marked as “-”) 46
Net Profits Attributable to Owners of Mother Company 47
Loss and Profit of Minority Shareholders 48
VI. Revenue Per Share 49
Basic Earnings Per Share 50
Earning Per Share 51
VII. Other Comprehensive Earnings 52
VIII. Total Comprehensive Earnings 53
Total Comprehensive Earnings Attributable to Owners of Mother Company 54
Total Comprehensive Earnings Attributable to Minority Shareholders 55
Cash Flow Statement
Table 03 of Financial Statements of Foreign-invested Enterprise
Unit: Yuan
Prepared by: Cangzhou Mis Co.
Item Line Current Amount Previous Amount
I. Cash Flows from Operating Activities: 01
Cash received from the sale of goods, rendering of services 02
Net increase in customer bank deposits and due to banks and other financial institutions 03
Net increase of borrowing from central bank 04
Net increase of borrowing from the other financial institutions 05
Cash received from receiving insurance premium of original insurance contract 06
Net cash received from reinsurance business 07
Net increase of policy holder deposits and investment funds 08
Net increase from disposal of tradable financial assets 09
Interest, handling charges and commission received 10
Net increase in placements from banks and other financial institutions 11
Net increase in repurchase business capital 12
Refunds Of Taxes And Levies 13
Amounts Of Other Received Cash Relevant To Operating Activities 14
Sub-total of Cash Inflows of Operating Activities 15
Cash paid for purchasing the goods and receiving the services 16
Net increase in loans and advances to customers 17
Net increase in central bank deposits and due to banks and other financial institutions 18
Cash paid for the insurance premium of original insurance contract 19
Cash paid for the interest, handling charges and commissions 20
Cash paid for the bond of policy 21
Cash paid to and on behalf of employees 22
Taxes paid 23
Other cash paid relating to operating activities 24
Sub-total of Cash Outflows 25
Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities 26
II.Net Cash Flow from the Investment Activities: 27
Cash returned from the investment activities 28
Cash received from the investment activities 29
Net cash received from the sale of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 30
Net cash received from the disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 31
Other cash received relating to the operating activities 32
Sub-total of Cash inflows of Investment Activities 33
Cash paid for acquiring the fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 34
Cash Paid for Investment 35
Net increase in mortgage loan 36
Net cash paid for acquiring the subsidiaries and other business units 37
Other cash paid relating to the operating activities 38
Sub-total of Cash outflows of Investment Activities 39
Net Cash Flow from Investment Activities 40
III. Cash Flow from Financing Activities: 41
Cash received from the capital contribution 42
cash inflows from minority investment in subsidiaries 43
Cash received from borrowings 44
Cash received from issuing bonds 45
Cash Received Relating to Financing Activities 46
Sub-total of Cash Outflows of Financing Activities 47
Cash Paid for Repayments of borrowings 48
Cash paid for the distribution of dividends, profits or the repayment of interests. 49
Dividends, profit paid by the subsidiary to the minority shareholders 50
Cash paid relating to the finaning activities 51
Sub-total of Cash Outflows of Financing Activities 52
Net Cash Flow from Financing Activities 53
IV. Influence of Foreign Exchange Rate on Cash or Cash Equivalent 54
V. Net Increase of Cash and Cash Equivalent 55
Plus:Opening Balance of Cash and Cash Equivalent 56
VI. Closing Balance of Cash and Cash Equivalent 57
Statement of Change of Owner's Equity
Table 03 of Financial Statements of Foreign-invested Enterprise
Unit: Yuan
Prepared by: Cangzhou Mis Co.
