时间:2021-04-01 17:26 来源:未知 作者:dl 点击:次
今天,乘飞机把弗兰妮从四川带回了济南保法肿瘤医院。 Today, took Forlani from Sichuan back to Jinan Baofa Cancer Hospital by plane. 62岁的老人弗兰妮是美国纽约的一名小学老师。一年前,弗兰妮在当地医院查出患有乳腺癌,美国医生三番五次建议她做化疗或做乳房切除术。但是,当她得知做手术不一定能根除癌细胞时,她放弃了这种疗法。她说:“除了这种方法外,世界上一定还有其他方法治疗此病。” 62 year old Forlani was a primary school teacher in New York, USA. A year ago, She was diagnosed suffering breast cancer in a local hospital, the American doctor advised her again and again to do chemotherapy or mastectomy. However, when she learned that operation could not eradicate cancer cells, she gave up the therapy. She said: "In addition to this method, there must be other method to treat the disease around the world." 前不久,弗兰妮从朋友处得知,中国有个叫“于保法”的可以治她的病,便不顾美国医生和朋友的反对,不远万里来到中国。 Not long ago, Forlani learned from a friend, there is someone in China named "Yu Baofa" can cure her disease, regardless of opposition from American doctors and friends, making light of travelling a thousand (miles)li she came to China. 当她满怀希望来到济南时,却被告知:我已在千里之外的湖南。求医心切的弗兰妮老人做出了一个大胆的决定:到长征路上寻找我。敢想敢做的弗兰妮几经周折快到湖南的时候,又听说“于教授”已经率领医疗长征扶贫队到了广西。于是,她改变路线,奔向广西。 When she was full of hope coming to Jinan, she was told: I had been thousands of miles away in Hunan. The old Forlani who was urgent to seek medicine made a bold decision: Looking for me to the road of Long March. After many setbacks, daring Forlani was coming to Hunan, then she heard "Professor Yu" had led the team of Long March Medical and Poverty Alleviation to Guangxi. So, she changed the route, to Guangxi. 10月29日我和她在广西全州县见面了。 次日。用“缓释库疗法”为弗兰妮进行了首次治疗。随着缓释制药物缓缓注入体内,弗兰妮那颗悬了很久的心渐渐放了下来。几天后,弗兰妮乳房患病处的肿块开始慢慢消退,她的精神状况也好了许多。 On October 29th, she and I met in Quanzhou county in Guangxi. The second day, I did the first treatment for Forlani with "releasing storage therapy". With the release of the drug slowly into her body, Forlani’s heart which was hanging for a long time was gradually put down. A few days later, the mass inside her breast began to fade, her mental state then was much better. 在随后的20多天里,我一边参加扶贫活动,一边为老人进行治疗。经过三次治疗后,弗兰妮乳房肿块开始慢慢消退,精神状况也逐渐好转。 In the next 20 days, I participated in activities of poverty alleviation, while carrying on the treatment for the elderly. After three times of therapy, Forlani’s breast lumps began to fade, her mental health is getting better. “我想成为长征路上的志愿者。”弗兰妮在接受治疗的同时,力所能及地为山区的孩子教一些英语口语,并和医疗队员们结下了深厚的友谊。 "I want to be a volunteer on the Long March." As Forlani was receiving the treatment, she did in her power to teach English to children in the mountainous area, and made profound friendship with the medical team. 我考虑到老人的病情和身体状况,今天下午乘飞机将老人带回了济南,做进一步的巩固治疗。 I considered her state of illness and physical condition; this afternoon I took the elderly back to Jinan by plane to further consolidation therapy. 2004.11.27/November 11th, 2004 早上7点30分,车队满载着当地人的殷殷谢意从云南省祥云县浩浩荡荡地向四川攀枝花米易县出发了。车队行驶的这条路是从山里硬开出来的,路面是泥浆混合着碎石铺成,极其崎岖不平。走在这样的路上可想而知,颠得人五脏六腑都快出来了,胃里不停地翻江倒海!路面很窄,只有够错开两辆车的宽度,向窗外望去,车队就在悬崖峭壁上行驶。在群山环绕中颠簸着、行驶着……山是一座接着一座,车队究竟翻过了多少座山头已数不清了。