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智能型差压变送器Intelligent pressure transmission
安装使用说明书Installation instructions
京制00000260号System of Beijing no. 00000260
北京瑞普恩德斯豪斯有限公司Beijing Endress+Hauser Ripenss Instrumentation Co.,Ltd
北京市朝阳区三元桥霞光里5号Sanyuanqiao  Xiaguangli No.5 Beijing Chaoyang District
Intelligent pressure transmission is Germany E + H company newly brought to the market of intelligent instruments
用于测量流量、液位或差压Used to measure flow, liquid level or differential pressure
PMC and PMP differ in that PMC uses ceramic sensorsand PMP uses diffusion silicon sensors
技术数据technical data
负载特性load characteristic
测量系统组成Measurement system composition
传感器允许最大过程压力the maximum process pressure Sensor allows
普通型电气连接Normal electrical connections
本安型接线框图Intrinsically safe wiring diagram
隔爆型接线和安装应注意explosion proof type connection and installation should pay attention to
本安型安装使用时应注意Intrinsically safe type installation and using should pay attention to
安装方式installation method
安装压力管线installation Pressure pipeline
注意变送器安装位置Pay attention to the position of transmitter installation
安装后通过以下方法调整显示表的方向using the following method to adjust the direction of the display after installation
零点满度调节Zero and full adjustment
标定模式下的显示Calibration Mode display
按键功能(概述)Key functions (overview)
按键设定零点Button to set zero point
按键设定满度Button to set full point
偏压bias voltage
无显示标定No display calibration
带显示标定Display calibration
输出功能Output power and energy
设置t和输出功能set T and Output power and energy
流量小于Qmax的8.9%时注意When the flow rate is less than 8.9% of Qmax, please pay attention
按键锁定与解锁button lock and unlock
使用期限service life
产品配套Product Support
技术数据technical data
Linear (is proportional to the differential) or square root (Is proportional to the flow) analog signals, can be set in a switch, at the same time according to user needs to overlay communication signal agreement, the former with VU26OZ handheld terminals, the latter with DXR handheld terminal
温度影响temperature influence
零点或满度输出zero or full output
含迁移后量程range including after change
量程比range ratio
陶瓷传感器ceramic sensor
扩散硅传感器diffuse silicon sensor
陶瓷传感器ceramic sensor
扩散硅传感器diffuse silicon sensor
预热时间preheating time
响应时间response time
长期漂移long term drift
陶瓷传感器ceramic sensor
扩散硅传感器diffuse silicon sensor
输出阻尼output damping
开关调整switch adjustment
手持终端或个人计算机调整Handheld terminal or personal computer adjustment
允许温度allowable temperature
环境温度environment temperature
普通型ordinary type
本安型Intrinsically safe type
隔爆型flame-proof type
介质温度medium temperature
普通型ordinary type
防爆型explosion proof type
工作电压working voltage
普通型ordinary type
防爆型explosion proof type
残余脉动Residual ripple
在电压容限内,残余脉动不大于In voltage tolerance, residual ripple is not greater than
对于信号无影响has no effect  for the signal
叠加通讯信号overlying Communication signal
振动影响vibration influence
静压影响influence of static pressure
陶瓷传感器ceramic sensor
扩散硅传感器diffuse silicon sensor
防护等级level of protection
防爆标志explosion-proof sign
本安型Intrinsically safe type
隔爆型flame-proof type
本安型应与以下四种安全栅中的任一种组成本安防爆系统Intrinsically safe type should combine with either of the following four kinds of safety barrier to be safety explosion protection system
普通型ordinary type
防爆型explosion proof type
测量系统组成Measurement system composition
智能差压变送器Intelligent pressure transmission
LCD显示(差压、流量或液位)、棒图显示或模拟显示(任选件)LCD display,  Bar graph display or pointer analog display(any one)
电源power supply
关闭阀shutoff valve
三阀组或3个分离阀three valves manifold or three separate valve group
传感器允许最大过程压力Sensor allows the maximum process pressure
扩散硅传感器diffuse silicon sensor
陶瓷传感器ceramic sensor
额定量程The rated range
系统过程压力System pressure
额定量程The rated range
带PVDF涂层过程连接件的PMD230,该数据应改为1MPA   PMD230 fittings with PVDF coating process, the data should be changed to 1 mpa
指高静压传感器the high static pressure sensor
现场显示器scene display
工作标牌Work sign
安装螺孔Installation screw hole
过程螺孔Process screw hole
电缆密封套cable gland
电缆孔cable hole
普通型电气连接Normal electrical connections
本安型接线框图Intrinsically safe wiring diagram
本安型Intrinsically safe type
安全栅Safety Barrier
危险区danger area
安全区safety area
防爆型接线和安装应注意Explosion-proof wiring and installation should pay attention to
开盖前务必切断电源Be sure to cut off power supply before open
After wiring or adjusting display direction, pay attention to tighten it and use metal block by screw clamps on the edge of the cove.