Item Line Current Amount Previous Amount
Owner's Equity Attributable to Mother Company Minority Shareholders' Equity Total Owner's Equity Owner's Equity Attributable to Mother Company Minority Shareholders' Equity Total Owner's Equity
Paid-in Capital(or capital stock) Capital Reserve Less:
Treasury Stock Special Reserve Surplus Reserve △Common Risk Reserve Undistributed Profit Other Sub-total Paid-in Capital(or capital stock) Capital Reserve Less:
Treasury Stock Special Reserve Surplus Reserve △Common Risk Reserve Undistributed Profit Other Sub-total
I. Previous Closing Balance 1
Plus:Change of Accounting Policy 2
Correction of Previous Error 3
II. Current Opening Balance 4
III. Current amount increased or decreased(decrease is marked as “-”) 5
(I)Net Profit 6
(II)Other Comprehensive Income 7
Sub-total of Comprehensive Income 8
(III)Capital contributed and decreased by the owner 9
1.Capital contributed by owner 10
2.Amount charged to the owner's equity in the shares paid 11
3.Other 12
(IV)Provision and Use of Special Reserve 13
1.Provision of Special Reserve 14
2.Use of Special Reserve 15
(V)Profit Distribution 16
1.Provision of Surplus Reserve 17
Legal Surplus 18
Other Surplus Reserve 19
Reserve Fund 20
Venture Expansion Fund 21
Profit Returned to Investment 22
2.Provision of Common Risk Reserve 23
3.Distribution to Owners (Shareholders) 24
4.Other 25
(VI)Internal Carry-forward of Owners' Equity 26
1.Capitalized Capital Reserves 27
2.Capitalized Surplus Reserves 28
3.Surplus Reserves for Making up Losses 29
4.Other 30
IV. Current Closing Balance 31
Supplementary of Financial Indexes
Supplement Table 01 of Financial Statements of Foreign-invested Enterprise
Unit: Yuan
Prepared by: Cangzhou Mis Co.
Item Line Current Amount Previous Amount
Index of Basic Information of Enterprise 1
(I)Number of Collected Enterprises 2
Number of Exporting Enterprises 3
Number of Advanced High-tech Enterprises 4
Number of High-tech and New Enterprises 5
Number of Enterprises Paid For Income Taxes 6
(II)Total Investment of Contract 7
Amount of Foreign Contribution Planned 8
(III)Actual Investment 9
Actual Foreign Contribution 10
(IV)Registered Capital 11
Contribution of Foreign Party 12
(V)Total Amount of Export and Import 13
Total Amount of Import 14
Total Amount of Export 15
(VI)Total Taxes Paid 16
1.Tariff 17
2.VAT 18
VAT for Import 19
3.Tax on Consumption 20
Tax on Consumption for Import 21
4.Business Tax 22
5.Business Income Tax 23
6.Individual Income Tax 24
7.Other Taxes 25
Increment Tax on Land Value 26
Resource Tax 27
Stamp Tax 28
Tax on Deed 29
Urban Land Use Tax 30
Other 31
(VII)Social Insurances for Chinese Staffs 32
Endowment Assurance 33
Insurance for Medical Care 34
Insurance Against Suspension of Work 35
Accident Insurance 36
Maternity Insurance 37
Other 38
(VIII)Housing Fund 39
(IX)Charge for Land Use 40
(X)Charge for Use of Sea Areas 41
(XI)Land Remise Fund 42
(XII)Actual Salaries 43
Actual Salaries for Foreign Staffs 44
(XIII)Average Number of Staff Yearly 45
Number of Foreign Staff 46
(XIV)Annual Per Capita Wage 47
Per Capita Wage for Chinese Staff 48
Per Capita Wage for Foreign Staff 49
Notes to Financial Statements
I. Basic Information
Cangzhou Mis Co. was established on June 21, 2007 and registered at Cangzhou Municipal Administration for Industry and Commerce for its Business License of Enterprise Legal Person with Registered No. 130900400000408 and its CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF ENTERPRISES WITH INVESTMENT OF OVERSEA ENTERPRISES with Approval No. 0002 (2007) Office of Investment of Oversea Enterprises in Cangzhou City Hebei Province, the registered capital was EURO 5 Million Thirty-seven Thousand (Paid-in Capital was EURO 5 Million Thirty-seven Thousand); The legal representative of the Company is Peter Thun Hohenstein; Address of the Company is Cangzhou Economic Development Zone, Hebei Province; Type of Business is Limited Company (Wholly Foreign Owned); Scope of Business is the production and sale of ceramics-based works, wooden crafts, candle; the import & export of the goods (exclude the distribution; except for the merchandises that the nation prohibits companies to engage in or import/export).
II. Description of Inconformity to the Premise of Accounting
The Company shall not exist the premise of inconformity to the of Accounting.
III. Major Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates Adopted by the Company
(I)Current Accounting System Adopted by the Company
The Company shall follow the Accounting Standards for Enterprises and Accounting System of Enterprise.