此时,车上的几名年轻医疗队员感慨道:现在有车有路还要走这么长时间,还这么危险,红军长征时就靠一双脚翻山越岭,真是难以想象当年他们是如何走过这些大山的? At seven thirty in the morning, the team with the warm hearted gratitude of local people set out from Xiangyun County of Yunnan Province, with great strength and vigour go forward to Miyi County of Panzhihua City in Sichuan Province. This road vehicles wheeled on was opened forcely from the mountains, which is mud mixed with gravel, extremely rugged. Walking on such a way, one can imagine, it tossed every person almost to viscera out, the stomach kept brewing storms on rivers and seas! The road was very narrow, only the width enough to stagger the two car. Looking out of the window, the team would have been travelling in the precipitous rock and sheer cliffs. Surrounded by the mountains, the fleet was bumping and running...... The mountains were connected one by one; we had lost count how many hills the team had travelled. At this time, several young medical teamers on the car said: Now we must go so long time by car on the road, which is still so dangerous, the Long March of the Red Army had to completely depend on the feet tramping over mountains and through ravines, it’s really hard to imagine how they walked through the mountain that year? 晚上,都12点了,车队依然行驶在山里,两边是悬崖。为了安全,医疗队员们只好下来走着…… 重走长征路真是对我们心灵上的一次洗礼啊!” Night, at 12 o’clock, the team is still traveling in the mountains, both sides are the cliffs. For the sake of safety, the medical team members had to get off and walk...... The new Long March is to us a spiritual baptism!" 2004.11.28/November 28th, 2004 今天,正在济南保法肿瘤医院接受治疗的弗兰妮度过了63岁生日,为使自己的生日过得更有意义,老人以个人名义为“医疗扶贫万里长征”活动捐助5000美元,希望能够为此次活动尽自己一点微薄之力。 Today, Forlani had her 63 years old birthday in Jinan Baofa Tumor Hospital. To make her birthday more meaningful, the Granny contribute $5000 for the activity of "Long March of Medical and Poverty Alleviation" in her own name, hoping to make her own meager strength for this activity. 弗兰妮在寄给长征医疗队的信中这样写道:“感谢你们精湛的医术,更感谢你们使我感受到了奉献精神……祝愿你们一路顺利、身体健康。” Franny wrote in the letter to the long march medical team: "Thank you for the superb medical skills and thank you for making me feel dedication...... Wish you smoothly and healthy!" 我很感动,一个异国的老人,就这样支持这次活动,我们还有什么理由不更好地做好这项活动?感谢弗兰妮老人! I was very moved, a foreigner, so supporting to the activities, what reason do we have not to do a better job for this activity? Thanks to Granny Forlani! 2004.11.30/November 30th, 2004 下午,淅淅沥沥的小雨中,在四川省米易县普威镇,医疗扶贫万里长征的医疗队员为当地敬老院的孤寡老人送医送药,用自己真诚的爱心温暖了老人孤寂的心灵,老人们用歌声唱道:“我要把你们记在心里。” Afternoon, in the pattering rain, at Puwei Town, in Miyi County, Sichuan Province, the medical teamers of “Medical and Poverty Alleviation Long March” sent medicine and treatment for the elderly at local nursing home, using their sincere love to warm the lonely hearts; old people used the song to sing: "I will put you in mind." 2004.12.2/December 2nd,2004 今天,看到张华医生不知疲倦地在给病人做检查,斑白的头发被风吹得有些凌乱,额头上沁出了汗珠。 Today, saw Dr. Zhang Hua working tirelessly to do check to the patients, grizzled hair was blown to some messy, sweat was oozing from her forehead. 张华已经65岁了,济南保法肿瘤医院的主任医师。谁说走长征路只有青年志愿者?张华这位超龄的志愿者正在用自己满腔的热情和精湛的医术为老区人民服务。 Zhang Hua is 65 years old, the chief doctor in Jinan Baofa Tumor Hospital. Who said that the long march is only by young volunteers? Zhang Hua, the overage volunteer is using her passion and skill to serve for the people at old revolutionary base areas. 活动开始前,我曾征求过张华的意见,问她是否愿意参加长征诊疗活动,当时她几乎没有犹豫就答应了。 真是感谢她,一路上和年轻人一样,一点也不示弱。 Before the start of the event, I once asked Zhang Hua's opinion, asking her if she would take part in the long march medical activities, she almost didn't hesitate to answer “Yes”. Thanks to her! Just like a young along the road, she didn’t show any weakness. 2004.12.8/November 8th, 2004 在重庆医科大学的15阶梯教室,我给250多名同学作了“医学与长征精神”专题报告。 In No.15 ladder classroom of Chongqing Medical University, I gave a special report of “Medicine and Spirit of Long March” for 250 students. 