讲座回顾 | David Crystal: The future of Englishes (附讲座笔_世联翻译公司

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讲座回顾 | David Crystal: The future of Englishes (附讲座笔

文章转载自   TESOL大会 21世纪英文报
TESOL大师课第三期是一次打破了传统模式的线上讲座:没有讲稿,没有PPT,全球知名语言学家、英国国家学术院院士David Crystal教授坐在英国的家中,以朋友云上相聚的轻松交谈方式,为远隔重洋的中国观众带来了以“论英语的未来”为主题的精彩讲座。身处澳门的温植胜博士受邀作为本次大师课的主持人,就观众感兴趣的问题与Crystal教授进行了深度交流与互动。
在本次讲座中,David Crystal教授通过引用全球英语使用者的数据,追溯了英语作为全球通用语言的历史原因和目前的地位,并表示英语的全球地位已经开始影响、并将对英语语言的未来发展产生深远的影响。他还同时强调了文化对语言学习和教学的重要作用,引起众多中外观看直播的英语教师、在读研究生、博士生和研究学者的共鸣,直播当日共有上万名观众同时在线观看,中英文互动弹幕达1100多条。除国内参会者外,还有来自埃及、澳大利亚、古巴、加拿大、英国、美国、尼泊尔、伊朗、印度、越南等海外参会者观看了直播并参与互动。


Today, who owns the English language?
讲座伊始,David Crystal回顾了几组数据(如下图),英语的使用人数在持续增长。英语,作为全球的通用语,拥有23亿使用者,这是史无前例的。然而在英语使用者中,英语母语使用者的人数在近20年内基本没有太多的变化,母语使用者和非母语使用者的人群比例大约为1:6,英语语言的重心已经由英语母语使用者转向了非母语使用者,谁才是英语的拥有者呢?



当英语的使用者已分散于世界各地,英语母语者的人数只是小部分的当今,是否还需要所谓的标准英语或是标准美语呢?David Crystal提出了这样一个值得思考的问题。(欲知详情,点击“阅读原文”,观看讲座 00:15:30左右处)


Why has English become a global language?

为什么英语可以成为全球化的通用语?David Crystal追溯了其原因,“There is only one reason why a language becomes an international language or a global language, and that is the power of the people who speak it. ” 这背后主要包含四个方面:1. 政治力量;2. 科技力量;3. 经济力量;4. 文化力量(欲知详情,点击“阅读原文”,观看讲座00:21:00左右处)
What happens when a language becomes a global language?


David Crystal's Latest Thoughts on "The Future of Englishes"
On 18 March (2022), one of the world's foremost experts and authorities on the English language and linguistics, and arguably the most articulate and entertaining writer and lecturer in this area, Prof David Crystal delivered a highly informative, interactive and insightful lecture on the important topic of, "The Future of Englishes". This lecture was the third episode in a well-received TESOL Master Class series organized and sponsored by the Committee of the Global English Education China Assembly (TCA) in collaboration with the British Council. In this highly engaging lecture delivered online and moderated by Dr. Edward Wen Zhisheng (Macao Polytechnic University), Prof Crystal shared his latest thinking with the 10000 plus registered audience across China and beyond on some highly relevant and timely issues related to the learning and teaching of the English language. By citing first-hand data and statistics, Prof. Crystal traced down the historical reasons for the emergence and current position of the English language as a global Lingua Franca. Such a global status, as Crystal unequivocally pointed out, has thus affected and shall have far-reaching consequences for the future development of the English language. For example, this is likely to impact future English language learning and teaching both formally (in relation to grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary) and functionally (in relation to cultural diversity). In particular, Prof. Crystal underscored and highlighted the importance of incorporating cultural considerations into English language curriculum and classroom practice, and revealed his long-term commitments and grand vision to build an international-scale cultural dictionary so that students’ diverse cultures from all over the world's can contribute and interact with each other, thus bringing benefits to all. The audience of the lecture came from diverse backgrounds, including language education policy makers, academic researchers and university professors/lecturers, in-service English language teachers from primary and secondary schools as well as some aspiring young English language teachers-to-be. They all participated enthusiastically during Prof Crystal's talk and filled the screen with all sorts of interesting questions and comments concerning both English language learning and teaching practice!
About The Speaker
David Crystal received an OBE from the Queen for his contributions and services to the English language in 1995, and was made a Fellow of the British Academy (FBA) in 2000. He is patron of the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL) and the Association for Language Learning (ALL). Crystal has published over 100 books, covering a diversity of language topics, his best-known authored books including The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language and The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language. He has been a freelance writer, lecturer, and broadcaster since 1984 and continues his work with language from his home in Holyhead, North Wales.
英文综述作者:澳门理工大学  温植胜博士
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