(II) Fiscal Year
The Company adopts the calendar year as its fiscal year, i.e. from January 1 to December 31.
(III) Accounting Basis and Valuation Principle
The debit credit bookkeeping and accrual basis is adopted as accounting basis, and the received assets are recorded in the accounting as per the actual cost; In case of the impairment at later, the corresponding provision of impairment shall be used.
(IV) Functional Currency
Renminbi is the functional currency of the Company.
(V) Standards for Recognizing Cash Equivalents
The three-month short-term and highly liquid investments that are held by the Company and easily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of change in value shall be recognized as cash equivalents.
(VI) Accounting Methods of Inventories
The materials in storage are accounted as Actual Cost Method, the materials out of storage are valuated as Weighted Averages Method; The cost of finished products is accounted as Varietal Method, the finished products delivered are accounted as Actual Cost Method and valuated as Weighted Averages Method; The low-cost and easily-worn articles are accounted as Five-by-Five Amortization.
(VII) Valuation for Fixed Assets and Depreciation
a. Standards of Fixed Assets: The houses, buildings, machines, transportation tools and other tools, instruments relevant to the business which are used over one year; The articles with the unit value of more than RMB2000 that are not the main devices relevant to the business but used over two years.
b. Classification of Fixed Assets: Fixed assets are classified into the machines, tools, production-based furniture, office equipments, vehicles and facilities of suites of rooms and living quarters.
c. Valuation of Fixed Assets: The fixed asset shall be recorded in the account at its cost, of which the cost of purchased fixed assets includes the purchase price, transport charge, other taxes concerned and other expenses incurred that can be directly attributable to such assets before the fixed assets reach the predetermined serviceable condition; The fixed assets under the self construction shall be recorded in the account as per all expenses of such fixed assets when they reach the predetermined serviceable condition in the course of construction; The fixed assets invested by the investors shall be accounted as the value recognized by all investors.
d. The fixed asset shall be depreciated in the straight line method. Its residual rate is 10%, the estimated economic serviceable life, the predicted net residual value and the depreciation of the fixed assets recognized as follows:
Classification of Fixed Asset Estimated Economic Serviceable Life Residual Value Rate Annual Depreciation Rate (%)
House and Building 20 years 10 4.5
Machine Equipment 10 years 10 9
Office Furniture and Facility 5 years 10 18
Vehicle 5 years 10 18
e. Recognition and Provision of Impairment of Fixed Assets
The Company shall not provide the reserve of impairment of fixed assets.
(VIII) Valuation and Amortization of Intangible Assets
The intangible assets shall be valuated as the actual cost and amortized as the used years; The Company shall not provide the reserve of impairment of intangible assets.
(IX) Accounting Methods for Foreign Currency
Any foreign currency transaction within a fiscal year shall be converted in the functional currency at the benchmark exchange rate announced by the People’s Bank of China on the day when the transaction was made. At the end of the period, it shall be adjusted at middle rate of foreign exchange and the balance of foreign currency shall be recorded in the current gains.
(X) Recognition of Revenue
a. The revenue shall be recognized when all the following conditions have been satisfied:
(a) The Company has transferred the significant risks and remunerations of ownership of the goods to the buyer;
(b) The Company retains neither continuing managerial involvement to the degree usually associated with ownership nor effective control over the goods sold;
(c) The economic benefits relevant to the transaction are flowed into the Company;
(d) Relevant amount of revenue and costs can be measured reliably.
b. Other revenues shall be recognized as the relevant regulations of “Accounting Standards of Business Enterprises--Revenue”
(XI) Recognition of Cost
The cost shall be recognized as the principles of Proportioning between Cost and Revenue in accordance with the industrial regulations and “Accounting Standards of Business Enterprises”.
(XII) Accounting Standards of Business Income Tax
The business income taxes of the Company shall be paid as per 25%; The business income tax the Company shall be accounted as Tax Payable Method, the accounting profit shall be adjusted to the taxable amount of income according to Tax Law. The Company enjoys the preferential tax policy of being exemptible for the next first two years and half rate reduction for the next subsequent three years.
(XIII) Taxes
Value-added Tax: the tax rate is 17%, the exported products are exercised as tax exempted, waived and free.
(XIV) Distribution of Profit
The Company shall provide the reserve fund, staff’s rewards and welfare fund through the resolution of Board of Directors, the remaining amount shall be distributed to the investors, but except the investors decide to reinvest those profits (or partial profits) to the Company.