我讲述了留学生回国创业、报效国家的艰辛和乐趣,医疗扶贫志愿者在老、少、边、穷地区服务的一幕幕动人情景,尤其强调如何用马列主义、毛泽东思想武装头脑,并化为自身的思想信念,回报祖国医学事业,服务人民群众。报告使入会者深受触动,引起了全场同学的共鸣,会场上掌声不断。 I talked about the hardships and fun of the overseas students returned to entrepreneurship, to serve the country, the scenes of the volunteers for medical and poverty alleviation serving in the old, less, side, poor area, particularly emphasis on how to use Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong thought armed mind, and translated into our own beliefs, return the medical career of motherland, serving the people. The report touched the attendees deeply, brought the students resonance, with the continuous applause. 2004.12.15/November 15th, 2004 两个多月来,我们在长征路上相互帮助,相互鼓励,一同分享欢乐,一同承担痛苦,已成为一家人。漫漫长征路上,队员们用实际行动诠释着志愿者共同的誓言:奉献、友爱、互助、进步。 For more than two months, we marched on the road with mutual help, mutual encouragement, to share joy, to bear the pain, we have become one family. On the long marching road, the teamers use the practical action to interpret the volunteers’ oath: dedication, love, mutual aid, progress. 留言簿上留下了队员们对亲人、对老区群众的一片深情。 On the guest book, the teamers left a deep feeling to their loved ones, to the masses of old revolutionary base areas. “我们正跋涉在万里长征路上,条件虽然艰苦,但我们心中燃烧着一团火,这团火来自家人的关爱、理解和支持。我们要用白衣天使炽热的情怀永远温暖云贵高原,让黄土高原布满健康绿洲。” "We are trudging through the long march, although conditions are difficult, our heart was burning with a fire, which was from the love, understanding and support of our family. We would use the hot feelings of the angel in white forever to warm the Yunnan Guizhou Plateau, make the Loess Plateau be scattered fully with health oasis." “艺敏,分别已久,家中年迈的老人和年幼的女儿,他们可好?照顾家庭的重担落到你单薄的肩上,在长征路上的我,要深深地说一声:‘你辛苦了,感谢你,我爱你。’” "Yi Min, we are part for a long time, how about the aged people and the young daughter at home? The heavy burden of taking care of the family is on you thin shoulder, in the long march, I will say with deeply feelings: 'You have worked hard, thank you, I love you.'" “妈,女儿本应在您膝下尽孝,却让您为女儿操劳,真是对不起,您要注意身体。颖儿,妈的宝贝,妈也不愿意离开你,你还小,长大以后会为妈妈正在做的事而骄傲和自豪,要听爸爸和姥姥的话,把学习搞好,等妈回去看你的好成绩。” "Mother, daughter should act under your knees, but let your work for me, I am really sorry, you should pay attention to your body. Ying Er, mother’s baby, mother is not willing to leave you, you are still young, when you grow up, and you will be proud for mother’s doing. You should listen to the words of your father and grandmother, to study well, waiting for mom to go back to see you good results." …… “无限思念,尽在不言中。”服务队中年龄最大的许国生老师用一句话表达了所有志愿者们的心声。 ...... "Miss unlimitedly, all are in no words." Among the service team, the eldest Teacher Xu Guosheng expressed all the volunteers aspiration with a word. 2004.12.21/November 21st,2004 重庆到甘肃,一夜之间,队员们由南方进入大西北,十多度的温差,极其干燥的气候,这些使得已经在南方生活了两个多月的我们突然不适应起来,很多队员开始咳嗽、感冒、发热。 From Chongqing to Gansu, overnight, the teamers came into the great northwest from the south, the range of the temperature was more than 10℃, extremely dry climate, which made us didn’t adapt to it who have lived in the south for more than two months, many of the teamers began to cough, be cold, fever. 清晨7:30,外面很冷,地上结着厚厚的冰,队员们只好手拉着手,小心地迈着碎步,向下一个服务点走去…… At seven thirty in the morning, it was very cold outside; the ground was covered with thick ice, so the players had to walk with hand in hand, carefully minced to next service point ...... 由于甘肃气候干燥,队员王宪涛一直在流鼻血,但他塞上棉球,继续坚持工作。