隔爆型电源电压Flameproof power supply voltage
隔爆型选用的电缆线外径,必须与密封圈内径相配Flameproof type’s cable diameter must be matched with the sealing ring inside diameter
Transmitter shell is equipped with grounding terminals. Should be reliable grounding when used in the installation
Users shall comply with GB3836.15-2000 and GB50058-920 on request in the installation and maintenance of the products
电缆引入口应配用经防爆认可的Exd C等级的电缆引入装置
Cable introduce mouth should be equipped with Exd C level of the explosion-proof cable entry device
本安型安装使用时注意Intrinsically safe type should pay attention to when installation and using
Transmitter must be used with safety gate to compose intrinsically safe type explosion protection system
intrinsically safe type system wiring should refer to product specifications and safety barrier operation instruction at the same time
Intrinsically safe type wiring should avoid the influence of outside electromagnetic interference as far as possible, and cable distribution parameters should be controlled within 0.06 uf and 1 mh
Safety barrier installation operation and maintenance shall comply with the safety barrier operating instructions
Please read the product installation instructions, and strictly comply with relevant requirements ofandin the installation operation and maintenance of this product
Transmitter shell is equipped with grounding terminals, should be reliable grounding when use in the installation
安装方式installation mode
Pipe rack type: using catheter to bring pressure, installed in horizontal or vertical piping support with mounting bracket (as shown in the picture)
Wall type: using the pipe to bring pressure, installed to the wall with mounting bracket. (as shown in the picture)
水平管架horizontal pipe rack
垂直管架vertical pipe rack
墙装 wall type
安装压力管线installation Pressure pipeline
Pressure pipeline is used for pressure conduction between the two measurement point and transmitter.  When installation, pay attention to the following points
用12X1.5mm或略粗的压力管线use 12 x1. 5 mm or slightly wider pressure pipeline
确保其防腐型Ensure its anti-corrosion type
压力管线要尽可能短,勿使遭受机械变形Pressure pipeline should be as short as possible.  Be not subject to make by mechanical deformation
避免死弯Avoid bending
压力管线至少应有10%的梯度(每米),以避免堵塞pressure pipeline should be at least 10% of the gradient (per meter), in order to avoid clogging
Shall be permanently installed on the measuring point (wall or pipe frame), shall not be arbitrarily placed or suspension
Differential pressure measurement is related to medium density, so the two pressure pipeline should be in the same temperature. In order to obtain a precise measurement results, when installation,  should make both close to each other, or make sure they are insulated with the outside world, or  bolt together
注意变送器安装位置Pay attention to the position of transmitter installation
测量气体时,应安装在测量点上方Measuring gas should be installed above the measurement point
测量液体时,应安装在测量点的下面Measuring gas should be installed below the measurement point
Measuring liquid level, must be installed above the lowest level.  Measuring diaphragm should be  fullyl covered by media.