IV. Description of Modifying Accounting Policy, Accounting Estimates and Correction of Accounting Error
(I) Modification of Accounting Policy and Accounting Estimates During Period of Report:
There is no modification of Accounting Policy and Accounting Estimates in current period.
(II) Correction of Significant Accounting Error
There is no correction of Correction of Significant Accounting Error in current period.
V. Description of Contingent Items
The Company has no the contingent items that need to be disclosed.
VI. Description of Subsequent Items of Balance Sheet
The Company has no the subsequent items of balance sheet that need to be disclosed.
VII. Description of Special Items
VIII. Annotations to Items in Financial Statements
(I). Monetary Capital
Item Closing Balance Opening Balance
Bank Deposit
(II). Accounts Receivable
Aging Analysis Opening Balance Closing Balance
Amount Proportion Amount Proportion
Below 1 year
Information of Debtors
Name of Debtors Closing
Balance Proportion Account For Amount Paid In Advance Time of Debt Incurred Reasons of Debt
THUN.B.V. 2011 Outstanding Account
Tangshan Ali Ceramics Co., Ltd. 2011 Outstanding Account
(III). Accounts Paid In Advance
Aging Analysis Opening Balance Closing Balance
Amount Proportion Amount Proportion
Below 1 year
Information of First Three Debtors
Name of Debtors Closing
Balance Proportion Account For Amount Paid In Advance Time of Debt Incurred Reasons of Debt
Cangzhou Zhongran Municipal Gas Development Co., Ltd 2011 Outstanding Account
Tianjin Youteai Shipping Agent Co., Ltd. 2011 Outstanding Account
Jiangmen Jiangtao Raw Material of Ceramics Co., Ltd 2011 Outstanding Account
(IV) Other Receivables
Aging Analysis Opening Balance Closing Balance
Amount Proportion Amount Proportion
Below 1 year
(V) Subsidy Receivable
Item Opening Balance Closing Balance
Amount Proportion Amount Proportion
Export Refund
(VI) Inventories
Item Opening Balance Closing Balance
Raw Materials
Goods in Process and Semi-finished Product
Finished Product
(VII) Deferred Expenses
Item Opening Balance Closing Balance
Insurance for Vehicle
Goods in Process and Semi-finished Product
Charges for Facilities of Bus Stop
(VIII) Fixed Assets and Accumulated Depreciation
Item Opening Balance Current Increase Current Decrease Closing Balance Remark
Original Value of Fixed Assets
Accumulated Depreciation
Net Value
Original Value of Fixed Assets
Item Opening Balance Current Increase Current Decrease Closing Balance Remark
House and Building
Machinery Equipment
Transportation Equipment
Office Equipment
(IX) Intangible Assets
Item Opening Balance Closing Balance
Use Right of Land
Net Value
(X) Long-term Deferred Expenses
Item Opening Balance Closing Balance
Power Upgrade Charge
Establishment Charge
(XI) Short-term Loan
Bank Make Loan Opening Balance Closing Balance
Qiaoxi Branch of Cangzhou Bank
(XII) Accounts Payable
Aging Analysis Opening Balance Closing Balance
Amount Proportion Amount Proportion
Below 1 year
Information of First Three Creditors
Name of Debtors Closing
Balance Proportion Account For Amount Paid In Advance Time of Debt Incurred Reasons of Debt
Tangshan Ali Ceramics Co., Ltd. 2011 Outstanding Account
Tangshan Shifang Science and Technology Co., Ltd. 2011 Outstanding Account
Qinhuangdao Zhongrong Undertaking Co., Ltd. 2011 Outstanding Account
(XIII) Other Payables
Aging Analysis Opening Balance Closing Balance
Amount Proportion Amount Proportion
Below 1 year
(XIV) Salary Payable
Item Opening Balance Closing Balance
Salary Payable for Chinese Staffs
Endowment Assurance
Salary Payable for Foreign Staffs
Insurance for Medical Care
Fund for Comprehensive Arrangement for Serious Disease
Accident Insurance
Insurance Against Suspension of Work
Maternity Insurance
(XV) Taxes Payable
Item Opening Balance Closing Balance
Salary Payable
Value-added Tax
Taxes Withheld (Business Tax)
(XVI) Long-term Loan
Item Opening Balance Closing Balance
Misi Trade Co., Ltd.