在阴冷的检查车上,我让他休息一下,他却说:“现在,超声检查只有我一个人,如果因为一点儿小事就影响工作,这样要耽误多少老百姓看病。” Because of dry climate in Gansu, Wang Xiantao has been in the nosebleeds, however, he stuffed with cotton, continued to adhere to the work. In the bleak inspection car, I let him rest, he said: "Now, I'm the only one for ultrasonography, and if because of a trifle influenced the work, which may delay how many people to see a doctor." 2004.12.30/November 30th, 2004 早晨8点多,我和几名队员前往下一个服务点——陕西省吴起县。 More than 8 o'clock in the morning, I and several teamers went to the next service point -- Wuqi County, Shaanxi Province. 由于天气严寒,路面结冰,三百多公里的路程,车队整整走了近九个小时。路上,不顾舟车劳顿,我在车内向志愿者们讲起了当年红军长征的故事和本次医疗扶贫对农村医疗事业的深远影响。下午4点多,终于到达了陕西省吴起县,刚刚来到县城边沿,便感受到了老区人民的热情:震天的锣鼓,挥舞的鲜花,欢快的秧歌,整齐的队列,热烈的掌声,使志愿者们精神为之一振,忘记了旅途的艰辛。 Because of the cold weather and the icy road, more than 300 kilometers away, the team had walked for nearly nine hours. On the road, regardless of the hardship on the vehicles, I sat in the car to talk to the volunteers about the stories of the Long March of the Red Army and the profound influence of this Medical and Poverty Alleviation on the rural health care. At 4 o’clock in the afternoon, we finally arrived in Wuqi County of Shaanxi Province, just to the county border, then we felt the enthusiasm of the people from old revolutionary base areas: deafening gongs and drums, waving flowers, cheerful yangko dance, neat queue, a warm applause, which made the volunteers feel refreshed, forget the hardships of the journey. 2004.12.31/November 31st, 2004 天气愈加寒冷,零下二十多度的气温,医疗队的车也坏了,我当机立断,决定把车送往检修厂进行修理,重新包车前往服务点,因为我知道,服务点的群众一定在寒风中等待。 The weather was getting cold, with the temperature below -20℃, and the bus of the medical team broke down, I made a prompt decision, sending the car to be repaired at the shop, re chartered a bus to the service point, because I knew that the masses at the service point must be waiting us in the cold wind. 三十多公里,近一个小时的颠簸,终于到达了服务点——吴起县白豹镇。看到等待的乡亲们,我们没有休息,而是迅速开展了医疗活动:超声、心电图检查,内、外、妇科开处方,药房发药,一切都在紧张有序中进行。 今天,在白豹镇服务点,肿瘤病人有11人。 More than 30 km, nearly an hour’ bumps along the way, finally we reached the point of service -- Baibao Town, Wuqi County. Seeing the waiting villagers, we did not break, but rapidly carried out the medical activities: ultrasound, ECG, inside and outside, gynecological prescription, pharmacy and medicine, everything was carried on nervously and orderly. Today, at the service point of Baibao Town, there were 11 tumor patients. 2005.1.4/January 4th, 2005 天气寒冷,还飘着零星的雪花,同以往的工作一样,医疗队员们在给老区人民看病送药,做各种检查。 The weather was cold, also with a sprinkling of snow, the same as the previous work, the medical team members sent medicine to the people from old revolutionary base areas, treated illness for them and did all kinds of inspection. 忽然,一名镇医院的护士跑来,我立即询问,原来镇医院里有个肿瘤病人生命垂危。我马上命人准备手术治疗的药物,数分钟后,我就来到南泥湾镇医院,立即为一名脸色苍白、身体虚弱的中年妇女进行了止血,并对肿块施行了“缓释库疗法”治疗。 Suddenly, a nurse of town hospital came, I immediately asked her what the matter was, and originally there was a tumor patient in the town hospital whose life was in danger. I immediately ordered to prepare drug for operation treatment, a few minutes later, I came to Nanniwan town hospital, taking hemostatic immediately for a middle-aged woman who was weakness with a pale face, and implementing "sustained-release base therapy" for her mass. 后来得知,病人患宫颈癌一年多了,因家境贫寒,还要供孩子们上学,她只是在吃中药治疗,吃遍了中西药剂,但是无济于事,每天都在流血,有严重的贫血,已经没有任何能力同癌魔抗争。我就与医院协商暂时留她住院观察几天,情况稳定以后把她带回济南保法肿瘤医院治疗。 