要啥有啥的00后已经登上《时代》杂志了, 90后老阿姨你们还好吗?
时间:2018-05-08 10:33 来源:未知 作者:dl 点击:次
常言道,“长江后浪推前浪,前浪倒在沙滩上。” 继第一批90后遭遇“中年危机”后,一波00后已闪亮登场~ 前不久,《时代》杂志一年一度的Top 100最具影响力人物出炉,这次上榜的居然跑出了00后,这让80、90后老阿姨们情何以堪啊!
这位上榜的小年轻不是别人,正是大家熟悉的“小十一”米莉•波比•布朗。十四岁的她与著名脱口秀主持人奥普拉•温弗莉、不老女神妮可•基德曼、即将大婚的哈里王子等一众名人一起登上了2018时代百人榜。 Millie Bobby Brown has been named as one of the world's 100 most influential people by Time magazine. The 14-year-old Stranger Things actress joins Oprah Winfrey, Nicole Kidman and Prince Harry on the 2018 list. She is the youngest person to be included in Time's top 100, which is published every year. 在《绝命毒师》中饰演杰西的亚伦•保尔是这样为“小十一”写打榜小作文的,他称“小十一”是位让人意想不到的好演员,年纪虽小却有深刻的思想,天使般面容,内心却是位充满智慧的成熟女人,跟她说话就像是在和一位有见解有立场的未来导师谈心,而相比之下自己在她这个年纪,或是其他年纪也是望尘莫及的。
(图源:Time) 小小年纪能得到老前辈这般夸赞,真是太难得了。看过美剧《怪奇物语》的小伙伴们一定对她并不陌生。 “小十一”这个昵称也是因为这部戏中的角色——Eleven。 Brown rose to fame with her role as the character Eleven in the hugely popular science fiction TV show. She starred in the first series when she was 12. 剧中,为了角色需要,她剪了个男孩头 ,将怪力女孩的眼神拿捏的十分到位。
Brown was the belle of the ball at the magazine’s gala in New York’s Lincoln Center, as she proved as well as an amazing actress, she’s a style icon. 同框的老爸一脸傲娇。
自编自导喜剧电影《伯德小姐》(Lady Bird)的格蕾塔•葛韦格这次也在榜单上,望着米莉竟然也是一脸迷妹样子。
由于气质出众,她还得到了CK创意总监Raf Simons的青睐。
00后都已经有了自己的事业,是不是感觉整个人都要方了…… 没错,真的有一波00后大军在推你一把的路上。 比方说,这位仙女小姐姐朋友们都还记得吧?
(图源:listal.com) 今年18岁的麦肯基•弗依可以算是第一批00后了。 在《暮光之城》中,她是爱德华和贝拉所生,半人类半吸血鬼的混血女儿蕾妮斯梅。
You might remember Mackenzie Foy as Renesmee, the fast-aging, vampire-human hybrid child of Edward and Bella. Since aging too rapidly as a vampire hybrid, Mackenzie Foy has only grown into a more beautiful working actress. Though Breaking Dawn: Parts 1 and 2 were her big break, she's gone on to star in some giant movies including The Conjuring and Interstellar. 今年下半年,弗依参演的新片《胡桃夹子与四个王国》也要上映了。 感觉这位小女主也是自带梦幻画风,出演这部迪士尼真人版童话再合适不过了。
故事改编自德国文学家霍夫曼创作的儿童文学作品《胡桃夹子与鼠王》和著名芭蕾舞剧《胡桃夹子》,讲述了小女孩Clara找到了一个通往神奇平行宇宙的钥匙,在那里她遇到了姜饼士兵,老鼠军队以及暴君。在仙子的帮助下,她经历了一场大冒险。 In “The Nutcracker and the Four Realms”, Foy plays Clara, a young girl who finds a key to a mysterious parallel universe. There, she encounters gingerbread soldiers, an army of mice, and a tyrant, played by Mirren. Knightley stars as the Sugar Plum Fairy and helps Clara on her journey. 上段预告,大家感受一下~ 比仙女小姐姐弗依还小6岁的麦肯纳•格蕾丝也是00后大军中的潜力股。
(图源:mckennagrace.com) 之前,她就和美队克里斯•埃文斯搭档合作主演过电影《天才少女》(Gifted),在片中饰演一名一年级的数学天才,美队则演她舅舅。两人在片场也是玩得很开心。
In Gifted, Mckenna Grace plays a first-grade math genius who lives in Central Florida with her Uncle Frank (Chris Evans, who also plays Captain America). Frank doesn’t want Mary to grow up without friends — as his sister, Mary’s dead mother, did — so he sends her to public school. On her first day of school, however, Mary proves just how boring regular classes can be for a truly gifted kid by answering every math problem her teacher can come up with. 在接受美国《华盛顿邮报》采访时,格蕾丝评价这个角色真的很棒,感情丰富并且有很多人生经历,而且数学超棒。
