时间:2020-08-10 08:26 来源:未知 作者:dl 点击:次
020-07-01 19:30
文章转载自 世纪君 21世纪英文报 据德媒报道,近日德国施韦因富特市一家邮局收到了一个“恶臭包裹”。 由于担心包裹正在释放有害物质,当地警方与消防队员第一时间也赶往现场。60人从大楼内紧急疏散,12名工作人员因恶心而接受治疗,其中6人还因呕吐去了医院。 不过打开包裹大家却发现,里面放的是四个泰国榴莲…… 图源:北京时间视频 据报道,这四个榴莲的收件人是当地一位50岁的居民,这是他的朋友从德国纽伦堡寄给他的。尽管引发了一阵恐慌,但这位居民最终还是收到了他的包裹。 An overwhelming smell coming from a suspicious package at a Bavarian post office caused six workers to be taken to hospital and many more to be evacuated – only for police to discover that durian fruit, and not a dangerous gas, was the reason for the panic. Police and firefighters rushed to the scene in Schweinfurt on June 20 over fears that a parcel was releasing a harmful substance. Twelve postal workers received treatment for nausea, including six who were taken to hospital as a precaution, the German broadcaster Bayerischer Rundfunk reported. Officers cleared 60 people from the building, but later determined the package was a delivery of four Thai durian fruits, sent to a 50-year-old resident by his friend in Nuremberg. 不过,这也不是榴莲第一次因“恶臭”而引发误会了。 去年,澳大利亚堪培拉大学由于怀疑煤气泄漏而紧急疏散了学校图书馆内的人员,不过后来经检查发现,这“泄露的煤气”其实只是榴莲的味道…… 图源:Facebook “我们开门了!大楼里久久不散的煤气味完全是安全的 —— 有人在垃圾桶里扔了榴莲!” 2018年11月,印尼的一架航班因载有榴莲,气味传到客舱导致乘客投诉,被迫推迟起飞。 图源:USA Today It's not the first time durian has caused a panic. Last year, staff at the University of Canberra library were forced to evacuate the building due to a suspected gas leak, but a search revealed the stench was in fact caused by the fruit. And in November 2018, a cargo of durian caused an Indonesian plane to be temporarily grounded after passengers complained about the fruit's room-clearing stench in the cabin. 那么榴莲到底有多“臭”?英国《卫报》还向不明就里的围观读者仔细科普了一番榴莲的味道↓↓↓ “榴莲被称为‘水果之王’,但对于它的气味与味道,人们的评价却褒贬不一。一些人觉得榴莲绵密的口感就像是加了少许杏仁的芝士蛋糕。但还有一些人的比喻就不那么美好了,从没洗的臭脚到烂洋葱都有。” “Often referred to as the 'king of fruit', Durian’s smell and taste divide opinion. Some say its creamy texture is similar to that of a cheesecake with a hint of almonds. Others draw less flattering comparisons, ranging from unwashed feet to rotten onions.” 总之,由于这股特别的味道,在许多国家,酒店里以及公共交通工具上都禁止食用榴莲。 综合来源:CNN The Guardian USA Today |