Installation position should be as close as possible to measure points, so as to shorten the length of pressure piping
When installation, the following interfering factors
should be reduced to a minimum or authorized to rule out
振动或机械冲击Vibration and mechanical shock
大的温度变化Big changes in temperature
腐蚀性空气和凝结Corrosive air and condensation
After installation, can use the following method to adjust the direction of the display
调整变送器壳体方向Adjust the transmitter shell direction
松动止动螺钉Loosen lock screw
旋紧止动螺钉Tighten the set screw
最大330度Maximum 330 degrees
Open the display window cover, display table can turn 90 degrees to the required position
向外推开卡头push the card head out
零点满度调节zero and full adjustment
压力与电流显示Pressure and current display
两个例子two examples
标定的测量量程Calibrated measuring range
标定模式下的显示display of the calibration mode
显示压力零点Display the zero pressure
显示压力满度Display the full pressure
传感器例sensor example
零点zero point
满度full point
传感器低限Sensor low limit
传感器高限Sensor high limit
Between the calibrated zero and full point, bar display shows the pressure range and sensor measurement range limit
反向电流输出Reverse current output
按键功能(概述)Key functions (overview)
单按键功能Single button function
增加零点数值Increase the zero value
减少零点数值decrease the zero value
增加满度数值Increase the full value
减少满度数值decrease the full value
双按键功能two buttons function
组合方式Combination mode
使传感器受到的压力为量程零点make The pressure on the sensor the range  zero
使传感器受到的压力为量程满度make The pressure on the sensor the range full
偏压bias voltage
按两次+z和+s press   twice
使传感器受到的压力登陆为偏压make The pressure on the sensor  bias voltage
按一次+z和+s press    once
显示偏压 display bias voltage
按两次-Z和-S press   twice
消除偏压clear bias voltage
锁定、解锁功能Lock unlock function
锁定测量点(按键操作禁止)Lock the measurement points (button operation is prohibited)
解锁测量点(按键操作允许)unlock the measurement points (button operation is permitted)
按键设定零点Button to set zero point
零点显示Zero point display
按+Z或-Z press  or
松开两秒后显示返回正常Loosen for two seconds,  display returns to normal
按键press button
增加零点压力Increase the zero point pressure
按+z两次之后保持至所需值After press the + Z button twice, keep to the required value
减少零点压力decrease the zero point pressure
按-Z两次之后保持至所需值After press the - Z button twice, keep to the required value
按键设定满度Button to set full point
满度显示full point display
按+S或-S press or
松开两秒后显示恢复正常after Loosen for  two seconds,  the display returns to normal
按键press button
增加满度压力increase full point pressure
按+S两次后保持至所需值After press the + S button twice, keep to the required value
减少满度压力decrease the full point pressure
按-S两次之后保持至所需值After press the- Z button twice, keep to the required value
偏压bias voltage
例for example
这意味着it means
显示的修正display  the revised
例如对于静压柱或安装位置影响的显示修正For example, static pressure column or installation location affect the display of the correction
一侧one side
压力度数Pressure readings
传感压力sensor pressure
偏压bias voltage
输入偏压只影响压力度数的显示,不影响电流输出Input bias voltage affects only pressure readings,  does not affect the current output
因灌油毛细管引起偏压bias voltage caused by capillary filling grease
显示偏压display bias voltage
同时按+Z及+S或同时按-Z及-S,两秒后显示恢复正常press + S and + Z At the same time or press- Z and the –s at the same time, two seconds later returned to normal
偏压登陆bias voltage landing
按+Z及+S两次press +z and +S twice
清除偏压clear bias voltage
按-Z及-S两次press  and  twice
一般说明general description
zero and full range can be set arbitrarily in sensor measurement, note full range cannot be less than the 5% of rated range
无显示的变送器标定No display transmitter calibration
使用压力标定器施加准确的标准压力Using pressure calibrator accurately sets standard pressure
如果所加标准压力不能和量程零点和满度恰好相等If the standard pressure is not exactly equal to zero and full point range
请按下式计算相关电流press calculate the related current according to the following formula
接近量程零点的满度或满度的标准压力Close to zero of the full range or full range standard pressure
零点压力zero point pressure
满度压力full point pressure