Later, I learned that the patient had suffered from cervical cancer for more than a year, due to a poor family, but also for the children to go to school, she was just eating Chinese medicine. She had eaten all the medicine of western and Chinese, but be of no avail, every day she was in the bleeding, severe anemia, have no ability to fight with cancer. I consulted with the hospital, temporarily left her hospitalized, after a few days she was in a stable condition, we would take her back to Jinan Baofa Tumor Hospital for treatment. 治疗后病人需要输血,但当地血源非常紧缺,我义无反顾地为她献血,在我的影响下,随我同往的队员也献了血,此次献血不同以往,体会到了献血的激动、紧张而又喜悦的感受,望着输血后病人有些红润的脸上,露出感激的微笑,那一刻,对我来说,终生难忘。 After treatment, the patient need a blood transfusion, but local blood was very scarce, I proceeded without hesitation to donate blood for her, under my influence, another teamer went with me also donated blood. This time I donated blood was different from the past, I felt the feelings of excitement, tension and joy, after blood transfusion, looking at the patient’s some ruddy face, which was with a grateful smile, that moment, for me, unforgettable. 2005.1.9/January 9th, 2005 今天下午,我和队员们怀着喜悦的心情登上了象征延安的宝塔山,参加延安的抵达仪式。在宝塔山下,此次医疗扶贫活动落下了帷幕。 This afternoon, I and the teamers with joy feelings got up the Pagoda Hill symbolized Yanan, took part in the arriving ceremony of Yanan. Below The Pagoda Hill, the activities of Medicinal and Poverty Alleviation activities curtained. 延安市有关领导向我们医疗服务队赠送了锦旗。会场上我们眼含热泪,百感交集。心中有着这样的意念:此次长征活动虽然已经结束,但为老区人民的健康服务却刚刚开始,如果有机会,我们愿意重走长征路,不为别的,只为那浓浓的鱼水情。 Yanan city leaders presented a silk banner to our medical service team. At the meeting we were with tears, mixed feelings. Hearts were with such ideas: the long march activities had ended, but the health service for the people of old revolutionary base areas had just begun, if had the opportunity, we would like to retake the long road, not for anything else, just for the thick close relationship. 活动历时近3个月,行程1.5万公里,累计接诊群众5万多人次,为1578位肿瘤患者进行诊断,并为其中25位患者实施了“缓释库疗法”手术治疗,向群众直接发放药品价值近50万元。 先后在28个县的51个乡镇开展服务,向基层卫生院捐赠药品和医疗器械价值超过100万元,培训基层医务人员4000多人次,发放卫生健康宣传手册5万多册,先后有4000多名当地青年志愿者参与活动。 Activities lasted nearly 3 months with 15,000 kilometers trip, accumulated accepting the masses more than 50,000 people, 1578 tumor patients were diagnosed, among which 25 patients where be implemented the operation treatment of "releasing storage therapy", directly provide drugs to the masses worth nearly ¥500000. Successively carried out the service in 51 villages and towns of 28 counties, donated medicines and medical equipment to the grassroots health centers worth more than ¥1,000,000, training the grass-roots medical personnel more than 4,000 people, issued health brochures more than 50,000 copies, there had been more than 4000 local youth volunteers taking part in the activities one after another. 我们的万里长征结束了,我的长征日记也收笔了,但是萦绕在我脑海里的长征依然在延续。三个多月来对本次活动深有感触: The Long March ended, my long march diary was also to put away the pen, but in my mind the long march was still in the continuation. For more than three months, I had deep feeling on this activity: 老区人民生活艰苦、医疗卫生现状落后,我从来没有想到会是这样。老区人民为了民族的解放,在硝烟弥漫的战场上洒下了自己的一腔热血,换来了亿万人民今天的安宁生活,而今却由于自然地理条件的限制,仍然生活在贫困线上。我们生活在自然条件较好、经济较为发达的东部地区,不应忘了他们,要义不容辞地向他们伸出温暖的双手,帮助他们改变目前令人担忧的生活、卫生状况。 专利资料翻译-专利许可翻译-专利文件翻译 世联翻译-让世界自由沟通!专业的全球语言翻译供应商,上海翻译公司专业品牌。丝路沿线56种语言一站式翻译与技术解决方案,专业英语翻译、日语翻译等文档翻译、同传口译、视频翻译、出国外派服务,加速您的全球交付。 世联翻译公司在北京、上海、深圳等国际交往城市设有翻译基地,业务覆盖全国城市。每天有近百万字节的信息和贸易通过世联走向全球!积累了大量政商用户数据,翻译人才库数据,多语种语料库大数据。世联品牌和服务品质已得到政务防务和国际组织、跨国公司和大中型企业等近万用户的认可。 |