(XVII) Owner’s Equity
a. Classification of Owner’s Equity
Item Opening Balance Current Increase Current Decrease Closing Balance
Paid-in Capital
Surplus Reserve
Undistributed Profit
b. Paid-in Capital
Name of Investors Opening Balance Closing Balance
Amount Proportion Amount Proportion
Misi Trade Co., Ltd.
c. Surplus Capital
Item Opening Balance Current Increase Current Decrease Closing Balance
Reserve Fund
d. Undistributed Profit
Item Amount
Previous Closing Balance
Current Closing Balance
Current Increase
Current Net Profit Transferred
Adjustment of Previous Loss and Gain
Current Decrease
Current Addition of Income Tax
Provision of Rewards Fund and Surplus Reserve
Current Closing Balance
(XVIII) Revenue and Cost from Main Business
Item Income from Main Business Cost for Main Business
Amount Proportion Amount Proportion
Sales Proceeds of Products
IX. Items Promised
The Company has no the items promised that need to be disclosed.
Statement of Foreign Exchange Receipts and Disbursement
Prepared by Cangzhou Mis Co., Ltd. December 31, 2011
Organization Code: Foreign Exchange Registration Unit: USD
Asset Opening Balance Closing Balance Balance between Debts and Current Accounts Opening Balance Closing Balance
1. Monetary Fund of Foreign Exchange 11. Accounts Payable for Foreign Exchange
1.1 Cash Inland Account Receivable
1.2 Deposit in Capital Account 11.1 Trade in Goods
1.3 Deposit in Current Account Expiration over one year
1.4 Financial Leases
1.5 Deposit in Other Accounts 11.2 Trade in Service
2. Foreign Exchange Accounts Receivable Expiration over one year
Domestic Accounts Receivable 11.3 Other Payables
2.1 Trade in Goods Expiration over one year
2.2 Trade In Service 12. Foreign Exchange Account Received in Advance
2.3 Other Receivables Expiration over one year
3.******* 13. Salary Payable for Foreign Stafff
4. Foreign Exchange Dividend Receivable 14.Foreign Exchange Dividend Payable
******** Expiration over one year
5. Oversea Investment 15. Oversea Borrowings
Fixed Assets 15.1 Borrowings From Financial Institutions
Intangible Assets 15.2 Borrowings From Related Enterprises
6. Foreign Exchange Investment 15.3 Other Borrowings
7.******** 15.4 Bonds Issued
7.1 Renminbi 16. Domestic Foreign Exchange Borrowings
7.2 Fixed Assets Borrowings From Domestic Financial Institutions
7.3 Intangible Assets 17. Foreign Exchange Interest Payable
7.4 Transfer of Consideration of Capital Domestic Interest Payable
7.5 Transfer of Single Capital 18. Paid-in Oversea Capital
7.6 Other 18.1 Foreign Direct Investment
8. ******** 18.2 Foreign Investment Securities
9. Difference of Conversion of Exchange Rate 19. Paid-in Domestic Foreign Exchange Capital
10. Other Assets 20. Balance of Current Accounts
Total Assets Total Balance between Debts and Current Accounts
Note: 1. The current increase of guarantee is USD 0 and the current decrease of guarantee is USD 0 and, the closing balance is USD 0 .
2. The closing balance of undistributed profit owned by the foreign investors is calculated as USD according to the stock right and agreed proportion.
3. Other assets account for 0% of total assets.
Filling Date: February 10, 2012
Prepared by Cao Junman Chief Accounting : Cao Junman
Legal Representative: Robin Swaffied
Audited by HEBEI ZHONGTAI CPA OFFICE CO., LTD CPA: Chen Zeming, Li Yongli
Business License of Enterprise Legal Person
Duplicate copy
Registration No.: 130900400000408 (1/2)
Enterprise Name: Cangzhou Mis Co., Ltd.