无显示标定No display calibration
两种可能 Two Possibilities
标准压力恰与量程零点和满度相等Standard pressure just equals to zero and full range
施加准确的量程零点压力exert the accurate range zero pressure
例如for example
同时按press at the same time
施加准确的满度压力exert accurate full pressure
同时按press at the same time
标准压力接近量程零点和满度压力Standard pressure is close to zero and full range
调整满度adjust full point
施加标准压力exert standard pressure
例如for example
计算相应电流值calculate related current
例如,通过按+Z或-Z将其输入For example, enter it by pressing the + Z or Z
施加标准压力exert standard pressure
例如for example
计算两个标准压力之差的电流值,这里是Calculate current value between the two standard pressure , here is
满度full point
通过按压+S或-S设置电流输出By pressing  the +S or - S to set current output
调整零点adjust zero point
Maintain standard pressure, assuming zero point has been set up correctly to calculate current under the condition of the pressure, by pressing + Z or - Z , 0 bar here is  zero point and the standard  is 0.9 bar pressure, 90% of the range, set the output current
带显示标定calibration With display
两种可能two possibilities
标准压力恰与量程零点压力相等Standard pressure equals to  the range zero pressure
施加准确的量程零点压力,例如exert accurate range zero pressure, for example
例如for example
同时按press at the same time
施加准确的满度压力,例如exert Accurate full pressure, for example
同时按press at the same time
无标准压力no standard pressure
指定量程零点和满度压力Specifies the range zero and full pressure
按+z或-z直至显示出所期望的量程零点压力,例如press + z or -z until it shows the desired range zero pressure, for example
按+s或-S直至显示出所期望的量程满度压力,例如press + z or -z until it shows the desired range full pressure, for example
阻尼T damping t
当开关在0或8位置时,T也可用手操作或二次表来设定When the switch is at zero or 8 position, T can be set by hand operation or secondary tables
阻尼系数T越高,模拟信号受压力快速波动的影响越小The higher damping coefficient T, the less analog signal affected by the rapid fluctuations in pressure
输出功能output function
用于压力和液位测量Used for pressure and liquid level measurement
用于流量测量used  for flow rate measurement
设置T和输出功能sent t and output function
T可自由编程T can be  free programmed
固定阻尼T设定用于压力和液位测量(线性功能)Fixed damping T set is  used for pressure and liquid level measurement (linear function)
用于流量测量(方根功能)Used in flow measurement (root  function)
流量小于Qmax的8.9%时注意When the flow rate is less than 8.9% of Qmax, please pay attention
方根功能Root function
当测量值接近零点时方根函数会产生不必要的高放大倍数。因此,当测量值小于最大流速的8.9%时,方根函数自动转换为线性函数。这个测量值对应于标定差压满度的0.8%。连接零点与转换点的直线适用于压差小于0.8%的情况When measured values close to zero root function , it will create unnecessary high magnification as a result.  So when the measured value is less than 8.9% of the maximum velocity, square root function is automatically converted to linear function. The measured values correspond to 0.8 %the calibration full point. Connection between the zero point and the point of straight line is suitable for the pressure difference less than 0.8% of the time
按键锁定与解锁Key lock and unlock
按键操作禁止Key operation is prohibited
按键操作允许Key operation allows
LCD显示LCD display
贮存环境温度storage  temperature
贮存环境湿度storage humidity
Products should be transported under the condition of packaging, preventing rain and avoiding strong vibration and impact
使用期限service life
If users comply with the requirements of usage, storage and transportation conditions, since the purchasing date, within 12 months due to quality problems and can't normal work, the company is responsible for free repair , replacing parts or the whole machine
产品配套Product Support
产品附件accessories of product
电缆密封套cable gland
随机文件files with the machine
安装使用说明installments and operating instructions
安装使用说明书installments and operating instructions
标定证书Calibration certificate上海翻译公司完成PMD安装说明书英文翻译 世联翻译-让世界自由沟通!专业的全球语言翻译供应商,上海翻译公司专业品牌。丝路沿线56种语言一站式翻译与技术解决方案,专业英语翻译日语翻译等文档翻译、同传口译、视频翻译、出国外派服务,加速您的全球交付。 世联翻译公司在北京、上海、深圳等国际交往城市设有翻译基地,业务覆盖全国城市。每天有近百万字节的信息和贸易通过世联走向全球!积累了大量政商用户数据,翻译人才库数据,多语种语料库大数据。世联品牌和服务品质已得到政务防务和国际组织、跨国公司和大中型企业等近万用户的认可。