“Mary is really a great character. She has a lot of emotions and has a lot going on in her life,” Mckenna explained. “She’s a really gifted little girl in math.” 为了演好这个角色,她自己也做了不少功课,比如看了不少由导演推荐给她的获奖影片,许多都是由童星出演,有的也是讲天才儿童的。她还用了一年的时间研究角色和剧本。
To prepare for her big role, Mckenna, who has been acting professionally since she was 6, did her own homework — watching award-winning movies suggested by her director, Marc Webb. All of them starred young actors or were about child prodigies (kids who are very advanced at a skill). “I watched a lot of movies: ‘Paper Moon,’ ‘In America,’ ‘Kramer vs. Kramer,’ ‘I Am Sam,’ which I absolutely loved, and ‘Good Will Hunting,’ ” she said. “I also studied Mary’s character in the for almost a year.” 有颜有演技,这么年轻还比你努力,老阿姨们估计要哭晕在厕所了…… 说到天才,日本这位04年的小妹妹芦田爱菜也十分值得关注。
Mana Ashida is a Japanese child actress and singer best known for her roles in the films Usagi Drop and Confessions. She portrays a young Mako Mori in Guillermo del Toro's Pacific Rim. 不过,人家不仅哭戏到位,6岁时还出演了日本的戳泪神剧《Mother》。
这么看来,这位小妹儿星途应该是一片闪耀了~ 而接下来,另一位妹子,哦不,是帅哥。由于在2016年奥斯卡提名影片《房间》中有过惊艳表现,一度被很多人误以为是女孩子(捂脸,看到剧照的我也是十分理解大家)~
2016年也是雅各布大火的一年,他凭《房间》拿了评论家选择奖“最佳新人奖”(Critics Choice Award for best young actor)、加拿大银幕奖最佳演员奖(Best Actor at the Canadian Screen Awards )、还作为嘉宾出席了奥斯卡颁奖礼。 Two years ago, Jacob Tremblay was the kid star who stole our hearts during awards season — with his heartbreaking performance as a little boy held captive in Room and his beyond-adorable red-carpet appearances. 颁奖季的小雅各布瞬间收割了一众男神女神,比如跟爷爷辈老戏骨们同框~
稍一搭讪就赢走了Sofia Vergara的芳心……
奥斯卡后台与星战女主Daisy Ridley。
就连英国男星Bradley James也这般有爱的帮拿话筒。
小雅各布不仅拍得了电影,走得惯红毯,玩得转颁奖季,就是上访谈节目也照样自信满满。 在今年新片《奇迹男孩》中,他饰演了天生脸部畸形的小男孩奥吉。特效化妆丝毫无法掩盖他的演技。
Now he’s 11 and back with another powerfully emotional role, playing Auggie March, a boy with facial differences caused by a rare genetic condition who enters middle school after years of homeschooling, in the big-screen adaptation of the bestselling novel Wonder. 在接受美国《人物》杂志采访时,小雅各布说起了自己的特效妆需要化2个小时,虽然有点不舒服,但为了演戏自己并不在乎。
Tremblay says it took two hours of makeup and prostheses to tranform for the role: “a neck piece, the main face piece, a helmet connected to an eye mechanism which pulled my lower eyelids down, a wig, contact lenses and dentures,” he explains to PEOPLE. “It was pretty uncomfortable, but I didn’t mind.” 《奇迹男孩》中的另一位小童星——饰演杰克的小男孩诺亚•朱普则来自英国,影片中也是小暖男一枚~
诺亚•朱普不仅在汤姆•希德勒斯顿和休•劳瑞主演的《夜班经理》(The Night Manager)中有出色表现,另外他还参演过《胡迪尼和道尔》(Houdini & Doyle)以及《低俗怪谈》(Penny Dreadful)等电视剧。
之前他还和艾米莉•布朗特合作过恐怖片《寂静之地》(A Quiet Place)。
Actor Ty Simpkins, who played Harley Keener in 'Iron Man 3' has reportedly joined the cast of the fourth 'Avengers' movie. According to IMDb, the 16-year-old will reprise his role as Robert Downey Jr.'s Tony Stark’s nosy but dependable sidekick. Since the third 'Iron Man' movie, Harley has not been seen, or even referenced, in succeeding Marvel films. Aside from the casting, no other specifics about Simpkins' role in 'Avengers 4' have been given. The movie is scheduled to hit theatres on May 3, 2019. 眼看一波颜值演技双在线的00后萌娃这么快就长大了,各位老阿姨老叔叔们现在感觉怎么样了?