Residence: Cangzhou Economic Technology Development Zone
Legal Representative: Peter Thun Hohenstein
Registered Capital: EUR5.037 million
Paid-in Capital : EUR5.037 million
Type of Enterprise: Company Limited (Wholly Foreign Owned)
Scope of Business: the production and sale of ceramics-based works, wooden crafts, candle; the import & export of the goods (exclude the distribution; except for the merchandises that the nation prohibits companies to engage in or import/export). *****
Thun International B.V (Holland)
Shareholder (Founder)
Term of Business: From June 21, 2007 to June 20, 2057
Date of Establishment: June 21, 2007
1. Business License for Enterprise’s Legal Person is the certificate for enterprise to obtain legal person qualification and legal operation.
2. Business License for Enterprise’s Legal Person has an original and a duplicate copy. Both of the two have the same legal forces.
3. The original of business license shall be placed in an eye-catching position in the company.
4. The business license shall not be fabricated, altered, leased, lent or transferred. 5. In case the items registered change, please apply to the Registration Authority for the Change and Registration and obtaining the modified Business License for Enterprise’s Legal Person.
6. The registration office shall conduct yearly check on the enterprise’s legal person between March 1 and June 30 every year.
7. After Business License for Enterprise’s Legal Person is cancelled, the Company shall not participate in the activities except for the liquidation.
8. The Re original and duplicate copies of business license should be returned when canceling the registration.
9. In case the Business License for Enterprise’s Legal Person is lost or damaged, the Company should apply for the cancellation on the paper specified by Registration Authority and apply for reissuing the business license.
Annul Check
Registration office: Cangzhou Administration for Industry and Commerce (Seal)
March 24, 2009
Certificate of Practice
We hereby that HEBEI ZHONGTAI CPA OFFICE CO., LTD complies with “Law of the PRC on Certified Public Accountants” and regulations concerned through the examination and verification, and grant it to act the legal items of CPA.
License Issuing Authority: Hebei Finance Department
Approval No. 37 (2004), Hebei Finance Department
Certificate No. 13080001
April 2004
Annual Renewal Registration
This certificate is valid for another year after this renewal
Annual Renewal Registration
This certificate is valid for another year after this renewal
Full Name: Chen Zeming
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: July 1, 1970
Identity Card No.: 120106700701063
Annual Renewal Registration
This certificate is valid for another year after this renewal
Registration of the Change Working Unit BY CPA
Agree the holder to be transferred from
Agree the holder to be transferred to
Full Name: Li Yongli
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: January 30, 1973
Working Unit: Beijing Zhongrui Zhongda CPA Co., Ltd.
Identity Card No.: 130903197301300023
Business License of Enterprise Legal Person
Duplicate copy
Registration No.: 130900000008153 (1/1)
Residence: No. 269, Jiefang Middle Road, Yunhe District, Cangzhou City
Legal Representative: Zhang Xiulan
Registered Capital: RMB500 thousand
Paid-in Capital: RMB500 thousand
Type of Enterprise: Company Limited Liability
Scope of Business: Audit, Capital verification, Consultation of Accounting
Date of Establishment: May 10, 2004
Term of Business: From May 10, 2004 to
1. Business License for Enterprise’s Legal Person is the certificate for enterprise to obtain legal person qualification and legal operation.
2. Business License for Enterprise’s Legal Person has an original and a duplicate copy. Both of the two have the same legal forces.
3. The original of business license shall be placed in an eye-catching position in the company.
4. The business license shall not be fabricated, altered, leased, lent or transferred. 5. In case the items registered change, please apply to the Registration Authority for the Change and Registration and obtaining the modified Business License for Enterprise’s Legal Person.
6. The registration office shall conduct yearly check on the enterprise’s legal person between March 1 and June 30 every year.
7. After Business License for Enterprise’s Legal Person is cancelled, the Company shall not participate in the activities except for the liquidation.
8. The Re original and duplicate copies of business license should be returned when canceling the registration.
9. In case the Business License for Enterprise’s Legal Person is lost or damaged, the Company should apply for the cancellation on the paper specified by Registration Authority and apply for reissuing the business license.
Annul Check
Registration office: Cangzhou Administration for Industry and Commerce (Seal)
April, 2010
世联翻译公司在北京、上海、深圳等国际交往城市设有翻译基地,业务覆盖全国城市。每天有近百万字节的信息和贸易通过世联走向全球!积累了大量政商用户数据,翻译人才库数据,多语种语料库大数据。世联品牌和服务品质已得到政务防务和国际组织、跨国公司和大中型企业等近万用户的认可。上海翻译公司完成审计报告英文翻译 |