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【章名】  第一章  总则
翻译:【Chapter title】  Chapter 1General
第一条  为了加强对出版活动的管理,发展和繁荣有中国特色社会主义出版事业,保障公民依法行使出版自由的权利,促进社会主义精神文明和物质文明建设,根据宪法,制定本条例。
翻译:Article 1This Regulation is hereby promulgated to strengthen the administration of the publication activities, boost the flourishing socialist publication undertaking tailored to China, safeguard the citizen right of free publication and promote the socialist spiritual and physical civilization in accordance with the Constitution.
第二条  在中华人民共和国境内从事出版活动,适用本条例。
翻译:Article 2This Regulation applies to the publishing activities in the territory of PRC.
翻译:The “Publishing Activity” hereunder refers to the publishing, printing or replication, import and issuing of publications.
翻译:The “Publications” hereunder refers to the press, periodicals, books, video/audio products and e-publications.
第三条  出版事业必须坚持为人民服务、为社会主义服务的方向,坚持以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平理论为指导,传播和积累有益于提高民族素质、有益于经济发展和社会进步的科学技术和文化知识,弘扬民族优秀文化,促进国际文化交流,丰富和提高人民的精神生活。
翻译:Article 3The publishing industry shall stick to the services for the mass and socialist, the guiding of Marxism/Leninism, Mao Zedong ideology and Deng Xiaoping theory, and shall be committed to proliferation/accumulation of the scientific technologies and culture knowledge contributing to the national qualification, economic development and social advance, promote the elite national culture, boost international culture exchange, enrich/promote the public spiritual life.
第四条  从事出版活动,应当将社会效益放在首位,实现社会效益与经济效益相结合。
翻译:Article 4Those engaged in the publishing activities shall place the top priority on the social benefits in a bid to realize the integration of the social benefit and economic benefit.
第五条  公民依法行使出版自由的权利,各级人民政府应当予以保障。
翻译:Article 5The local governments of China shall safeguard the legal citizen right of free publishing.
翻译:In exerting the free publishing right, the citizens must abide by the Constitution and applicable laws, submit to the basic principles of the Constitution, and shall not impair the national/social/collective benefit and the legal freedom/right of other citizens.

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